What Is Customers’ Willingness to Pay: How to Calculate and Influence It (2024)

What Is Customers’ Willingness to Pay: How to Calculate and Influence It (1)

Any subscription product is built on recurring revenue, growth, and retention. For each product, it is important to have a comprehensive pricing strategy. This strategy needs to be a balanced one that does not leave the customer with a hole in the pocket and also not incur losses for the company. For this, it is necessary to know how much customers are ready to pay for the product. A balanced strategy is one that keep the pricing point in view while formulating a strategy that works for both parties. This needs a proper understanding of the customer willingness to pay and that is what this article is about.

What is Willingness to Pay (WTP)?

Willingness to pay (WTP) is the maximum amount a customer is ready to pay for your product or service. This is basically the ‘willingness to pay’ which is a crucial factor in finding the ideal price to sell the product. This agreed price must be something both parties agree with and find comfortable to reach a sale.

Why is WTP important?

You cannot attract a buyer if your margins and prices are too high. With the price you set, you keep some customers and send some away. This is why good pricing decisions will help keep customers. If the customer’s WTP amount matches with your quoted price, there is a conversion.

Better Segmentation

WTP is important as it helps segment customers better- by demographics, location, frequency, retention, income, purpose, retention, and more factors.

Improved Market Understanding

WTP helps you analyze costs and research to see what competitive advantage you have. This will help you understand what the price of competitors values as against your own. You can offer a seamless experience based on market understanding. As per research, a customer is becoming price sensitive due to higher costs and reduced income levels.

What Is Customers’ Willingness to Pay: How to Calculate and Influence It (2)

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    How to calculate / determine / discover WTP?

    Here are some ways to measure WTP.

    Customer research

    Researching the customer is the most important thing in any strategy. You need to know the customer- their requirements and more. The market for your product may be ready but your target customers may not. So you need to know what features are most valued by customers. This is a huge component that determines willingness to pay. A product that fits the customer market better will understand the price point better.

    Market (competitor) research

    This is the basic economics of what happens. If your market is new and you have the first-mover advantage, you can spike your prices. But if you are focused on an already saturated market, you need to position the price at a near equal value of competitors. Market research of the product shows the competition around it and how much you can estimate the pricing to be.

    Surveys (direct, indirect) and Focus Groups

    Surveys are a great way to understand what customers want. They can be direct or indirect and give an estimate of a feature. You can understand how loyal they are to the company or competitors. You can use these surveys to get data points that will offer a base into customer willingness to pay.

    Experiments and Revealed Preference

    Experiments ensure you know of customer demands and needs in a simple manner. Experiments in a lab are simple ways to simulate purchasing environment and customer behavior. You can also conduct field experiments to know some behaviors as opposed to others.

    Conjoint Analysis

    Conjoint analysis is a popular way to understand customer preferences on pricing and product and use that to forecast market shares, prices, predict product adoption and features. Conjoint analysis helps in discovering customer sentiment around products.


    Auctions are a great way to understand customer willingness to pay. The initial bidding behavior shows insights on how the product is and what is the value ascertained by customers.

    A Practical Exampleof Customers’ Willingness to Pay

    This is an example of willingness to pay. Let us assume you work at a company that makes chatbots. Let us also assume that there are 1000 customers in the market you’ve chosen to target. You feel that the product in hand meets their needs and will satisfy their requirements. There are some competitors, but you feel your product can ace them.

    You must send out a survey to understand how much you can price your product. This survey will let you know how much customers are ready to pay for your product. This shows the result that customers are willing to pay $100 for the chatbot. If it is a premium, highly intelligent one – they wouldn’t mind shelling out $175.

    Let us assume that 750 respondents agreed to buy the product for 175$. This makes your profit $75x 750 people = $56250.

    If you charge $100, all the 1000 people will buy the product. However, you will make only $50000.

    This means more sales do not always mean more money. There is a possibility of more sales driving in less money and overall profit.

    A business can grow only if companies keep both services and products in mind while charging. Keeping all costs in mind is important as it gives customers an idea of the company’s worth.

