What Is a Multi-Signature Wallet? | Gemini (2024)

Unlike conventional crypto wallets, multi-signature wallets utilize more than one private key to authorize a transaction.

What Is a Crypto Wallet?

Multi-signature (multi-sig) wallets are essential to blockchain-based organizations, projects, and apps that need to engage in more advanced crypto transactions. To understand the specifics of crypto multi-signature wallets, it's worth examining what makes the technology work: public and private keys. Every crypto wallet has public and private keys, but in the case of multi-sig wallets, they work with more advanced functionality.

Public keys: Public keys are in some ways similar to traditional bank account numbers for routing deposits. A public key is cryptographically paired to a private key. Although anyone can send crypto to a public key, the corresponding private key is necessary to access the funds.

Private keys: Like a bank account personal identification number (PIN), a private key controls access to a crypto wallet and is generally kept secret. There’s no way to send or spend the crypto in a wallet without the private key. Private keys prove crypto ownership, and are also required for all outgoing transactions.

Crypto Custody

Although each crypto wallet utilizes a private and public key pair, the question of who holds the keys determines whether the wallet is custodial or non-custodial. For example, custodial wallet providers hold private keys on your behalf. In contrast, a non-custodial wallet gives you control of the private keys, which generally means funds stored on the wallet are under your sole control and care. Non-custodial wallets let you set up an initial recovery phase, a back-up measure that can be utilized if you lose your wallet and forget your password. The recovery phase can be used to regenerate a new wallet with the same funds. Generally speaking, if a user forgets their recovery phrase and password, a non-custodial wallet and its contents cannot be recovered.

What Is a Multi-Signature Wallet?

Now let’s break down the difference between standard crypto wallets and multi-sig wallets. Conventional non-custodial crypto wallets have one private key that provides access to funds. As a result, only this key needs to sign an outgoing transaction — no further authorization is required.

In contrast, a multi-signature wallet utilizes a unique digital signature that requires more than one private key to sign an outgoing transaction. In some cases, several different keys can generate a signature. Although multi-sig technology existed long before the arrival of crypto, it's most often associated with the advent of Bitcoin. Specifically, multi-sig technology was first applied to the Bitcoin network in 2012, leading to the widespread availability of multi-sig wallets the following year.

Based on how a multi-sig address is configured, there are different key combinations:

Regardless of the specific combination, all multi-sig wallets aim to enhance security. Below, we break down how this process works.

Why Use a Multi-Sig Wallet?

If the concept of a multi-sig wallet is still unclear, we can use an analogy from everyday life to explain: Let's imagine there's a bank safe with two locks and two keys. Bank employee Jack holds one key, and Jill has the other. In order for them to open the safe, both of them use their keys simultaneously. In this scenario, one wouldn’t be able to open the safe without the consent of the other.

In the same way, funds stored on a multi-sig crypto address can only be moved if multiple parties provide their signature. This additional layer of security is beneficial when managing crypto, given its digital nature. Specifically, funds are more likely to be stolen with only one private key. Further, this can make losing the funds less likely as well, provided you use a combination that doesn’t require all the keys, like a 3-of-5 scheme. Mandating all the signatures (as in a 3-of-3 combination) would actually require even more diligence and trust. The requirement of multiple signatures helps ensure that transactions made to and from that wallet are in accordance with the intentions of those who hold the keys.

Whether two, three, four, or more signatures are needed, a multi-sig wallet is designed to mitigate the possibility of a single point of failure. For this reason, many blockchains, exchanges, and wallet providers enable the creation of some version of a multi-signature wallet to protect user funds. Multi-sig wallets also make sense for businesses involved in the crypto industry. Like traditional companies, these crypto companies need to secure large amounts of money, and only multi-sig wallets can offer the necessary protection.

Advantages of Multi-Sig Wallets

There are several distinct advantages of using a multi-sig wallet:

Increased Security

Multi-sig wallets provide a greater degree of protection than single-signature (single-sig) alternatives. It's much harder for hackers to obtain all the necessary keys to authorize withdrawals from a multi-sig wallet. Just as multi-signature wallets reduce the dependence on a single person, they also reduce the risk of relying on one device. For example, if a broken device holds the only private key, the holder may lose access. However, because you can store multi-sig keys on several devices, there's generally less risk of losing a private key.

