What is an Investment Vehicle? - Wealth Nation (2024)

An investment vehicle is an equipment used by investors to earn positive returns.

Because of the variety of financial investments, today we’ll talk about:

  • What is an investment vehicle
  • Different types of investment vehicles
  • Pooled investment vehicles and their pros and cons
  • Apprehension about investing that you should keep in mind.

If you’re want to start investing, read on to learn more!

Investment Vehicle

Investments vehicles are assets that indicate any form of investment.

It encompasses diverse techniques, and it is important to understand each one.

Different investment vehicles help investors increase money or expand capital gains. According to investors’ financial goals, skills, and risks they are willing to take, everyone chooses their method subjectively.

Different Types of Investment Vehicles

First, we’ll discuss the distinction between two primary types:

Direct and Indirect Investment Vehicles

Two broad types of investment vehicles are direct and indirect investment vehicles.

Direct investments include purchasing real assets – precious metals, art, timber, or securities issued by companies and governments.

Indirect investments are investment vehicles that maintain direct investments chosen via professional managers.

Let’s see some examples of indirect investment vehicles:

  • Shares in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds
  • Limited partnership interests in hedge funds
  • Asset-backed securities, such as mortgage-backed securities
  • Interests in pension funds.

Both types have pros and cons. The following is some characteristic of indirect investment vehicles:

  • The professional manager leads indirect investments. Depending on your needs, this is an advantage because active management gives you support with the market price. You maybe dislike this aspect because of high management fees.
  • Investment managers make all decisions, and investors can hardly arrange input, while direct investors have more control.
  • In this way, investors can achieve more stable investment returns. But it doesn’t necessarily mean a better return.

You have a wide variety of options available to accomplish your investment aim. Make sure you understand every investment vehicle and own risks before process with your investment.

The Four Types of Investment Vehicles

The best-known investment vehicles are bonds, stocks, and mutual funds.


Bonds are investment vehicles where an investor borrows money to the company or a government. Then company or the government has to pay interest to the lender.

Companies and governments will issue bonds as a way to raise funds.

The advantage is that this type of investment vehicle gives you much more stability, but the disadvantage is lower potential gain and risk of the issuer not paying you back.

Bonds are one of the safer investment vehicles. The federal government gives the most secure of all bond types – Treasury bonds. Even if the federal government suddenly becomes incapable of paying the debt, it can ensure that investors receive their payment.

In situations of financial uncertainty, this type of security is why investors turn to treasuries.

You can purchase them from a brokerage firm, bank, or dealer.

Interest rate movements are crucial for bonds value – their value oscillates depending on interest rates. When rates rise, newly issued bonds have a more significant comeback than existing bonds.

Bonds, credit cards, and loans are types of debt instruments used for the purpose of acquiring capital that the investor will repay over time.


Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company. You can profit through dividends and trading, but it is a riskier investment than other investment vehicles.

The danger in this investment vehicle is the constant changing of the market price.

If you buy common stock, it means that you have the right to vote in the company, for example, when choosing directors. Common shareholders are paid their remaining assets if the company is liquidated.

If a company goes bankrupt, it usually means that the investors’ shares are either drastically reduced or eliminated.

Another kind of stock is preferred stock. Those who have preferred shares have priority when it comes to dividend payments.

Stocks are one of the most typical traded securities, but not the only ones.

Investment banks and individual investors purchase and sell mutual funds and bonds on the secondary market. Secondary in the secondary market is the extra step in the transaction that initially created those securities. In this case, when a financial institution writes a mortgage for a consumer after the bank can sell it to someone on the secondary market.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

Many investors pool money to purchase financial instruments, benchmarks, or another investment strategy in these investment vehicles.

ETFs are usually stocks but also bonds and other assets.

Investors can exchange ETFs throughout the trading day, just like stock exchanges.

