What is CVE? (2024)

What is CVE

Defining CVE

CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. It is a system that provides a unique identifier for publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures. These vulnerabilities can exist in software, hardware, or any other digital system. The CVE system allows organizations and individuals to track and communicate security issues effectively.

Origin and purpose

The CVE system was created in 1999 by the MITRE Corporation, a nonprofit organization that focuses on advancing technology for the public interest. The MITRE Corporation is also well known for its MITRE ATT&CK® framework.

The CVE system's purpose is to standardize the naming and tracking of vulnerabilities across different organizations and security tools. By providing a common language for discussing vulnerabilities, CVE helps in the coordination of efforts to mitigate and fix these issues.

Managing organizations

The CVE system is managed by the MITRE Corporation in collaboration with various stakeholders from the cybersecurity community. These stakeholders include software vendors, researchers, and government agencies. The CVE Editorial Board oversees the assignment of identifiers and ensures the accuracy and consistency of the CVE database.

Having a centralized system like CVE benefits both organizations and individuals. It allows for better communication and collaboration between different stakeholders in the cybersecurity ecosystem. By using CVE identifiers, organizations can quickly identify and address security vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of cyber attacks and data breaches. Individuals can also stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities and take necessary precautions to protect their digital assets.

Why CVE matters

CVE's critical role

CVE, which stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, plays a critical role in the world of cybersecurity. It is a standardized system used to identify and track vulnerabilities in software and hardware. By assigning unique identifiers to each vulnerability, CVE allows organizations and individuals to communicate effectively about security issues. This helps in the timely sharing of information, enabling faster response and mitigation of potential threats.

Identifying vulnerabilities

CVE provides a comprehensive and structured way to identify vulnerabilities across various technologies and platforms. It allows security researchers and vendors to report and catalog vulnerabilities, making it easier for organizations to stay informed about potential risks. This standardized approach ensures that vulnerabilities are not overlooked or duplicated, promoting efficient collaboration between different stakeholders in the cybersecurity community.

Significance for risk assessment

CVE's significance extends beyond just identifying vulnerabilities. It plays a crucial role in risk assessment, helping organizations evaluate and prioritize potential threats based on their severity and impact. By referencing CVE identifiers, organizations can assess the level of risk associated with specific vulnerabilities and make informed decisions about patching or mitigating them. This helps in allocating resources effectively and reducing the likelihood of security breaches.

What is CVE? (1)

Figure 1: The Lacework custom vulnerability score, created by combining CVE criticality, active threat intelligence, vulnerable package status (active/inactive), and more.

In conclusion, CVE is an essential framework in the cybersecurity landscape. Its standardized approach to identifying vulnerabilities and facilitating communication enables organizations to manage risks more efficiently. By understanding why CVE matters, businesses can make informed decisions to protect their systems and data from potential threats.

CVE identification

CVE identifier structure

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a unique identifier for each reported vulnerability. This identifier follows a specific structure, consisting of the prefix "CVE-" followed by the year the vulnerability was assigned, and a four-digit sequential number. For example, "CVE-2021-1234" represents a vulnerability discovered in the year 2021 with the assigned number 1234. This structured approach ensures that each vulnerability is identifiable and distinguishable from others.

For some concrete examples, see these articles on detecting CVE-2020-13379, CVE-2023-20593, and CVE-2023-4863.

What is CVE? (2)

Figure 2: CVE-2023-4863 detected within the Lacework platform.

Assigning CVE IDs

Assigning CVE IDs is a crucial step in the vulnerability identification process. CVE IDs are assigned by designated CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs), which can be organizations or individuals authorized by the CVE Program. These CNAs review vulnerability reports, assign the appropriate CVE IDs, and ensure that the assigned IDs adhere to the CVE identifier structure. Assigning CVE IDs accurately is important for maintaining consistency and facilitating vulnerability tracking and remediation efforts.

Reporting vulnerabilities

Reporting vulnerabilities is essential for improving the overall security landscape. When discovering a vulnerability, it is important to promptly report it to the relevant CVE Numbering Authority or the organization responsible for the affected software or system. Reporting vulnerabilities allows for proper assessment, classification, and assignment of CVE IDs. Timely reporting also enables organizations to release patches or updates to address the vulnerability, thus reducing the risk of exploitation.

In conclusion, the CVE identification system plays a vital role in tracking and addressing vulnerabilities. Understanding the structure of CVE identifiers helps in identifying and distinguishing vulnerabilities, while the assignment of CVE IDs by designated CNAs ensures consistency and efficient vulnerability management. Reporting vulnerabilities promptly contributes to the overall security improvement by enabling timely remediation efforts.

CVE mitigation and remediation

CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) mitigation and remediation processes are crucial for maintaining the security of computer systems and networks. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, organizations can prevent potential cyber attacks and data breaches. Effective mitigation strategies involve a systematic approach that includes vulnerability scanning, patch management, and regular security updates. Remediation, on the other hand, focuses on fixing or resolving the vulnerabilities identified during the mitigation process. This may involve applying patches, implementing security controls, or updating software and firmware. By prioritizing CVE mitigation and remediation, organizations can enhance their overall security posture and protect sensitive data from potential threats.

