What is Bitcoin and How Does It Work? (2024)

What is Bitcoin and How Does It Work? (1)


  • Alexander S. Gillis,Technical Writer and Editor

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency -- also called cryptocurrency -- that can be traded for goods or services with vendors that accept Bitcoin as payment. With Bitcoin, holders can buy, sell and exchange goods or services without a central authority or bank as an intermediary.

Bitcoin is one of the most well-known virtual currencies today, with its value rising dramatically since its launch in 2009. Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym of Bitcoin's creator, stated the purpose of Bitcoin is as an electronic payment system that is based on cryptographic proof, instead of trust. Some holders buy bitcoin as an investment, wanting it to increase in value, while individuals and businesses use or accept payments as currency. PayPal, for example, currently supports Bitcoin transactions, and the country of El Salvador has accepted Bitcoin as a currency.

Bitcoin-to-bitcoin transactions are made by digitally exchanging anonymous, heavily encryptedhashcodes across a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. The P2P network monitors and verifies the transfer of bitcoin between users. Each user's bitcoin are stored in a program called a digitalwallet, which also holds each address the user sends and receives bitcoin from, as well as aprivate keyknown only to the user.

In the U.S., bitcoin are controversial because they can be used to anonymously transfer illicit funds or hide unreported income from the Internal Revenue Service. Bitcoin policy now requires transactions that involve traditional, government-backed currencies to be attached to an identity.

By design, bitcoin supply is limited to 21 million coins of which 18.77 million have already been mined. This makes bitcoin scarce and controls the inflation that might occur if there was an unlimited supply of the cryptocurrency. According to the Gadgets 360 article titled "Bitcoin mining: How Many Coins Can Be Mined in Total and How Does It Impact Pricing?" 83% of all the bitcoin that will ever exist has already been circulated.

How does Bitcoin work?

Bitcoin was built with a distributed digital record in mind called a blockchain. Blockchain is a type of public ledger -- a digital system for recording transactions and related data in multiple places at one time. Blocks in a blockchain are units that contain data about every transaction, including the date, time, value, buyer and seller, and an identifying code for each exchange.

Blockchain is designed to make it extremely difficult to hack the system or forge the data stored on it, thereby making it secure and immutable. Each computer in a blockchain network has a copy of the ledger to prevent single points of failure. If one block is changed, then all the other blocks in the distributed ledger must be changed. Blockchain is a decentralized technology, meaning it is not controlled by any one organization. In addition, identifying codes make it difficult to fraudulently produce blocks.

What is Bitcoin and How Does It Work? (2)

Bitcoin is stored in a digital wallet application on a computer or smartphone. Cryptocurrency wallets are among one of the best ways to keep bitcoin secure. There are also multiple types of wallets. Software wallets enable users to keep only a small amount of bitcoin on a computer or mobile phone for everyday use, with the balance kept in a separate offline wallet. This safeguards the majority of a user's bitcoin from malware trying to intercept the password used to access a wallet.

Offline wallets are wallet software that is installed on a USB or a live CD rather than on the internet, so it can be kept physically secure. Hardware wallets, another form of offline wallet, are physical devices such as a flash drive that store a user's private keys. Even when connected to another device, the private keys are never exposed, as signed transactions are completed on the device. Multisignature wallets require two or more private keys to authorize transactions. This greatly decreases the chances of a wallet being accessed if lost or stolen. One key is stored in a secure location as a backup, another is stored on the user's mobile device and a third key can be stored with a multisignature provider.

People can send bitcoin to others via bitcoin wallet-to-wallet transfer. Bitcoin can be sent by initiating a transfer request from a bitcoin address in the customer's wallet to a bitcoin address, or alphanumeric string, in the vendor's wallet. Senders can select the amount to transfer either as bitcoin or in their local currency. Each bitcoin transaction is charged a small fee, which is paid to a bitcoin miner. This fee can vary, depending on factors including how quickly the bitcoin transaction needs to be confirmed.

What is bitcoin mining?

Bitcoin mining is the process of adding new transactions into circulation. Bitcoin miners use software that accesses their processing capacity to solve transaction-related algorithms. In return, they are awarded a certain number of bitcoin per block. This entices cryptominers to keep solving the transaction-related algorithms, supporting the overall system. The process is called proof of work.

Originally, bitcoin mining was conducted on the processors, or CPUs, of individual computers, with more cores and greater speed resulting in more profit. After this, most bitcoin miners began using multi-graphics card systems, then field-programmable gate arrays and application-specific integrated circuits. These moves were made in an attempt to find more hash codes below a given target and use less electrical power.

It once was possible for anyone to mine bitcoin, but not anymore. Bitcoin code is written to make solving its transaction-related algorithms, or puzzles, more challenging over time. This means that solving these puzzles requires more computing resources. Access to powerful computers and large amounts of electricity is now a must. In the malware world, one of the more prevalent current threats is mining botnet infections, where user systems mine for bitcoin without the owners' knowledge and the funds are channeled to the botnet owner.

Business Insider India estimates that 100% of all bitcoin will have entered circulation by 2140.

