What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (2024)

What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (1)


  • What Is a Transaction ID?
  • How Are Transaction Numbers Used?
  • Why Are Transaction IDs Important?
  • Transaction ID Example: What Do They Look Like?
  • Where Can I Find a Transaction ID Number?
  • Can Transaction IDs Be Tracked and Traced Back?
  • Can Someone Commit Fraud with a Transaction ID?
  • How Transaction IDs Help With Chargeback Management
  • Merchant Transaction ID Numbers: Final Thoughts
  • Transaction Numbers: FAQs

A transaction ID is a unique identifier code assigned to each sale that takes place between a customer and a merchant. This identification number is vital for tracking each transaction, preventing fraud, and simplifying accounting processes. Additionally, when merchants accept payments, this unique identifier is sent to the payment processor for verification purposes. Transaction IDs are also beneficial for customers, serving as reference numbers for their purchases to ensure the accuracy and security of their transactions. Typically, customers receive payment IDs either through a confirmation email or printed on their physical receipt.

Now that we’ve established the significance of transaction numbers for merchants and consumers alike, read on as we explain more about how they’re used and why they matter so much.

What Is a Transaction ID?

What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (2)

A transaction ID (T-ID) is an alphanumeric string of characters that serves as a unique identifier associated with any financial transaction. This includes any transaction from a credit card payment to a cryptocurrency wallet transfer.

Essentially, a transaction ID is a reference number that keeps all records associated with a transaction in one simple-to-find place. It helps anyone involved in the transaction quickly and easily access associated records and information about it. For example, you can use this code to see details on any pending transactions like the delivery information, payment type, and transaction date.

Depending on your payment processing partner, the transaction ID format will vary. For example, a payment service provider ID number will look very different from a payment processor transaction ID.

How Are Transaction Numbers Used?

For any transaction, be it sending or receiving funds, the parties involved will receive a one-of-a-kind identification number. This identifier serves as an ever-present record for both parties to know how much money was sent and received. If there is any discrepancy between what a customer was charged and what was agreed upon at the time of purchase, a transaction ID will help the parties gain clarity on who initiated and authorized the transaction.

Transaction IDs are extremely useful in the event of a chargeback or refund, as these disputes can be resolved without the need for an intermediary. Additionally, customer service agents can use this number to look up a particular transaction in the event of an issue. This helps ensure merchants, their products, and their customers are all protected.

Why Are Transaction IDs Important?

A transaction ID is an invaluable piece of information for both the business and the customer involved in a transaction.For businesses, it provides a method of tracking payments through which they can monitor inventory, track revenue, and keep an accurate accounting record. On the customer side, a transaction ID also serves as a record, without which customers run the risk of not being able to return an item, prove their purchase history, or resolve disputes.

Transaction ID Example: What Do They Look Like?

As discussed, a transaction ID is an alphanumeric code that generates for each initiated financial transaction.A T-ID typically contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. It can be up to 64 characters, but its actual composition will vary by the payment processor.[1]Google Answers. “Use a transaction ID to minimize duplicate conversions – Google Ads Help”. Accessed April 28, 2023.

You can often identify this code by its starting character, as either the letter “T” or “P” stands before a string of numbers. For example, a transaction ID number may look like this: T1234-5678-9012-3456. A PayPal T-ID, on the other hand, may look more like this: 93DJ2231ADD35672D.

Where Can I Find a Transaction ID Number?

T-IDs are easy to find. They are often located on an invoice or receipt near other relevant information, like the business’s name, order number, and purchase date. Below, we look at how to find transaction IDs on different platforms.

What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (3)

On a Purchase

For customers, the receipt, email confirmation, or website confirmation should display a transaction ID after any sale, return, or exchange. In the event of a purchase, it’s typically one of the first listed numbers. Your customer can identify it by looking for “Transaction ID” or “TID” on their proof of purchase. If you’re a merchant, your copy of the receipt, email references, or payment gateway should have this information. If you’re unsure of how to locate a transaction ID, your merchant services provider can help you identify it.

What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (4)


A PayPal transaction ID, like all payment IDs, is a unique sequence identifying a purchase or transaction. If you’ve made a purchase through PayPal, check your email receipt for your T-ID.

