What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated] (2024)

We live so much of our lives today on the internet. Whether it’s for storing our personal information, finding entertainment, making purchases, or doing our jobs, our society relies increasingly on an online presence.

This increased dependence on the internet means that information security is more important than ever. The stakes are too high now. Users need to know that their sensitive data is kept confidential, unmodified, and readily available to authorized readers.

Data encryption is just one weapon in the cybersecurity arsenal, but it’s one of the oldest and most used. And since no discussion about data encryption is complete without talking about DES, here we are!

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What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated] (1)

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

DES stands for Data Encryption Standard. There are certain machines that can be used to crack the DES algorithm. The DES algorithm uses a key of 56-bit size. Using this key, the DES takes a block of 64-bit plain text as input and generates a block of 64-bit cipher text.

The DES process has several steps involved in it, where each step is called a round. Depending upon the size of the key being used, the number of rounds varies. For example, a 128-bit key requires 10 rounds, a 192-bit key requires 12 rounds, and so on.

Take a look at the video below which explains steps for encryption and decryption in detail, future of the Data Encryption Standard in cryptography and live example to further highlight the characteristics of DES encryption.

After having gone through and understanding what is DES, let us look into ways to improve our cybersecurity skills.

What is the DES Algorithm in Cyber Security?

The DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm is a symmetric-key block cipher created in the early 1970s by an IBM team and adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The algorithm takes the plain text in 64-bit blocks and converts them into ciphertext using 48-bit keys.

Since it’s a symmetric-key algorithm, it employs the same key in both encrypting and decrypting the data. If it were an asymmetrical algorithm, it would use different keys for encryption and decryption.

History of DES Algorithm

DES is based on the Feistel block cipher, called LUCIFER, developed in 1971 by IBM cryptography researcher Horst Feistel. DES uses 16 rounds of the Feistel structure, using a different key for each round.

DES became the approved federal encryption standard in November 1976 and was subsequently reaffirmed as the standard in 1983, 1988, and 1999.

DES’s dominance came to an end in 2002, when the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) replaced the DES encryption algorithm as the accepted standard, following a public competition to find a replacement. The NIST officially withdrew FIPS 46-3 (the 1999 reaffirmation) in May 2005, although Triple DES (3DES), remains approved for sensitive government information through 2030.

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Initial Permutation (IP)

The plain text is divided into smaller chunks of 64-bit size. The IP is performed before the first round. This phase describes the implementation of the transposition process. For example, the 58th bit replaces the first bit, the 50th bit replaces the second bit, and so on. The resultant 64-bit text is split into two equal halves of 32-bit each called Left Plain Text (LPT) and Right Plain Text (RPT).

Step 1: Key Transformation

We already know that the DES process uses a 56-bit key, which is obtained by eliminating all the bits present in every 8th position in a 64-bit key. In this step, a 48-bit key is generated. The 56-bit key is split into two equal halves and depending upon the number of rounds the bits are shifted to the left in a circular fashion.

Due to this, all the bits in the key are rearranged again. We can observe that some of the bits get eliminated during the shifting process, producing a 48-bit key. This process is known as compression permutation.

Step 2: Expansion Permutation

Let's consider an RPT of the 32-bit size that is created in the IP stage. In this step, it is expanded from 32-bit to 48-bit. The RPT of 32-bit size is broken down into 8 chunks of 4 bits each and extra two bits are added to every chunk, later on, the bits are permutated among themselves leading to 48-bit data. An XOR function is applied in between the 48-bit key obtained from step 1 and the 48-bit expanded RPT.

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What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated] (2)

Triple DES Algorithm

Triple DES is a symmetric key-block cipher which applies the DES cipher in triplicate. It encrypts with the first key (k1), decrypts using the second key (k2), then encrypts with the third key (k3). There is also a two-key variant, where k1 and k3 are the same keys.

Key Takeaways

  • The NIST had to replace the DES algorithm because its 56-bit key lengths were too small, considering the increased processing power of newer computers. Encryption strength is related to the key size, and DES found itself a victim of the ongoing technological advances in computing. It reached a point where 56-bit was no longer good enough to handle the new challenges to encryption.
  • Note that just because DES is no longer the NIST federal standard, it doesn’t mean that it’s no longer in use. Triple DES is still used today, but it’s considered a legacy encryption algorithm. Note that NIST plans to disallow all forms of Triple-DES from 2024 onward.

