What is a balance sheet and how do I read it? | unbiased.co.uk (2024)

Every business needs three fundamental financial statements: an income statement, a cash flow statement and a balance sheet.

The balance sheet in particular is an invaluable tool. It shows your business’s net worth and overall financial health, by recording your assets, liabilities and shareholder’s or owner’s equity.

What is a balance sheet and how do I read it?| unbiased.co.uk (1)

Once you are adept at reading your business’s balance sheet, it will allow you to track your business’s performance accurately, optimise your finances and even grant you access to funding, loans and other forms of credit.

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What is a balance sheet?

A balance sheet is a financial statement used in accounting. It includes three main ingredients: your assets, your liabilities and the shareholders’ equity.

In other words, it records what you own (assets) and who owns it – either a third party like a bank (liability) or the company and its shareholders (equity).

Balance sheets give you the most accurate view of the financial value of your business, taking all current assets and even pending liabilities into account.

Balance sheets aren’t compulsory for all businesses; only publicly-trading companies are actually required to have them.

But if you are a sole trader or small company, even though you aren’t legally required to have a balance sheet for tax or regulatory purposes, you may find them very useful to provide a clear overview of your financial status.

How does a balance sheet work?

A balance sheet uses one simple, fundamental formula:

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder’s Equity

Under assets, you’ll record everything your business owns, from cash in the bank to equipment and property (more detail on this below).

Under liabilities, you’ll record what you need to pay, including loans, wages and taxes. And under shareholder equity, you’ll record things like common stock and retained earnings.

For your statement to balance (hence the name), your total assets must always be equal to your liabilities plus equity.

If these two numbers aren’t the same, then either something in your accounting system has gone wrong or there’s a serious problem (such as a cash flow issue) that could quickly lead to insolvency.

What’s the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement?

A balance sheet has some similarities to an income statement (also known as a ).

Both report on revenue and expenses, but a balance sheet is a broader summary of your business’s overall financial position.

It looks at every asset, liability and shareholder equity at a specific point in time. An income – or profit & loss – statement focuses on what you’ve bought and spent over a certain period of time.

You might, for example, draw up an income statement every month for budgeting purposes, which won’t take your longer-term liabilities into account like a balance sheet does.

Why is it important to have a balance sheet?

A balance sheet benefits you in more ways than one: it can also be a great tool for attracting investors and lenders.

If you compile them regularly, you’ll have a snapshot of how your business is currently performing, how it’s performed in the past, and how you can expect it to perform in the future.

For investors, stakeholders or regulators, this – coupled with your income statement – can inspire a lot of confidence in your business.

They’ll be able to see how you manage debt, how you turn assets into revenue, how well you generate returns, and how much leverage you have. Conversely, if you don’t have these documents then you are very unlikely to secure investor confidence or bank finance.

Now let’s look in more detail at the components that make up a balance sheet: assets, liabilities and equity.

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What are assets?

When using a balance sheet, you’ll record all your assets in the first column. An asset is anything of value that your company owns.

Assets are grouped into two categories: current assets and non-current assets.

Current assets are cash or cash equivalents which could be easily converted into cash in one year or less. You’ll list these on your balance sheet first, and they include:

  • Accounts receivable: This is money that customers owe you
  • Inventory: These are any items, goods or merchandise that you sell to earn a profit
  • Marketable securities: These are investments that can be easily bought, sold or traded
  • Prepaid expenses: If you’ve paid for goods or services in advance, like rent or insurance, this is considered an asset until it’s used up or expires.

Non-current or long-term assets are those which won’t realise their full value within a financial year.

These include tangible fixed assets like land, buildings, machinery and equipment – anything that required a significant amount of capital investment.

They can also include intangible assets like patents, licences and intellectual property, but only if you acquired them and didn’t develop them yourself.

Because non-current assets are longer-term investments, you’ll always factor depreciation into the balance sheet.

What are liabilities?

Any money you owe to an outside party, whether they’re a creditor or supplier, is considered a liability.

In a balance sheet, you’ll record your liabilities in the second column, next to your assets.

Similar to assets, there are current liabilities and long-term liabilities.

Current liabilities include anything payable within a year, including:

  • Portions of your debt
  • Overdrafts
  • Interest
  • Wages
  • Taxes
  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Accounts payable (money you owe suppliers for goods or services bought on credit)

Long-term or non-current liabilities include things you cannot pay off within a year, like bonds payable and long-term debts or interest (i.e. the total amount of debt minus what you’ll be paying in the current year).

