What Is EMA?- Exponential Moving Average - Fidelity (2024)

  • Market Analysis
  • Fidelity Separately Managed Accounts
  • Market Analysis
  • Fidelity Separately Managed Accounts
  • Market Analysis
  • Fidelity Separately Managed Accounts
  • Market Analysis
  • Fidelity Separately Managed Accounts
  • Market Analysis
  • Fidelity Separately Managed Accounts


Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is similar to Simple Moving Average (SMA), measuring trend direction over a period of time. However, whereas SMA simply calculates an average of price data, EMA applies more weight to data that is more current. Because of its unique calculation, EMA will follow prices more closely than a corresponding SMA.

How this indicator works

  • Use the same rules that apply to SMA when interpreting EMA. Keep in mind that EMA is generally more sensitive to price movement. This can be a double-edged sword. On one side, it can help you identify trends earlier than an SMA would. On the flip side, the EMA will probably experience more short-term changes than a corresponding SMA.
  • Use the EMA to determine trend direction, and trade in that direction. When the EMA rises, you may want to consider buying when prices dip near or just below the EMA. When the EMA falls, you may consider selling when prices rally towards or just above the EMA.
  • Moving averages can also indicate support and resistance areas. A rising EMA tends to support the price action, while a falling EMA tends to provide resistance to price action. This reinforces the strategy of buying when the price is near the rising EMA and selling when the price is near the falling EMA.
  • All moving averages, including the EMA, are not designed to identify a trade at the exact bottom and top. Moving averages may help you trade in the general direction of a trend, but with a delay at the entry and exit points. The EMA has a shorter delay than the SMA with the same period.


You should notice how the EMA uses the previous value of the EMA in its calculation. This means the EMA includes all the price data within its current value. The newest price data has the most impact on the Moving Average and the oldest prices data has only a minimal impact.

EMA = (K x (C - P)) + P

C = Current Price
P = Previous periods EMA (A SMA is used for the first periods calculations)
K = Exponential smoothing constant

The smoothing constant K, applies appropriate weight to the most recent price. It uses the number of periods specified in the moving average.

What Is EMA?- Exponential Moving Average - Fidelity (2024)


What Is EMA?- Exponential Moving Average - Fidelity? ›

The exponential moving average (EMA) is a technical chart indicator that tracks the price of an investment (like a stock or commodity) over time. The EMA is a type of weighted moving average (WMA) that gives more weighting or importance to recent price data.

What is an exponential moving average EMA? ›

Description. Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is similar to Simple Moving Average (SMA), measuring trend direction over a period of time. However, whereas SMA simply calculates an average of price data, EMA applies more weight to data that is more current.

What should I set my EMA to? ›

The larger the period, the smoother the line and, conversely, the smaller the period, the more responsible the exponential moving average indicator will be to changes in price. Some typical EMA indicator settings are 10 and 25 for faster, more responsive curves; or 100 and 200 periods for smoother, slow-moving curves.

What is an EMA? ›

An exponential moving average (EMA) is a commonly used average price calculation done for a specific time period that places more weight and importance on the most recent price data.

What is 10 EMA moving average? ›

A 10-period exponential moving average applies an 18.18% weighting to the most recent price. A 10-period EMA can also be called an 18.18% EMA. A 20-period EMA applies a 9.52% weighting to the most recent price (2/(20+1) = . 0952).

What is an example of a EMA? ›

The exponential moving average (EMA) is a weighted average of recent period's prices. It uses an exponentially decreasing weight from each previous price/period. In other words, the formula gives recent prices more weight than past prices. For example, a four-period EMA has prices of 1.5554, 1.5555, 1.5558, and 1.5560.

What is the best EMA for a 5 min chart? ›

It makes EMA more sensitive and more responsive to the current market conditions. Therefore, the exponential moving average may be considered the best moving average for a 5 min chart. A 20-period moving average will suit best.

What is the best EMA interval? ›

The EMA gives more weight to the most recent prices, thereby aligning the average closer to current prices. Short-term traders typically rely on the 12- or 26-day EMA, while the ever-popular 50-day and 200-day EMA is used by long-term investors.

What are the best EMA numbers? ›

The EMA calculation attributes a higher weighting to recent price moves compared to the SMA, which takes a general average over the specified time period. The most popular simple moving averages include the 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200.

What is the best EMA for day trading? ›

The 8- and 20-day EMA tend to be the most popular time frames for day traders while the 50 and 200-day EMA are better suited for long term investors. Sometimes markets will flat-line, making moving averages hard to use, which is why trending markets will bring out their true benefits.

What is a good moving average? ›

21 period: Medium-term and the most accurate moving average. Good when it comes to riding trends. 50 period: Long-term moving average and best suited for identifying the longer-term direction.