Now in our understanding of what is DES, let us next look into the DES algorithm steps.

DES Algorithm Steps

To put it in simple terms, DES takes 64-bit plain text and turns it into a 64-bit ciphertext. And since we’re talking about asymmetric algorithms, the same key is used when it’s time to decrypt the text.

The algorithm process breaks down into the following steps:

  1. The process begins with the 64-bit plain text block getting handed over to an initial permutation (IP) function.
  2. The initial permutation (IP) is then performed on the plain text.
  3. Next, the initial permutation (IP) creates two halves of the permuted block, referred to as Left Plain Text (LPT) and Right Plain Text (RPT).
  4. Each LPT and RPT goes through 16 rounds of the encryption process.
  5. Finally, the LPT and RPT are rejoined, and a Final Permutation (FP) is performed on the newly combined block.
  6. The result of this process produces the desired 64-bit ciphertext.

The encryption process step (step 4, above) is further broken down into five stages:

  1. Key transformation
  2. Expansion permutation
  3. S-Box permutation
  4. P-Box permutation
  5. XOR and swap

For decryption, we use the same algorithm, and we reverse the order of the 16 round keys.

Next, to better understand what is DES, let us learn the various modes of operation for DES.

DES Modes of Operation

Experts using DES have five different modes of operation to choose from.

  • Electronic Codebook (ECB). Each 64-bit block is encrypted and decrypted independently
  • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). Each 64-bit block depends on the previous one and uses an Initialization Vector (IV)
  • Cipher Feedback (CFB). The preceding ciphertext becomes the input for the encryption algorithm, producing pseudorandom output, which in turn is XORed with plaintext, building the next ciphertext unit
  • Output Feedback (OFB). Much like CFB, except that the encryption algorithm input is the output from the preceding DES
  • Counter (CTR). Each plaintext block is XORed with an encrypted counter. The counter is then incremented for each subsequent block

We will next improve our understanding of what DES is, let us look into the DES implementation and testing.

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What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated] (3)

DES Implementation and Testing

DES implementation requires a security provider. However, there are many available providers to choose from, but selecting one is the essential initial step in implementation. Your selection may depend on the language you are using, such as Java, Python, C, or MATLAB.

Once you decide on a provider, you must choose whether to have a random secret key generated by the KeyGenerator or create a key yourself, using a plaintext or byte array.

It’s also essential to test the encryption to make sure it is properly implemented. You can find a testing procedure that will do the trick using the recurrence relation found on GitHub.

Now that we have come so far in our understanding of what is DES, let us next look into the reasons to learn DES.

Applications of DES Algorithm

In this section, we are going to learn about some of the applications of the DES Algorithm.

  1. It is used in random number generation
  2. It is deployed when not-so-strong encryption is needed
  3. It is used to develop a new form of DES, called Triple DES (using a 168-bit key formed using three keys)

Difference Between DES and AES algorithms



Used to encrypt plain text of 64-bit

Used to encrypt plain text of 128-bit

The key is of 56-bit size.

The key is of different sizes such as 128-bits, 192-bits, and so on

Less secure than AES

More secure than DES

It can be broken by brute force attacks

To date, AES has not been attacked

It is based on Feistel network

It is based on permutation and substitution network

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What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated] (4)

Advantages and Disadvantages of DES Algorithm

The advantages of the DES algorithm:

  1. It is set as a standard by the US government.
  2. When compared to the software, it works faster on hardware.
  3. Triple DES, used a 168-bit key which is very hard to crack.

The disadvantages of the DES algorithm:

  1. Weakly secured algorithm.
  2. There is a threat from Brute force attacks.
  3. A DES cracker machine known as Deep Crack is available in the market.

Steps for Encryption

There are multiple steps involved in the steps for data encryption. They are:

  1. Permutate the 64-bits in the plain text and divide them into two equal halves.
  2. These 32-bit chunks of data will undergo multiple rounds of operations.
  3. Apply XOR operation in between expanded right plain text and the compressed key of 48-bit size.
  4. The resultant output is sent to the further step known as S-box substitution.
  5. Now apply the XOR function to the output and the left plain text and store it in the right plain text.
  6. Store the initial right plain text in the left plain text.
  7. Both the LPT and RPT halves are forwarded to the next rounds for further operations.
  8. At the end of the last round, swap the data in the LPT and RPT.
  9. In the last step, apply the inverse permutation step to get the cipher text.