If you’re a merchant, here’s what you need to know: A PayPal transaction ID is unique from other T-IDs in that it is always 17 characters long. You can find this number in your PayPal account under the Payment Quick Status report by following the below steps:

  1. Click Campaigns.
  2. Click the List View tab.
  3. Select “Events” from the Campaigns menu.
  4. Select “Active” from the Status menu.
  5. Select an option from the “Sort By” menu.
  6. Next to your active event, click “Reporting.”
  7. On the right-hand side, click “Payment.” This will bring up your transaction history. Each record on this report run through PayPal should have a transaction ID listed.
What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (5)


According to Bitcoin, you must follow the steps below to access your cryptocurrency transaction ID:

  1. Access your crypto wallet through Bitcoin.
  2. Select your ​​BCH, BTC, or ETH wallet, depending on the transaction you’re looking for.
  3. Once here, you should be able to view all relevant transactions.
  4. Click on the transaction you are looking for.
  5. Next, click “View on Block Explorer” or “Share Transaction.”
  6. Once you are on this page, you can access your cryptocurrency transaction ID.[2]Bitcoin Support. “How to find a transaction ID (txid) | Bitcoin.com Support Center”. Accessed on April 28, 2023.

There are numerous types of cryptocurrencies and exchange platforms, but generally speaking, accessing your list of transactions should help you find any T-ID in question.

What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (6)

Google Wallet

A Google Wallet transaction ID is a unique code associated with transactions made through Google Wallet. This transaction number allows you to keep track of your purchases online, as well as provide proof of payment if there are any discrepancies. The most common place to find your T-ID is within an email confirmation receipt sent after completing a purchase. It also may appear on the confirmation page once you have successfully completed an order. If you’re a merchant, your transaction records should offer the same information.

Can Transaction IDs Be Tracked and Traced Back?

While transaction IDs link to sensitive information like customers’ names and addresses, it’s extremely hard for fraudsters to track or trace transaction numbers. It is possible, but very improbable. The only way for someone to track a T-ID is if they have the exact identification number or access to the system that processed the transaction. This makes payment IDs pretty much untraceable for fraudsters.

Can Someone Commit Fraud with a Transaction ID?

No. Because transaction IDs are usually sent to customers via forms of communication to which only they have access, it’s very difficult for fraudsters to use a T-ID to perpetrate their schemes.

In fact, transaction numbers offer protection against fraudulent activity. They are crucial to most fraud protection plans. Using these identifiers, payment processors can retrieve the transaction details in question with ease. Without this number, you’d be missing a lot of key transaction details.

How Transaction IDs Help With Chargeback Management

Transaction IDs are a powerful tool for preventing chargebacks and, if they should occur, successfully disputing them. Because these codes provide businesses with a unique identifier linked to an individual transaction, merchants can easily access customer information necessary for fighting a chargeback dispute. As such, having access to this information gives businesses added protection against unnecessary or fraudulent chargebacks.

Additionally, when customers request refunds, transaction IDs can quickly verify whether the customer has ever completed a purchase with the business. This ensures businesses only handle valid requests for refunds or exchanges.

Merchant Transaction ID Numbers: Final Thoughts

​​​​Transaction ID numbers are a crucial element of any financial transaction. They allow both merchants and customers to easily track purchases, transfers, invoices, and other payment types. And with so many transactions occurring online nowadays, T-IDs are especially important in that they help both merchants and customers feel secure when sending or receiving digital payments.However, transaction IDs don’t simply make the associated parties feel secure in regard to the transaction; they also add a layer of real security to transactions that can help prevent chargebacks, fraud, and other payment-related issues. It’s worthwhile to speak with a merchant services provider about chargeback protection management to further secure your business.

What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (7)

Never lose out on a sale when you accept credit card payments!

Transaction Numbers: FAQs

What is a payment ID, and is it different than a transaction ID?

A payment ID and transaction ID may seem like the same thing, but they are actually different. A payment ID is a unique identifier that is always associated with a payment. While this does sound like a transaction ID, a T-ID follows transactions even if a purchase does not take place.

An example of this would be if a cardholder used points instead of cash to make a purchase or if a transaction declined. There is no monetary payment, but a transaction ID still generates.

Are transaction IDs different between processors?

Yes, transaction IDs are different, as their formatting depends on the processor used for the transaction. This is one of the reasons transaction IDs are so hard to trace. In order to trace a T-ID, one would need to know the exact transaction number and the processor that facilitated the transaction.

How can I find transaction details with a transaction ID?

If you’re a customer who initiated a transaction, all you need to do is locate the receipt, email confirmation, or order history with the business from which you made the purchase.

If you’re a merchant, you’ll need to log into your payment system and enter the transaction details through a search. Your merchant services provider can help you with this process if you’re unsure of how to do it.

Where is the transaction number on a receipt?

A transaction number on a receipt is typically found near other important transaction details like billing address, merchant name, date of transaction, etc.

Where is the transaction number on a check?

The transaction number on a check is simply the check number. It’s typically in the upper right-hand corner of the check. On a personal check, it will usually be a three- or four-digit number.

