What Is a Good Salary (2024)


Job Search

10 Min Read | May 10, 2024

What Is a Good Salary (1)

By Ken Coleman

Bringing home the bacon. Raking in the dough. Breadwinning. Whatever you want to call it, earning a good salary is a huge motivator when you’re charting your professional path. No matter what job you have, earning money is essential for paying bills, taking care of your family, and seeing the progress you’re making in your career growth. But a question on many people’s minds is, “What is a good salary?”

Well, a good salary depends on a few factors, which we’ll get to. But before we dive in, remember this: Your salary is just a number. It’s not a reflection of your value or worth as a human being! But a salary is a good way to measure if you’re being paid fairly for your skills, experience and industry. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s look at what is considered a good salary.

What’s a Salary?

A salary is the set amount of money you earn at your job in a given period of time. Salaries are typically offered as an annual amount, like $60,000 per year. This means, regardless of how your paychecks are broken down—weekly, biweekly, bimonthly or monthly—you’ll get paid the set annual amount. (When you take a closer look at your paycheck, you’ll see there’s a difference between gross and net pay. Think of gross pay like your pre-tax salary to date, and net pay is what you take home after deductions.)

Keep in mind, if you’re paid an hourly wage instead of a salary, you’ll figure out your annual earnings a bit differently. Just multiply your hourly wage by however many hours a week you work, then multiply that by 52 weeks in a year. This will give you a general idea of your yearly income.

What Is Considered a Good Salary?

Well, what makes a good salary depends on you, your needs, and your values. But for most folks, a good salary is one you can live on comfortably, meaning your basic needs, like food, utilities, housing, transportation and clothes, are taken care of each month without going into debt. (And even better if you have money to save and invest.) There’s really no magic number that makes “a good salary.” (In fact, it’s what you do with your salary, not how much you earn, that determines your wealth over time!)

If your basic expenses are covered, a good salary (as a dollar amount) compared to the national average will depend on things like your age, location, education and professional experience (which we’ll look at more closely). You can use these markers to see where your salary stacks up against your city or country’s average.

But while we’re talking numbers, here’s the thing I want you to remember: It’s easy to fall into a comparison trap and get stuck keeping up with the Joneses. Comparing your salary to someone else’s, or even national averages, isn’t a reflection of your worth or the value you bring to the world. That said, it can be helpful to check out averages to see if your salary is competitive with the market and matches your qualifications—and we’ll look at how these factors can affect your pay next.

Factors That Contribute to Salary

A few things go into figuring out what is a good salary (which is an income that matches your skills and experience and helps you afford a safe and comfortable lifestyle). And remember: A good salary for you might not be a good salary for someone else, and vice versa. Now let’s look at four main factors that play into a salary.


Salaries typically—though not always—grow alongside your level of education. So, if high school is the highest level of education you complete, your income will likely match the skills you learn at that level. And if you get a college degree, there’s a higher chance your income will rise to the level of education.

You deserve to win at work. Our new book and assessment will show you how.

(Now, I say this as a general principle. Lots of people have gotten high-paying jobs without a degree and built amazing careers without finishing a formal education—myself included. College isn’t always worth it, especially when it means taking on student loans only to work a job that doesn’t pay enough to get rid of your debt later.)

Work Experience

Work experience is the real kicker when it comes to making a good salary and growing your income over time. The more you can demonstrate your leadership, influence and skill, the faster you’ll grow your salary. But before you can get promotions and raises, you’ve got to master what’s right in front of you.

Job Location

Taking a job in a big metropolitan city, like San Francisco or New York, might pay more on average—but the cost of living will be much higher compared to a smaller city. (If you want to stretch a good salary, think about landing a high-paying remote job that’s based in a big city, but allows you to live anywhere.) Some areas also have a higher amount of high-paying industries, like technology in California, finance in New York, or oil in Texas, for example.


You’re going to find that jobs in medical, legal, technology and sales fields have great earning potential. Sometimes work in these industries will require extra education or training, but that up-front investment could pay off with a great salary and lots of professional opportunities later.

Average Salaries in the U.S.

The mean annual U.S. salary is $61,900.1 This means that across the country, you can expect most folks to earn around this amount, which is calculated by adding all salaries together and dividing that total by the number of salaries collected. When you factor in the extreme ends of U.S. salaries, including lower income levels and higher incomes in the six-figure range and even millions of dollars, this is the mean salary you get.

You can also look at the median salary in the U.S., which is calculated by ordering all salaries from smallest to largest and figuring out which number is exactly in the middle of that list. We’ll use both of these calculations to show average salaries in this article.