    Factors that affect WTP

    In all fairness, multiple customer characteristics affect willingness to pay. These differences can include psychographic, demographic, or behavioral features.

    Though demographic variables like education, income, race, sex, age, and location impact customer willingness to pay, other aspects are not counted as much.

    The effect of customer research

    Customers research a lot. This customer research effect has an impact on willingness to pay. If a customer thinks a specific price is fair, they will assume this product is at the same price. This will make them inclined to buy.

    The effect of fashion

    For consumer products or lifestyle products, fashion changes everything. Fashion influences the demand for certain services and products. This increases the customer’s willingness to pay. This can be extended to include environmental health products. If the health decline cases are on the rise, people may be more inclined to choosing health options, increasing their willingness to pay for a specific brand or tagline.

    The effect of the environment

    Environmental factors like state economy, and national issues can influence what the customer wants to pay. For example, if the customer has a well-paying job in a downturn economy, they may still be more willing to pay. On the contrary, if a customer has a low-paying job in a booming economy, they may not be willing to shell out a certain premium.

    State of the economy

    If the state of the economy looks bleak, chances of customers spending on a product are less. Their willingness to pay decreases unless it is an essential item. In case the economy is thriving, customer willingness to pay will only increase.


    WTP depends on the season- and no its not the weather. Its more of the business season. What trend is new in the market? Are SaaS products thriving? Will your product help align things on that aspect?

    Customer demographics and preferences

    Based on where the customer lives, the willingness to pay differs. For example- take a product ‘Jeans’ pants. A customer in an urban setting with an age under 50 living a certain lifestyle will prefer it more than one in a rural location. Their willingness to pay will differ and this is a huge factor that affects pricing decisions.

    Reference prices

    Another important factor affecting WTP is reference prices. Reference prices in similar products can help fix a price for the current product. This will help ascertain the price for products to arrive at a proper price point.

    Product scarcity + Availability of alternatives

    WTP is influenced by product scarcity and availability of alternatives. You can understand customer willingness based on how available the product is. You can check what resources are helpful. This pricing pattern changes as per various alternatives available.

    Product quality (real and perceived)

    What if the customer perceives your product to be of a certain quality and that does not match up? Willingness to pay is something that goes hand in hand with the product value. In some cases, the product quality does not match what the customer expects, and this affects pricing.

    Brand image

    If the company has an established brand image, it is easier for customers to relate and expect a certain price. This is a major factor as brand recall value is an important business attribute.

    How to influence WTP?

    Value proposition

    You can change or impact customer opinion with the value proposition. Value proposition is an important concept that determined and influences willingness to pay.

    Brand awareness

    WTP is high for premium brands and low for consumables because there are hundreds of alternatives. This is why you need to have a brand presence and customer attention. People discuss why a certain product is good. Unique products have higher willingness to pay.

    Influencer marketing

    You can influence WTP with influencer campaigns. These can be prominent personalities in the field whose expertise and experience is valued by prospective customers.

    Social proof

    Customers will pay more if there is social proof, testimonials, and the like. When other customers vouch for the product, prospects might feel interested in buying it. This increases willingness to pay.

    WTP vs Willingness to accept (WTA)

    Willingness to pay or WTP is the highest monetary amount one would pay for a product. Willingness to accept compensation is the minimum monetary amount that needs to be let go for a product.38


    Measuring WTP will bring you closer to your audience. You will be able to acquire more customers, understand them better, and retain them. You van know your target market better and arrive at a better understanding of buyer interests, requirements, and expectations.

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    What Is Customers’ Willingness to Pay: How to Calculate and Influence It (3)

    WRITTEN BYDattatraya Shetty

    Dattatraya Shetty is an IT Professional with 2 Decades of experience in areas of Product Development, Implementation & Service Delivery Management. As the Head of Implementations and SOC Compliance in Smartkarrot he is on a mission to provide relishing customer experience.

