What Happens to My ETH on Ethereum 2.0? | ConsenSys (2024)

The long-awaited Ethereum Merge event will occur once the Terminal Total Difficulty (TTD) of 58,750,000,000T is hit, which according to some estimates, will happen on September 15th, at 1:07am EDT.

With the Merge moment now set, the natural questions for most ETH holders are: what happens to the ether that I have bought over the years on the current Ethereum blockchain? Do I need to worry about a hard fork, or will I need to manage a token migration? Does it matter if my ether is on an exchange like Coinbase or in a hardware wallet like Ledger?

The short answer? You do not have to do anything as an ETH owner to prepare your wallet or your tokens for the Merge. The Merge will actually mean no change for your tokens.

Before we go into more details about the (non) effects of the Merge on your ETH, let’s briefly dive into what the Merge is.

What Is The Merge?

The Merge is the culmination of years of coordination by the CoreDevs, client teams, and researchers — it will reshape the world’s largest programmable blockchain. Let’s briefly recap some fundamentals:

  • Ethereum is moving from its current Proof of Work consensus mechanism to a PoS model, where transactions will be processed by validators who stake ETH, rather than miners.
  • Currently, the Ethereum network has two blockchain layers running in parallel — the existing Ethereum layer running PoW, and the layer running PoS, called the consensus layer. The Merge involves combining these two layers, effectively ending PoW and transitioning the Ethereum mainnet fully to PoS.
  • It is a long-term project: Ethereum co-founder and de-facto figurehead, Vitalik Buterin, wrote about moving to PoS as early as mid-2014.
  • The goals of the Merge are to:
    • Increase sustainability: It will cut Ethereum’s energy usage by 99.95%.
    • Enhance scalability: The Merge will set Ethereum up to scale massively, by making the network ready for further upgrades outlined in the Ethereum roadmap.
    • Ensure security: The Merge will move Ethereum to a more sustainable cryptoeconomic model, making it “ultra-sound money”, and greatly increasing the difficulty level to mount an attack on the network

If you want to brush up further on what the Merge is and how it will work, our Merge Knowledge Base is a good starting point.

What Happens to my ETH in the lead up to the Merge?

Your ETH will stay the same in the days before the Merge.

The ETH holders who are interested only in holding, trading, or using their ETH on decentralized applications (dapps) do not have to actively do anything to prepare for the Merge. For ETH holders interested in staking, you can stake your ETH on the PoS consensus layer to earn rewards.

Staking is the process by which validators commit ETH to the consensus layer in order to propose and attest new blocks into existence. To become a full validator on Ethereum, ETH holders must stake 32 ETH by depositing the funds into the official deposit contract that has been developed by the Ethereum Foundation.

There are many opportunities for people with ETH to begin staking on the Ethereum network and earn rewards. The Merge is important for the staking community because it will reduce barriers to entry for validators. The PoS mechanism is designed to ensure that every validator — whether they are an individual, or a whale with multiple nodes — gets an equal chance at earning rewards.

To become a full validator, they must stake 32 ETH in the deposit contract, generate deposit keys, and then run their own client. Clients such as Teku offer this opportunity for businesses. If ETH holders do not have 32 ETH, they may join a staking pool such as Rocket Pool DAO and Lido DAO and combine their funds with other people to reach 32 ETH.

What Happens to my ETH Post-Merge?

One of the key principles of the Merge is that CoreDevs are aiming to achieve a flawlessly smooth transition to PoS. This is why one of the defining features of the upgrade is that much of the nuts and bolts of how Ethereum works will remain the same. From a developer’s perspective, for example, this means that pre- and post-Merge Ethereum share common APIs, and many of the building blocks of dapps and smart contracts will remain constant. (That’s not to say it will be an identical operating environment: if you are a developer, we recommend you familiarize yourself with the main changes here.)

A similar logic applies to users of the network. You are not required to do anything to prepare for the Merge.

“The Merge is designed to have minimal impact on how Ethereum operates for end users, smart contracts and dapps.”

