What is a private key? (2024)


  • Peter Loshin,Former Senior Technology Editor
  • Michael Cobb

What is a private key?

A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data. Secret keys should only be shared with the key's generator or parties authorized to decrypt the data. Private keys play an important role in symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography and cryptocurrencies.

A private key is typically a long, randomly or pseudo-randomly generated sequence of bits that cannot be easily guessed. The complexity and length of the private key determine how easily an attacker can execute a brute-force attack, where they try out different keys until the right one is found.

How does a private key work?

Private key encryption is also referred to as symmetric encryption, where the same private key is used for both encryption and decryption. In this case, a private key works as follows:

  • Generating a new private key. Prior to encryption, generate a new key that is as random as possible; encryption software is typically used to generate private keys.
  • Securely storing the private key. Once generated, the private key must be stored securely. Depending on the application, keys may be stored offline or on the computer used to generate, encrypt and decrypt data. Private keys may be protected with a password, encrypted or hashed for security -- or all three.
  • Key exchange. The private key is used to decrypt, as well as to encrypt, so using it for symmetric encryption requires a key exchange to share that key securely with trusted parties authorized to exchange secured data. Cryptographic software is usually used to automate this process.
  • Key management. Private key management is required to prevent any individual key from being used for too long. It helps to securely retire keys after their useful lifetime is reached.

A private key is also used in asymmetric cryptography, which is also known as public key cryptography. In this case, the private key refers to the secret key of a public key pair. In public key cryptography, the private key is used for encryption and digital signatures. It works as follows for asymmetric cryptography:

  • Generating a public-private key pair. Randomness is even more important for this process. Encryption application software is usually used to generate key pairs. It should require a source of randomness, such as mouse movement.
  • Securely storing the private key. Once generated, the private key must be stored securely. Like the symmetric cryptography process, keys may be stored offline or on the computer used to generate, encrypt and decrypt data. Here, too, private keys should be protected with a password, encrypted or hashed for security.
  • Key exchange. The private key of a public key pair should almost never be shared with others. Public key cryptography, including digital signatures, is typically used to securely share session keys used for symmetric encryption. However, other protocols for public key infrastructure are used to authoritatively share public keys between cooperating parties.
  • Using the private key. The owner of a public key pair uses their private key for decrypting data that has been encrypted with the public key of the pair. Only the holder of the private key should be able to decrypt data encrypted with the public key. For digital signatures, the owner of the key pair uses their private key to encrypt the signature. In this way, anyone with access to the public key can decrypt the signature and verify that it was signed by the private key owner.
  • Key management. Public key pairs are often generated with expiration dates, and key management is vital to maintaining access to data protected with a key pair. For example, an expired public key certificate, which depends on a public key pair, may cause browsers to flag access to a website as insecure. Secret keys should be stored with the highest security, and public key pairs should be managed to avoid compromise or issues related to key pair expiration.

Advantages of private encryption keys

Private key encryption provides several useful features. They include the following four benefits:

  1. More secure. Private keys that are longer and have greater entropy, or randomness, are more secure from brute-force or dictionary attacks.
  2. Faster. Symmetric key encryption is faster computationally than asymmetric encryption with its public-private key pairs.
  3. Best for encryption. Most cryptographic processes use private key encryption to encrypt data transmissions. They typically use a public key algorithm to securely share secret keys.
  4. Work for stream and block ciphers. Secret key ciphers -- the algorithm for encrypting and decrypting data -- generally fall into one of two categories: stream ciphers or block ciphers. A block cipher applies a private key and algorithm to a block of data simultaneously, whereas a stream cipher applies the key and algorithm one bit at a time.
What is a private key? (1)

Challenges of private encryption key management

The security of encryption keys depends on choosing a strong encryption algorithm and maintaining high levels of operational security. Encryption key management is necessary for any organization using encryption to protect its data. That goes for symmetric, as well as asymmetric, encryption.

While private key encryption can ensure a high level of security, the following key management challenges must be considered:

  • Overall management. Encryption key management is necessary to protect cryptographic keys from loss, corruption or unauthorized access.
  • Continual updating. Private keys used to encrypt sensitive data should be changed regularly to minimize exposure should they be leaked or stolen.
  • Recoverability and loss. If an encryption key becomes inaccessible, data encrypted with that key will be unrecoverable and lost.

Private keys vs. public keys

Asymmetric cryptography, also known as public key cryptography, uses pairs of public and private keys. These two different but mathematically linked keys are used to transform plaintext into encrypted ciphertext or encrypted text back to plaintext.

When the public key is used to encrypt ciphertext, that text can only be decrypted using the private key. This approach enables anyone with access to the public key to encrypt a message, and only the private key holder will be able to decrypt it.