What is the most commonly used EMA? ›

The most commonly used EMAs by forex traders are 5, 10, 12, 20, 26, 50, 100, and 200. Traders operating off of shorter timeframe charts, such as the five- or 15-minute charts, are more likely to use shorter-term EMAs, such as the 5 and 10.

How to calculate EMA? ›

Finally, the following formula is used to calculate the current EMA: EMA = Closing price x multiplier + EMA (previous day) x (1-multiplier)

What is 3 EMA moving average? ›

The triple exponential moving average (TEMA) uses multiple EMA calculations and subtracts out the lag to create a trend following indicator that reacts quickly to price changes. The TEMA can help identify trend direction, signal potential short-term trend changes or pullbacks, and provide support or resistance.

How to use 20 50 200 ema? ›

If the 20-EMA is above the 50-EMA, the trend is bullish. If the 20-EMA is below the 50-EMA, the trend is bearish. For negative 20/50-EMA crossovers in the intermediate-term, the 20/50/200-EMAs can be used together to determine if a bearish crossover is a sell (sell/short) or neutral (hedge or cash) trend change.

Which EMA is best for scalping? ›

In a scalping strategy, a buy position must match the following criteria: To establish a buy position, we must wait for the 50 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) to cross above the 100 EMA.

What is the 9 30 trading strategy? ›

What is the 9/30 trading strategy? The 9/30 trading strategy is a trend-following strategy that is based on two moving averages — a 9-period EMA (exponential moving average) and a 30-period WMA (weighted moving average). It uses the two moving averages to spot trading opportunities when there is a pullback.

What is 5 EMA strategy? ›

Overall, the 5 EMA Candlestick Trading Strategy is a straightforward and effective approach to trading that uses simple technical indicators and candlestick patterns to identify key levels and make profitable trades.

What is the 9 EMA strategy? ›

The 9-EMA strategy is a technical analysis strategy that uses the 9-day exponential moving average (EMA) to generate buy and sell signals for trading securities. It uses 9-EMA to identify short-term market swings in the price of a security.

What is the 21 day exponential moving average? ›

The 21-day exponential moving average (EMA) can be a powerful tool for investors. Though it is most powerful in a bull market, it has plenty of use during bear markets as well. Like the commonly used 50-day moving average, the 21-day takes the closing prices of the past 21 sessions and averages them out.

How do I set up 5 and 8 EMA? ›

Strategy: You can use this strategy for any Stocks, Forex and Commodities. Buying Rules: Wait for 5 EMA to cross 8 EMA to the upside. Buy at the close of the candlestick that close after the EMA's has crossed. Selling Rules: When 5 EMA crosses 8 EMA to the downside, sell at the close of the candlestick.

What does EMA 5 mean? ›

EMA (Exponential Moving Average) 5 Crossover is a strategy that shows the current trend of a stock when a short term moving average crosses a long term moving average (i.e. EMA 5 crosses EMA 20 when the trend changes). Hence, it provides you an indication to enter a position right at the beginning of a new trend.

What is the success rate of 5 EMA? ›

According to Subhashish Pani this strategy has 60% success rate. When ever a Candle closes completely above 5 ema (no part of candle should be touching the 5ema), then that candle should be considered as Alert Candle.

What is the most powerful EMA? ›

How can I use Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) to trade Pullbacks? Trading pullbacks with EMA can be done profitably as long as we use a long-term exponential moving average. And, without a doubt, the 200-day EMA is probably the most powerful moving average that a trader can use.

What is the best EMA for 1 min timeframe? ›

Best Moving Average for 1 Minute Timeframe.

As the 7 & 14 EMA are more sensitive, the lagging effect will be reduced to a certain extent. The best moving average to use is the 7 or 14 exponential moving average (EMA) as it is more responsive to price fluctuations when compared to a simple or smooth moving average.

Is 20 EMA good? ›

A common trading strategy utilizing EMAs is to trade based on the position of a shorter-term EMA in relation to a longer-term EMA. For example, traders are bullish when the 20 EMA crosses above the 50 EMA or remains above the 50 EMA, and only turn bearish if the 20 EMA falls below the 50 EMA.

Why is EMA 20 important? ›

The 50-day and 20-day EMA charts give the resistance and support levels of stock. The support level is the point at which the stock price begins to fall, while the resistance level is the point at which the stock price begins to rise.

Which EMA is best for support and resistance? ›

The 100-period moving average is considered to provide stronger support for price when compared to the 9-period moving average. Traders can use any moving average that they like, some common lengths are the 9, 21, 50, 100 and 200 period moving averages.

What time frame do professional traders use? ›

Good examples of commonly used time frames in day trading include 1, 5, 15, 30, and 60-minute charts.