Annual Mean U.S. Salaries in Major Cities:

What is the average salary in the U.S. by location? Keep reading to see the average annual pay in several metropolitan areas across the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Keep in mind, these numbers don’t represent the mean salary of the entire state, like the average salary of Texas for example. They show the average salary of the city.2

Phoenix, AZ


Los Angeles, CA$69,540
San Francisco, CA$94,370
Denver, CO$71,790
Washington, D.C.$83,900
Miami, FL$58,980
Atlanta, GA$63,180
Boston, MA $80,810
Detroit, MI$62,000
Las Vegas, NV$54,410
New York, NY$78,560
Portland, OR$67,970
Dallas, TX$61,160
Houston, TX$60,560
Seattle, WA$80,020

Estimated Median Salary of U.S. Workers According to Education Levels:

Your level of education has a significant impact on your earning potential. Check out these average salaries in the U.S. based on higher education:3

Doctoral degree$99,268
Master’s degree$81,848
Bachelor’s degree$69,368
Associate degree$50,076
High school$42,068

Estimated Median Annual Salaries by Age Group:

Did you know your salary will fluctuate based on how old you are? Workers typically see a peak in their earnings between 35 to 44 years old, but don’t let this average salary jump limit your earning! You can still earn a good salary well into your 50s and even 60s before retiring.4

55 to 64:$61,672
45 to 54:$64,116
35 to 44:$63,908
25 to 34:$54,184
16 to 24:$34,190

Estimated Median Annual Salaries by Industry:

Like I mentioned earlier, different industries will pay more than others. The median salaries can depend on the education needed to get into the field or the impact, risk and skill these jobs require to be successful. Check out these median annual salaries by industry:5

Business and Financial Operations$86,080
Human Resources$74,060
Computers and Information Analysts$110,550
Industrial Engineering$98,560
Educational and Library Occupations$63,240
Art, Design and Media$76,500
Health Care Practitioners$96,770
Food Preparation and Serving$32,130
Service Sales Representatives$81,230
Construction Trades$56,510

(Keep in mind that salary is a term used to describe yearly income. Jobs like food prep, construction and sales are included here, but these industries often pay workers based on the hour or commission.)

5 Ways to Grow Your Salary

Want to know what’s great about a salary that’s not so good? It can grow! But you’ll have to be proactive and take steps to increase your income (which is your most powerful wealth-building tool, by the way). And it all starts with your mindset. You might feel like it’s impossible to make more money, or that you’ll never earn more than you do now in your current job, but that’s simply not true! I want you to be empowered to grow your salary, and here are five ways you can do just that.

1.Get a promotion. You might not have to look for a new company to land a bigger salary. Instead, see what growth opportunities exist at your current company and start to work toward that next level of responsibility and influence.

2. Find a growth track that leads to a raise. Hear this loud and clear—I’m not suggesting you walk into your boss’s office and demand a raise. Instead, have a conversation about getting on a growth path that will lead to a pay raise when you’ve built up a track record of growth and results.

3.Negotiate the salary when you start a new job. When you’re looking at a serious job offer, compare the salary with the market rate for that position. Don’t be afraid to negotiate! You’ll have to do your research and be prepared with facts. The hiring manager might not give you the salary you want, but it’s always worth giving it a shot.

4.Make extra money doing what you love by starting a business. Hey, this might not be for everyone. But if you’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit, starting your own business or side hustle could be a great way to increase your salary. If you love what you do in your current 9-to-5, see if there’s a way you could build your own business around those same skills and responsibilities.

5.Make a career change. Maybe the printer paper sales industry isn’t exactly booming, but companies looking for software engineers can’t hire fast enough. If you want to increase your salary, consider a change in careers. This might require some extra training or education, but hey—a small investment in your education on the front end could lead to a big payoff down the line.

Take the Next Step to Grow Your Career (and Salary)

All right—now you know how your income stacks up to the average U.S. salary. Whether you’ve got a great salary or your income has lots of room to grow, you can learn more about how to increase your annual salary by checking out The Ken Coleman Show, where I coach callers into taking the next right step to grow in their career. You’ll hear from callers just like you who are looking for practical advice that will help them discover the role they were born to play—and map out a plan to get there!

New! Get Clear Career Assessment: Find the Work You’re Wired to Do

There’s not an assessment out there that will tell you exactly what you should be doing. Instead, self-awareness is what points you in the direction of a fulfilling and growing career. That’s what makes the Get Clear Career Assessment stand out from the rest—it gets to the heart of who you are and how you're wired. Now, it’s paired with Ken Coleman’s new book, Find the Work You’re Wired to Do.

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About the author

Ken Coleman

Ken Coleman is the author of the national bestselling book From Paycheck to Purpose and the #1 national bestseller The Proximity Principle. He hosts The Ken Coleman Show, a caller-driven show that helps listeners find the work they’re wired to do. Ken also co-hosts The Ramsey Show, the second-largest talk radio show in America, and makes regular appearances on Fox News and Fox Business. Through his speaking, broadcasting and syndicated columns, Ken gives people expert advice, providing strategic steps to get clear on their unique purpose and grow professionally. Learn More.