– Tim Beiko

The reason behind this is implicit in the term ‘merge’: it’s not as if we’re starting from scratch with a completely new network. Instead, the entire immutable history of activity on Ethereum will be absorbed into the new framework. What we now know as Ethereum will eventually become one of 64 shards that together comprise post-Merge Ethereum (shards will not be introduced this year, but are planned as a future phase of the project). All of your funds will therefore still be there, even after this change occurs.

What is ETHW?

While the CoreDevs have been hard at work to ensure a smooth transition to PoS, some miners have proposed a new hard fork to the Ethereum mainnet.​​ This group of miners, led by a crypto investor and miner Charles Guo, plan to continue running PoW on a duplicate of the Ethereum network, and launch a new token called ETHW.

The ETHW token did gain some traction in the past few weeks, with cryptocurrency exchanges such as Poloniex and BitMEX listing it for trading even before its launch. However, in a few weeks of trading, the ETHW token has lost over half of its value and trading value dropped by nearly 66%. Many Ethereum players such as Uniswap and YugaLabs have since taken to Twitter to express that they wouldn’t recognize any activity related to ETHW in the unlikely case of a hard fork. Infura also maintains that it will not have endpoints to the PoW network and will be following the roadmap for PoS Ethereum.

Recent sanctions against Tornado Cash by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) have also given impetus to these attempts at creating Ethereum PoW chains. However, the majority of the Ethereum community, and ConsenSys, support the move to PoS and will not support these forks.

Merge Scams

The slightest change to the status quo in Web3 can prompt frenetic activity from scammers. Inevitably, the Merge is not exempt, and is already the subject of various initiatives aimed at stealing your funds, with bad actors looking to capitalize on the gaps in understanding that arise when new technology or upgrades are introduced. Let’s go over a few of these to pinpoint the red flags:

Red flag #1: Being asked to ‘convert’ or ‘upgrade’ your ETH into ‘ETH 2.0’ or similar

Since you do not need to do anything with ETH, these propositions are a scam.

Part of this misconception may stem from the original terminology of The Merge, when it was referred to as Ethereum 2.0. This connotes a clean break between ‘old’ Ethereum and new. This is one of the reasons why the branding was updated to the Merge: it more accurately describes the change, and could help stem the spread of this perception.

Another complicating factor is that some platforms distinguish between ETH and an asset called ‘ETH2’ (or 2.0), often in the context of staking. The ETH currently staked on the consensus layer is locked away into validator contracts on the Beacon Chain until the Merge is complete. This fuels the misconception that there is a separate, upgraded version of ETH that will replace the original post-Merge. Any platforms that do display an ETH2 token have created it themselves: there is no ETH2 token native to the Ethereum protocol. See here. In many cases, these tokens are created almost as placeholders to provide investors liquidity whilst their regular ETH is locked away (stETH, operated by Lido, is one such example — you may recognize the name from recent news).

What Happens to My ETH on Ethereum 2.0? | ConsenSys (1)

Unfortunately, there are some bad actors in the Web3 ecosystem that are continually seeking new ways to steal your funds, and there are some seeking to capitalize on this misunderstanding. If you actively engage with the ecosystem, it’s highly likely that you’ll come across one such scam soon enough. One such scam surfaced earlier this month where hackers targeted victims by impersonating Infura and offering a malicious ETH2 staking service with high rewards. Infura does not currently offer any staking products.

To be clear, you can safely disregard any ad, email, social media messages or posts that insist you ‘convert’, ‘upgrade’, or otherwise manage our ETH balance in some way in preparation for the Merge.

Do not click the links in these emails, or, worse: do not approve any access they request to your wallet. And certainly do not give them your Secret Recovery Phrase/seed phrase.