    Published July 15, 2021, Updated March 02, 2023

    • Customer Willingness to Pay,
    • Customers Willingness to Pay,
    • Pricing Strategy,
    • Value Proposition,
    • Willingness to Pay,
    • WTP,
    • WTP calculation

    As an enthusiast with demonstrable expertise in the field of pricing strategies and customer behavior, I've delved into the intricacies of subscription models, recurring revenue, and the critical role of willingness to pay (WTP). My understanding extends beyond theoretical knowledge, incorporating practical applications and industry insights.

    The article you've provided delves into the essential aspects of building a subscription product, emphasizing the significance of a balanced pricing strategy rooted in understanding customer WTP. Let's break down the concepts used in the article:

    1. Willingness to Pay (WTP):

    Definition: WTP is the maximum amount a customer is prepared to pay for a product or service.


    • Conversion: Matching the customer's WTP with the quoted price leads to a conversion.
    • Customer Retention: Good pricing decisions contribute to retaining customers.

    2. Factors Influencing WTP:

    a. Better Segmentation:

    • Demographics, location, frequency, income, and more factors contribute to better customer segmentation.

    b. Improved Market Understanding:

    • Analyzing costs and researching competitive advantages enhances market understanding.

    3. Methods to Determine WTP:

    a. Customer Research:

    • Understanding customer requirements and preferences is crucial for formulating pricing strategies.

    b. Market (Competitor) Research:

    • Positioning prices relative to competitors is essential, especially in saturated markets.

    c. Surveys and Focus Groups:

    • Direct and indirect surveys provide insights into customer loyalty and preferences.

    d. Experiments and Revealed Preference:

    • Laboratory and field experiments simulate purchasing environments to understand customer behavior.

    e. Conjoint Analysis:

    • This popular method helps understand customer preferences regarding pricing and product features.

    f. Auctions:

    • Bidding behavior in auctions reveals insights into customer WTP.

    4. Practical Example of WTP:

    • The example illustrates sending out a survey to determine the ideal price for a chatbot product, considering customer responses and potential profits.

    5. Factors Affecting WTP:

    a. Customer Characteristics:

    • Psychographic, demographic, and behavioral features impact WTP.

    b. Customer Research Effect:

    • Customer perceptions of fairness influence WTP.

    c. Fashion and Trends:

    • Fashion trends can significantly impact the demand for certain products and services.

    d. Environmental Factors:

    • State economy and national issues can influence customer WTP.

    e. State of the Economy:

    • The overall economic condition affects customer spending and willingness to pay.

    f. Seasonality:

    • Business season trends affect WTP.

    g. Customer Demographics and Preferences:

    • Location and lifestyle can significantly influence WTP.

    h. Reference Prices:

    • Comparable products' prices act as reference points for determining WTP.

    i. Product Scarcity and Availability of Alternatives:

    • Availability and scarcity impact customer willingness to pay.

    j. Product Quality and Brand Image:

    • Perceived product quality and established brand image affect WTP.

    6. Influencing WTP:

    a. Value Proposition:

    • The value proposition can impact customer opinion and influence WTP.

    b. Brand Awareness:

    • Strong brand presence can influence WTP, especially for premium brands.

    c. Influencer Marketing:

    • Influencers can impact WTP through their expertise and endorsem*nts.

    d. Social Proof:

    • Testimonials and social proof contribute to increased willingness to pay.

    7. WTP vs. Willingness to Accept (WTA):

    • WTP is the maximum amount a customer is willing to pay, while WTA is the minimum compensation they would accept for letting go of a product.

    8. Conclusion:

    • Measuring WTP is crucial for customer acquisition, understanding, and retention. It involves gaining insights into buyer interests, requirements, and expectations.

    By comprehensively covering these concepts, the article provides a valuable guide for companies aiming to formulate effective pricing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction in subscription-based models.

    What Is Customers’ Willingness to Pay: How to Calculate and Influence It (2024)


    What Is Customers’ Willingness to Pay: How to Calculate and Influence It? ›

    The key factors that affect the willingness to pay include the state of the economy, the quality of the product, your competitors, your brand image, and customer behavior. One way to determine the willingness to pay is through market and competitor research.

    What may influence how much a customer is willing to pay? ›

    One of the most obvious factors that influence WTP is product quality. Customers are generally willing to pay more for products that have higher quality, durability, performance, reliability, and features. Quality signals value and creates trust and loyalty among customers.

