What is Azure Monitor? (2024)

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Applications and services are bound to encounter issues. Not having the resources to properly identify them and provide solutions can be disastrous. Azure Monitor is such a resource which can help in monitoring your apps and services.

This article will dwell into more details of Azure Monitor in the following way:

  • What is Azure Monitor?
  • How does Azure Monitor work?
    • Monitoring Data
    • What data does it collect?
  • Insights in Azure Monitor
  • Visualization of Monitored Data
  • Response and Integration
  • Conclusion

Check out this YouTube video to learn more about Azure:

What is Azure Monitor?

Microsoft Azure Monitor is a tool that collects and analyzes data about the various Azure resources and the infrastructure on which these resources are run. Azure Monitor offers a one stop solution to store and analyze data about the working of various resources.

Azure Monitor was formed in 2018 by combining Application Insights and Log Analytics workspace. It can collect, analyze and act on data to provide solutions for maximizing the performance of various applications. The insights provided by the service can be used by the users to act upon issues that persist in their system.

It has a very interactive query language, machine learning capabilities, and can be incorporated with tools used in DevOps, security information, etc.

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How does Azure Monitor work?

The sources from where Azure Monitoring collects data are Azure resources, applications, and operating systems. The data that is collected depends on the type of the resource and can be a metric, log, or both which is then used for analysis, visualization, alerts, automation, etc.

Monitoring Data

What is Azure Monitor? (1)

The data collected by Azure Monitor are either metrics or logs. The metric data type represents numerical values that signify time-dependent aspects of the source. The log data types are structured log files relevant to the source. Let’s discuss more about them in the following section.


Azure monitor metrics measure a resource’s characteristics over a certain period of time. Metrics are numerical data that define properties like CPU usage, memory usage, network usage, etc. These are real-time measurements stored in intervals and can be analysed using the metrics explorer. They are ideally suitable to be visualised as graphs as they are stored in a time-series database.

Check out the path to Azure DevOps Certification.


Events, performance data, traces, etc. related to specific applications are stored in Azure Monitor logs. They are either structured or free from text and can be accessed from the Log Analytics workspace which supports a rich query language for analysis.

What data does it collect?

Azure Monitor can collect data from different sources like applications, services it relies on, operating systems, and down to its own resource offerings. The data includes:

  1. Application monitoring data: This includes information about the performance of various applications on different platforms. Application Insights can be used for collecting and analyzing these.
  2. Guest OS monitoring data: This contains information about the operating system on which the application is running. This can be imported to Azure Monitor from Windows Event logs, Syslogs, IIS logs, etc.
  3. Azure monitoring resource data: These signify information about the working of various Azure resources. Resource logs and metrics are used for monitoring the telemetry data.
  4. Azure subscription monitoring data: This contains information about the management and operation of the subscriptions in Azure. Service health and Activity Logs are used for obtaining these data.
  5. Azure tenant monitoring data: Azure Tenant contains information about services like Azure Active Directory. They also store all the sign-in activities and the history of changes made.
  6. Custom sources: Azure Monitor can also collect data from custom sources like any REST client using the Data Collector API. This can be helpful when users have to monitor resources outside the Azure ecosystem.

Get in-detailed insight with our Azure Tutorial blog. Go and check it out now!

Insights in Azure Monitor

Visualizing the data monitored is the most useful way to analyze them. Insights provide tools to customize the Azure monitoring and analyze the data efficiently.

Application Insights

The performance, availability, and usage of various web applications hosted in the cloud or on-premises can be monitored with Application Insights. The powerful data analysis capabilities of Azure monitor can provide deep insights into the application’s operations and can help in diagnosing errors even before the users report them. Applications Insights can be integrated easily into Visual Studio or can be used to support DevOps processes.

Learn more about Azure DevOps from this blog at Azure DevOps Tutorial!

Container Insights

Container insights can monitor the performance of workloads that are deployed in Kubernetes clusters. Container insights can visualize performance by collecting data from containers in Azure Kubernetes using the Metrics API. Container logs are also collected.

Know more about Azure Container Service and their needs.

VM Insights

VM insights can monitor the Azure virtual machines (VM). The health and performance of Windows and Linux VMs are analysed and the interdependence between various processes is identified. VM insights can be used for performance monitoring and application independencies for VMs hosted on other clouds or on-premises.

If you want to know more about the commands of Linux, check out the Linux Command blog!

Visualization of Monitored Data

Data when visualized in charts and tables can be effective for summarising the monitored data and presenting it to the users.


Different types of data can be combined together using the Azure Dashboards. Outputs of log queries and metric charts can be added to the dashboards and these can be shared with other Azure users.

What is Azure Monitor? (3)


Reports that are visually rich and are powerful in data analysis can be prepared using Workbooks. Data from multiple sources can be combined into a unified interactive experience using workbooks.

What is Azure Monitor? (4)

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Power BI, being a business analytics service can create visualizations across a variety of data sources. It can be an effective tool in making the data available to more people involved in the process.

If you want to know all the different visualization types, check out the types of visualization blogs!

What is Azure Monitor? (5)

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Response and Integration

A good monitoring service should also be able to respond to critical situations. Azure Monitor can send alerts and can be used to automate tasks based on the data it collects.


Alerts in Azure Monitor Alerts can notify about critical conditions and can start actions to solve the issue. Alerts based on metrics give real-time notifications and based on logs can alert for complex logic between multiple sources.

