What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (2024)

To navigate Etsy’s competitive marketplace, it’s essential to understand key performance metrics, one of which is the conversion rate. A pivotal question for sellers is: what is a good conversion rate on Etsy?

This article will explain the importance of conversion rates, how to calculate your own, and ways to improve them.

Let’s dive in!

  • Why Your Etsy Conversion Rate Matters
  • So, What Etsy Conversion Rate Is Considered Good?
  • How to Calculate Your Etsy Conversion Rate?
  • Sell on Etsy With Printify
  • Tips to Increase Your Etsy Conversion Rate
  • FAQ
  • To Summarize

Why Your Etsy Conversion Rate Matters

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (1)

Your Etsy conversion rate indicates how effectively your shop turns visitors into buyers. Understanding and monitoring this rate is relevant for many reasons.

  1. Performance Indicator: The conversion rate directly reflects how well your shop and its products resonate with your target audience. A higher conversion rate demonstrates that your listings, pricing, and shop aesthetics align well with customer expectations and needs.
  2. Optimization Opportunities: Analyzing your conversion rate allows you to identify areas for improvement. Whether it’s enhancing product descriptions, improving image quality, or adjusting pricing, understanding your conversion rate helps pinpoint specific aspects that could boost Etsy sales.
  3. Marketing Efficiency: Your conversion rate can also provide insights into the effectiveness of your marketing and promotional efforts. It helps evaluate which marketing strategies are effective and which may need tweaking.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Standing out is key in a crowded marketplace like Etsy. A good conversion rate not only suggests that your shop is performing well but also indicates that you’re offering something that meets or exceeds customer expectations compared to your competitors.
  5. Financial Health: Ultimately, a higher conversion rate leads to more sales and revenue without necessarily increasing the number of visitors. This efficiency is crucial for the financial health and sustainability of your Etsy shop, allowing you to grow and invest in new products or marketing strategies.

So, What Etsy Conversion Rate Is Considered Good?

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (2)

A good conversion rate on Etsy varies depending on different factors, including product category, average price points, and market conditions.

The Etsy Seller Handbook and Community report that a 1%5% conversion rate is typically considered good for most Etsy shops, aligning well with general benchmarks for the average eCommerce conversion rate.

  1. 1-2%: If your shop is new or you’re selling in a highly competitive category, a 1-2% conversion rate might be what you initially see.
  2. 3-5%: This is considered a strong conversion rate and indicates that your shop is performing well.
  3. Above 5%: Signifies exceptional effectiveness in attracting the right visitors to your Etsy shop and converting those visits into purchases.

It’s important to note that these figures are general guidelines. The best conversion rate for your Etsy shop depends on your specific goals, the nature of your products, and how your shop fits into the broader Etsy ecosystem and your particular niche.

Regularly reviewing and comparing your Etsy shop conversion rate against your past performance and industry standards can help you set realistic goals and identify opportunities for improvement.

How to Calculate Your Etsy Conversion Rate?

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (3)

Calculating your conversion rate on Etsy involves a simple formula. Here’s how you do it.

  1. Determine the Total Number of Sales: This refers to the total number of transactions completed within a specific period.
  2. Determine the Total Number of Unique Visits: This is the total number of individual visits your shop receives. Unlike views, which can include multiple instances of viewing by the same visitor, unique visits count each visitor only once, regardless of the number of pages they view.
  3. Use the Conversion Rate Formula: Conversion Rate = (Total Number of Sales / Total Number of Visits) × 100

This formula will give you the conversion rate as a percentage, indicating the proportion of visits that result in a sale.

For example, if your Etsy shop had 50 sales and received 1,000 visits in a month, your conversion rate would be:

Conversion Rate = (50/1,000) × 100 = 5%

Where to Find Your Conversion Rate in Your Etsy Dashboard

Etsy provides sellers with a dashboard to track various metrics, including conversion rates. This tool is invaluable for monitoring your store’s performance over time and making data-driven decisions that can lead to more sales.

To access it, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Etsy account and click Shop Manager to open your seller dashboard.
  2. Next, click Stats in the left-hand menu. This section shows you significant numbers, including shop views, visits, orders placed, and your total earnings.

