What Do I Want? 11 Questions and Tips to Figure It Out (2024)

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11 questions to understand what you want in life

6 tips for figuring out what to do in life

Finding a new way forward

The average person makes35,000 decisions per day.

Whether you’re ordering dinner, picking a movie, or deciding on your ideal relationship, trying to sort through the plethora of choices is overwhelming. And every decision demands a fraction of your mental energy.

It’s no wonder why life’s biggest decisions feel so exhausting. Questions like, “What do I want from life,” ''Who do I want to be,” and “Where should I live” demand a significant amount of mental energy.

If you’re not intentional about figuring out what you want in life, it’s easy to fall into survival mode. You become lost, focusing only on what’s in front of you, which leads to frustration and disillusionment.

Often, if you don’t know what you want, you can become bored and restless with what you’re doing — even if you used to love it. Over time this can increase stress, depression, anxiety and can make you feel like you don’t have control over your life.

Figuring out what you want in life is important because it gives you purpose, can influence your career path, and makes life worth living.

We’re here to help you decide what you want in life and who you want to be.

11 questions to understand what you want in life

The world can feel overwhelming. There are so many paths available to you that indecision is totally normal. But analysis paralysis isn’t the answer. You have to overcome your fears and try new things. In the end, chasing after what you want has the potential to transform you into the best version of yourself.

Below are some important questions to determine where you want to go in life:

1. What makes you happy?

How do you want to live? Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness isn’t just feeling joyful. It’s also feeling needed, having a purpose, and maintaining that happiness amid uncertainty.

Both external and internal factors impact our happiness. The former can include our neighborhood or country, while the latter can include our skill sets and self-esteem.

Making a list of everything that makes you happy is a good place to start.

2. What are your needs?

Sometimes, our wants and needs go hand in hand. Other times, what we need isn’t what we want.

Ask yourself which of your needs are fulfilled and which aren’t. This could refer to your emotional, financial, or physical needs. Keeping a journal can help you get to know yourself, which will help you decide what to do next.

What Do I Want? 11 Questions and Tips to Figure It Out (3)

3. What are your personal values?

Remember that values aren’t the same as goals. Your core values are principles that guide you through life. They can be anything from patience, honesty, integrity, loyalty, family, and freedom. Most of us prefer to live by our values and identifying your own will help you figure out what you want.

4. What gives you purpose?

Everyone is passionate about something. Maybe it’s cooking, looking after family members, or working with animals. When we do what fulfills us, that infectious energy positively impacts others, too.

5. What activities put you in a flow state?

Losing track of time isn’t always a bad thing. If we’ve nowhere to be and nothing urgent to do, letting go of the clock means our minds wander to creative and unique questions and solutions.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Go with the flow.” In this case, “flow” refers to the joy we feel when we’re right where we're meant to be. It means we’re so focused on what we're doing we lose track of time. We’re performing at our best and problem-solving more efficiently.

Notice when you’ve lost track of time and consider what you were doing. Prioritize activities like this every day to calm your mind and perform with more focus.

6. What would you do if there were no limits?

When times are tough, we stop ourselves from dreaming because we feel limited by external factors, like money or vacation days. But don’t be afraid to think big. If these limits weren’t a factor, what would you do?

Here are some other questions to ask yourself:

  • What would I rather be doing?
  • Who do I want to spend my time with?
  • Who do I want to help?
  • Am I in the right location to do what I want to do?
  • What am I willing to sacrifice to achieve my goal?
  • How do I define a “good life?”

7. Who do you admire or get jealous of?

Do you look up to someone? This person could be an activist, artist, teacher, doctor, or a parent — anyone who leads by example. Think about whether you want to emulate this person.

You should also pay attention to unpleasant feelings like jealousy. Maybe you know someone who’s just landed a dream job or went on an amazing trip. Ask yourself why you’re jealous.

Self-awareness will help you understand why you feel the way you do and what you really want.

What Do I Want? 11 Questions and Tips to Figure It Out (4)

8. How do you envision the patterns of your life?

You’ve probably heard the term “holistic.” A holistic approach to a subject means looking not only at problem areas but also at the environment problems exist in.

For example, a holistic nutritionist might suggest something to ease stomach troubles to someone complaining of depression. Knowing that gut health affects brain health is key to treating a complaint holistically.

We tend to think of our lives as having discrete, separate parts, like home, work, and friends. But each area impacts the others, from health to confidence to career. Our underlying desire is to change the path we're walking, so we must acknowledge that we’re walking many intertwining paths and create goals accordingly.