Action groups, which contain distinct sets of recipients and actions that can be shared across several rules, are used in Azure Monitor alerts rules. Action groups can do things like use webhooks to have alerts start external actions or interface with your ITSM tools, depending on your needs.

Learn more about Azure Storage


Autoscale enables you to run the required number of resources to handle the load on your application. It can create rules that makes use of Azure Monitor measurements to determine when to add resources as the load increases and remove them that aren’t in use to save money.

You can define the minimum and the maximum number of instances, as well as the rules for increasing and decreasing resources.

Evaluate yourself which one is better: AWS Vs Azure

Integration and Export

You’ll frequently need to connect Azure Monitor to other systems and create solutions that use your Azure monitoring data. Azure Monitor can collaborate with other Azure services to enable this integration. Now let’s briefly discuss those below.

Event Hub

Azure Event Hubs is event ingestion and streaming platform. Any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters can be used to transform and store data. Users can also stream Azure Monitor data to partner SIEM and Azure monitoring products via Event Hub.

Logic Apps

Logic Apps is a tool that lets you use workflows to automate operations and business processes across multiple platforms and services. In Azure Monitor, there are activities that read and write metrics and Azure monitor logs. This enables you to create workflows that connect to a range of other systems.


APIs are available to read and write metrics and logs to and from Azure Monitor. This effectively gives you an infinite number of options for creating different Azure Monitor integrations.

If you are preparing for an Azure interview then go through this list of most asked Azure Interview Questions!


Overall, Microsoft Azure Monitor gives you a unified platform for tracking and monitoring the performance of your apps and systems, as well as the resources they rely on. You may also benefit from custom performance tracking by integrating Azure Monitor with many other systems and using custom log queries.

Hope you found this Azure Monitor Tutorial useful, do let us know in the comments below.

If you have any queries regarding Microsoft Azure, reach out to us at our Azure Community!

What is Azure Monitor? (2024)


What is the Azure Monitor? ›

Azure Monitor is a comprehensive monitoring solution for collecting, analyzing, and responding to monitoring data from your cloud and on-premises environments. You can use Azure Monitor to maximize the availability and performance of your applications and services.

What is Azure Network Monitor? ›

Azure Network Watcher provides a suite of tools to monitor, diagnose, view metrics, and enable or disable logs for Azure IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) resources.

Which of the following best describes an Azure monitor? ›

Which of the following BEST describes Azure Monitor? Monitors and collects data from hybrid network resources such as applications, containers, and virtual machines. Which of the following is a benefit of using Azure Monitor Insights? You can view how a resource is performing and identify potential problems.

What is the difference between Azure monitor and Azure Advisor? ›

Both Azure Monitor and Azure Advisor provide actionable insights: Azure Monitor offers us a way to respond to any given issue in real time. Similarly, Azure Advisor offers detailed recommendations to holistically optimize our operations. Thus, both services provide us actionable insights.

What data is collected by Azure monitor? ›

Azure Monitor agent (AMA) is used to collect data from Azure virtual machines, Virtual Machine scale sets, and Arc-enabled servers. Data collection rules (DCR) define the data to collect from the agent and where that data should be sent.

What is the difference between Azure monitor and logs? ›

While Azure Monitor provides a lot of features including aggregation of logs, real-time insights and performance metrics, Log Analytics allows advanced query capabilities and extensive log data analysis.

What is the difference between Azure metrics and Azure monitor? ›

Metrics are numerical values that are collected at regular intervals and describe some aspect of a system at a particular time. Azure Monitor Metrics is one half of the data platform that supports Azure Monitor. The other half is Azure Monitor Logs, which collects and organizes log and performance data.

How to access Azure monitor? ›

Accessing Azure Monitor

In the Azure portal, Access all Azure Monitor features and data from the Monitor menu. Use the Monitoring section in the menu of various Azure services to access the Azure Monitor tools with data filtered to a particular resource.

Is an Azure monitor good? ›

Azure Monitor: Comprehensive Cloud Monitoring Excellence

Overall, it is a powerful tool for monitoring Azure cloud environments. It offers wide capabilities for performance, health, and security monitoring.

Which two data types should you use Azure Monitor? ›

Which two data types should you use? Explanation: Azure Monitor provides two primary data types for monitoring and analysis: Metrics and Logs. Metrics provide a numerical view of performance data, while Logs provide a detailed record of events and activities.

Does Azure Monitor require an agent? ›

To monitor non-Azure and on-premises servers, you must install the Azure Arc agent. The Arc agent makes your on-premises servers visible to Azure as a resource it can target. You don't incur any additional cost for installing the Azure Arc agent.

What is the role of Azure function monitor? ›

Azure Functions monitoring data reference provides a reference of the metrics, logs, and other important values available for your function app. Monitor Azure resources with Azure Monitor gives general details about monitoring Azure resources. Monitor executions in Azure Functions details how to monitor a function app.

What is the difference between Azure monitor and Log Analytics? ›

In conclusion, Azure Monitor and Log Analytics collectively offer a robust solution for monitoring Azure resources. While Azure Monitor provides a lot of features including aggregation of logs, real-time insights and performance metrics, Log Analytics allows advanced query capabilities and extensive log data analysis.

What is the difference between CloudWatch and Azure monitor? ›

Azure Monitor uses Kusto Query Language (KQL) for querying and analyzing data. CloudWatch is a cloud-based service and can be deployed on AWS. It is available in both SaaS and on-premises deployment models. CloudWatch integrates with other AWS services including Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon VPC, AWS Lambda, and more.

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Name: Tish Haag

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