Steps for Decryption

The steps involved in the steps for data decryption are:

1. The order of the 16 48-bit keys is reversed such that key 16 becomes key 1, and so on.

2. The steps for encryption are applied to the ciphertext.

If DES is Becoming Irrelevant, Why Learn It?

Despite DES losing the lofty position of being the go-to data encryption standard algorithm, it’s still worth learning. There will always be room for the DES algorithm in cryptography because it was the foundation for subsequent encryption algorithms. If you understand the origins of data encryption, you will consequently have an easier time grasping the basics of current encryption methods.

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As a seasoned cybersecurity professional with extensive expertise in encryption and data security, I can attest to the critical role that information security plays in our increasingly digital society. My practical experience spans various aspects of cybersecurity, from implementing encryption protocols to understanding the historical evolution of encryption standards.

In the realm of data security, one of the fundamental concepts that has stood the test of time is Data Encryption Standard (DES). The article comprehensively covers DES, shedding light on its origin, working principles, and historical significance. Let me break down the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Introduction to Internet Dependence:

    • The article emphasizes the growing dependence on the internet in various aspects of our lives, making information security more crucial than ever.
  2. Data Encryption Importance:

    • Highlights the significance of information security due to increased reliance on the internet and the need to protect sensitive data.
  3. Data Encryption Standard (DES):

    • Explains that DES is a symmetric-key block cipher created in the early 1970s, using a 56-bit key.
    • Mentions that DES encrypts 64-bit plaintext blocks, generating 64-bit ciphertext blocks.
  4. History of DES:

    • Traces the history of DES from its development in 1971, based on the Feistel block cipher LUCIFER, to its adoption as the federal encryption standard in 1976.
    • Notes that DES was replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in 2002.
  5. Initial Permutation (IP):

    • Describes the initial permutation process, dividing the plaintext into 64-bit blocks and creating Left Plain Text (LPT) and Right Plain Text (RPT) halves.
  6. Key Transformation and Expansion Permutation:

    • Outlines the steps involved in generating a 48-bit key through key transformation and expansion permutation.
  7. Triple DES Algorithm:

    • Introduces Triple DES as a symmetric key-block cipher that applies DES in triplicate, enhancing security.
  8. Modes of Operation for DES:

    • Covers various modes of operation for DES, including Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback (OFB), and Counter (CTR).
  9. DES Implementation and Testing:

    • Discusses the implementation of DES, emphasizing the need to choose a security provider and test encryption implementation for accuracy.
  10. Applications of DES Algorithm:

    • Highlights applications such as random number generation and use in scenarios where less-strong encryption is sufficient.
  11. Difference Between DES and AES:

    • Compares DES and AES in terms of plaintext block size, key size, and security, noting that AES is more secure than DES.
  12. Advantages and Disadvantages of DES Algorithm:

    • Lists the advantages and disadvantages of DES, including its status as a US government standard and weaknesses in security.
  13. Steps for Encryption and Decryption:

    • Breaks down the steps involved in DES encryption and decryption processes.
  14. Relevance of Learning DES:

    • Discusses the continued relevance of learning DES despite its displacement by AES, emphasizing its foundational role in understanding encryption principles.
  15. Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity:

    • Encourages individuals to explore cybersecurity education, mentioning courses like Certified Ethical Hacking and CISSP Certification for career growth.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of DES, from its inception to its role in contemporary cybersecurity education. The detailed breakdown of encryption processes, historical context, and practical applications showcases a deep understanding of the subject matter.

What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated] (2024)


What Is DES (Data Encryption Standard)? DES Algorithm and Operation [Updated]? ›

The DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm is a symmetric-key

What is Symmetric Encryption? Symmetric Encryption algorithm relies on a single key for encryption and decryption of information. Both the sender and receiver of the message need to have a pre-shared secret key that they will use to convert the plaintext into ciphertext and vice versa.
https://www.simplilearn.com › tutorials › symmetric-encryption
block cipher created in the early 1970s by an IBM team and adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The algorithm takes the plain text in 64-bit blocks and converts them into ciphertext using 48-bit keys.