Red flag #2: Promises of high APR returns

As in the image above, you may come across scammers suggesting that depositing your ETH into their contract, or similar, will get you higher returns than staking via legitimate platforms. As usual in Web3, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Let’s rewind briefly: staking ETH on the consensus layer is a necessary step to becoming a validator. Once deposited, the staked ETH and the rewards are essentially an incentive for the staker to behave properly as a validator: do it right, receive rewards; do it wrong, and your ETH gets slashed. When individual validators stake through a staking pool like Rocket Pool or Lido, they receive shares of rewards proportional to each contribution.

Therefore, rewards for Ethereum staking are not high, and definitely not in high double digits (such as 28.6% in the image above). Whilst rewards aren’t fixed since they’re inversely proportional to the total amount of ETH staked, they are generally in the region of 4-5% APR (annual percentage returns). If you stake through a pool, you’ll receive lower returns since the platform will take a cut in return for the service they provide.

The wildly inflated APRs on offer in these scams are therefore one of the surefire ways to tell that they’re fake: those returns are not feasible when staking ETH on the consensus layer.

To Summarize:

  • The Merge will likely happen in mid-September.
  • You don’t have to do anything to prepare your ETH for the Merge.
  • The ETH you hold now will be usable on post-Merge, PoS Ethereum.
  • There are scammers out there leveraging this uncertainty to steal your funds.

Where Can I Learn More About The Merge?

If you want to clue up on the Merge generally, our Merge Knowledge Base is a good place to start, and there are plenty of resources available at the ethereum.org Merge page.

With thanks to Mally Anderson, Ben Edgington, and James Beck.

What Happens to My ETH on Ethereum 2.0? | ConsenSys (2024)


What Happens to My ETH on Ethereum 2.0? | ConsenSys? ›

Your ETH will stay the same in the days before the Merge. The ETH holders who are interested only in holding, trading, or using their ETH on decentralized applications (dapps) do not have to actively do anything to prepare for the Merge.

What happens to my ETH when ETH 2.0 comes out? ›

What happens to my old ETH tokens when Ethereum 2 is launched? Your existing ETH tokens will be transferable to the Ethereum 2 chain. The legacy proof-of-work Ethereum chain will continue alongside the new Ethereum 2 chain initially.

What will happen to my ETH after the merge? ›

Sometime after the Merge, you will find your staked ETH balance under your Ethereum (ETH) wallet on the platform. Your staked ETH will be listed separately from any staked ETH or dapp wallet ETH balance you might be holding.

Is staking ETH 2.0 worth it? ›

While staking Ethereum isn't a get-rich-quick strategy, it can still be a valuable way to pad your portfolio and put your money to work. Rewards are paid out every few days and are proportionate to the value staked -- meaning the more you stake, the more you earn.

What happens to slashed Ethereum? ›

If these actions are detected, the validator is slashed. This means that 1/32 of their staked ether (up to a maximum of 1 ether) is immediately burned, then a 36 day removal period begins. During this removal period the validators stake gradually bleeds away.

When can I sell my ETH2? ›

There is no Ethereum 2 but after the merge, once your locked ETH becomes unlocked, you can then sell it.

How do I Unstake ETH2 on Coinbase? ›

You can unstake by swapping back to ETH. You'll get ETH plus any ETH staking rewards you earned while staking.

Should I sell my Ethereum before the merge? ›

So it shouldn't matter whether you get going before or after The Merge, but you will probably be better off the earlier you get started. On that note, you should dip a toe in Ethereum's waters as soon as you are able, and double down on your investment when prices are low.

Do I need to convert ETH after merge? ›

No, ETH holders did not need to do anything. Their stored or staked Ether was automatically converted from ETH to ETH2 post-Merge. ETH will also maintain the same ticker symbol.

Will Ethereum be worth more after the merge? ›

Ahead of a years-in-the-making upgrade to the ethereum blockchain, the token ether has been outperforming bitcoin in 2022 by a wide margin. The so-called merge will result in much more energy-efficient transactions. Some market experts say the real upside price momentum is set to come after the merge.

How risky is Eth2 staking? ›

An important risk to point out is the possibility of getting slashed and losing a portion of your staked assets. Slashing is a penalty enforced by the Ethereum network to ensure validators operate according to the rules of the protocol. Missing attestations are expected from time-to-time.

