What is a Common Indicator of a Phishing Attempt? Everything You Need to Know (2024)

Phishing is one of the most significant cyber threats to individuals and organizations. Phishing is a technique that hackers use to trick people into giving them private information or doing things that could damage their security. Understanding phishing signs is essential to avoiding these scams.

A common indicator of a phishing attempt is a deceptive and suspicious email often disguised as a legitimate one. Such emails are meant for stealing information and malicious actions. There are some fraudulent companies that send false emails, texts, or websites to exploit human weaknesses and steal sensitive data.

IBM says that phishing was the second most common type of attack and the second most expensive in 2021. Statistics state that financial companies were the focus of23.60% of all phishing attacks throughout the first quarter of 2022. Webmail and web-based software services contributed to 17% of cyberattacks, making them the two most targeted areas for phishing during the quarter.

We have put together this comprehensive guide that explains the phishing attack in-depth and the most common indicators of a phishing attempt. Keep on reading to learn more

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a cyber-attack where an attacker pretends to be an authorized person or organization to deceive people into providing confidential data such as passwords, credit card details, or social security numbers. It typically occurs through email, instant messaging, or fraudulent websites.

The word "phishing" is derived from "fishing," as attackers use a wide net to catch people who don't know what's happening. Attackers often use official names, email addresses, or design features to make their messages or websites look like they come from a trusted source.

Phishing attempts can have severe consequences, including data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage.

Understanding Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks utilize social engineering techniques to exploit human vulnerabilities rather than targeting technical weaknesses in systems. Cybercriminals create allegedly genuine messages that mimic reputable organizations like financial institutions, government agencies, or well-known brands, luring individuals into taking actions that compromise their security.

Phishing attacks are fake attempts to trick people or businesses into giving out private information, like login passwords, credit card information, or personal data. These attacks often come in fake emails, text messages, or websites pretending to be companies or people.

The 9 Types of Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks can take various forms and can be delivered through different channels. Here are some common types of phishing attacks:

Email Phishing

This is the most common type of phishing attack. Attackers sendfake emails that look like they came from banks, online services, or government bodies that people trust. Most of the time, these emails have a sense of urgency and ask the receiver to click on a link or give personal information as soon as possible.

Spear Phishing

Spear phishing targets specific individuals or organizations. Attackers find personal information about their targets to make their scam emails or texts look like an accurate source. By using unique details, they try to win the recipient's trust and improve their chances of success.


Whaling is spear phishing that goes explicitly after high-level leaders or people in critical roles in a company. Attackers claim to be CEOs, board members, or other influential people to get workers to reveal private information or do things like start bank transfers.


Smishing, or SMS phishing, involves sending phishing messages via text. These texts usually tell people to click a link or call a specific number. They may pretend to be banks, mobile service companies, or delivery services to get people to give out personal information.


Vishing, or voice phishing, occurs when attackers use phone calls to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information. They often pretend to be from banks, government bodies, or customer service to get personal or login information.


Pharming involves redirecting users to fraudulent websites without their knowledge or consent. Attackers use the Domain Name System (DNS) or take over legal websites to send users to malware sites set up to steal their personal information.

Malware-Based Phishing

This attack includes sending emails or messages with links to harmful websites or files that are already infected. When the receiver uses the application or views the website, malware is put on their system. This lets offenders steal information or get into their system without their permission.

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks

In a MitM attack, attackers intercept communications between two parties, such as a user and a legitimate website or service. They can listen in on the broadcast or change it to get private information without the people involved knowing.

Clone Phishing

In this attack, attackers make copies of legal emails, including any files, and then change them to include harmful links or documents. These fraudulent emails often appear to come from trusted sources, making them more convincing.

The 7 Common Indicators of Phishing Attempts

Phishing attempts can be tricky to spot, as they often mimic legitimate communication to deceive users. However, several common indicators can help you identify a potential phishing attempt.