What is equity?

Equity – often called shareholder or owner’s equity on a balance sheet – represents two things.

First, it includes the amount funded by the owners or shareholders of a company for the initial start-up of the business. It also includes the money attributable to the business owners after liabilities.

In other words, equity is the value left after subtracting liabilities from assets. In this way, it’s similar to the equity you have when you own a home with a mortgage: the equity is the proportion of the property that you own outright.

On a balance sheet, equity will be recorded underneath liabilities.

Equities can include:

  • Common stock: Represents a share of ownership in a company. This value increases or decreases based on business performance.
  • Preferred stock: This is similar to common stock, except the stockholder will have priority over common stockholders when it comes to a company’s income.
  • Additional paid-in capital: This is the value of a company’s shares above the value at which they were issued.
  • Retained earnings: This is the net income left after the business has paid out dividends to its shareholders. This profit can be paid out to shareholders or re-invested back into the business for growth.

I’m a small business owner – do I need an accountant to file my balance sheet?

Balance sheets can be intimidating, especially if you’re not familiar with accounting. It’s worth enlisting the help of an accountant, either to get you started or to save you the time and hassle of doing them.

Accountants can help you identify what classifies as an asset, liability and equity. Furthermore, if you’re having trouble balancing your statement, they can look for any errors, miscalculations or missing data.

Balance sheets are something that every small business deserves to get right, as a small error can quickly magnify over time. Here’s a guide on accountant costs to give you an idea of what to expect.

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I am an expert in finance and accounting, equipped with comprehensive knowledge and practical experience in understanding and analyzing financial statements like income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets. Throughout my career, I have worked extensively with various businesses, aiding them in interpreting and utilizing these financial tools effectively. Here's an overview of the concepts covered in the provided article and additional insights:

  1. Balance Sheet Basics: The balance sheet is a crucial financial statement comprising three essential components: assets, liabilities, and shareholder's (owner's) equity. It serves as a snapshot of a company's financial health at a given point in time.

  2. Components of a Balance Sheet:

    • Assets: These are what the company owns, categorized into current assets (convertible to cash within a year) and non-current assets (long-term investments).
    • Liabilities: Debts and obligations owed by the company to external parties, divided into current liabilities (due within a year) and long-term liabilities (not payable within a year).
    • Equity: Represents the residual interest in the assets after deducting liabilities. It includes funds contributed by shareholders and retained earnings.
  3. Balance Sheet Equation: Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder's Equity. This fundamental formula ensures that the balance sheet is always balanced.

  4. Importance of a Balance Sheet:

    • Provides an accurate snapshot of a company's financial status.
    • Assists in evaluating financial performance and forecasting future trends.
    • Vital for attracting investors, lenders, and stakeholders by showcasing financial stability and management of resources.
  5. Difference Between Balance Sheet and Income Statement:

    • A balance sheet provides a snapshot of financial position at a point in time, while an income statement details financial performance over a specific period.
    • While a balance sheet focuses on assets, liabilities, and equity, an income statement highlights revenues and expenses.
  6. Assets, Liabilities, and Equity Details:

    • Assets encompass various items, from cash and accounts receivable to long-term investments and tangible/intangible assets.
    • Liabilities include debts, payables, and obligations the company owes to external entities.
    • Equity comprises various components such as common stock, preferred stock, additional paid-in capital, and retained earnings.
  7. Significance for Small Business Owners:

    • Though not mandatory for all businesses, balance sheets offer a clear overview of financial status for effective decision-making.
    • Seeking the expertise of an accountant can be beneficial in accurately preparing and understanding balance sheets, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

In conclusion, a thorough understanding of balance sheets is crucial for businesses, irrespective of size, to gauge financial health, make informed decisions, and attract potential investors or lenders. Collaborating with accounting professionals can significantly aid in navigating the complexities of financial statements, especially for small business owners less familiar with accounting principles.

What is a balance sheet and how do I read it? | unbiased.co.uk (2024)


What is a balance sheet and how do I read it? | unbiased.co.uk? ›

In a balance sheet, you'll record your liabilities in the second column, next to your assets. Similar to assets, there are current liabilities and long-term liabilities. Current liabilities include anything payable within a year, including: Portions of your debt.

