What Is a Content Management System? (2024)

A CMS doesn’t just publish web content anymore. Today's CMSs are much more powerful.

A content management system (CMS) is software that stores many content types, manages that content through its lifecycle, and publishes it to your website and other digital channels. In the past, they conducted the relatively straightforward task of managing and publishing web content. Now, it’s not as simple.

We’ll look at the ways in which the technology has evolved, how a CMS works, and what it looks like in action.

What does a CMS do?

A CMS provides an easy-to-use interface that lets you modify the content you want, and then the CMS does the hard part: presenting that content on the web in a way that’s optimized for SEO,accessibility, and more. You don’t need to build a web page from scratch every time you want to release a new product, and you don’t need to update HTML just to add an image. These are tasks a CMS can address with just a few clicks — no coding required.

Your CMS also stores the different versions of the content, which allows for version control, cross-team collaboration, content approval workflows, and content translation workflows. A traditional CMS publishes content to websites, but the world of headless andhybrid CMS platforms has allowed content management technology to reuse content across multiple channels.

How to use a CMS

When you need to make a change to your homepage, you can open your CMS and add text (meta description, headlines, title tags, etc.), images or video, and publish other forms of content.

Want to publish a blog post? Just enter the copy and media into the CMS and schedule it for publication.

Media companies know the drill well. They use content management systems to write, schedule, and publish articles read by millions of people. With the right content management system, an editor or writer can use their smartphone to make real-time updates to articles based on breaking news.

The best content management systems make users feel like they can create or change any content they need without asking for help from IT. That ease-of-use can add significant workflow efficiencies, increased collaboration across teams, omnichannel content publishing, and much more.

Benefits of a CMS

A CMS helps organizations deliver content for digital experiences more efficiently and cost-effectively. Your business can use a content management system to meet a variety of high-level strategic goals and consolidate your marketing technology (martech) stack to save on software run costs, but there are other advantages worth identifying. Not every CMS will deliver the same value, so when comparing systems, see which of your top choices have the features and functionalities that will net you most of what you’re looking for:

  • Provide a centralized content management platform for end-to-end content production
  • Support rapid production of new digital experiences
  • Deliver personalization tools with low technical entry costs for marketers
  • Integrate easily with other technologies in your martech stack
  • Enable multisite functionality and seamless collaboration on one platform
  • Share content to all sites and devices without requiring multiple content versions

There are even moreadvantages to using a CMS, but let’s go through the types of CMSs available to you.

Types of CMS

As technology introduces new ways of engaging customers and interacting with content, your content management system may have trouble keeping up. Early CMS platforms had it easy, because they served simple content to static web pages. Today’s systems, however, are expected to manage content for an ever-expanding collection of front-end platforms and devices.

From websites and native mobile apps to smart speakers and smartwatches, as well as digital signage and virtual reality platforms, your CMS is expected to provide content for increasingly diverse formats while engaging audiences, driving revenue, and promotingbrand awareness.

That expectation has led to the rise of four primary content management systems: headless, open source (e.g., Drupal), hybrid, and software as a service (SaaS). There can be overlap between them, i.e., a CMS can be both headless and open source.

  • Aheadless CMS is a cloud-based content management system that can provide content to multiple channels and devices via API endpoints. It’s a CMS where the front end that renders content is decoupled from the back end, where content is created, managed, and stored.
  • Anopen source CMS, like Drupal, has a flexible modular design that eases the creation and management of websites and other digital experiences. Open-source CMSs are supported by large communities of developers, are highly scalable, and easier to integrate with an open source tech stack.
  • Ahybrid CMS combines attributes from both traditional and headless CMS types. Created and stored in the database, content can be served flexibly, either through the existing, coupled front-end rendering layer or retrieved by a completely separate, decoupled front-end layer via APIs.
  • ASaaS CMS is a cloud-based service that hosts all your content management functions and integrates with other popular services. SaaS content management is purpose-built for specific content presentations and not always as customizable as other CMS types. Wix is one example of a SaaS CMS.