Article Sources

  1. Google Answers. “Use a transaction ID to minimize duplicate conversions – Google Ads Help”. Accessed April 28, 2023.
  2. Bitcoin Support. “How to find a transaction ID (txid) | Bitcoin.com Support Center”. Accessed on April 28, 2023.
What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? (2024)


What Is a Transaction ID & How Can They Help Merchants? ›

A transaction ID is a unique identifier code assigned to each sale that takes place between a customer and a merchant. This identification number is vital for tracking each transaction, preventing fraud, and simplifying accounting processes.

What is the transaction ID? ›

The Transaction ID is a set of digits that defines the transaction. With the help of the transaction ID, the bankers identify the purchases made by cardholders. The Transaction ID differs among every cardholder and usually comprises 12-18 digit code numbers with letters.

What is a merchant transaction ID? ›

A merchant ID number—commonly called a merchant number or MID—is a 15-digit alphanumeric identifier used to facilitate credit and debit card payments for your business.

What is the purpose of transaction number? ›

A Transaction Reference Number (TRN) is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to each financial transaction. It acts like a digital fingerprint for your transaction, enabling tracking, verification, and future referencing.

Where can I find merchant transaction ID? ›

You'll find your MID on your merchant statements, which you will receive every month. The 15-digit code will typically appear on the top right of your statement. You also may be able to locate your MID through navigating your account on your payment processor hardware.

Is it safe to share a transaction ID? ›

Transaction IDs themselves are not sensitive or confidential information. However, keeping your transaction IDs and related details secure is important to prevent unauthorized access or misuse. Avoid sharing your transaction IDs with untrusted sources or providing them in response to unsolicited requests.

Can I track with a transaction ID? ›

You can use transaction ID tracking to check the status of your UPI payment on mobile banking and 4online payment apps.

Why do I need a merchant ID? ›

A merchant ID (or MID) is a unique identification number attached to a business that tells the payment processing systems involved in a transaction where to send which funds. ‍You can think of it as an address for your business. If you don't have a merchant ID, the networks involved won't know where to send your money.

How do I verify a merchant ID? ›

Here are a few methods to help you in your merchant ID number lookup:
  1. Check your merchant account statement.
  2. Contact your merchant account provider.
  3. Inspect your payment terminal (some terminals display the MID directly on them, often located on the side or bottom of the device)
Jun 18, 2024

Who is the merchant in a transaction? ›

“Merchant” is a term used by payment processors to refer to their customers. Customers, or merchants, are businesses that accept credit card payments from their clients in-person, online, or over the phone.

What is the purpose of the transaction? ›

Related Definitions

Purpose of transaction means an explanation about why a customer is conducting a transaction or the reason for which the funds will be used. Examples of purpose of transaction are: family support, education, medical, tourism, debt settlement, financial investment, direct investment, or trading etc.

Are transaction ID and account number the same? ›

Note: It's important to note that the UPI transaction ID is different from the bank reference number, which is a unique identifier assigned by the bank to each transaction. The bank reference number is usually displayed on your bank statement or can be obtained from the bank by contacting their customer support.

Can a transaction number be traced? ›

Indeed, POS transactions can be traced, but it's imperative to clarify that this tracing is typically carried out by authorized entities for legitimate purposes: Transaction Records: However, financial institutions, businesses, and payment processors maintain meticulous records of all transactions.

How to use transaction ID? ›

The transaction IDs can include numbers, letters, and special characters like dashes or spaces, with a character limit of 64 characters. They must be unique for each transaction. The transaction IDs must not include any information that could be used to identify individual customers.

How do I find out who a merchant ID belongs to? ›

Unfortunately, that is not possible. The reason is that a Merchant ID is considered sensitive information that merchants obtain from their payment processor, or bank, and should not be disclosed lightly. This Quora thread summarizes well the topic: getting a list of Merchant IDs is not possible.

How to check if transaction ID is valid or not? ›

Step 1: Open the UPI app on your mobile phone. Step 2: Go to the transaction history section and select the transaction that you want to verify. Step 3: Check the transaction details, such as the amount, beneficiary name, and UPI ID.

Where can I find my transaction ID number? ›

On a Purchase

For customers, the receipt, email confirmation, or website confirmation should display a transaction ID after any sale, return, or exchange. In the event of a purchase, it's typically one of the first listed numbers.

How do I find my ID transaction number? ›

You can also find your Transaction Number in your 'Welcome to iD' email. If you still can't find it, simply contact us.

What is the 7 digit transaction ID? ›

Mobile Money Identification Number (MMID) is a seven-digit number of which the first four digits are the unique identification number of the bank offering IMPS. The MMID and registered Mobile number are required to be shared with the Remitter to receive funds in the account. 3.

What is the transaction ID number on a receipt? ›

A transaction number is an identification number for a receipt. This string of numbers and the barcode proves that the receipt belongs to you. The transaction number is usually a 12-18 digit code. The most important aspect of the receipt is the barcode.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.