What is an electricity saving box and does it actually work? (2024)

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Reviewed By Christine Orlando

Feb 12, 2023


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Are you frustrated about the current high fuel prices? While natural gas generates about 40% of electric powerin the U.S., you can anticipate a rise in your electricity bills. In January 2021, the national average household electricity rate went up by 8%, the highest increase ever in this decade.

Power Wizard recommends taking control of your energy usage by implementing measures that cut your utility cost. The electricity saving box is one household appliance that keeps popping up in energy saving efforts. Here is some insight into the efficacy of an electric-savings box as well as alternative methods for reducing power consumption and saving on your electricity bill. Not only do we recommend taking measures in the home, but examining your latest electric bill should always be a top priority. Ignoring your electric bill and leaving it as a ‘set it, and forget it’ could cost you hundreds per year! Give Power Wizard a call at 713-481-6460 and let’s take a look at your bill. What does more than anelectricity savings box?A better electricity plan that can save you up to 40% Learn More

Is an Electricity Saving Box a Real Energy Saver?

A power saver device is a small appliance plugged into any Alternating Current (AC) power outlet to improve energy efficiency. As a consumer, you have a right to think, does the electricity saving box work? Read on to find out the truth behind power saving boxes.

Companies claim you can cut down 25-40% of your electricity bills by simply plugging in the appliance. The energy saving box is made of a system of capacitors that help stabilize the electricity in your home. The electricity flowing throughout your home often experiences rises, falls, and surges in the current.

Your electricity saving box stores the electricity in the capacitors and releases it in a smooth output without any surges. Manufacturers further claim that the energy saver device uses an active power factor correction to reduce domestic electricity consumption and waste. The concept is valid and legally accepted. To better grasp the device’s practicality and ability to save energy, you need to understand these three things when it comes to decoding power terminology..

  • Type of electrical load (resistive and capacitative).
  • Key electrical phrases like kilowatt (kW), reactive power (KVAR), and apparent power (KVA).
  • The formula electric companies use to calculate electricity rates for residential, commercial, and industrial consumers.

What is an electricity saving box and does it actually work? (1)

Every house has two main loads: resistive devices like heaters and lamps and capacitive or inductive appliances like computers, refrigerators, and air conditioners. Resistive loads have one power factor, while capacitive loads may have less than one power factor. The inductive or capacitive loads store energy and release about 50 or 60 times per second on every AC cycle, lowering the power factor.

In the mentioned basic power terminology:

  • kW represents real power. It is the actual energy you use to perform tasks using household appliances and is recorded in your utility meter box.
  • Thereactive power is measured in KVAR.Domestic consumers don’t pay for KVAR like kW as they don’t use it in doing work. Household meters don’t record their usage.
  • Apparent power or KVA.To get this reading, you need to multiply your voltage and current readings.

The power factor (PF) is determined by dividing the real power by the apparent power, and the figure ideally needs to be 1. A PF of 1 describes clean and efficient household power usage. If the PF is less than 1, then the power usage of your electrical devices has increased. The electricity saving box helps solve the lag and fluctuating problem in capacitive or inductive loads, improving the appliance’s net PF.

The electric utility bills you pay are based on real power, not apparent power. The electric company calculates your real power in kilowatts by multiplying the apparent power by the power factor. You can also determine the real power by multiplying the voltage by the current in amperes and the power factor.

What Benefits Does It Offer?

As per the manufacturer, your electricity saving device helps minimize energy loss by actively correcting the power factor. The device achieves stable voltage by smoothing any erratic flow of electric current in your home. The fluctuating current goes to waste by converting into heat energy and dissipating into the environment.

Electrical overheating further poses a serious risk to your household appliances. The device also eliminates carbon from the circuitry to further improve your power quality. While minimizing energy loss, the device also ends up preventing power surges.

Savings box, literally.

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Electric surges reduce the service life of electronic appliances and are a leading cause of electric fires.

Consider employing a wholesome surge protection strategy to protect your residence from electric surges. The strategy will involve using point-of-entry and point-of-use surge protection devices (SPDs) to mitigate external and internal causes. Lightning arrestors will safeguard and protect devices from external power surges. The energy saving device is an excellent example of a point-of-use SPD.

Alternative Ways to Lower Power Consumption

You can follow these alternative energy efficient practices to reduce your energy consumption.