The significant precedence of ETFs is better tax-efficient than other financial instruments – you only make capital gains tax in years when you sell an ETFs. That’s one of the most significant tax advantages because, in many other investment vehicles, you recognize capital gain tax throughout the whole life of the investment.

Mutual funds

Mutual funds are very comparable to ETFs – they represent groups of assets you purchase through pooling money with other investors.

A mutual fund is a collection of several stocks and bonds invested by a group of people and managed by a financial advisor. That collection is also known as a diversified portfolio. The portfolio comprises many different stocks in different industries, and it helps spread out the risk.

The main difference is that mutual funds exchange at the end of the day before closing the market. It means that you will pay the same price regardless of the time of day when you ordered.

Since mutual funds are a type of indirect investments vehicles, they are managed by active management, which means that management fees are high.

The subgroup of mutual funds is index funds.

An index mutual fund is favored for providing broad market exposure, low operating expenses, and low portfolio turnover.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are modeled after mutual funds. It is also a way to pool the capital of multiple investors.

It makes it possible for individual investors to earn dividends from real estate investments without buying, managing, or financing properties themselves.

We have been mentioning many similarities between different types of investments vehicles. Asset classes are investments that showcase comparable traits and equal legal guidelines and regulations.

Asset classes are, as a consequence, made up of instruments that regularly behave similarly to one another in the market.

The classical understanding of asset classes is that the three major asset classes have been stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents or money market instruments.

Pooled Investment Vehicles

What is an Investment Vehicle? - Wealth Nation (1)

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Pooled investments are the indirect type of investment and one of the most common investment vehicles.

The pooled investment vehicle is one way to put your money into the stock market with multiple investors. In that way, large groups can crucially ameliorate investment returns and have certain benefits that they wouldn’t have as individuals.

Examples of Pooled Investment Vehicles

Furthermore, mutual funds together with hedge funds, ETFs, and pension funds are examples of pooled investments.

This type of investment is also known as a collective investment scheme. A professional fund manager has an essential role in this mutual fund. His job is to choose the stocks, bonds, and other assets that compose the client’s portfolio.

It’s possible to purchase pooled investments through a taxable brokerage account or a tax-advantaged account, perhaps your employer’s 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account.

Hedge funds are an alternative investment that typically uses unconventional asset classes. Hedge funds are hazardous types of investment vehicles because of their investment strategy, and that’s why they are not very suitable for many investors.

The three dominant types of pooled investment are:

  • open-end mutual funds
  • closed-end funds
  • exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

Previously we explained ETFs, so now we call our attention to open-end and closed-end pooled investment vehicles.

Open-End Mutual Funds

In an open-ended fund, the company that owns the fund can create new shares to sell to investors. When an investor holds their shares, the fund can repurchase them.

We have already been talking about mutual funds. A mutual fund is one type of open-ended investment, and everything we said about them is relevant to open-ended investments in general.

Closed-End Funds

The most significant difference between open-end and closed-end funds is the limited number of available shares in closed-end funds.

Also, it’s a popular way for startups and new investors to increase capital to fund future growth.

An advantage of a closed-end fund is possibly better returns than an open-ended fund if the company achieves success.

Pros and Cons

Diversification is generally crucial in choosing pooled investment vehicle. Greater diversity allows you to manage risk in your portfolio better.

Further, they can be more convenient and accessible than investing money in individual stocks because minimum investments are lower.

Perchance the most crucial advantage of this way of investing comes from the fact that the pooled investment allows investors to invest money in opportunities that are usually only available to thriving investors.

Disadvantages to keep in mind are volatility and liquidity risks.

Investment Concerns and Expected Returns

With all this in mind, let’s explain in more detail what we can expect from investing and what risks need special attention.


Return on investment (ROI) is the evaluation of the results obtained by the efficiency and profitability of an investment.

This outcome is described as a percentage or proportion. Because of its flexibility and simplicity, this is the universal way to measure performance.

Here is a simple formula for calculating ROI: subtract the initial cost of the investment from the final value. You got a net return. Now divide the net return by the cost of the investment and multiple the final score by 100.