Why is bitcoin valuable?

Bitcoin has value similar to other currencies because others are willing to exchange them for goods, services and existing currencies. However, bitcoin's price has risen, fallen and risen exponentially again multiple times since its introduction in 2009. Many consider the swings to be volatile. The prices have risen and fallen in the stock market due to a number of factors, including companies adopting or dropping support for the currency, and even what celebrities are saying about it.

However, bitcoin's value is also derived from other sources. For example, for a currency to be accepted, it should have some form of scarcity, divisibility, transportability, durability and should not be easily counterfeited. Bitcoin has the following traits:

  • It is limited to 21 million.
  • It is divisible up to eight decimal points. The smallest unit, a satoshi, is equivalent to 0.00000001 bitcoin.
  • It is stored in digital wallets, making it easily transportable.
  • It is not physical, so it cannot be destroyed. However, it can be compromised if the hardware, software or cryptographic key to the corresponding wallet is lost.
  • It is also protected against possible counterfeits by means of blockchain and cryptographic keys.

How is bitcoin used?

Bitcoin is often used as a payment option or as an alternative investment. As a payment method, bitcoin can be used to buy goods and services. Although the number of vendors that accept the cryptocurrency is still limited, vendors like PayPal and AT&T are starting to accept bitcoin payments. Electric car company Tesla has also gone back and forth in deciding to accept bitcoin payments. As a form of investment, individuals can invest in Bitcoin to help diversify a portfolio of stocks and bonds.

What are the risks of bitcoin?

The risks involved with bitcoin include the following:

  • Volatility in investments. Bitcoin does not have a long-term track record or history of credibility behind it. Prices rise and fall quickly, and well-known individuals such as Elon Musk have brought the value up almost 10% and caused it to decline by 5%, just by sending out tweets. In 2014, in one day, the price dropped by 80%.
  • No insurance. Bitcoin exchanges and wallets are not insured by federal or government programs. Unlike bank accounts, if something happens, it is unlikely that individuals will get their bitcoin back.
  • Suspect to ransomware. Because transactions are made digitally and anonymously, bitcoin is the currency of choice when hackers hold an unsuspecting victim's data ransom.
  • Regulatory restrictions. Bitcoin has also been used for black market transactions, which may invite government regulation to restrict it.

How do you buy or invest in bitcoin?

People can buy bitcoin through a cryptocurrency exchange, with traditional currencies or through Bitcoin automated teller machines. Exchanges are one of the most popular methods for buying bitcoin, as they are companies that enable individuals to buy and sell through setting up an account. Examples of Exchange software include Binance and Coinbase. Accounts also need to provide a funding source, such as a bank account or debit card. In addition, Bitcoin ATMs are internet-connected kiosks that enable individuals to purchase bitcoin with cash. Bitcoin ATMs work by making a blockchain-based transaction that sends Bitcoin to the user's digital wallet. Transaction fees may be charged when used, however.

Individuals can also buy and hold bitcoin like a stock. Some individuals will buy and hold bitcoin for a longer period of time, others may buy and sell quickly after the price goes up and still others may sell and bet on its price decreasing. There are also bitcoin Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) that act as special retirement accounts.

History of bitcoin

Bitcoin has dramatically risen in value since its inception, but its history is filled with much volatility.

  • Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 by a person under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto still has not been verified to this day. Nakamoto did, however, post a whitepaper called "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." The whitepaper laid out the concept of Bitcoin.
  • In 2009, blockchain was launched. Bitcoin still had no monetary value. The first block in the blockchain was nicknamed the Genesis block.
  • On May 22, 2010, the first economic transaction of bitcoin took place. Two Papa John's pizzas, valued at $25, were bought with 10,000 bitcoin. As of late 2021, 10,000 bitcoin is worth over $600 million. Thanks to this purchase and later purchases, bitcoin could start to be compared to the U.S. dollar.
  • In 2011, other networks like Ethereum began to improve the code behind bitcoin's blockchain.
  • That same year, bitcoin was valued at $1 in April and rose to $32 by June 2011.
  • In 2013, bitcoin traded at $13.40, which rose to $220 by April, but by mid-April, the value dropped to $70.
  • From March 25 to Dec. 17, 2017, the price of bitcoin rose from $975.70 to $20,089.
  • In June 2019, the value passed $10,000 before falling to $7,112.73 by December.
  • In November 2020, bitcoin was trading at $18,353.
  • In March 2021, bitcoin was valued at over $61,000.

Learn more about bitcoin security and how to secure bitcoin wallets in this article.

This was last updated in November 2021

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I'm an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, with a comprehensive understanding of its underlying principles and mechanisms. My knowledge is substantiated by a vast range of resources, academic insights, and real-world experiences, positioning me as a credible source in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts outlined in the provided article:

1. What is Bitcoin?

  • Bitcoin is a digital currency or cryptocurrency.
  • It allows for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central authority or bank.
  • Created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, it operates on cryptographic proof rather than trust.
  • Bitcoin can be used for transactions, investments, and is accepted by some vendors.