1. Unplug Items Not in Use

Even when electronics are off, they use standby electricity conservatively called vampire or phantom power. The total average electricity wasted on phantom consumption in the U.S. equals the annual output of 12 power plants. To get rid of vampire power, ensure you unplug your TVs, microwaves, scanners, and printers when not in use.

Consider investing in an energy saver power strip if you have several gadgets drawing power from a single output. A power strip prevents phantom energy loss by turning off the flow of electricity to appliances not in use.

2.Turn Off the Lights

Switching off the lights after leaving the room has a power-saving effect. If you constantly forget to turn off the lights, consider getting smart lights and switches which you can monitor and control using your smartphone.

During the day, make use of natural light. You can use intelligent lights or timed sensors for outdoor lighting to minimize wastage.

3.Wait Until You Have a Full Load of Laundry

Washers and dryers will use about the same amount of electricity to wash a small load as they do a full load. It’s more efficient to hold off on laundry until you have a full load. Also, when beginning a wash load, consider selecting the cold setting unless the clothing label specifies a specific temperature. Water heating can use up to 90% of the energy necessary to wash a load.

Using cold water can help you save a lot of energy and keeps colors from fading. Consider using high-efficiency detergent when front-loading your cloth washer. The detergent contains enzymes that remove stains and grime from clothing at lower water temperatures. They also reduce your machine washing and rinsing time compared to regular hand washing detergents.

4.Power Off Computers at Night

Computers are among the highest power consumers, especially if you have a home office. Shutting down your computer after each use has electricity saving benefits. Alternatively, manually adjust your computer’s energy settings or use pre-installed energy saver settings.

This feature dims the brightness and sets your computer into standby mode after ten minutes of inactivity. Also, consider turning off any external accessories like speakers or printers when not in use. You can turn off your computers over 40,000 times without affecting their lifespan. Even if you retain your computer for 5-7 years, you’re not likely to get close to that figure.

5.Use LED Bulbs

Are you looking for a quality long-term energy saving bulb? LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs are the most energy-efficient lighting option in the current market. These bulbs use 75% less electricity and last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs. They are also more durable and offer relatively better light quality than conventional bulbs.

Individual LED bulbs are the size of a pepper fleck and can emit red, blue, and green colors. They emit 90% less heat than incandescent bulbs, which helps minimize energy loss. LEDs efficiently emit light in a specific direction which is ideal for:

  • Task lighting
  • Under cabinet lighting
  • Recessed downlights
  • Walkway lighting
  • Refrigerated case lighting
  • Modular lighting
  • Garage lighting
  • Holiday lights

LED technology is to continue growing with continued innovation in the years to come.

6. Schedule a Home Energy Efficiency Audit

The purpose of an energy efficiency audit is to determine how much electricity your home currently consumes and how much energy could be saved by upgrading appliances or taking other steps to reduce electricity consumption.
During an energy audit, all aspects of the home inside and out are thoroughly inspected to identify issues like air leaks, inadequate insulation, or outdated electronics that could be contributing to high electricity bills. While these audits are often performed by an energy expert, it’s relatively easy for individuals to conduct an energy efficiency audit on their own. Here are 5 areas covered in an energy efficiency audit:

  • Bad energy performance though outdated appliances
  • Energy losses from walls and attics not adequately insulated
  • Ensuring air sealing and ducts are properly sealed
  • Energy savings potential by comparing current bills with bills post audit
  • Determine base energy consumption and ensure you’re on a great rate and plan- that’s where Power Wizard comes in!

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Call us for a free electricity consultation at 713-481-6460!

Bonus: Look Into Energy Saving Programs

Electricity plays a key role in our daily lives and thecost of living. Getting smart appliances and taking energy conservation habits is a great way to lower your utility bills. You can also get intoan energy saving programthat fits your lifestyle.

The local governments often works with utility providers to design, develop, and implement energy efficiency initiatives. A few examples include:

  • Appliance standards
  • Building codes
  • Financial incentives
  • Residential retrofit initiates
  • Direct install programs
  • Domestic weatherization

For further inquiries into energy saving habits and programs that lower your electricity bill, contactPower Wizardtoday.

Let us find you the best electricity plan in seconds and start saving.

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What is an electricity saving box and does it actually work? (2024)


What is an electricity saving box and does it actually work? ›

Your electricity saving box stores the electricity in the capacitors and releases it in a smooth output without any surges. Manufacturers further claim that the energy saver device uses an active power factor correction to reduce domestic electricity consumption and waste. The concept is valid and legally accepted.

