What is Escrow in Massachusetts Real Estate (2024)

Are you wondering about escrow and how it works?

In the ever-evolving world of Massachusetts real estate, navigating through terminologies and complex processes can often lead to confusion.

Among these intricate jargons, “Escrow” stands out, frequently popping up in real estate conversations with looming significance. A mysterious term to many first-time home buyers wondering, ‘What on earth is Escrow?’ You’re not alone.

This elusive concept of escrow holds a pivotal role in all property transactions. It acts as a safety net, ensuring both parties stay true to their parts of the deal.

Rev up your real estate expertise, and fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the labyrinthine of housing escrow. We will demystify its purpose, dissect its process, and guide you every step of the way.

Knowledge is power in real estate transactions. I’ll do my best to empower you today! Before purchasing a house, you’ll know the meaning and definition of escrow in real estate.

In real estate, escrow refers to a process where funds or assets are held by a neutral third party, known as an escrow agent until all agreed-upon conditions between the buyer and seller are met.

This ensures that both parties fulfill their obligations before the final transfer of ownership occurs. Escrow provides security and protection for all parties involved in a real estate transaction in Massachusetts.

It helps to mitigate risks and ensure a smooth and fair exchange.

From almost fourty years experience selling homes, I know how crucial it is for homebuyers and sellers to understand the escrow process.

When you’ve never bought or sold before understanding the intracies of escrow procedures in Massachusetts is not uncommon.

By the time you’re done ready, you have everything you need to know about real estate escrows.

What is escrow in Massachusetts real estate sales?

Statistics and Studies on Escrows

  • In the U.S., approximately 77% of real estate transactions involve an escrow service, according to a study by First American Financial Corporation.
  • It’s estimated that over 50% of buyers pay between 2% and 5% of their home’s cost into escrow at closing, per data from the National Association of Realtors.
  • According to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, almost all (over 99%) of fixed-rate mortgages for purchasing new homes have an escrow account, a stark increase from just a few decades ago when around half did not.

Understanding Escrow in Massachusetts Real Estate

Escrow is vital as a neutral third party, facilitating the smooth transfer process between buyers and sellers of funds and property.

In simple terms, escrow refers to a temporary condition where funds or assets are transferred to a third party until predetermined conditions are met.

Escrow in Massachusetts home sales aims to protect both parties involved. It ensures the necessary steps and requirements are fulfilled before the final exchange occurs.

Imagine you’re buying a house. You make an offer, which the seller accepts. However, instead of directly giving your money to the seller, you deposit it into an escrow account managed by an agent.

This ensures that your funds are secure until all conditions outlined in the escrow agreement have been satisfied. This usually includes real estate contingencies. For example, completing inspections, obtaining insurance, securing financing, and resolving title issues.

By utilizing an escrow service, the buyer and seller can have confidence that their interests are protected during each stage of the real estate transaction. It adds an element of security and transparency to a complex and high-stakes process.

Now that we better understand what escrow means in real estate, let’s explore the general overview of how the escrow process unfolds.

Who Holds Escrow Money in Massachusetts

The seller’s real estate brokerage or attorney typically holds Massachusetts escrow funds.

Massachusetts is different from other states because a title or third-party escrow company is usually unused.

The buyer’s agent will deliver the buyer’s earnest money deposit to the listing agent upon accepting an offer.

The listing broker will then deposit the money into their bank’s escrow account. The funds will remain in the escrow account until closing.

A buyer’s escrow funds will be accounted for and go toward the property’s purchase price.

The Escrow Process Overview in Massachusetts

Real estate deals go through various stages during the escrow process. It typically starts once the seller has accepted the buyer’s offer.

From there, several key steps are followed to ensure a smooth transfer of ownership and funds.

One primary component involves conducting thorough inspections of the property to identify any potential issues or repairs needed. Finding an excellent Massachusetts home inspector is essential.

Simultaneously, buyers work on securing financing through a lender, while sellers may need to resolve any outstanding liens or other legal matters.

Appraisals of the property’s value, title searches to ensure no ownership disputes or claims, and considerations of zoning regulations are also crucial steps in the process.

Also, buyers must obtain proper insurance coverage to protect their investment and satisfy lender requirements.

Once all necessary actions have been completed, the final stage involves signing the necessary documents, transferring funds from escrow to the seller, and officially recording the change in ownership with the appropriate authorities.

It’s important to note that throughout this process, funds remain in escrow until all parties involved agree that all conditions outlined in the escrow agreement have been satisfied. This ensures a fair and secure transaction for both buyer and seller.

Responsibility for Escrow Execution

When executing an escrow in a Massachusetts real estate transaction, it is typical for a real estate broker, known as an escrow agent, to take on this responsibility.