Is ETH 2.0 staking risky? ›

Comparatively low risk: Compared to other cryptocurrencies, Ether is a stable staking option. Its popularity, global use, and security give it an advantage over most other tokens.

Can you lose staked Ethereum? ›

ETH staking is experimental and involves some risks including possible failure of the network. Please ensure you independently assess, understand, and accept the related risks before deciding to stake. An important risk to be aware of is the possibility of losing your staked assets due to slashing.

Will Ethereum burn after merge? ›

The fee is paid in ETH and is required for the transaction to be considered valid. This fee gets burned during the transaction process, removing it from circulation. Fee burning went live with the London upgrade in August 2021, and remains unchanged since The Merge.

Can Ethereum drop to zero? ›

It's important to note here that Ethereum losing the entirety of its value is highly unlikely, and the same goes for other popular coins like Bitcoin. We've seen many smaller coins drop to zero, especially those with a very short history in the market.

What is the penalty for staking ETH? ›

There is an initial penalty of 1/32 of the effective balance (normally 1 ETH). This penalty is applied immediately once the offence has been identified. The validator is removed from the validation set and is placed in the exit queue, for ~36 days.

Can I Unstake my ETH2? ›

You can now unstake your staked Ethereum (ETH). This update was announced by the Ethereum Foundation.

Is swapping ETH for ETH2 taxable? ›

However, there's another nuance to staking ETH on Coinbase which is less favorable to taxpayers. When you give Coinbase ETH to stake, it “converts” the ETH to ETH2 and labels this a taxable event.

How do I withdraw a stake in ETH2? ›

Users looking to exit staking entirely and withdraw their full balance back must also sign and broadcast a "voluntary exit" message with validator keys which will start the process of exiting from staking. This is done with your validator client and submitted to your beacon node, and does not require gas.

Can I get my ETH2 out of Coinbase? ›

For those seeking immediate liquidity, Coinbase has a token that lets users unlock the value of their staked ETH. Users can now wrap staked ETH (ETH2) to cbETH on the Coinbase app to sell or use it in DeFi.

Should I unstake ETH on Coinbase? ›

4/ There's no need to unstake – you can continue staking your ETH and earning up to 6.0% APY. No action is required and your assets will be safe and secure during the upgrade.

Will my ETH automatically convert to ETH2 on Coinbase? ›

Coinbase offers our customers the ability to stake their ETH to earn rewards. When you stake your ETH, you earn rewards (up to 4.50% APR) and it converts to ETH2 on Coinbase. You cannot buy ETH2 directly on Coinbase. The price of ETH2 is identical to ETH.

Will Ethereum merge cause price to drop? ›

Ethereum underwent a huge network upgrade called the merge which proponents say will make transactions much more energy efficient. Following the merge, ether prices have dropped following a huge run up ahead of the event.

Is my ETH safe during merge? ›

It's completely safe to keep your ETH, NFTs and ERC20 tokens in your Ledger Ethereum account before, during and after the Merge.

Can the Ethereum merge fail? ›

Can the Ethereum Merge Fail? As with all things in life, nothing is 100 percent certain, and this applies to the Ethereum Merge. However, while the Ethereum Merge could fail, it is thought the chances of this happening are extremely small.

Will ETH go up during the merge? ›

The Merge will change Ethereum from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake, making it more environmentally friendly and scalable. This upgrade may result in Ethereum becoming more widely adopted and reduce the supply, potentially increasing the price of Ethereum.

How much Ethereum should I buy to be a millionaire? ›

Assuming these numbers, to be a millionaire you will need: Worst case scenario: 39 ETH or $82,000 at current prices. Conservative Model: 29 ETH or $61,355 at current prices. Aggressive Model: 18 ETH or $38,243 at current prices.

Will Ethereum reach $100,000? ›

Conclusion: Yes, Ethereum Can Reach $100K

The main reasons behind this are the increasing use of Ethereum in the world of digital bonds, real estate, and government and central bank usage of the blockchain network on a state level.