Suspicious Email Senders and Domains

Phishing emails frequently originate from suspicious or unfamiliar senders, often using email domains that imitate reputable organizations. Beware of misspelled domain names or subtle variations that deceive recipients. Hovering over hyperlinks can reveal the destination, which may differ from the displayed text.

Urgency and Threats

Phishing emails often use a sense of haste or fear to get people to take action immediately. Messages may state that an account will be terminated, payment is overdue, or a security breach has occurred, asking users to provide sensitive data directly. Real groups usually talk about essential things through official routes and don't use frightening words.

Poor Grammar and Spelling

Phishing attempts often exhibit noticeable grammar and spelling errors. Cybercriminals may not care about correct grammar and spelling, which can lead to mistakes, odd wording, or uneven use of language. These errors can serve as red flags and suggest a lack of professionalism.

Generic Greetings and Impersonal Content

Phishing emails commonly use generic salutations like "Dear Sir/Madam" or "Valued Customer" rather than addressing recipients by name. Additionally, the content may lack personalization, such as referencing specific account details or recent interactions. Most of the time, legitimate businesses use individual contact and greet people by name.

Request for Sensitive Information

Emails that try to scam people often ask for private information like passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card information. Legitimate businesses rarely ask users to send personal information through email or other insecure methods. If you need to find out if the request is authentic, ask the group through legal means.

Suspicious Attachments or Links

Phishing emails often contain attachments or links that, when clicked, can lead to malware installation or fraudulent websites. Be careful when getting files or hitting links, especially if the email seems strange or strangely written. When you move your mouse over a link, the URL can be seen, which may differ from what is shown.

Poorly Designed Emails or Websites

Phishing attempts may feature poorly designed emails or websites that exhibit visual inconsistencies, low-resolution images, or distorted logos. These signs show someone trying to imitate a real company without spending money on professional design tools. Legitimate organizations typically maintain high-quality branding across their digital assets.

Tips to Keep Your Data Protected from Phishing Attempts

Protecting your data from phishing attempts is crucial for maintaining your online security. Here are some essential steps you can take to protect yourself:

Be Cautious with Emails and Messages

Phishing attempts often come through email, text, or instant messaging platforms. Be careful of spam messages, especially ones that ask for personal information or have sketchy links. Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown or untrusted sources.

Verify the Sender's Identity

Verify the sender's legitimacy before providing personal information or taking action. Check the email address, website, or phone number to ensure they belong to a known organization. If a company sends you an email, put the official website URL into your browser instead of clicking on links.

Pay Attention to Email and Website URLs

Phishers often create deceptive URLs that resemble legitimate ones. Check the URL of every website or link you visit or click on. Look for misspelled words, extra letters, or odd website names. Secure websites should have "https://" at the beginning of the URL, indicating an encrypted connection.

Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by needing a second form of proof, like a unique code sent to your mobile device and your password. Even if someone gets your password through phishing, they can only get into your account with the second factor.

Keep your Software Updated

Update your operating system, web browsers, antivirus software, and other programs often to make sure you have the latest security changes. This helps protect against known flaws that phishers may try to take advantage of.

Educate yourself About Phishing Techniques

Stay up to date on the latest hacking tricks and warning signs. Be wary of language that sounds urgent or frightening, requests for private information, bad writing or spelling, and welcomes that are too general. Learn about the tricks that phishers use so you can spot them and avoid falling for them.

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Make strong, hard-to-guess passwords, and don't use the same password for multiple accounts. Use a password organizer to store and safely make strong passwords.

Regularly Monitor your Accounts

Keep a close eye on your bank accounts, social media sites, and other online accounts. Check your transactions, settings, and privacy settings often. If you notice any suspicious activity, report it to the appropriate authorities and take immediate action to secure your accounts.

Stay Updated with Security Best Practices

Stay up to date on the latest security practices and follow the advice of trusted sources, such as technology experts, cybersecurity organizations, and the official websites of software and service providers.