What is the 3 EMA strategy for day trading? ›

What is the Triple EMA? The Triple EMA is a technical analysis methodology that looks to identify price trends, eliminating the market “noise”. This allows you to ignore smaller, less relevant price fluctuations, concentrating on the primary trend in your time frame.

Is 50 EMA good for day trading? ›

The moving average works just as well in lower and higher time frames. As a result, day traders will find benefit in placing 50-bar EMAs on 15 and 60 minute charts because they define natural end points for intraday oscillations.

What moving averages can swing traders use? ›

Swing traders can use moving average crossovers as strategies to enter trades. They can calculate the average closing price of a share over 20 days, 50 days, 200 days etc. These are known as simple moving averages (SMA) and are represented as a line of the chart.

What are the best two moving averages? ›

However, moving averages serve many purposes, for example as trend filters or for other indicators and strategies. We conclude that the two most used and known moving averages are the best: the simple moving average and the exponential moving average.

Do most traders use EMA or SMA? ›

Given the different trading time frames best reflected and analyzed through SMAs and EMAs, most traders use these moving averages separate from one another. If you're plotting long-term positions, an SMA will be your moving average of choice. For short-term trades, an EMA is better suited to your information needs.

Is EMA a leading indicator? ›

Frequently used lagging indicators in the share market

1) Exponential moving average (EMA): It's a tool that gives more importance to the latest observations. That's how it is different from the simple moving average which gives equal importance to all data points.

What does 20 EMA crossing 50 EMA mean? ›

A common trading strategy utilizing EMAs is to trade based on the position of a shorter-term EMA in relation to a longer-term EMA. For example, traders are bullish when the 20 EMA crosses above the 50 EMA or remains above the 50 EMA, and only turn bearish if the 20 EMA falls below the 50 EMA.

What is the difference between EMA and Ewma? ›

An exponential moving average (EMA), also known as an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), is a first-order infinite impulse response filter that applies weighting factors which decrease exponentially. The weighting for each older datum decreases exponentially, never reaching zero.

What is 21 EMA moving average? ›

The 21-day exponential moving average (EMA) can be a powerful tool for investors. Though it is most powerful in a bull market, it has plenty of use during bear markets as well. Like the commonly used 50-day moving average, the 21-day takes the closing prices of the past 21 sessions and averages them out.

What is 9 EMA and 20 EMA? ›

If the 9 ema is over the 20; the price is bullish. If the 20 is over the 9; the price is bearish. When the 9 and 20 are close together and it's difficult to differentiate the two then the stock is indecisive. Pay attention to ema crossovers, which signify potential reversal setups.

What is the best EMA range? ›

The 8- and 20-day EMA tend to be the most popular time frames for day traders while the 50 and 200-day EMA are better suited for long term investors.

Which EMA cross value is best? ›

In general, the EMA is set at 9 by default. This is good for the short term, but most intraday traders pick the value of 8 or 20 to get a better interpretation of price information and to make trade decisions. Here the price trending above the moving average gives the bullish signal.

What EMA do most traders use? ›

The most commonly used EMAs by forex traders are 5, 10, 12, 20, 26, 50, 100, and 200. Traders operating off of shorter timeframe charts, such as the five- or 15-minute charts, are more likely to use shorter-term EMAs, such as the 5 and 10.

Do more people use SMA or EMA? ›

The main practical difference between a simple moving average and an exponential moving average is the calculation that is performed. SMA are the most commonly used averages, but there are cases where EMA might be more appropriate.

What is the most popular exponential moving average? ›

The 12- and 26-day exponential moving averages (EMAs) are often the most quoted and analyzed short-term averages. The 12- and 26-day are used to create indicators like the moving average convergence divergence (MACD) and the percentage price oscillato (PPO).

What happens when 200 EMA crosses 50 EMA? ›

The downward crossover of the 50-day EMA through the 200-day EMA signals a death cross that many technicians believe marks the end of an uptrend. An upward crossover or golden cross is alleged to possess similar magic properties in establishing a new uptrend.

How to use 20 50 200 EMA? ›

If the 20-EMA is above the 50-EMA, the trend is bullish. If the 20-EMA is below the 50-EMA, the trend is bearish. For negative 20/50-EMA crossovers in the intermediate-term, the 20/50/200-EMAs can be used together to determine if a bearish crossover is a sell (sell/short) or neutral (hedge or cash) trend change.

Why is 20 EMA important? ›

The 50-day and 20-day EMA charts give the resistance and support levels of stock. The support level is the point at which the stock price begins to fall, while the resistance level is the point at which the stock price begins to rise.

What is the 5 9 EMA strategy? ›

The 5/9 moving average rule

As in the case of any other moving average crossover strategy entry levels are when the faster moving average – in this case the 5 day EMA crosses from beneath the 9 day slower EMA. Exits in this strategy will be when the 5 day EMA crosses from above the 9 day EMA.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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