CVE in security management

CVE plays a significant role in security management by providing a standardized way to identify and track vulnerabilities across different platforms and software applications. It acts as a dictionary of vulnerabilities, assigning unique identifiers to each known vulnerability. This allows security teams to effectively communicate and prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity and impact. With CVE, organizations can stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities and take the necessary actions to mitigate them. By incorporating CVE into their security management processes, organizations can proactively address vulnerabilities, reduce the risk of exploitation, and safeguard their systems and networks.

Importance of timely actions

Timely actions are crucial when it comes to CVE mitigation and remediation. The longer a vulnerability remains unaddressed, the higher the risk of exploitation becomes. Hackers and threat actors are constantly searching for vulnerabilities to exploit, and any delay in fixing a vulnerability could provide them with an opportunity to infiltrate systems or compromise data. Organizations should have a well-defined process in place to promptly assess and address vulnerabilities identified through CVE. This includes regular vulnerability scanning, effective patch management, and swift implementation of security updates. By taking timely actions, organizations can minimize the window of vulnerability and ensure the security of their systems and data.

The role of national vulnerability database (NVD)

The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) plays a critical role in CVE mitigation and remediation efforts. Maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the NVD serves as a comprehensive repository of vulnerabilities and associated information. It provides detailed vulnerability descriptions, severity ratings, and links to relevant patches or fixes. Security professionals and organizations can leverage the NVD to stay updated on the latest vulnerabilities and obtain guidance on how to address them. The NVD also serves as a reliable source for vulnerability management tools and vulnerability scanners, enabling organizations to effectively manage their CVE mitigation and remediation processes. By utilizing the resources provided by the NVD, organizations can enhance their security measures and protect their systems from potential threats.

CVE in practice

Real-world examples

In practice, the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a standardized way to identify and track vulnerabilities in software and hardware. It enables organizations to prioritize and address potential risks efficiently. One real-world example of CVE usage is in the banking industry. Banks rely heavily on technology to provide online banking services, and any vulnerability in their systems can lead to severe consequences. By using CVE information, banks can stay updated on the latest vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to protect their customers' financial information.

Case studies and impact

Several case studies have demonstrated the impact of CVE implementation. For instance, a major e-commerce platform discovered a critical vulnerability in their payment processing system. By utilizing the CVE database, they were able to quickly identify the vulnerability and release a patch to fix it. This swift action prevented any potential breaches and safeguarded their customers' sensitive information. Another case study involves a government agency that discovered a vulnerability in their network infrastructure. Through CVE information, they were able to assess the severity of the vulnerability and allocate resources to address it promptly, minimizing the risk of data breaches.

Using CVE information

Organizations can leverage CVE information in various ways to enhance their cybersecurity practices. Firstly, by regularly monitoring the CVE database, they can stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities affecting their software and hardware infrastructure. This enables them to proactively apply security patches and updates before any exploitation occurs. Additionally, CVE information can be used to prioritize vulnerability management efforts. By assessing the severity and impact of each vulnerability, organizations can allocate resources effectively and focus on the most critical areas. Moreover, CVE information can aid in risk assessment and decision-making processes, allowing organizations to make informed choices regarding their cybersecurity investments.

What is CVE? (3)

Figure 3: Vulnerable hosts within the Lacework platform, filtered by package status. The bottom-right of the image shows how many CVEs are within each vulnerable host.

In summary, CVE plays a crucial role in enhancing cybersecurity practices across industries. Real-world examples and case studies highlight its effectiveness in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. Organizations can leverage CVE information to improve their security posture, proactively mitigate risks, and make informed decisions regarding cybersecurity investments.

CVE and the cybersecurity community

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system plays a crucial role in the cybersecurity community. It is a standardized way to identify and track vulnerabilities in software and hardware. By assigning a unique identifier to each vulnerability, CVE enables easier communication and collaboration among security professionals, researchers, and organizations. This helps in addressing vulnerabilities promptly and efficiently, ultimately enhancing the overall security landscape.

Collaborative nature of CVE

One of the key benefits of CVE is its collaborative nature. It encourages security researchers, vendors, and users to work together to identify and report vulnerabilities. When a vulnerability is discovered, it can be assigned a CVE ID, which is then shared with the wider community. This collaborative approach fosters knowledge sharing and allows different stakeholders to contribute their expertise, enabling quicker and more effective vulnerability management.

Sharing and analysis of CVE data

CVE also facilitates the sharing and analysis of vulnerability data. The CVE database serves as a centralized repository of vulnerability information, accessible to anyone interested in cybersecurity. By making this data available, CVE enables security professionals to stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities and their impact. It also helps in identifying patterns and trends, enabling organizations to prioritize their vulnerability management efforts effectively.