The escrow agent is pivotal in ensuring a smooth and secure transfer of funds and documents between the buyer and seller.

The specific responsibilities of the escrow agent include:

  • Safely hold the funds and other valuables involved in the transaction in an escrow account until all conditions outlined in the escrow agreement are met.
  • Ensuring that both parties fulfill their obligations as outlined in the agreement.
  • Facilitating the necessary steps during the escrow process, such as coordinating with lenders, reviewing contracts, conducting inspections, and verifying title information.
  • Providing documentation and financial statements to both parties, offering transparency and peace of mind throughout the transaction.

The broker ensures that funds and documents are handled carefully per the agreed-upon terms.

Now that we understand who is responsible for executing an escrow in a real estate transaction, let’s explore the benefits and challenges of this process.

Benefits and Challenges of Escrow For Real Estate in Massachusetts

Escrow transactions bring several advantages to both buyers and sellers in real estate deals. Let’s first delve into some key benefits:


  1. Security: Engaging in an escrow arrangement provides peace of mind for both parties. Buyers can be confident that their funds are safely held until all necessary steps are completed. For example, the completion of inspections and title searches. On the other hand, sellers are assured that they will receive payment promptly once they fulfill their obligations.
  2. Neutrality: With an escrow agent acting as a neutral intermediary, buyers and sellers can trust that their interests are prioritized without bias. The escrow agent ensures fair and equitable transaction execution, impartially representing both parties’ interests.
  3. Smooth Transactions: Escrow helps facilitate a smoother transfer of funds and documents by managing key steps. This includes coordinating with lenders, conducting necessary inspections, reviewing contracts, and verifying title information. By overseeing these details, escrow agents contribute to a more organized and efficient transaction.

While escrow offers various benefits, it’s important to acknowledge potential challenges:


In other states, these items below could be downsides. However, they do not apply in Massachusetts because real estate companies usually handle escrow. There are no fees or problems with timelines.

  1. Costs: Engaging an escrow agent does come with associated costs, typically shared between the buyer and seller. These fees can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the transaction and local regulations. Considering these additional expenses when budgeting for a real estate deal is essential.
  2. Timeline Considerations: Escrow transactions involve multiple steps and parties, which can extend the overall timeline for completing the transaction compared to a direct buyer-seller agreement. This may not be ideal for those seeking quick property transfers or urgent sales/purchase requirements.

For instance, buyers with strict timelines due to relocation needs might prefer more expedited methods instead of going through the escrow process.

Despite these challenges, escrow remains widely used in real estate transactions. It provides security, neutrality, and smoother execution.

Again, these issues do not apply to a real estate brokerage holding the funds in Massachusetts.

Buyer’s vs. Seller’s Perspective

Regarding escrow transactions in real estate, buyers and sellers have different perspectives and considerations.

For buyers, escrow provides a sense of security. It ensures that their funds are protected until all conditions of the sale have been met.

On the other hand, sellers may see escrow as a necessary step to safeguard against potential risks in the transaction. They want assurance that the buyer can complete the purchase and that their property will not be tied up indefinitely.

Imagine you’re purchasing your dream home. From a buyer’s perspective, escrow can help ensure that a neutral third party safely holds your deposit until all contingencies are met.

As a buyer, the escrow process allows you to proceed confidently, knowing your interests are protected.

From a seller’s perspective, escrow serves as a way to validate the buyer’s sincerity and financial capacity. By establishing an escrow account, the seller can rest assured that the buyer has the funds for the down payment and closing costs.

This prevents scenarios where a property is taken off the market for an extended period only for the buyer to back out due to financing issues or other unforeseen circ*mstances.

Understanding these differing perspectives is crucial in grasping how estate agents play a vital role in facilitating smooth escrow transactions.

The Role of Estate Agents in Massachusetts Escrow Transactions

Real Estate agents are intermediaries between buyers and sellers during the escrow process. They act as knowledgeable guides who navigate clients through this intricate transaction stage.

Their expertise ensures that all necessary steps are carried out promptly and efficiently.

Realtors assist in coordinating various aspects of an escrow transaction. When homes are contingent, they schedule necessary inspections such as appraisals or termite inspections and ensure that all paperwork and documentation are correctly completed.

They also work closely with escrow officers and other professionals to address issues.

For instance, if contingencies are specified in the purchase agreement, such as repairs that must be completed before closing, a real estate agent can oversee the communication between the buyer, seller, and appropriate contractors.

This ensures that necessary repairs are executed within agreed-upon timelines, satisfying both parties and keeping the transaction on track.

Furthermore, agents are crucial in communicating updates and progress to clients throughout the escrow period.

They provide insights into each step of the process, answer questions, and alleviate any concerns or uncertainties that may arise.