How do you read a balance sheet for beginners? ›

The balance sheet is broken into two main areas. Assets are on the top or left, and below them or to the right are the company's liabilities and shareholders' equity. A balance sheet is also always in balance, where the value of the assets equals the combined value of the liabilities and shareholders' equity.

How do you explain a balance sheet to someone? ›

Assets go on one side, liabilities plus equity go on the other. The two sides must balance—hence the name “balance sheet.” It makes sense: you pay for your company's assets by either borrowing money (i.e. increasing your liabilities) or getting money from the owners (equity).

What is the best way to describe a balance sheet? ›

A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity. The balance sheet is one of the three core financial statements that are used to evaluate a business. It provides a snapshot of a company's finances (what it owns and owes) as of the date of publication.

Can you explain what a balance sheet is? ›

Definition: Balance Sheet is the financial statement of a company which includes assets, liabilities, equity capital, total debt, etc. at a point in time. Balance sheet includes assets on one side, and liabilities on the other.

What are the three main things found on a balance sheet? ›

1 A balance sheet consists of three primary sections: assets, liabilities, and equity.

How to do a balance sheet step by step? ›

How to make a balance sheet
  1. Invest in accounting software. ...
  2. Create a heading. ...
  3. Use the basic accounting equation to separate each section. ...
  4. Include all of your assets. ...
  5. Create a section for liabilities. ...
  6. Create a section for owner's equity. ...
  7. Add total liabilities to total owner's equity.

What is a balance sheet and examples? ›

A balance sheet shows the three main accounts (assets, liabilities, and equity) and compares the balances against previous periods. For example, an annual sheet will usually compare current balances to the prior year, and quarterly statements contrast the same quarter from the previous year.

What is a balance sheet vs. income statement? ›

Owning vs Performing: A balance sheet reports what a company owns at a specific date. An income statement reports how a company performed during a specific period. What's Reported: A balance sheet reports assets, liabilities and equity. An income statement reports revenue and expenses.

What are the cons of balance sheet? ›

There are three primary limitations to balance sheets, including the fact that they are recorded at historical cost, the use of estimates, and the omission of valuable things, such as intelligence. Fixed assets are shown in the balance sheet at historical cost less depreciation up to date.

What is one word for balance sheet? ›

Overview: The balance sheet - also called the Statement of Financial Position - serves as a snapshot, providing the most comprehensive picture of an organization's financial situation.

What is balance sheet one word answer? ›

What is balance sheet answer in one sentence? A balance sheet is a financial statement that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time.

Why is it called a balance sheet? ›

A balance sheet should always balance. The name "balance sheet" is based on the fact that assets will equal liabilities and shareholders' equity every time.

What are the golden rules of accounting? ›

What are the Golden Rules of Accounting? 1) Debit what comes in - credit what goes out. 2) Credit the giver and Debit the Receiver. 3) Credit all income and debit all expenses.

Which account does not appear on the balance sheet? ›

Off-balance sheet (OBS) assets are assets that don't appear on the balance sheet. OBS assets can be used to shelter financial statements from asset ownership and related debt. Common OBS assets include accounts receivable, leaseback agreements, and operating leases.

How to read balance sheet and P&L? ›

While the P&L statement gives us information about the company's profitability, the balance sheet gives us information about the assets, liabilities, and shareholders equity. The P&L statement, as you understood, discusses the profitability for the financial year under consideration.

How do you prepare a balance sheet 5 steps for beginners? ›

Here are the key steps for creating any balance sheet:
  1. Gather your financial records. Make sure you have all the necessary documents to fill your balance sheet. ...
  2. Set up your balance sheet. Determine the period you need the balance sheet to cover. ...
  3. Account for assets. ...
  4. List liabilities. ...
  5. Determine equity.
Oct 16, 2023

What does a healthy balance sheet look like? ›

A balance sheet should show you all the assets acquired since the company was born, as well as all the liabilities. It is based on a double-entry accounting system, which ensures that equals the sum of liabilities and equity. In a healthy company, assets will be larger than liabilities, and you will have equity.

How does a simple balance sheet look like? ›

It's divided into two sides — assets are on the left side, and total liabilities and equity are on the right side. As the name implies, the balance sheet should always balance. The assets on the left will equal the liabilities and equity on the right.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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