Escrow Transactions

In traditional terms, escrow is a legal arrangement where a third party holds funds until certain conditions are met. A 2-of-3 multi-sig wallet allows third-party participation in escrow transactions between two parties (A and B). In this scenario, the transaction includes a mutually-trusted third party (C) in case anything goes wrong. If there's a dispute, only A or B will authorize the transaction, allowing C to make the final decision.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Multi-sig can also serve as a form of two-factor authentication (2FA), because users can hold private keys on different devices. However, there are risks associated with using multi-sig technology as 2FA because a device holding one private key can be lost, stolen, or broken. For example, if the wallet signature is set as 2-of-2, losing a key on one device would make it impossible to recover funds.

Decision Making

Similar to the concept of using multi-sig technology for escrow, multi-signature wallets can also control access to joint company funds. For example, if the company sets up a 4-of-6 wallet where each person holds one key, no single individual should be able to gain access and misuse funds. As a result, only agreement among most key holders would be required to grant access to the wallet.

Disadvantages of Multi-Sig Wallets

Despite the advantages of using multi-sig wallets, there are also some potential risks and limitations to be aware of:

Technical Knowledge

The process of setting up a multi-signature wallet address requires a certain level of technical expertise. However, the growing number of multi-sig wallet providers has made this less of a problem in recent years.

Transaction Speed

Multi-sig is often slower than single-sig because it relies on another party, device, or location to access the wallet to authorize a transaction. While this might not be an immediate issue for infrequent use, regularly transacting with a multi-sig wallet may be slower than using a single-sig wallet.

Fund Recovery and Custodian

Another challenge of using a multi-sig wallet is that the recovery process requires importing each recovery phrase on each device. Finally, perhaps the biggest potential disadvantage of multi-sig wallets is the lack of a third-party custodian, making it difficult to seek legal recourse if something goes wrong. Specifically, because multi-sig wallets tend to be non-custodial wallets, a legal custodian doesn't guard the funds for a multi-sig wallet. Instead, the funds are usually just in a shared non-custodial wallet with multiple keyholders.

Despite the potential challenges of using multi-sig wallets, there are also several practical applications. By requiring more than one signature to transfer funds, multi-sig wallets are designed to avoid single sources of failure and enable trustless escrow transactions. Although each person will need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages based on their needs, multi-signature wallets may enhance credibility and security in situations involving large sums of crypto. Further, multi-sig wallets hold the potential to encourage crypto adoption by adding another layer of security for a variety of use cases.

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I'm an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. My knowledge extends from the foundational principles to the intricacies of advanced concepts like multi-signature wallets. Over the years, I've closely followed the evolution of cryptographic solutions, and my expertise is rooted in practical applications and hands-on experience.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Public and Private Keys:

    • Public keys are akin to traditional bank account numbers, used for routing deposits.
    • Paired cryptographically with private keys, public keys allow anyone to send crypto to a wallet.
    • Private keys, like a PIN, control access to a crypto wallet and are kept confidential.
  2. Crypto Custody:

    • Custodial wallets have providers holding private keys on behalf of users.
    • Non-custodial wallets grant users control over private keys, enhancing security and control.
    • Non-custodial wallets may have a recovery phase for lost wallets and forgotten passwords.
  3. Multi-Signature Wallets:

    • Differ from conventional wallets by requiring more than one private key to authorize a transaction.
    • Multi-sig addresses have different key combinations, such as 2-of-3, 2-of-2, 3-of-3, etc.
    • Multi-sig technology, associated with Bitcoin since 2012, enhances security and mitigates single points of failure.
  4. Why Use a Multi-Sig Wallet:

    • Analogy: Multi-sig is likened to a bank safe with multiple keys, requiring consent from multiple parties to access funds.
    • Enhances security by reducing the risk of a single point of failure.
    • Valuable for businesses securing large sums of crypto.
  5. Advantages of Multi-Sig Wallets:

    • Increased Security: Harder for hackers to obtain all necessary keys.
    • Escrow Transactions: Allows third-party participation in transactions.
    • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Provides an additional layer of security.
    • Decision Making: Controls access to joint company funds.
  6. Disadvantages of Multi-Sig Wallets:

    • Technical Knowledge: Setup requires technical expertise.
    • Transaction Speed: May be slower than single-sig transactions.
    • Fund Recovery and Custodian: Recovery process may be challenging, lacks third-party custodian.
  7. Practical Applications:

    • Multi-sig wallets address challenges by avoiding single points of failure.
    • Enable trustless escrow transactions and add an extra layer of security for various use cases.

In conclusion, while multi-sig wallets offer enhanced security and practical applications, users should weigh the advantages and disadvantages based on their specific needs. These wallets have the potential to foster crypto adoption by providing robust security measures, albeit with some technical and operational considerations.