There are still more ways to categorize content management systems. Here’s another take:

There are DXP suite-CMS players that are deeply immersed in delivering solutions for digital experiences, including a CMS. Thesedigital experience platform (DXP) suite players typically only provide integrations or exclusively focus on integrating their own solutions, forcing customers to choose only their products or create their own custom integrations. Some systems that fall into this category include Adobe, Optimizely, and Sitecore.

Another category relates to best-of-breed CMS players. To deliver on a DXP strategy, those content management systems focus on integrating with other solutions considered the best of their kind. Some examples of best-of-breed CMS players are Drupal, WordPress, SDL Tridion, and Teamsite.

How to choose a CMS solution

When it comes to selecting a CMS platform, must-haves for marketers include support for personalization, a seamless behind-the-scenes authoring experience, and the flexibility to connect with other systems in their martech stack. Additional requirements to consider when choosing a CMS include:

  • Centralized platform for storing content in an open, non-proprietary format and for sharing content with all sites and devices without requiring multiple instances
  • Custom design possibilities for each website, mobile app, and digital experience
  • API-first infrastructure that gives front-end developers greater flexibility for rendering content
  • Responsive design
  • Ability to easily maintain and upgrade the system without intervention from IT and to deploy functionality updates quickly as new technologies and platforms emerge
  • Tools that allow teams to work together with common workflows on a single platform
  • Capabilities for personalization that less technical marketers can use

Choosing a CMS requires different processes unique to your organizational needs. Fortunately, you have a thorough guide that can walk you through the process ofchoosing a CMS.

Content management system examples

There are many content management systems on the market, and it can be a long process to identify one that meets all your needs. Here’s a short overview of some of the options.


Drupal is a flexible, open-source CMS solution with a modular design that makes it easy to create and manage websites, applications, and other digital experiences without needing to write code. It’s so flexible that it can be configured for headless and hybrid CMSs too.

It’s also highly scalable, enabling content to be published in multiple languages across many devices, as well as supporting unlimited users and content types.

Drupal is supported by a large community of users who continually modify and extend the platform. It has eyebrow-raisingadvantages over other content management systems. Organizations likeNestle,Princeton, andParamount all use Drupal CMS.


As a blogging and landing page tool, marketers claim ease of use as a hallmark of this CMS. WordPress is also used to build and manage websites for some of the world’s most influential companies, such as The Walt Disney Company, Spotify, and NBC.

Like Drupal, WordPress is open source software that allows for a wide variety of customizations to meet your needs. If you want to learn more about its capabilities as a CMS, readhow WordPress compares to Drupal.


Sitecore is a proprietary CMS that relies on third-party providers to deploy its solution in the cloud and connect it to all your martech andcustomer data sources. This means that if a customer requires cloud deployment, the deployment model comes with an additional cost. While that may give buyers looking for a CMS pause, users find a lot of value in the software’s content taxonomy, community / comment management, and SEO support.

Some of the largest companies in the world, including PUMA, United Airlines, and L’Oreal, use Sitecore. It makes sense for some large enterprises, but there are a few reasonswhy an open-source CMS like Drupal may be a better alternative.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

Like Drupal, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is an open source system built on Java. A cloud-native platform, it’s a combinationdigital asset management (DAM) and content management system used by brands such as Ford, T-Mobile, and GoPro.

According to TrustRadius, popular features of AEM include its role-based user permissions, mobile optimization, and page templates. But, to access some of the marketing capabilities that the software claims, Adobe doesn’t often tell users that they need to purchase many of the company’s products separately. That may be a factor that offsets AEM’s attractions.


Also an open, extensible platform in the cloud, this SaaS CMS sits under the Optimizely Content Cloud along with many of the company’s products. Used primarily by midsize companies, Optimizely is known for features like its role-based permissions, the cleanliness and quality of its code, as well as its publishing workflow. Some users have described the documentation that Optimizely offers for its headless technologies as limited and that the system seems to be down often, affecting reliability. Businesses such as Ebay, Dolby, and Pizza Hut use Optimizely.