What will happen to the staking yield after the merge? ›

Post-merge staking yield estimates

[1] The rewards decline as more ETH are staked, as the base reward is inversely proportional to the square root of the total balance of all validators. We increase the total effective balance by 25% and 50% in scenarios 2 and 3 respectively.

What is the minimum ETH 2.0 staking? ›

Understand Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake Method

Ethereum's PoS, also known as Ethereum 2.0 or Eth2, is designed to improve the network's scalability, security, and sustainability. In Ethereum's PoS, participants are called validators, and they are required to hold a minimum of 32 ETH to participate in network validation.

How much interest do you get for Eth2 staking? ›

How Much Can I Earn By Staking Ethereum?
StakingAdj Reward %Avg Reward %

How much ETH is slashed? ›

The world's second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum, has successfully slashed its emissions by 99.99 per cent after an unprecedented experiment to ditch power-hungry mining in favour of a new approach, according to researchers.

Should you buy ETH or eth2? ›

Unlike the classic Ethereum, which could handle only 15 transactions per second, Ethereum 2.0 is much more efficient, completing up to 100,000 transactions each second. To give you a better idea, think of the older Ethereum blockchain as a very busy highway with just one lane.

Can you lose all your coins in staking? ›

However, staking is not without risk. You'll earn rewards in crypto, a volatile asset that can decline in value. Sometimes, you have to lock up your crypto for a set period of time. And there is a chance that you could lose some of the cryptocurrency you've staked as a penalty if the system doesn't work as expected.

Can I sell my staked Ethereum? ›

All staked-ETH is locked until a future Ethereum protocol upgrade is complete. In the meantime, Coinbase has created cbETH to give customers the option to sell, transfer, spend, or otherwise use their staked-ETH.

Can I lost my coin in staking? ›

You may lose crypto through staking in case: The market crashes and the staked coins lose value which is otherwise known as impermanent loss, or. The staking pool or crypto exchange you are using gets hacked.

How many Ethereum are left? ›

How many Ethereum are there? The current circulating supply of Ethereum is 120.27M. This is the total amount of ETH that is available.

How low is ETH expected to drop? ›

Ethereum dropping is their base case scenario, with rather dire predictions throughout the next few years. They expect the year 2023 to see Ethereum trend lower, with an ETH price prediction of a yearly low in November of $598.

Is Ethereum 2.0 deflationary? ›

But the asset has now been solidly deflationary every day since late January, per network tracker ultrasound. money. Prior to that, Ethereum had briefly entered deflationary status in November 2022, about two months after Ethereum's Merge cut issuance by more than 90%, before slipping back to inflationary by December.

What is the next cryptocurrency to explode in 2023? ›

With this in mind, this market insight speculates on the next cryptocurrency to explode in 2023, in addition to some upcoming projects for investors to consider.
1. AiDoge (AI) – Next Meme Crypto to Explode in 2023.
Presale Started26 April 2023
Hard Cap$14,900,000
Min InvestmentNone
Max InvestmentNone
1 more row

What is the ETH prediction for 2023? ›

According to our Ethereum price prediction, ETH price is expected to have a -11.03% decrease and drop as low as by May 21, 2023.

Can Ethereum be shut down? ›

Downtime: the applications never shut down unexpectedly and can never be switched off.

Does staking ETH trigger taxes? ›

Are staking rewards taxable? Yes, staking rewards are taxed as ordinary income at the time of receipt. In the case of locked Ethereum, the time of receipt is a gray area, but that doesn't change the fact that staking rewards are taxable income.

Does staking have gas fee? ›

Gas fees are used on the Ethereum blockchain and network as incentives for users to stake their ETH. Staking works to secure the blackchain because it discourages dishonest behavior. For staking their ETH, owners are given small payments as a reward for helping to secure the blockchain and help it function.