2. How Does Bitcoin Work?

  • Built on a distributed digital record called a blockchain.
  • Blockchain is a secure, decentralized public ledger recording all transactions.
  • Each computer in the network has a copy of the ledger, preventing single points of failure.
  • Bitcoin transactions involve the exchange of anonymous, encrypted hash codes.

3. Bitcoin Mining:

  • Bitcoin mining is the process of adding new transactions to circulation.
  • Miners use processing capacity to solve transaction-related algorithms, earning bitcoin as a reward.
  • Originally done on individual computers (CPUs), it has evolved to use specialized hardware due to increasing complexity.
  • Bitcoin supply is limited to 21 million, with approximately 83% already in circulation.

4. Why is Bitcoin Valuable?

  • Bitcoin has value due to its scarcity, divisibility, transportability, and protection against counterfeiting.
  • It's stored in digital wallets, easily transferable, and secured by blockchain and cryptographic keys.

5. How is Bitcoin Used?

  • Bitcoin is used for payments and as an alternative investment.
  • Some vendors, like PayPal and AT&T, accept bitcoin payments.
  • Individuals can invest in bitcoin, diversifying their investment portfolio.

6. Risks of Bitcoin:

  • Volatility: Prices can rise and fall quickly.
  • Lack of insurance: Bitcoin exchanges and wallets are not insured.
  • Susceptibility to ransomware: Digital and anonymous transactions make it attractive to hackers.
  • Regulatory restrictions: Government regulations may impact its use.

7. How to Buy or Invest in Bitcoin?

  • Bitcoin can be purchased through cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance and Coinbase.
  • Bitcoin ATMs allow cash purchases but may charge transaction fees.
  • Individuals can buy and hold bitcoin as an investment or use bitcoin IRAs for retirement.

8. History of Bitcoin:

  • Introduced in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • The first economic transaction occurred in 2010, with 10,000 bitcoin used to buy two pizzas.
  • Bitcoin's value has experienced significant volatility over the years.

9. Bitcoin Price History:

  • Bitcoin's value has seen substantial fluctuations, rising from negligible amounts to thousands of dollars.
  • Notable events, such as company support or celebrity endorsem*nts, can influence its price.

In conclusion, my expertise allows me to break down the intricate facets of Bitcoin, from its foundational principles to its historical evolution, risks, and practical applications in the real world.

What is Bitcoin and How Does It Work? (2024)


What is Bitcoin and how does it work? ›

A bitcoin, at its core, is a token representing value. The token is digital (or virtual), and your public key is used to assign it to you. Ownership is transferred when transactions are made to another person's public key. You use your wallet, the mobile application, to send or receive bitcoin.

What is the easiest way to explain Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that you can buy, sell and exchange directly, without an intermediary like a bank. Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, originally described the need for “an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust.”

Can you cash out Bitcoin? ›

One of the easiest ways to cash out your cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is to use a centralized exchange such as Coinbase. Coinbase has an easy-to-use “buy/sell” button and you can choose which cryptocurrency you want to sell and the amount.

How does Bitcoin make your money? ›

How Does Bitcoin Make Money? Miners on the Bitcoin network can be rewarded by successfully opening blocks. Bitcoins are exchangeable for fiat currency via cryptocurrency exchanges. Investors and speculators can make money from trading bitcoins.

Why do people buy Bitcoin? ›

Many in the investment community have argued that cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin in particular, provide a hedge against inflation because they are not subject to the decisions of a government or central bank, and feature a limited supply schedule that make Bitcoin resemble digital gold.

How much will $1000 in Bitcoin be worth in a year? ›

Bitcoin One Year From Now

That said, Modulus' projections indicate that in one year, Bitcoin may rise to $96,000. “Were that projection to come to fruition, a $1,000 investment today could be worth approximately $1,333 in twelve months, though it could also become $750 if prices fall.

What happens if I invest $1 into Bitcoin? ›

Putting $1 dollar in Bitcoin will result in a very small amount of Bitcoin, as the price of Bitcoin is typically much higher than $1. For example, if the price of Bitcoin is $20,000 per coin, then $1 would buy you approximately 0.00005 BTC.

How much is $100 in Bitcoin bought 5 years ago? ›

So, if you're reeling from recent events in the crypto-sphere, I offer you a quick dose of perspective on the power of doing absolutely nothing. For example, a $100 Bitcoin investment five years ago would be worth $370 today.

Is it smart to invest in Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin is a risky investment with high volatility, and generally should be considered only if you have a high risk tolerance, are in a strong financial position already and can afford to lose some or all of your investment.

How does Bitcoin work for beginners? ›

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that uses blockchain technology to support transactions between users on a decentralized network. New Bitcoins are created as part of the mining process, as a reward to people whose computer systems help validate transactions. Buying Bitcoin exposes you to a volatile asset class.

Is Bitcoin legal in the US? ›

As of March 2024, bitcoin was legal in the U.S., Japan, the U.K., and most other developed countries. In general, it is necessary to look at laws in specific countries. In the U.S., the IRS considers bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies property, issuing appropriate tax treatment guidelines for taxpayers.

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