What is a private key? (2)

When the private key is used to encrypt ciphertext, that text can be decrypted using the public key. That ciphertext can be a component of a digital signature and used to authenticate the signature. Only the holder of the private key could have encrypted ciphertext, so if the related public key successfully decrypts it, the digital signature is verified.

The public key is made available to everyone that needs it in a publicly accessible repository. The private key is confidential and should only be accessible to the public key pair owner. In this method, whatever is encrypted with the public key requires the related private key for decryption and vice versa. Public key encryption is typically used for securing communication channels, such as email.

Generating secure private keys

Private keys share the following characteristics with passwords:

  • They must be kept secret to be secure.
  • They restrict access to data (private keys) or resources (passwords).
  • Their strength depends on their length and randomness.

While passwords are usually limited to characters accessible from a computer keyboard, cryptographic keys can consist of any string of bits. Such strings may be rendered in human-accessible character sets, if necessary. Length and randomness are two important factors in securing private keys.


The length of a cryptographic key necessary to secure it against brute-force attacks depends on the encryption algorithm being used. As computers have become more powerful, cryptographic keys have grown longer to withstand brute-force attacks.

For example, early web browsers protected data with 40-bit keys; in 2015, the National Institute of Standards and Technology recommended a minimum key length of 2,048 bits for use with RSA, or Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, encryption.


Just as important to the strength of a private key is its randomness.

Commercial software often relies on a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) to generate private keys. However, PRNG output is not truly random and can be defeated by an attacker.

True random number generators require a source of physical entropy, such as a physical coin toss, roll of dice or unusual generators, like lava lamps. For example, the Pretty Good Privacy public key encryption program prompts users to generate entropy for a new public key pair by randomly moving their mouse.

Use of private keys in cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin depend on cryptographic algorithms to generate, store and exchange digital value. Cryptocurrencies use public key cryptography for creating digital signatures that authenticate value transfers, as well as symmetric encryption to protect data exchanges.

While secret keys are used for symmetric encryption in cryptocurrency protocols, there is usually a public-private key pair assigned to the cryptocurrency owner to protect their ownership interests.

Cryptocurrency owners should store private keys securely because losing control or access to a private key means losing access to the cryptocurrency asset. Secure options for storing private keys include storing them on an isolated computer with no network connections, in hard copies that are physically secured or committed to memory.

The takeaway

As use of the public internet continues to expand for commercial, government and personal communication, so too does the need for securely using encryption to protect those exchanges.

Securing the private keys used to protect that data is the foundation of maintaining security in all types of communication.

Learn more about how end-to-end encryption works to keep data secure.

This was last updated in July 2021

Continue Reading About private key

  • How to use a public key and private key in digital signatures
  • SSH private keys: How do threat actors find exposed keys?
  • How to send secure email attachments
  • How to secure bitcoin: What are the best ways to keep it safe?
  • Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications

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I'm an expert in the field of cryptography and information security, with a deep understanding of private key management, encryption algorithms, and their applications. My knowledge extends to both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, as well as their relevance in various domains, including cryptocurrencies.

The article by Peter Loshin and Michael Cobb provides comprehensive insights into the concept of private keys. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

1. Private Key Basics:

  • A private key, also known as a secret key, is a crucial element in cryptography.
  • Used with algorithms for encrypting and decrypting data.
  • Should only be shared with authorized parties.
  • Plays a vital role in symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, and cryptocurrencies.

2. How Private Keys Work:

  • In symmetric encryption, the same private key is used for both encryption and decryption.
  • Private key generation, secure storage, key exchange, and management are essential steps.
  • Asymmetric cryptography involves a public-private key pair for encryption and digital signatures.

3. Advantages of Private Encryption Keys:

  • More secure with longer and more random private keys.
  • Faster computation in symmetric key encryption.
  • Widely used in cryptographic processes for data transmission security.
  • Suitable for both stream and block ciphers.

4. Challenges of Private Encryption Key Management:

  • Key management is crucial to prevent loss, corruption, or unauthorized access.
  • Regular updating of private keys is essential for minimizing exposure.
  • Unrecoverable data loss if an encryption key becomes inaccessible.

5. Private Keys vs. Public Keys:

  • Asymmetric cryptography uses pairs of public and private keys.
  • Public keys encrypt, and private keys decrypt.
  • Public keys are shared openly, while private keys remain confidential.

6. Generating Secure Private Keys:

  • Similarities with passwords in terms of secrecy, access restriction, length, and randomness.
  • Key length depends on the encryption algorithm, with longer keys for increased security.
  • True randomness, obtained from physical entropy, is crucial for private key strength.

7. Use of Private Keys in Cryptocurrencies:

  • Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin rely on private keys for securing digital assets.
  • Public-private key pairs protect ownership interests.
  • Secure storage of private keys is vital to maintaining control over cryptocurrency assets.