How risky is staking ETH on Coinbase? ›

In general, it is safe to stake your ETH on Coinbase. However, what you need to be aware of, is the potential for slashing. This means that if a validator fails to fulfill his role, he gets punished. So, if you delegated your stake to that validator, your delegated ETH gets also slashed.

Will Ethereum 2.0 be separate from Ethereum? ›

Ethereum is a blockchain that uses PoW (Proof of Work) to confirm transactions, but it will be transitioning into an updated version called Ethereum 2.0, which utilizes PoS (Proof of Stake) for this function instead.

Will my ETH become ETH 2.0 Coinbase? ›

You can stake Ethereum using Coinbase. Coinbase offers our customers the ability to stake their ETH to earn rewards, and there is no minimum ETH required to stake on Coinbase. When you stake your ETH, it converts to ETH2.

Will Ethereum 2.0 merge with Ethereum? ›

Ethereum 2.0

The first stage of Ethereum's two-stage merge, codenamed Bellatrix, happens today, 6 September 2022. The second stage, Paris, will happen between 10 September and 20 September 2022. Only once both stages are complete will the merge be complete.

Will ETH 2.0 reduce gas fees? ›

Ethereum's notorious gas fees are unlikely to fall straight after the Merge completes. It won't be until Ethereum 2.0 implements blockchain sharding that users see a reduction in on-chain gas fees.

Do I need to move my ETH to ETH2? ›

No, ETH holders did not need to do anything. Their stored or staked Ether was automatically converted from ETH to ETH2 post-Merge. ETH will also maintain the same ticker symbol.

Can Ethereum go to zero? ›

Can Ethereum Crash to Zero? Many experts have shared their views on just how low Ethereum can realistically get, but few have gone so far as to predict a crash to zero. It's important to note here that Ethereum losing the entirety of its value is highly unlikely, and the same goes for other popular coins like Bitcoin.

Is it better to buy Ethereum or Ethereum 2? ›

Moreover, Ethereum 2.0 is far more efficient than the original Ethereum, which could only manage 15 transactions per second. It can now handle up to 100,000 transactions per second.

How do you withdraw from staking ETH? ›

Users looking to exit staking entirely and withdraw their full balance back must also sign and broadcast a "voluntary exit" message with validator keys which will start the process of exiting from staking. This is done with your validator client and submitted to your beacon node, and does not require gas.

When can I Unstake ETH 2.0 Coinbase? ›

You can continue staking your ETH with no action required. Your assets will be secure during the period of the upgrade. If you want to unstake your ETH, you'll be able to on Coinbase soon after the upgrade is complete. Unstaking requests will be subject to a waiting period determined by the Ethereum protocol.

Can Ethereum merge fail? ›

Can the Ethereum Merge Fail? As with all things in life, nothing is 100 percent certain, and this applies to the Ethereum Merge. However, while the Ethereum Merge could fail, it is thought the chances of this happening are extremely small.

Will Ethereum 2.0 overtake Bitcoin? ›

In short, almost certainly not. The size of the gulf between both projects is far too great for it to be closed within 12 months, even in a space as volatile as crypto. Taking a more long-term outlook shows that there's plenty of potential for Ethereum to become the crypto landscape's most dominant asset.

Will gas be cheaper after merge? ›

“The Merge is a change of consensus mechanism, not an expansion of network capacity, and will not result in lower gas fees,” the foundation said.

How can I avoid high ETH gas fees? ›

How to Avoid Ethereum Gas Fees
  1. Use DeFi Saver App.
  2. Optimize your Transaction Timings.
  3. Use DApps That Offer Discounts and Rebates.
  4. Utilize Gas Tokens.
  5. Accurate Calculation of Ethereum Gas Fees.
  6. Use a Layer-2 Blockchain.
May 3, 2023

What happens if my ETH gas fee is too low? ›

Transactions can fail on Ethereum if the gas amount is too low. This means miners aren't incentivized enough to accept and add that transaction to the ledger. If you want to be more precise, the gas is often specified in gwei, which is a denomination of ETH. A gigawei (gwei) is 1,000,000,000 wei.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.