ROI = (Final Value of Investment – Initial Cost of Investment) / Initial Cost of Investment x 100

Capital gains, cash or cash equivalents flow, or both are the return we can get from the investment. Again, it all depends on your needs – usually, retired people prefer cash flows, while younger people are more interested in making a corpus for their retirement.

Capital Protection

A capital protection fund is a type of closed-end hybrid fund.

The primary intention of this investment vehicle is to protect investors’ capital in the situation of market downturns while simultaneously providing them extent for capital appreciation.

They include treasury bills, government bonds, and purchase options arranged using investment financial indicators and investment vehicles of the capital market.

The advantages of these funds are decreasing the risk for your portfolio and providing an alternate source of income.


In a situation of inflation, there is a decline in the purchasing power of a currency over time.

When prices rise, each currency unit buys fewer goods and services, resulting in erosion in the purchasing power of money – loss in real value.

The investment aims to get returns to increase the actual value of the capital. In other words, our investment asset should be able to beat inflation.


Taxation is when a taxing authority levies or imposes a financial obligation on its citizens or residents.

Since ancient times, paying taxes to governments or other authorities has been a mainstay of civilization.

This term is used for various forced fees – from income to capital gains to estate taxes.


Liquidity refers to the conversion of an asset or security into cash. This transformation happens without any impact on the market price.

Of all assets, cash is the most liquid, while real assets, such as precious metals, are less liquid.

Market liquidity and accounting liquidity are the two primary forms of liquidity. A typical way to evaluate liquidity is using current, quick, and cash proportions.

Mainly, liquidity is the degree to which assets can be speedily purchased or sold in a market without cutting their price.

If there were no liquidity, it would not be possible to convert assets into cash. It is the essential importance of having a liquid market.

Money market funds are a great example of investing in highly liquid, near-term instruments. An investment fund company sponsors these funds, and they want to offer investors high liquidity with a low level of risk.

We should distinguish between money market funds and money market accounts (MMA). A money market account is a kind of interest-earning savings account.

Financial institutions conduct them. These institutions are usually offering limited transaction privileges. These institutions are usually offering limited transaction privileges. Unlike savings accounts, most MMA works similarly to regular checking accounts – they contribute check and debit cards.

Savings Accounts

Another great option to earn interest by depositing your money is to make savings accounts.

In contrast to MMA, savings accounts have lower minimum balance requirements. A savings account allows you to earn interest on the money previously saved in the account, and they are much safer investments.

The misfortune of some accounts is that they demand you to let them know that you intend to withdraw money. It’s not convenient in situations of an unexpected need for your savings.

One more way for you to have a personal savings account is to create a health savings account. It’s a valuable way to save money for eventual medical expenses.


Divisibility is a property of an asset that can break down into smaller parts without losing value.

We use different currencies in economic transactions. That is why the currency must be divisible – to be more accessible in the economy.

The indivisibility of gold is its primary shortcoming as a currency. Unlike the US dollar, gold cannot be easily divided into smaller denominations.

The property of divisibility is one of the important reasons Bitcoin has gained so much popularity.

In Case You Are Not Sure Which Investment Vehicles Are Best for You

Don’t sweat it if you are unsure which investment vehicles fit your need!

There are many other options. The Infinite Banking Concept is another way to acquire financial stability.

You Can Be Your Own Bank

The Infinite Banking Concept is an innovative approach to investing. This concept applies to financing your Whole Life insurance policies to increase your prosperity.

The idea is to use a life insurance policy strategically. It allows the transition from a mutual insurance company to a personal infinite banking system.

One of the most significant advantages of this way of investing is that you would never have to borrow money from a bank again.

Instead, you borrow money from yourself (through a life insurance policy) and pay yourself back over time. So, you are becoming your own bank.

Infinite banking deprives you of dealing with bank fees, interest rates, or higher costs. Being in a situation don’t need to pay taxes is a simple but important way to save money. Thanks to higher security, this concept allows you to work better on your financial goals.