What Is a Multi-Signature Wallet? | Gemini (2024)


What Is a Multi-Signature Wallet? | Gemini? ›

A multisig wallet (also known as multisignature wallet or shared wallet) is a cryptocurrency wallet that requires two or more signatures to confirm and send a transaction. It can be used by multiple keyholders or one user across multiple devices.

What is multi signature in trust wallet? ›

Multi-signature (multisig) refers to requiring multiple keys to authorize a Bitcoin transaction, rather than a single signature from one key. It has a number of applications.

What are the benefits of multi-SIG wallet? ›

When used properly, a multi-sig wallet aims to offer additional security by eliminating the single point of failure risk associated with having one private key. It makes it difficult for hackers to steal funds from a wallet, because they must have the different keys to complete any action.

What is the difference between wallet and Multisig wallet? ›

Single-signature wallets cannot provide shared control over digital assets, which is paramount for companies, groups, and organizations. Multi-sig wallets solve the problem of shared control by introducing an approval quorum where multiple signatures from different cosigners are required to authorize a transaction.

What is meant by multi signature? ›

Multisig, also called multisignature, is the requirement for a transaction to have two or more signatures before it can be executed.

How do multi-signature wallets work? ›

A multisig wallet (also known as multisignature wallet or shared wallet) is a cryptocurrency wallet that requires two or more signatures to confirm and send a transaction. It can be used by multiple keyholders or one user across multiple devices.

Can I have 2 trust wallets on one phone? ›

Can I Create Multiple Wallets? There is a limit of 15 wallets that you can create on the app. Here are the steps to do so. Open Trust Wallet and then tap on Settings .

What is needed for Multisig wallet? ›

Multisig wallet transactions are often called “M-of-N transactions”, where M is a variable representing the number of signatures required and N represents the total number of keys. So for example, a 2-of-3 wallet has 3 total copayers, and at least two of them must sign off before a transaction can be executed.

Is a Multisig wallet a contract? ›

A multi-signature (multi-sig) wallet is like a safe that needs multiple keys to open. It is a smart contract that stores cryptocurrency and needs permission from many parties in order to conduct transactions.

How to create a multisig wallet on trust wallet? ›

Open Trust Wallet and create a new wallet or select an existing one. Go to the DApps section and search for a multisig wallet provider, such as Gnosis Safe or MultiSigWallet. Follow the provider's instructions to create a multisig wallet and set the required signers and thresholds.

Which wallet is best to use? ›

Best Crypto Hot Wallet Reviews
  • Best for Beginners: Coinbase Wallet. Our Partner. ...
  • Best for Ethereum: MetaMask. Learn More.
  • Best for Mobile: Trust Wallet. ...
  • Best Desktop Bitcoin Wallet: Electrum. ...
  • Best Mobile Bitcoin Wallet: BlueWallet. ...
  • Best for Desktop: Exodus. ...
  • Best DeFi Wallet: Crypto.com. ...
  • Best Cold Wallet for Beginners: KeepKey.
May 2, 2024

Which wallets support Multisig? ›

Multisig Wallets
  • Aptos.
  • Base.
  • Bitcoin.
  • Cosmos.
  • Polkadot.
  • Sui.
  • Tron.

Is Coinbase wallet Multisig? ›

No, Coinbase does not currently support watch-only addresses for multisig wallets or contracts. Multisig addresses are unique addresses that require multiple private keys to authorize transactions, and Coinbase does not currently support the ability to view these addresses without being able to sign transactions.

Should you have multiple signatures? ›

A letter with two signatures can also help you and your team communicate a task that requires the authorization of more than one person.

Are you allowed to have 2 signatures? ›

You can have as many forms of signature as you like. Legally, a “signature” is a mark made to prove acceptance of a contract.

What is multi party signing? ›

Published Mar 20, 2023. Multi-party signatures are a type of digital signature scheme where multiple parties jointly sign a message. The signature is valid only if a sufficient number of parties participate in the signing process.

What is multi coin wallet in trust wallet? ›

As the name suggests, a multi-coin wallet is a wallet supporting more than one cryptocurrency asset. Through these wallets, you can hold numerous cryptocurrency assets at one location and earn passive rewards via active user rewards or staking.

What is a wallet signature? ›

When a transactional request occurs, the private key is used to sign the transaction which delivers mathematical proof that the Bitcoins have come from the owner. This is known as a signature, and it is the signature that also prevents the transaction from being altered by anyone else.

How do I disable Multisig on trust wallet? ›

Unfortunately, if you don't remember your password, you won't be able to turn off multi-signature in Trust Wallet. Multi-sig wallets typically require more than one signature to confirm transactions, which adds an extra layer of security. However, if you've lost access to your account, there's no way to recover it.

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