Global impact on security

The impact of CVE extends beyond individual organizations or countries. Since CVE is a globally recognized framework, it helps in addressing vulnerabilities on a global scale. By providing a common language for discussing vulnerabilities, CVE enables international collaboration in dealing with cybersecurity threats. This ensures that vulnerabilities are not just localized issues but are tackled collectively, making the digital world safer for everyone.

In conclusion, CVE plays a vital role in the cybersecurity community by promoting collaboration, facilitating the sharing and analysis of vulnerability data, and having a global impact on security. Its standardized approach enhances communication and coordination among different stakeholders, ultimately leading to improved cybersecurity practices and a safer digital environment.

Staying informed about CVE

Staying informed about Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is crucial in today's digital landscape. CVE is a system that helps organizations identify and track vulnerabilities in software and hardware. By staying updated on CVE, businesses can take proactive measures to protect their systems and data from potential threats.

Resources for staying updated

There are various resources available for staying updated on CVE. One of the most reliable sources is the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NVD provides comprehensive information on vulnerabilities, including their severity ratings and potential impacts. Subscribing to their mailing list or RSS feed can ensure you receive timely updates on new CVEs.

Recommended sources

Apart from NVD, there are other trusted sources that provide valuable information on CVE. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures website (cve.mitre.org) is a primary source for CVE information. It includes a database of vulnerabilities, as well as details on their impacts and available patches. Other security-focused blogs and forums also provide regular updates on CVEs, along with discussions on mitigation strategies.

Using CVE databases

Utilizing CVE databases can help businesses effectively manage vulnerabilities. The National Vulnerability Database offers an extensive search feature that allows users to find vulnerabilities based on various criteria, such as software names or keywords. This feature enables organizations to quickly identify vulnerabilities that may affect their systems and take appropriate actions, such as applying patches or implementing security measures.

Staying informed about CVE is essential for businesses to safeguard their systems and data. Resources like the National Vulnerability Database, cve.mitre.org, and security-focused websites provide valuable information on vulnerabilities and their impacts. Additionally, utilizing CVE databases can help organizations efficiently manage vulnerabilities and implement necessary security measures. By staying updated on CVE, businesses can enhance their cybersecurity posture and mitigate potential risks.

To see how the Lacework platform correlates risk and threat data to help teams prioritize cloud issues more efficiently, check out our Platform and Why Lacework pages.

What is CVE? (2024)


What is the meaning of CVE? ›

common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE)

What is an example of a CVE? ›

One example would be a loosely secured cloud storage system that allows attackers to access sensitive data. Another example would be an open network port on a server which is further exploited through the installation of command and control malware.

What is the main purpose of the CVE list? ›

The mission of the CVE® Program is to identify, define, and catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Is CVE good or bad? ›

Can Hackers Use CVE to Attack My Organization? The short answer is yes but many cybersecurity professionals believe the benefits of CVE outweigh the risks: CVE is restricted to publicly known vulnerabilities and exposures. It improves the shareability of vulnerabilities and exposures within the cybersecurity community.

Can hackers use CVE? ›

CVE enables the correlation of vulnerability data across tools, databases, and people. This enables two or more people or tools to refer to a vulnerability and know they are referring to the same issue. Can hackers use this to break into my network? Any public discussion of vulnerability information may help a hacker.

How do people find CVE? ›

You can search the CVE List for a CVE Record if the CVE ID is known. To search by keyword, use a specific term or multiple keywords separated by a space. Your results will be the relevant CVE Records.

What is the most common CVE? ›

Most searched CVEs classified by OWASP vulnerability type

Of the highest searched CVEs reported in 2022, Injection, Memory Management, and Insecure Design were the top three vulnerability types.

Why do we need CVE? ›

CVE IDs provide a standardized way to evaluate and compare the coverage of security tools, helping organizations determine their effectiveness. By referencing a specific CVE, teams can quickly access accurate information from trusted sources, enabling them to prioritize and address vulnerabilities more effectively.

Why is the CVE important? ›

The importance of CVE and CVSS scores

They allow IT teams to categorize, prioritize, and create order when dealing with pesky vulnerabilities. Additionally, IT teams can rely on both CVE & CVSS scores together to gain more insight into security weaknesses while creating a plan to resolve them.

Who controls CVE? ›

Founded in 1999, the CVE program is maintained by the MITRE corporation and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

What is a CVE threat? ›

CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. CVE is a glossary that classifies vulnerabilities. The glossary analyzes vulnerabilities and then uses the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) to evaluate the threat level of a vulnerability.

Does every vulnerability have a CVE? ›

Each vulnerability must have one record in the CVE list. There are certain criteria to be satisfied to assign a CVE ID to a vulnerability: The vulnerability should have a negative impact on security. The vulnerability can be fixed independently.

What does the title CVE mean? ›

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

What does CVE certified mean? ›

Earning your CVE acknowledges you as well-versed in all areas of venue management, invested in your own professional growth and the growth of others, and dedicated to the advancement of the venue industry as a whole.

What is the meaning of CVE in medical terms? ›

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CVE, cardiovascular events; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; KRT, kidney replacement therapy; PVD, peripheral vascular disease.

What does CVE stand for in police terms? ›

Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE)

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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