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What Is a Good Salary (2024)


What Is a Good Salary? ›

“Good income is not a moral statement,” Ramsey explained. “Good income is relative to the average household income in America, which is $78,000 right now.” Real median household income in the U.S. was $78,250 in 2019 and fell to $74,580 in 2022, according to the Census Bureau. "You're not a bad person.

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“Given the job description and responsibilities, my experience level, and the competitive job market, I'd expect a salary range of $45,000 to $55,000. I understand that benefits and paid time off are also part of the overall compensation package, and I'm open to discussing these during the hiring process.”

What is considered a decent salary? ›

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the national average salary in 2021 was $58,260. Although wages above the average could be seen as a good salary, there are no hard and fast rules regarding how to determine a good salary since there are many factors involved.

What is a good amount for a salary? ›

Estimated Median Salary of U.S. Workers According to Education Levels:
Doctoral degree$99,268
Master's degree$81,848
Bachelor's degree$69,368
Associate degree$50,076
High school$42,068
May 10, 2024

What is a good salary expectation? ›

By aiming higher, you could still hit your targeted salary even if the employer offers you a salary at the lower end of your provided range. So for example, if you want to make $60,000 a year, don't say you're looking for a salary between $55,000 and $60,000. Instead, give a range of $60,000 to $65,000.

How do you answer salary expectations politely? ›

You can try to skirt the question with a broad answer, such as, “My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications.” Or, “If this is the right job for me, I'm sure we can come to an agreement on salary.” This will show that you're willing to negotiate. Offer a range.

How do you politely say the salary is too low? ›

I'm really excited about the company and the role. I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience. I'd like to be at a number more like $X. I'm really interested in this opportunity and would love to make this work with you.”

Is 75k a low salary? ›

If you make $75,000 a year, you're earning more than half of all workers in the U.S. And in fact, many people would probably consider the salary as good pay. After all, a $75,000 salary works out to around $6,250 per month, $1,442.31 per week, or $36.06 an hour.

Is $36,000 a year good for a single person? ›

Is $36K a good salary for a single person? A single person can afford to live on $36,000 a year in more affordable places in the U.S., but it could still be difficult to afford to buy a home in today's real estate market.

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Average Salary in California
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$95,814$7,984
75th Percentile$78,359$6,529
25th Percentile$45,716$3,809

How much is $25 an hour annually? ›

If you make $25 an hour, your yearly salary would be $52,000.

How much is your salary best answer? ›

Here is the process you can follow for answering the salary expectation question:
  1. Research the average salary. ...
  2. Consider your existing pay. ...
  3. Consider perks and benefits. ...
  4. Make adjustments for cost of living. ...
  5. Ask for additional details (optional) ...
  6. Ask for more time (optional) ...
  7. Provide a range. ...
  8. Justify your salary expectation.
May 31, 2024

What is your expected salary the best answer is? ›

How to Answer, 'What's Your Expected Salary? '
  • Research the market and salary trends.
  • Consider giving a salary range, not a number.
  • Diplomatically turn the question around.
  • Now it's time to give a number, not a range.
  • Always be truthful.
Jun 6, 2024

What is your realistic salary expectation? ›

Give a range. Don't just give them a specific number, instead, offer a salary range that shows your familiarity with the industry standards. If the recruiter inquires about your current salary, be honest and tell them why you are worthy of this much salary.

What salary range should I give? ›

Provide a range, not a sum

For instance, if you would like to make $35,000, then you should state that your salary requirements are between $30,000 and $40,000, rather than $35,000. This way, there is an opportunity to negotiate.

How to answer desired salary on online application? ›

What to put for desired salary on your job application
  1. Leave the question blank (if possible). The first and best option to manage this question on a job application is to leave the answer blank. ...
  2. Write negotiable in place of a number (or 000). ...
  3. Give a salary range. ...
  4. State a specific salary number.
May 21, 2024

How to talk about salary in an interview? ›

When you do decide to discuss wages, don't mention a specific figure – provide your preferred salary range instead. Showing that you're flexible is the first step towards negotiating a pay packet that's viable for your employer and reflects your ambitions.

How to politely ask for salary range? ›

“I'm really excited about this opportunity. If we decide to work together, I'm sure we'd find a salary that matches the value I'll bring to your organization. Can you give me an idea what you've already budgeted for this position?”

How to deflect salary expectation question? ›

If you're asked for your salary expectations, you could deflect by saying “What do you usually pay someone in this position?” or “I'd like to learn more about the role before I set my salary expectations. I would hope that my salary would line up with market rates for similar positions in this area.”

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.