Unlike many other investment vehicles, Infinitive banking provides a competitive interest rate depending on its stability. If you use Infinite banking, you would not have to use savings accounts in a bank that offers minimum returns.

Have Your Own Investment Vehicle!

We hope this text has helped you show how to use investment vehicles. Our ambition was to explain to you the pros and cons of investment vehicles and support you to find a proper approach for more prosperity in the future date.

We encourage you not to be satisfied with anything else than financial freedom. It’s possible without traditional banking services, high-interest rates, and personal loans, but with alternatives like Infinite banking.

What is an Investment Vehicle? - Wealth Nation (2024)


What is an investment vehicle? ›

What Is an Investment Vehicle? An investment vehicle is a product used by investors to gain positive returns. Investment vehicles can be low risk, such as certificates of deposit (CDs) or bonds, or they can carry a greater degree of risk, such as stocks, options, and futures.

What is a real estate investment vehicle? ›

real estate investment vehicle means a widely held entity that holds predominantly immovable property, and is subject to a tax system which is designed to achieve a single level of taxation on the income gains or profits of the entity, either at the level of the entity or at the level of its interest holders, with any ...

What is an investment vehicle that pools money from many investors to purchase securities? ›

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt. The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio. Investors buy shares in mutual funds.

What is the most important characteristic of investment vehicles? ›

Investment Vehicle Characteristics

Here are the most important attributes when evaluating investing vehicles: Expected return. Risk. Liquidity.

What is the difference between an asset and an investment vehicle? ›

So that we're all sure of the basics: An 'investment' is the process of setting some money aside for the future or buying an asset with the intention of selling it for profit at a later date. An 'investment vehicle' is the entity in which you hold that investment.

What is an investment holding vehicle? ›

Common investment vehicles include stocks, bonds, commodities, and mutual funds. Financial Portfolio: What It Is and How to Create and Manage One. A financial portfolio is a collection of investments and holdings like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, crypto, cash, and cash equivalents.

What are the most common investment vehicles? ›

The most common investment vehicles are exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, bonds, stocks, certificates of deposit, and annuities. Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is an example of a pooled investment vehicle? ›

Common pooled investment vehicles are mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), hedge funds, private equity funds, closed-end funds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), unit investment trusts (UITs), and pension funds.

Is an LLC a pooled investment vehicle? ›

Common Types of Pooled Investment Vehicles

For EquityMultiple investments, this is almost always a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC).

What are the risk of investment vehicles? ›

Otherwise known as investment risk, permanent loss of capital is the risk that you might lose some or all of your original investment, if the price falls and you sell for less than you paid to buy.

Which of the following is the highest risk investment vehicle? ›

Investing in the stock market is considered riskier than bonds or other fixed-income securities due to their price volatility and exposure to market fluctuations.

What's the best investment right now? ›

Overview: Best investments in 2024
  1. High-yield savings accounts. Overview: A high-yield online savings account pays you interest on your cash balance. ...
  2. Long-term certificates of deposit. ...
  3. Long-term corporate bond funds. ...
  4. Dividend stock funds. ...
  5. Value stock funds. ...
  6. Small-cap stock funds. ...
  7. REIT index funds.

What makes a car an investment? ›

A car investment isn't the same as buying a vehicle for your own use – it's about buying cars with the intent of reselling them at a later date for more than you originally paid. This type of investment can make you money if you buy the right car and wait until the market is in your favor when you decide to sell.

Is Bitcoin an investment vehicle? ›

Though, with the launch of Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. it has given investors more access to Bitcoin as they can now hold these products in traditional investment vehicles.

Is insurance an investment vehicle? ›

The cash value component offered in most permanent life insurance policies is the primary vehicle for investing with life insurance. As you pay premiums on these policies, part of each payment funds the death benefit while another portion goes into an account that grows tax-deferred over time.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.