Use Anti-Phishing Tools and Plugins

Many internet security suites offer anti-phishing tools or browser plugins that can help identify and block phishing websites.

Hypothetical Real-Life Scenario

A large multinational corporation with offices and employees across the globe faces a significant cybersecurity challenge. Over a few weeks, numerous department employees report suspicious emails in their inboxes. The company's IT team looked at these registered emails and saw a common sign of a scam attempt. Let’s see what are the most common indicators.

Indicator: Suspicious Email Addresses

One of the most common indicators of a phishing attempt is using suspicious email addresses. In this case, the attackers use email addresses similar to real ones but with minor changes that most people initially overlook.

Methods of Phishing:

  1. Credential Harvesting: The attackers could include a link that takes the readers to a fake login page that looks real and asks them for their usernames and passwords. Employees who don't know better may fall for the trick and give the attackers their login information because they think it's a real request.
  2. Malware Distribution: Some of the suspicious emails might contain attachments or links that, once clicked, download malicious software onto the recipient's device. This virus may steal personal data, monitor activities, or allow remote access.
  3. Urgent Requests: Phishers often make things seem urgent to get people to move quickly. They might say that if the person replies later, their account will be closed, or they'll miss out on a great chance.
  4. Impersonation of Trusted Entities:In this scenario, phishing emails might come from trustworthy sources, such as the company's IT department, HR, or senior management. The goal is to build trust and make it more likely that the target will do what the invaders want.

Response and Mitigation

When the company's IT team sees the usual signs of hacking efforts, they move quickly to protect workers and the company's data:

  1. Employee Awareness: The IT team starts a main cybersecurity awareness program to teach all workers about hacking and how important it is to be on the lookout for strange emails.
  2. Email Filters and Alerts: Phishing emails are found and blocked before they reach workers' inboxes using better email filters and security systems. The IT team also sets up alerts to notify them of potential phishing attempts.
  3. Incident Response Team:The company sets up a special incident response team to look into hacking events as soon as they are mentioned. This group works with IT, law, and security experts to handle the danger successfully.
  4. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): The company requires all workers to use two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security that keeps their accounts safe even if their passwords are stolen.
  5. Regular Training:Cybersecurity training becomes part of the company's culture, informing staff of the newest dangers and prevention methods.

By taking these proactive measures, the company successfully minimizes the impact of phishing attempts. The incident highlights the ongoing threat of cyberattacks and the need to protect sensitive data and maintain trust in online communications.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Providers and Third-Party Services

Technology and human expertise are needed to combat phishing attempts. Cybersecurity providers safeguard companies against phishing attempts and other risks. By partnering with a reputable provider, organizations can benefit from the following:

Threat Intelligence and Monitoring

Advanced threat intelligence technologies and monitoring systems allow cybersecurity providers to identify and react to phishing attempts in real-time. Their experience helps identify new trends, patterns, and signs of compromise that typical security methods may miss.

Employee Training and Awareness

Cybersecurity providers provide complete staff training programs to raise awareness of phishing and teach attackers the newest strategies. By giving workers information, companies can make it much less likely that they will fall for scam efforts.

Incident Response and Recovery

If a hacking attack is successful, Cybersecurity Providers can act quickly to stop the breach, limit the damage, and restore stolen systems and data. Their experience responding to incidents ensures the healing process is organized and works well.

Future Consideration

Recognizing common indicators of a phishing attempt will remain a crucial consideration in the future. As technology improves and criminals get more competent, staying alert is essential. Traditional warning signs like strange email addresses, grammar mistakes, and calls for personal information will still be helpful.

It's crucial to respond to new threats, including convincing social engineering, brand spoofing, and targeted assaults. Ongoing education, user awareness, and the utilization of advanced threat detection mechanisms will be vital to combating the evolving nature of phishing attempts.

To benefit from expert knowledge and ongoing protection against emerging threats, organizations should partner with a reputable Cybersecurity Provider or subscribe to third-party cybersecurity services.