Life is dynamic. And although we can’t always control how things go, recognizing this domino effect can give us clarity and help set priorities.

9. What don’t you want?

Knowing what to avoid can empower you to make better decisions. Think about what drains you mentally and emotionally, makes you sad, or causes pain.

You can set clear goals — career goals, wellness goals, financial goals — to avoid these pitfalls.

10. What are your greatest accomplishments in life?

Maybe you’ve won a soccer championship or graduated with honors in mathematics. Did you feel pride in your abilities after this happened? Is there a way for you to live a life that repeats those feelings?

11. Are you willing to work hard?

Victories, both large and small, require hard work. Nothing is just going to fall into your lap. Resilience, venturing outside your comfort zone, and learning as much as you can will open even more doors for you.

It won’t be easy. But if you let a few early challenges impede your progress, you’ll find yourself right back in the skewed work/life balance you’re trying to escape. Focus on moving toward your goals, despite setbacks.

6 tips for figuring out what to do in life

Finding one’s life purpose is a constant process and impacts our overall well-being. But remembering these primary tips will help you emerge unscathed.

1. Be ready to make sacrifices

Are you willing to stick with something when the going gets tough? There will always be gloomy days, but things are always more beautiful once the storm passes.

2. Something can give you purpose even if you aren’t rewarded for it

You can find meaning in doing something without being acknowledged or rewarded for doing it. Perhaps drawing or playing the guitar makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but you only do it within the sanctity of your home. It doesn’t matter if anyone else sees it, reads it, hears it; keep doing it.

3. It’s okay to embarrass yourself

Whatever you want to do, chances are, you’ll suck at it initially. Most of us start this way. Building a foundation of hard and soft skills, making mistakes, and asking questions are all necessary for success. Vulnerability is crucial because it’s what separates dreamers from doers.

4. Have courage

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” - Vincent Van Gogh.

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Chasing your dreams is scary, but doing so will do wonders for your health and well-being. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You’re capable of more than you think.

5. Be open to change

Change is the only constant, and embracing this fact will help you deal with change more confidently and comfortably. Your new path may involve significant adjustments to your current way of life — but that’s the point. The only way to feel better or enjoy a different career choice is to alter what you’re doing now.

Eventually, getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing change will become so comfortable it won’t be scary to mix things up and take scary leaps into the unknown.

6. Avoid comparing yourself to others

As our worlds become increasingly global and digital, it’s difficult to avoid comparing ourselves to others. Social media apps are filled with perfect-looking people, jobs, and houses, and it’s hard to remember these images don’t accurately reflect reality. These are highlight reels.

While a little careful contrasting can be helpful to discover what you want, avoid leaning too heavily on judging yourself based on others’ accomplishments.

Only you have the history, responsibilities, and means you do, so comparing yourself to your own past is the wisest choice. Be comfortable with your own capabilities — they’re what you have to work with, and they’re plenty enough.

Finding a new way forward

It’s never too late to take steps to change your life. With these tips, you can finally answer the question, “What do I want?” When you do, you can chase your version of success and find happiness.

You might want to start your own business or improve the work environment at your current job. No matter your interests, once you’re passionate and focused you can achieve anything.

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Published February 6, 2023

What Do I Want? 11 Questions and Tips to Figure It Out (2024)


What Do I Want? 11 Questions and Tips to Figure It Out? ›

Follow what feels good

Mentally put yourself in the position of doing this new career you're thinking of and see how it actually feels to do. You want to locate and follow what feels good, not what sounds good to your mind with all its arguments as to why you should want to do something.

How to figure out what you really want to do? ›

Follow what feels good

Mentally put yourself in the position of doing this new career you're thinking of and see how it actually feels to do. You want to locate and follow what feels good, not what sounds good to your mind with all its arguments as to why you should want to do something.

Where can I ask questions and get answers? ›

  • Answers.com. User-powered question and answer platform. ...
  • Ask a Librarian. Online reference desk service from the Library of Congress. ...
  • Brainly. Post questions to a community of millions of students and teachers. ...
  • Chegg Study. ...
  • Dummies. ...
  • eHow. ...
  • PolitiFact. ...
  • Quora.

How do I know what questions to ask? ›

Here are five steps to help you ask the right questions:
  1. Think about what you want to know. Think about what you hope to learn. ...
  2. Develop an open-ended question. Create an open-ended question related to what you want to know. ...
  3. Find the right person. ...
  4. Allow the person to answer. ...
  5. Ask follow-up questions. ...
  6. Thank the person.
Mar 10, 2023

What do you want to be answers? ›

Ask yourself what you enjoy doing the most. Recall a memory that helped you start your career. For instance, contemplate a teaching job if you enjoy teaching and playing with children. Or consider a financial analyst job if you like working with numbers and spreadsheets.