Getting started with a CMS platform

A CMS that just publishes content to a website (or a family of websites) is a legacy tool in today’s digital landscape. It’s about much more than updating web pages — you need to gather content from many sources and send it to a long list of front-end applications. For example, your developers might need to code a customer-facing smartwatch experience and deliver content from the CMS via API.

It’s likely that a blend of CMS types will give your company all the benefits it needs from a content management platform.Drupal CMS is a hybrid headless CMS that’s agile andenterprise-ready.Acquia CMS Starter Kits for Drupal offer pre-packaged versions of Drupal with enhanced capabilities exclusive to and maintained by Acquia to accelerate your Drupal projects. If you’re looking for a new CMS or want to get started on the right foot, schedule ademo here to see Drupal in action.

As an expert in content management systems (CMS) and digital experiences, I've been deeply immersed in the evolution of CMS technology, witnessing its transformation from basic web content publishing to the powerful and versatile systems we have today. My expertise stems from hands-on experience working with various CMS platforms, conducting in-depth research, and staying abreast of industry trends and advancements.

In the article you provided, the author explores the evolution and functionalities of modern CMSs. Let's break down the key concepts used in the article:

  1. CMS Functionality:

    • A CMS is no longer limited to publishing web content. It now stores various content types, manages content throughout its lifecycle, and publishes it across websites and digital channels.
    • It simplifies tasks such as updating web pages, adding images, or releasing new products without coding.
    • Provides version control, cross-team collaboration, content approval workflows, and translation workflows.
  2. Types of CMS:

    • Traditional CMS: Publishes content to websites.
    • Headless CMS: Cloud-based system that decouples the front end (presentation) from the back end (content creation and storage), allowing content delivery to multiple channels and devices via API endpoints.
    • Open Source CMS (e.g., Drupal): Flexible, modular design, supported by developer communities, highly scalable, and integrates well with open-source tech stacks.
    • Hybrid CMS: Combines attributes of traditional and headless CMS, offering flexibility in serving content through existing front-end or a decoupled front-end via APIs.
    • SaaS CMS (e.g., Wix): Cloud-based service that hosts content management functions, may lack customization compared to other types.
  3. Benefits of a CMS:

    • Efficient and cost-effective delivery of digital content.
    • Supports high-level strategic goals and consolidates the marketing technology stack.
    • Enables centralized content management, rapid production of digital experiences, personalization, and integration with other technologies.
  4. DXP and Best-of-Breed CMS Players:

    • Digital Experience Platform (DXP) Suite Players (e.g., Adobe, Optimizely, Sitecore): Focus on delivering solutions for digital experiences, often with exclusive integrations.
    • Best-of-Breed CMS Players (e.g., Drupal, WordPress): Focus on integrating with other top solutions, allowing flexibility and customization.
  5. Choosing a CMS:

    • Must-haves for marketers include support for personalization, seamless authoring experience, and integration capabilities with the martech stack.
    • Considerations include centralized platform, custom design possibilities, API-first infrastructure, responsive design, ease of maintenance, and upgrade capabilities.
  6. CMS Examples:

    • Drupal: Flexible, open-source CMS with a modular design, scalable for various content types and languages. Used by organizations like Nestle, Princeton, and Paramount.
    • WordPress: Open-source software known for ease of use, widely used for websites and blogs by companies like The Walt Disney Company and Spotify.
    • Sitecore: Proprietary CMS used by large enterprises like PUMA, United Airlines, and L’Oreal, known for content taxonomy, community management, and SEO support.
    • Adobe Experience Manager (AEM): Cloud-native, open-source system used for DAM and content management by brands like Ford and T-Mobile.
    • Optimizely: SaaS CMS in the Optimizely Content Cloud, used by midsize companies with features like role-based permissions and clean code.
  7. Getting Started with a CMS Platform:

    • Emphasizes that a modern CMS goes beyond updating web pages and involves delivering content to various front-end applications.
    • Recommends Drupal CMS as a hybrid headless solution, highlighting Acquia CMS Starter Kits for enhanced capabilities and enterprise readiness.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of CMS evolution, types, benefits, and considerations for selection, supported by examples of popular CMS platforms. It emphasizes the importance of choosing a CMS that aligns with organizational needs and goals in the dynamic landscape of digital experiences.