8. Conclusion:

  • As the use of the public internet expands, the secure use of encryption, especially in private key management, becomes crucial for maintaining security in various communication channels.

In conclusion, a robust understanding of private key concepts is essential for anyone involved in cryptography, information security, or the use of cryptocurrencies. The proper generation, management, and secure storage of private keys are foundational to ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data in today's digital landscape.

What is a private key? (2024)


What is a private key example? ›

Private key encryption is often used to encrypt data stored or transmitted between two parties. For example, when you log in to a website using a username and password, the password is often encrypted using a private key before it is transmitted to the web server.

What is the difference between a public key and a private key? ›

Unlike private keys, which must be kept secure and confidential, public keys are meant to be shared openly. Public keys are widely distributed as part of the public key infrastructure, allowing anyone to encrypt data or messages intended for the corresponding owner of the public key.

How do I get my private key? ›

Where's my private key?
  1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
  2. In the Console Root, expand Certificates (Local Computer). Your certificate will be located in the Personal or Web Server folder.
  3. Locate and right click the certificate, click Export and follow the guided wizard.

What is a crypto wallet private key? ›

A private key is an alphanumeric code generated by a cryptocurrency wallet. It is used to authorize transactions and prove ownership of a blockchain asset. A private key is an integral part of cryptocurrency, and its encrypted properties help protect users from thieves and unauthorized access to their funds.

Is a password a private key? ›

A Private Key is a string of random characters, representing a cryptocurrency wallet address, allowing you to access, receive, and send your crypto funds. The Private Key is created from mixed letters and letters. Similar to a Password, it's the key of your crypto account.

Where is the private key stored? ›

Public key vs Private key

Public key is embedded in the SSL certificate and Private key is stored on the server and kept secret. When a site visitor fills out a form with personal information and submits it to the server, the information gets encrypted with the public key to protect if from eavesdropping.

What is a private key best used for? ›

Definition: A private key, also known as a secret key, is a mathematical key (kept secret by the holder) used to create digital signatures and, depending on the algorithm, to decrypt messages or files encrypted (for confidentiality) with the corresponding public key.

How do I know if my key is public or private? ›

  1. Log in the server as 'root' using SSH, or use the WHM: Terminal feature.
  2. Change into the /root/. ssh/ directory on the server. ...
  3. Use the command 'ls -al' to list all files in the directory, and locate your private/public keypair you wish to check. ...
  4. Use the following command, to test both files. ...
  5. That's it.
Oct 31, 2021

Can a public key decrypt a private key? ›

Public key cryptography is a method of encrypting or signing data with two different keys and making one of the keys, the public key, available for anyone to use. The other key is known as the private key. Data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key.

How can hackers steal private keys? ›

Once installed on a user's device, malware can steal private keys in various ways. They might search the filesystem for files and data likely to contain these keys. Alternatively, they could monitor the keyboard and clipboard for users entering seed phrases or copy-pasting a private key.

Who has access to the private key? ›

Private keys are the only information required to sign transactions and move your digital assets. Because of this, only trusted individuals or third parties should have access to your organization's private keys.

Can a private key be made available to everyone? ›

Like the symmetric cryptography process, keys may be stored offline or on the computer used to generate, encrypt and decrypt data. Here, too, private keys should be protected with a password, encrypted or hashed for security. Key exchange. The private key of a public key pair should almost never be shared with others.

How much does a private key cost? ›

How much does it cost to get a private key for Bitcoin (BTC)? You do not need the key to receive bitcoins, but you must have the key associated with the address to spend the coins (send them to another address). creating a private/public key and bitcoin address is free.

What is an example of a private key? ›

Example: A encrypts sensitive information into ciphertext using the private key and shares it with B. In order to access the information, B must decrypt the ciphertext into plain text using their copy of the private key.

Does Coinbase give you a private key? ›

Private Key

Coinbase is a hosted wallet service, which means we manage your private keys for you, securing your funds with a password, device confirmation and 2-factor authentication. We take security very seriously at Coinbase and utilize our secure cold-storage technology to protect our customer's funds.

What is an example of a public key and a private key? ›

For example, Alice wants to send a message to Peter. First, she would encrypt the message using Peter's public key, then signs the message using her private key. Then, Peter would decrypt it using his associated private key.

What is a valid private key? ›

Nearly every 256-bit number is a valid ECDSA private key. Specifically, any 256-bit number from 0x1 to 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFE BAAE DCE6 AF48 A03B BFD2 5E8C D036 4140 is a valid private key. The range of valid private keys is governed by the secp256k1 ECDSA standard used by Bitcoin.

How many digits is a private key? ›

A private key can take many forms: 256 character long binary code. 64 digit hexadecimal code.

What is a private key also known as? ›

A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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