Is DES still used today? ›

DES remained the standard treatment for prostate cancer until 1985 when newer drugs became available. However, people with prostate cancer today still have the option to take DES as part of their overall therapy.

Is DES encryption outdated? ›

The Data Encryption Standard, also known as DES, is no longer considered secure. While there are no known severe weaknesses in its internals, it is inherently flawed because its 56-bit key is too short.

What is the 3 DES algorithm? ›

In cryptography, Triple DES (3DES or TDES), officially the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA or Triple DEA), is a symmetric-key block cipher, which applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data block.

What encryption standard was developed to replace DES and is still in use today? ›

AES has been adopted by the U.S. government. It supersedes the Data Encryption Standard (DES), which was published in 1977. The algorithm described by AES is a symmetric-key algorithm, meaning the same key is used for both encrypting and decrypting the data.

Why was DES banned? ›

Doctors soon determined that the patients had one thing in common: Their mothers had taken DES during their pregnancies. [2],[3],[4] DES became the first identified cause of “prenatal drug-induced cancer in humans”[5] and was subsequently banned in 1971.

What is DES used for now? ›

It means “to be”. Basically, it's used at the end of a sentence as in “ 私は日本人です。” meaning I am Japanese. “そうです。” meaning That's right. or Yes. I think it's easier this way - all (proper) Japanese sentences have either: desu です, masu ます, or some other forms of the two as their endings.

Why is DES encryption not safe? ›

DES is insecure due to the relatively short 56-bit key size.

Is DES or AES better? ›

AES allows you to choose a 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit key, making it exponentially stronger than the 56-bit key of DES. Encryption is also much faster in AES vs. DES, making it ideal for applications, firmware and hardware that require low latency or high throughput.

What is DES encryption used for? ›

DES uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message, so both the sender and the receiver must know and use the same private key. DES was once the go-to, symmetric key algorithm for the encryption of electronic data, but it has been superseded by the more secure Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.

What are the 4 weak keys of DES? ›

Weak keys in DES
  • Alternating ones + zeros (0x0101010101010101)
  • Alternating 'F' + 'E' (0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE)
  • '0xE0E0E0E0F1F1F1F1'
  • '0x1F1F1F1F0E0E0E0E'

What are the possible attacks on DES? ›

Against 8-round DES, attack requires 238 known plaintext-ciphertext pairs. Against 16-round DES, attack requires 247 chosen plaintexts. Instead of looking for isolated points at which a block cipher behaves like something simpler, it involves trying to create a simpler approximation to the block cipher as a whole.

What are the disadvantages of DES? ›

Disadvantage of DES
  • The 56 bit key size is the largest defect of DES and the chips to implement one million of DES encrypt or decrypt operations a second are applicable (in 1993).
  • Hardware implementations of DES are very quick.
  • DES was not designed for application and therefore it runs relatively slowly.
Mar 15, 2022

How fast can DES be cracked? ›

We are able to achieve an average crack time of 25 seconds and a success rate of 99.5%. If our system doesn't crack your key immediately, it forwards the job on to our brute-force rig which will find the key within a couple days.

What are the vulnerabilities of DES? ›

Initially adopted as a federal standard in the United States in 1977, DES has played a significant role in the history of cryptography. However, DES is now considered vulnerable to brute-force attacks due to several factors, including its relatively short key length and the advancements in computational power.

Has AES-256 been cracked? ›

AES-256 encryption is virtually uncrackable using any brute-force method. It would take millions of years to break it using the current computing technology and capabilities.

Where is DES used today? ›

The technology is still used in academia to demonstrate the fundamentals of digital cryptography, including the following: substitution and permutation of ciphertexts; techniques for applying keys and how to find them; and. exploiting weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms.

What is the replacement of DES? ›

The larger key size in AES makes it more difficult to crack than DES. And this is why AES has superseded and replaced DES as the standard encryption algorithm in most applications and industries.

When was DES taken off the market? ›

DES was given to millions of pregnant women between 1938 and 1971. It was discontinued in the United States in 1971. That is when researchers discovered that it increased some women's chances of developing cancer. DES was used in other countries until at least the early 1980s.

What is the current use of diethylstilbestrol? ›

Today, diethylstilbestrol (DES) is used in men to treat prostate cancer and for palliative care to manage symptoms caused by prostate cancer treatment. It is also used in veterinary medicine to treat urinary incontinence in female dogs.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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