What Is a Content Management System? (2024)


What is the content management system? ›

A content management system helps you create, manage, and publish content on the web. It also helps keep content organized and accessible so it can be used and repurposed effectively. There are various kinds of content management systems available—from cloud-based to a headless CMS—to meet every audience need.

What is a content management system quizlet? ›

A Content Management System (CMS) is a server or series of servers that allows you to easily create, store and track all documents and information produced by an organization.

What is an example of a content management system? ›

Examples of the most widely used open source CMS platforms include: WordPress. Joomla. Drupal.

What does CMS mean? ›

CMS stands for content management system. CMS is computer software or an application that uses a database to manage all content, and it can be used when developing a website. A CMS can therefore be used to update content and/or your website structure.

What is content in content management? ›

Definition: Content management

Anything can be considered content: from images to video, audio, multimedia, and text. All content comes with a content lifecycle that needs to be managed: from creation to either storage or deletion.

What is content management system in healthcare? ›

A robust healthcare content management system facilitates seamless communication and the delivery of personalized healthcare experiences, by capturing, handling, and storing both paper and electronic documents.

Which of the following best describes a content management system? ›

Content Management System (CMS) is an application that is used to manage content and publish it as well, allowing multiple users (even those without coding knowledge) to contribute, create, edit, and publish without having to involve a developer.

What is a content management system (CIW)? ›

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that lets users create, edit, collaborate on, publish and store digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM).

How important is content management system? ›

Having a content management system for your website allows you to have control of your content. It means having the ability to update, change or delete any images, text, video, or audio. It allows you to keep your site organised, up to date and looking great.

How do I identify a content management system? ›

You can see which CMS is used on the website by checking its footer: a small font at the very bottom under contact information or extra corporate information. It is not always the case that the name of the CMS system is removed from the footer of a template website design.

What is the most common CMS system? ›

WordPress is the most popular and widely used CMS on the market used by 43.2% of all websites. WordPress offers an open-source, free-to-use web hosting platform.

What are the three main types of content management systems? ›

The five main types of CMS are:
  • Component Content Management Systems (CCMS)
  • Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECM)
  • Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)
  • Digital Asset Management Systems (DAM)
  • Document Management Systems (DMS)
May 11, 2023

What do you mean by content management system? ›

A content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates like a website.

When to use CMS? ›

A CMS solution is a better option if you're creating a large website with multiple pages, or if you plan to make changes or additions to your website down the line. That's because a CMS will make it easier to do things like edit existing pages, publish new pages, add an online store, create web forms, and so forth.

What's CMS is that? ›

A content management system (CMS) is software that helps users create, manage, store, and modify their digital content. This all-encompassing system is a one-stop-shop to store content—such as apps, images, and websites—in a user-friendly interface that is customizable to an organization's needs and their employees.

What is the most popular CMS platform? ›

WordPress. WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, powering over 43% of websites. It began as a blogging platform but has since transformed into a full-fledged CMS. WordPress has become the go-to choice for individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises.

Why is CMS needed? ›

Having a content management system for your website allows you to have control of your content. It means having the ability to update, change or delete any images, text, video, or audio. It allows you to keep your site organised, up to date and looking great.

Is Google a content management system? ›

Yes, Google Sites is a Content Management System provided by Google. It offers the facility to create a website at no cost. It allows the customization of templates with your own copy, images, fonts, headers, footers, and menus, and even lets you use your own domain.

What is a CM in social media? ›

Community Manager (CM) 💭

This includes setting up and managing social media groups, forums, and online platforms that are conducive to community growth.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.