  1. If you want to see these numbers for a specific time period or for different sales channels, use the dropdown menus to select a date range or sales platform.

  1. Click View detailed stats for more information, including conversion rates.

  1. Your conversion rate will be right there after “visits” and “orders.”

Use the Listing Stats page to monitor your shop’s conversion rate, collect data, and gain insight into the appeal of your products and areas where adjustments may be needed.

Sell on Etsy With Printify

As a print-on-demand platform, Printify enables you to effortlessly design custom products and sell them on Etsy. It offers tools and resources for product creation, customization, and fulfillment, along with integrations for seamless order management.

This partnership can significantly boost your store’s appeal and increase your conversion rate.

Make It Happen Today!

Design custom products, sell them on Etsy, and improve your conversion rate. Start your journey to Etsy success now with Printify.

Start Selling

Tips to Increase Your Etsy Conversion Rate

Let’s go over some practical tips and strategies to elevate your store’s performance and attract more customers.


Achieve the Star Seller status to stand out from competitors and increase your conversion rate and profitability. Check what steps you should take to earn the badge in the Star Seller section of your Shop Manager dashboard.

Product Image Quality Matters

The quality of product photography is crucial for several reasons.

  1. Visual Appeal and First Impression: Etsy is a visually driven platform. High-quality images stand out in search results and can attract more Etsy shoppers and clicks, leading to a higher conversion rate.
  2. Builds Trust: Clear, detailed product photos show you’re a trustworthy and professional seller. They help customers feel confident about the quality of the product they’re considering.
  3. Product Clarity: Accurate images help customers understand the product better, reducing uncertainty or confusion about their purchase. This clarity can minimize the likelihood of returns and increase customer satisfaction.
  4. Competitive Edge: With many Etsy sellers offering similar products, high-quality images can give you a competitive edge, making your product listings more appealing than those with lower-quality photos.
  5. Increases Engagement: Engaging images can encourage customers to explore your listing further, read the product description, and check other products in your Etsy store, increasing the likelihood of sales.

Add product photos that are clear and well-lit and present your items from multiple perspectives. High-resolution images highlighting your product’s unique features and quality can significantly influence a shopper’s decision and impact your Etsy shop’s conversion rate.

Boost Your Etsy SEO and Product Descriptions

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (9)

Effective product descriptions and strategic search engine optimization (SEO), including the use of relevant keywords, are vital to enhance your items’ visibility both on an external search engine like Google and within Etsy search results.


Use keyword research tools focused on Etsy, such as Alura, eRank, and Marmalead, to find the best keywords for your niche.

Detailed, compelling descriptions accurately representing your products can captivate potential buyers, making your items more desirable and searchable.

Check out the following factors that impact your Etsy SEO. You’ll notice that many of them align with elements that directly affect your conversion rate in other instances.

  • Relevance: Etsy looks closely at how well your listing titles, descriptions, tags, and attributes match what users search for. The Etsy search algorithm ranks your items based on these similarities.
  • Listing Quality Score: This measures how users interact with your Etsy listing. Even if your listing matches a customer’s search terms, this factor examines how long visitors stay on your page.
    A longer stay means a higher score and better search placement. But if someone clicks on your listing and leaves immediately, it might mean your product didn’t match what they were looking for or didn’t catch their interest.
  • Recency: Etsy temporarily boosts new products and shops, monitoring customer interaction over a few days before ranking them based on performance.
  • Shipping Price: Etsy recognizes that high shipping costs can deter potential buyers, impacting the platform’s revenue from fees. This is why listings offering free shipping receive additional visibility.
  • Language: Avoid using your tags and description space to repeat the same words in various languages. If you speak several languages or have a team that does, you can set up a multilingual Etsy shop.


Etsy has dedicated fields for adding translations, preserving space for keywords in tags and descriptions. Offering your shop in multiple languages can enhance your Etsy SEO on a global scale.

Be Customer Focused

Prioritizing the customer experience is crucial for fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business. Ensure that your customer service is top-notch by offering prompt and helpful responses to inquiries, personalizing your interactions, and simplifying the buying process.