What is a Common Indicator of a Phishing Attempt? Everything You Need to Know (2024)


What is a Common Indicator of a Phishing Attempt? Everything You Need to Know? ›

Generic signatures and a lack of contact information are also strong indicators of phishing emails. Legitimate organizations generally provide their contact information. If there is no phone number, email address, or social media links in the signature block, the email is almost always fake.

What is a common indicator of a phishing attempt? ›

Common indicators of a phishing attempt include warnings from your email service provider, urgent language, threat of dire consequences, too-good-to-be-true offers and more. Continue reading to learn what to look for to spot phishing attempts and how to keep yourself protected.

What is a common indicator of a phishing attempt Army cyber awareness? ›

A phishing email might include an attachment or a link or request personal information. The email may appear to be legitimate communication from your bank, phone company, a store you frequent, or a friend or coworker.

What is a common indicator of a phishing attempt quizlet? ›

The best way to recognize a phishing attempt is to call the number provided to you in a suspicious e-mail. Phishers will often send you e-mails asking that you update or validate information. URLs with all numbers for the main part of the address are usually scams.

What indicates phishing? ›

Protect Yourself From Becoming a Phishing Victim

Treat with suspicion any email that you didn't expect to receive. Legitimate subject lines are usually detailed and specific. A generic subject line can be a key indicator of a phishing scam. Look for unprofessional spelling and grammar errors.

Which of the following is an indication of phishing? ›

Here are some ways to recognize a phishing email: Urgent call to action or threats - Be suspicious of emails and Teams messages that claim you must click, call, or open an attachment immediately. Often, they'll claim you have to act now to claim a reward or avoid a penalty.

What is the strongest indicator of a phishing email? ›

Look for these common scam warning signs before you react or respond to a suspicious email:
  1. It's sent from a public or free email domain. ...
  2. The “From” name and email domain don't match. ...
  3. The sender has spoofed a company's domain name. ...
  4. You get a warning from your email provider. ...
  5. You're told there's an issue with your account.
Mar 21, 2024

What are 4 things to look for in phishing messages? ›

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Urgent action demands.
  • Poor grammar and spelling errors.
  • An unfamiliar greeting or salutation.
  • Requests for login credentials, payment information or sensitive data.
  • Offers that are too good to be true.
  • Suspicious or unsolicited attachments.
  • Inconsistencies in email addresses, links and domain names.
Jun 6, 2023

Which is not a common phishing indicator? ›

Asking people to fill out and return a fake letter using postal mail is not a common approach to phishing.

What is the most common method for a phishing attempt would be by? ›

Email phishing is the most common type of phishing, and it has been in use since the 1990s. Hackers send these emails to any email addresses they can obtain. The email usually informs you that there has been a compromise to your account and that you need to respond immediately by clicking on a provided link.

Which of the following is an example of a phishing attempt? ›

Fake Websites

Cybercriminals send phishing emails that include links to fake websites, such as a known mail provider's mobile account login page, asking the victim to enter their credentials or other information into the fake site's interface.

What is the common target of phishing? ›

Sometimes referred to as a “phishing scam,” attackers target users' login credentials, financial information (such as credit cards or bank accounts), company data, and anything that could potentially be of value.

What is a common indicator of a phishing attempt jko? ›

Generic signatures and a lack of contact information are also strong indicators of phishing emails. Legitimate organizations generally provide their contact information. If there is no phone number, email address, or social media links in the signature block, the email is almost always fake.

What is a common indicator of pop-up phishing? ›

Unrealistic Demand or Request

Most phishing emails have odd requests or demands that befuddle most users. If there is an unrealistic demand or request with a shady background, link, domain name, and attached file, assume it is a malicious attack.

What is the most common goal of phishing attempt? ›

The goal of a phishing attempt is to trick the recipient into taking the attacker's desired action, such as providing login credentials or other sensitive information.

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