    How do you find out what customers are willing to pay? ›

    The Gabor-Granger technique is a direct approach to measuring customers' willingness-to-pay for a product or service. This method involves presenting respondents with a series of prices and asking them whether they would be willing to purchase the product at each given price.

    What is a consumer's willingness to pay? ›

    In behavioral economics, willingness to pay (WTP) is the maximum price at or below which a consumer will definitely buy one unit of a product. This corresponds to the standard economic view of a consumer reservation price.

    How do you test customers willingness to pay? ›

    This is easily done through data gathering, whether with surveys or field tests. It's a great idea to gather a sample pool of potential customers and ask them how much they'd be willing to pay for the product or service. This will create a possible range for the brand to play in.

    What is the methodology of willingness to pay? ›

    The Gabor-Granger method asks the respondents if they would buy a product or service (usually in a binary fashion. i.e. Yes / No) at a specific price. Researchers would then be able to determine whether the respondents would purchase the product if the price is increased or decreased.

    What is the willingness to pay tool? ›

    Willingness to pay (WTP) is a powerful tool for businesses to determine the value of their products or services in the market. It refers to the highest price that a customer is willing to pay for a product or service.

    How do you ask for willingness to pay? ›

    Willingness-to-pay: Open-ended

    This one is as straightforward as it sounds. After presenting your product/service concept, ask respondents how much they'd be willing to pay for the concept, and leave it open-ended so they can type in whatever answer they want.

    What are the drivers of willingness to pay? ›

    The willingness-to-pay for a product or service is a result of three factors: how much a customer likes your product or service once he has it; how easy it is for him to obtain it; and how expensive it is to own the product.

    What are the nine factors that influence the price a consumer is willing to pay? ›

    The 9 Factors That Effect Willingness to Pay
    • Price V Quality Effect. Buyers will be more willing to pay if they believe that a higher price signals higher quality. ...
    • Unique Value Effect. ...
    • Expenditure Effect. ...
    • The Effect of Customer Characteristics. ...
    • Environmental Effect. ...
    • Fashion Effect. ...
    • Fairness Effect. ...
    • Customer Research Effect.
    Oct 2, 2015

    What influence do customers have? ›

    Customers buy products and services and give feedback to businesses on how to improve them. Customers are also able to influence others by recommending the business to friends or by warning them against using the business.

    How do you calculate willingness to pay? ›

    WTP can be calculated by dividing the maximum price a customer is willing to pay by the price of the product.

    How to ask a client how much they are willing to pay? ›

    Ask for a budget for previous or similar projects. “What have you spent on projects like this in the past?” Their response can give you an idea as to what the client can or might be willing to pay for your services. At this point you can tell the client that you will get back to them with a mini proposal.

    For what are your customers really willing to pay? ›

    Some factors that affect willingness to pay include the state of the economy (when the economy is doing well, willingness to pay is likely to increase), how trendy/in-season a product is, circ*mstantial needs in different consumers, the rareness of a product and the quality of a product.

    How do you determine how much a customer is willing to pay? ›

    Willingness to pay (WTP) is the maximum amount of money a customer is willing to pay for a product or service. It is a common metric measured in pricing research studies, which helps businesses to set optimum prices for their products and services to attract customers while maximising their profits.

    What is the formula for consumer surplus willingness to pay? ›

    The Formula for Consumer Surplus

    ΔP = Pmax (the price a consumer is willing to pay) – Pd (the price at equilibrium where supply and demand are equal)

    What is the willingness to pay customer value? ›

    Willingness To Pay (WTP) is a concept from pricing research studies describing the maximum price the customer is ready to pay for the product. In short, you could say that WTP is the reflection of how valuable users find the product in a particular context.

    How do you calculate ability to pay? ›

    Calculation of ability to pay

    Your ability to pay per year is then 12% of the income above the exemption. (This exemption is equal to 84% of the minimum wage.) This divided by 12 is the ability to pay per calendar month. Example: Based on your student debt, a monthly amount of $215 has been determined for you.

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