A positive shopping experience can greatly increase the chances of conversion and five-star reviews, which are invaluable for your Etsy store’s reputation. A good review is a social proof – people tend to buy a product influenced by other people’s experiences.

Price It Right and Offer Special Deals

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (10)

Adopting competitive pricing strategies and special offers can improve your Etsy conversion rates. Analyze your market to set prices that appeal to customers and are sustainable for your business.

Furthermore, promotions such as discounts, limited-time offers, or bundle deals can be significant motivators for consumers to purchase, helping boost your sales figures.

When setting your prices, make sure that they include your production expenses and any associated fees so that your final pricing covers these costs and secures you a profit margin between 40-50%.

When determining your ideal profit margin, consider various pricing strategies. Initially, focus on two primary approaches:

  • Choosing a lower profit margin could position you more competitively within your market segment. This approach works well if your objective is volume sales, especially in markets where people pay close attention to prices, like students or young adults.
  • On the other hand, focusing on a market that values quality over cost can lead to a higher profit margin, increasing the perceived worth of your product. This strategy might attract fewer Etsy buyers, but each successful purchase will contribute a larger profit.

The important aspect of setting your prices is to align them with your specific market’s demands. while ensuring all your costs are covered, and you maintain a profit margin that sustains your business profitably.

Consider Offering Free Shipping

Implementing a free shipping policy is an effective strategy to attract more customers. The prospect of free shipping has become a significant deciding factor for many Etsy shoppers.

Incorporating the shipping costs into product prices can potentially increase your store’s conversion rate as customers feel they are getting a better deal.


Remember to add the shipping cost to the product price to prevent losses.


1-5% is generally a good Etsy conversion rate, but it can vary depending on your niche and competition.

You can significantly improve your Etsy conversion rate by focusing on these areas:

  • Prioritize high-quality listings with clear, well-lit photos and, if possible, videos to enhance engagement.
  • Make sure your pricing is competitive by researching your market while maintaining profitability.
  • Deliver excellent customer service by responding to inquiries quickly and personalizing your approach to foster customer loyalty.
  • Implement effective SEO by incorporating suitable keywords in your listing titles, detailed product descriptions, and tags, and keep your listings updated.
  • Engage with the community and leverage social media to drive more traffic to your Etsy stores.

Yes, achieving a 7% conversion rate is considered excellent on Etsy, indicating strong product appeal and effective marketing.

A low Etsy conversion rate could be due to poor product pictures, uncompetitive pricing, inadequate product descriptions, lack of customer reviews, or insufficient SEO efforts. Addressing these areas can help improve your shop’s appeal and encourage more visitors to make a purchase.

To Summarize

In this article, you learned how understanding and optimizing your Etsy conversion rate is critical for success on the platform.

You can significantly improve your average conversion rate by focusing on high-quality listings, effective pricing strategies, excellent customer service, and smart marketing.

Remember, aiming to achieve or surpass what defines a good conversion rate on Etsy is essential for thriving in the competitive marketplace.

Make It Happen Today!

Start Selling

Written by

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (11)

Andris Mucenieks

Andris is a writer and scholar with 10+ years of experience inside and outside academia. Devoted to his family and a convicted introvert, Andris left teaching to focus on what matters. He loves creating things, playing musical instruments, and walking around forests.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? (2024)


What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy? ›

What is a good conversion rate on Etsy? So, what's considered a “good” Etsy conversion rate? According to research by Etsy sellers, the average Etsy conversion rate ranges between 1 - 3%. However, this number will vary depending on the industry and product you're selling.

Is a 7% conversion rate good? ›

This will vary highly based on the market and the types of customers you're targeting. For the B2B software industry, it's been said that 7% is a strong conversion rate, and it's been suggested that marketers shoot for somewhere in the 5-10% range.

Is a 1.5% conversion rate good? ›

A reasonable conversion rate varies by industry and channel. Generally, a conversion rate of 2-5% is considered average. However, top-performing websites often achieve rates above 10%. Factors like user intent, product type, and website quality can all impact what is considered a good conversion rate for your business.

Is 1.4 conversion rate good? ›

Having a baseline of 2.5% is a good place to start, but keep working to optimize this with conversion rate tactics. The Shopify analytics app LittleData did a comprehensive survey of Shopify stores' conversion rates and found the average conversion rate for Shopify stores is 1.4%.