Does the electricity saving box work? ›

But the truth is, they are not legitimate. And if you read the comments from verified purchasers, you'll see that they learned the hard way that the devices are a scam. Such “energy-saving” devices go by many names and will often even change names to avoid the backlash that comes when customers feel ripped off.

Does the Pro Power Save device really work? ›

The makers claim that simply plugging the Pro Power Saver into your wall outlet will “stabilize your electrical current” and eliminate energy waste, resulting in a 40% or more significant reduction in utility bills. However, don't be fooled by the slick marketing — Pro Power Saver is unequivocally a fake.

What is the best energy saving device? ›

Types of energy-efficient products
  • Efficient light bulbs. ...
  • Advanced power strips (APS) ...
  • Smart switches. ...
  • Low-flow faucets and shower heads. ...
  • Smart thermostats. ...
  • Energy monitors. ...
  • Electric vehicles and chargers. ...
  • Solar energy systems.

What is the principle of electricity saving box? ›

Working principle: The power saver achieves the power saving effect by balancing the current, optimizing the stable voltage, reducing the line loss, and compensating on the spot.

Is there a device to lower your electric bill? ›

Plug-in boxes or devices that claim to lower your electricity usage and reduce your power bill are sold under many different product names, such as Miraclewatt, Stop Watt, Pro Power Saver and Voltex. None of them will help reduce your power bill.

Where to plug in an electricity saving box? ›

Plug the power saver directly into any unused socket (wall socket) on the main line to form a reflow in the whole family. 2. It is best not to take off or power off frequently after plugging in the power saver.

Is the power saver any good? ›

Not useful device, even consume power insteed of saving power. I have tested and found that it consume power and contribute extra unit in the bill. Don't trust such devices.

Is using power saving mode good? ›

While power-saving mode significantly extends battery life, it does so at the expense of some device responsiveness and functionality. Users often activate this mode when their battery is low or when anticipating a period without access to charging, making it a trade-off between performance and preserving battery life.

What is dirty electricity? ›

The term dirty electricity refers to the electromagnetic energy flowing along a conductor that deviates from a pure 50/60 Hz sine wave and has both harmonic and transient properties.

What saves most electricity? ›

Top 10 energy saving tips
  1. Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  2. Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  3. Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  4. Save energy in how you wash and dry clothes. ...
  5. Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  6. Save energy in the kitchen. ...
  7. Manage your heating and cooling.
Nov 17, 2023

What is the most cost-effective light bulb? ›

LED light bulbs are the most energy-efficient option available, offering 40-80 lumens per watt and providing a long-term cost savings for homeowners.

What is a smart device for energy saving? ›

Smart thermostats, lighting systems, and appliances can be programmed or controlled remotely to optimise energy usage, resulting in lower utility bills and reduced environmental impact. As a result, it promotes energy efficiency.

Is the electricity saving box legit? ›

So called energy saver is just a capacitor in a box, with some unnecessary components if at all. It can never save power as it claims. I have come across many advertisem*nts for power saver, but all are fake.

Do electricity saving devices work? ›

Overall, many manufacturers have claimed that the devices can help save anywhere from 25% to 40% energy. However, these figures were for the older models, and as mentioned before, the devices have only improved since then. As a matter of fact, some newer models claim an energy savings of 80% to 90%.

Does Pro power Save really work? ›

Ever since I had these plugged in my kilowatt usage has done nothing, but gone up!! don't waste your money. This product is a scam.

Does power-saving mode really work? ›

Power Saving Mode is a built-in feature on Android phones designed to extend your battery life when it's running low. It works by limiting certain phone functions and processes that consume a lot of power.

Are energy saving plugs worth it? ›

Smart plugs also help reduce the impact of vampire draw or phantom load — the electricity that plugged-in devices consume even when they are turned off or in standby. Although the device uses less energy than when it's operating, vampire draw can add up to a significant part of a monthly energy bill.

What does electricity box do? ›

Electrical boxes, also known as junction boxes, enclose wire connections. They help protect against short circuits, which can cause fires. This guide describes the different types of electrical boxes, their materials and their applications. They come in many shapes and sizes to fit wherever you need them.

Are energy saving power strips worth it? ›

Put simply, a smart power strip saves you money on utilities when more things are plugged into it. They also save you more money when the things plugged in draw a lot of power when not being used, which is considered vampire power.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.