What are 10 wants in life? ›

Kathy Caprino
  • #1: Happiness. Biggest challenge: “Not knowing what I want, and the confusion, fear and unhappiness that causes.” ...
  • #2: Money. Biggest challenge: “Not having enough money or time to accomplish the things I want to do.” ...
  • #3: Freedom. ...
  • #4: Peace. ...
  • #5: Joy. ...
  • #6: Balance. ...
  • #7: Fulfillment. ...
  • #8: Confidence.
Dec 26, 2022

How can I decide what I want to do? ›

Here are some steps you can follow that can help you reflect and discover your next career path:
  1. Evaluate your current situation. ...
  2. Identify what you're passionate about. ...
  3. Determine the sacrifices you're willing to make. ...
  4. Make a plan for growth and development. ...
  5. Set goals that help you move toward what you want to do.
Feb 16, 2023

What are 10 good questions? ›

What are 10 good questions to ask someone?
  • What's your favorite childhood memory?
  • What's your favorite movie and why?
  • What was your worst date?
  • What was your favorite subject in school?
  • What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
  • What's your favorite family holiday tradition?
  • What's your favorite family recipe?

What is the number 1 question asked on Google? ›

100 Most Asked Questions on Google
#QuestionMonthly Searches
1What is my ip829,000
2What to watch749,000
3How many weeks in a year510,000
4How many days until christmas430,000
96 more rows
May 5, 2024

What is a good app to ask questions? ›

ASKfm is the #1 Q&A social network that helps you to learn more about your friends, classmates, and people around. Follow your friends and discover their secrets anonymously. Just ask them!

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Random questions to ask your friends
  • If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
  • What's your favorite animal?
  • Which celebrity would you choose for your best friend?
  • If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  • What's your favorite memory of us?
Oct 10, 2023

What are deep questions? ›

A deep question is one that invites people to share their core values and what truly matters to them. An example of a deep question could be: “What do you think is the most important thing in life, and why?”

What is a powerful question? ›

Powerful questions are open ended and empower the person responding to choose the direction they take. They create possibilities and encourage discovery, deeper understanding, and new insights.

How do I find out what I want? ›

11 questions to understand what you want in life
  1. What makes you happy? ...
  2. What are your needs? ...
  3. What are your personal values? ...
  4. What gives you purpose? ...
  5. What activities put you in a flow state? ...
  6. What would you do if there were no limits? ...
  7. Who do you admire or get jealous of? ...
  8. How do you envision the patterns of your life?

What makes you angry? ›

Upsetting or worrying events. We might feel angry about things that are happening in the world right now. We may see things going on which we know aren't right but that we feel powerless to stop. Or we may feel angry at the decisions made by people in power, or by the attitudes of others about issues that matter to us.

How do I know I really want to do something? ›

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Determine What You REALLY Want
  1. Ask Yourself: Why Do I Want this Outcome? “Why” is the most important question we may ever ask. ...
  2. Ask Yourself: What Do I Gain by Getting It? ...
  3. Ask Yourself: What Do I Lose by Getting It? ...
  4. Ask Yourself: What If I Did Nothing? ...
  5. Ask Yourself: What If I Succeed?

What can I do to figure out what I want to do with my life? ›

13 tips to help you figure out what to do with your life
  1. Examine where you are now. ...
  2. Change your perspective. ...
  3. Identify your passions and talents. ...
  4. Let your curiosity lead you. ...
  5. Embrace the unknown. ...
  6. Accept that mistakes are part of the process. ...
  7. Keep track of your progress. ...
  8. Seek inspiration from others.
Jan 22, 2024

How do you figure out what you're interested in? ›

There are 10 steps you can follow to find your passion:
  1. Create a personal vision statement.
  2. Determine your values.
  3. Find your true north.
  4. Make a list of things you love to do.
  5. Assess the things you don't love.
  6. Acknowledge your strengths and achievements.
  7. Practice journaling.
  8. Embrace a mindfulness practice.
Feb 2, 2022

How do I figure out what I wanna do for a living? ›

Here's how to begin figuring out what you really want to do for a living:
  1. Clarify your dreams and goals. ...
  2. Reflect on your interests. ...
  3. Think back to your childhood. ...
  4. Take a career assessment. ...
  5. Survey those around you. ...
  6. Ask for professional help.
Nov 15, 2022

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.