What is a good ROI on Etsy? ›

Since a good ROI is between 75-100%, you'll want your ad campaign to average a return of about $1 for every 50¢ in ad spend. In addition to looking at your ROI, you'll want to look at your click-to-sale ratio and weed out any underperforming listings.

What is a bad conversion rate? ›

If you're an eCommerce player and your conversion rate is between 4% and 6%, it can be considered good. But if you're in finance, a conversion rate of 4% is rather underwhelming because the top performers are achieving five times more!

Is a 30% conversion rate good? ›

The companies with the most success tend to convert at around 20-25%. And the very cream of the crop achieves conversion rates of 30% or higher. But, in a lot of respects, these numbers are arbitrary. You'll get a lot of “expert advice” on the number that will show success or not.

What is Etsy's conversion rate? ›

Q: What is a conversion rate on Etsy? A: Your conversion rate is the percentage of visits to your shop that result in a sale. Put another way: your conversion rate reflects the number of sales you get per 100 visits to your Etsy shop.

What's a good click rate on Etsy? ›

So, if 100 people see your listing and 10 of them click on it, your CTR is 10%. Typically, a good clickthrough rate on Etsy is around 2%. That means that for every 100 views of your listing you should get 2 clicks.

How to improve conversion rate in Etsy? ›

How to Increase Etsy Conversion Rate
  1. Take listing photos that sell: Your listing photos should draw customers in, speak to their preferred lifestyle, and offer a better look at your product. ...
  2. Write listing descriptions that sell: Write engaging and compelling listing descriptions to describe your product.
Jun 24, 2024

Why is my Etsy conversion rate so low? ›

A low Etsy conversion rate could be due to poor product pictures, uncompetitive pricing, inadequate product descriptions, lack of customer reviews, or insufficient SEO efforts. Addressing these areas can help improve your shop's appeal and encourage more visitors to make a purchase.

What is a good Shopify conversion rate? ›

What Is a Good Shopify Conversion Rate? Shopify says that a conversion rate of 3.3% or more is good: in fact, it would put you in the top 20% of all Shopify stores.

What is a realistic conversion rate? ›

Conventional wisdom says that a good conversion rate is somewhere around 2% to 5%. If you're sitting at 2%, an improvement to 4% seems like a massive jump. You doubled your conversion rate! Well, congratulations, but you're still stuck in the average performance bucket.

How much does Etsy take from a $100 sale? ›

How much does Etsy take from a $100 sale? $100 (sale) – $0.20 (listing fee) – $3.25 (payment fee) – $6.5 (transaction fee) = $90.05 or about 10% taken from the original sales price.

How much can you realistically make with Etsy? ›

How much you can make on Etsy is up to you. You won't know how much you can make on Etsy until you start. Some sellers bring in over $50,000 a year, while others only make a couple of grand. The truth is it depends on how much effort you want to put in and the products you sell.

How much does the average Etsy owner make? ›

So exactly: How Much Does The Average Etsy Seller Make? The average successful seller on Etsy earns between $43,000 and $46,000 per year which is a fantastic foundation to build on as top earners make over $65,000 per month!

Is an 8% conversion rate good? ›

A good conversion rate is 2%-3% for ecommerce and 5%-8% for lead generation. Learn how our award-winning agency sees conversion rates as high as 15%. While a decent conversion rate can indicate how well your online content drives conversions, you can maximize results with strategic optimization tactics.

What is a good rate for conversion rate? ›

In fact, a “good” website conversion rate falls between 2% and 5% across all industries. Industry-specific conversion rates vary quite a bit more. Some industries, like industrial equipment, have very low-performing websites.

Is a 10% conversion rate good? ›

Is a 10% conversion rate good? It depends on the context. Generally, a 10% conversion rate is considered to be good, but it can vary depending on the product, industry, and other factors.

What is a good paid conversion rate? ›

Answer: A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who do something like buy something, sign up, or fill out a form on your website after clicking a paid ad. Question 2: What is considered a good paid conversion rate? Answer: A good number is usually between 2-5%, but more than 5% is great.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.