Now that we have explored the role of estate agents in escrow transactions, let’s consider some essential factors before entering into an escrow agreement.

Considerations Before Entering an Escrow Agreement

Important considerations before proceeding with an escrow agreement in a real estate transaction must be remembered.

First and foremost, it is crucial to thoroughly review and understand the terms and conditions outlined in the Massachusetts offer to purchase before transferring your money.

This document serves as the foundation for the entire process and details the obligations and responsibilities of all parties involved. Take the time to read through every clause carefully.

Seek legal advice, if necessary, to ensure you are fully aware of what is expected.

Another critical consideration is the role of the escrow agent. The escrow agent acts as a neutral third party even though they are the seller’s agent. They are responsible for safeguarding funds and coordinating the various components of the transaction.

Remember All The Costs When Buying a Massachusetts Home

Financial aspects should also be taken into account before entering an escrow agreement. Assess your financial readiness and ensure sufficient funds are available to fulfill your obligations during the escrow process.

This may include expenses such as appraisal fees, inspections, insurance premiums, and other costs associated with closing the deal.

Additionally, it is essential to allocate funds for potential contingencies or unexpected expenses that may arise during escrow.

One critical consideration often overlooked is the timeline of the escrow process. Real estate deals can involve multiple stages that need to be completed before reaching a successful closing.

These stages may include appraisals, home inspections, obtaining financing and insurance, title searches, zoning considerations, and repairs.

Please familiarize yourself with these steps and understand their potential impact on timelines. Ensure you have ample time to complete each stage and avoid rushing decisions that could lead to costly mistakes.

Mortgage Lenders Also Require Escrow Accounts

Once you have completed buying a home in Massachusetts, your mortgage lender will set up an escrow account to cover the costs of your property taxes and homeowners insurance.

Every month, a portion of your mortgage payment will be allocated by your mortgage servicer and placed into the escrow account. This money will then be held there until it is time to make the necessary payments for your taxes and insurance.

The necessary amount for escrow can vary depending on the fluctuating tax bill and insurance premiums. Your servicer will calculate your escrow payments for the upcoming year based on the previous year’s expenses.

To ensure sufficient funds in escrow, most lenders mandate a minimum of 2 months’ worth of additional payments to be maintained in your account.

Your bank or loan servicer will conduct an annual analysis of your escrow account to ensure that the amount collected is not excessive or insufficient. If their analysis indicates an over-collection of funds for taxes and insurance, you will receive an escrow refund.

If their analysis reveals a shortfall in the amount collected, it will be necessary for you to cover the difference. You can either make a single payment or increase your monthly mortgage payment to compensate for the deficit in your escrow account.

From experience of buying multiple homes myself and being a real estate agent, some mortgage lenders will allow you to pay taxes and insurance yourself.

In other words, you won’t be required to set up a separate escrow account. You should ask your loan officer upfront about this. I always wanted to handle the money on my own.


Lastly, consider seeking guidance from professionals throughout this process. Real estate agents, attorneys, and financial advisors can provide valuable insights. They can offer support when navigating the intricacies of an escrow agreement. Their expertise can help you make informed decisions, minimize risks, and protect your interests.

Remember that entering into an escrow agreement is a significant commitment, and each step should be carefully considered.

Understanding the terms and evaluating your financial readiness is vital. Awareness of the timeline and seeking professional guidance will all contribute to a smoother and more successful escrow process.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of escrow in real estate.

What is Escrow in Massachusetts Real Estate (2024)


What is Escrow in Massachusetts Real Estate? ›

Escrow: Funds held by a neutral/disinterested third party (real estate agent in most cases) until completion of the instructions by both parties (seller and buyer) has been finalized.

How long is escrow in Massachusetts? ›

The escrow period is the time between the signing of the real estate contract and the closing date, as specified in the purchase contract. In most cases, it is between 30 and 60 days.

What does it mean when a property is in escrow? ›

Funds or assets held in escrow are temporarily transferred to and held by a third party, usually on behalf of a buyer and seller to facilitate a transaction. "In escrow" is often used in real estate transactions whereby property, cash, and the title are held in escrow until predetermined conditions are met.

What 3 things does escrow include? ›

The escrow company acts as a neutral third party to collect the required funds and documents involved in the closing process, including the initial earnest money check, the loan documents, and the signed deed.

Is escrow and earnest the same thing? ›

Earnest money refers to a payment made from a hopeful home buyer to the home seller to show. This payment is separate from the down payment, though it does usually get applied to the total down payment cost. Earnest money is placed in an escrow and is seen as a token of good faith from the buyer.

Does escrow go up every year? ›

Your monthly mortgage payment is made up of three parts: principal, interest, and escrow. Your principal and interest are likely on a fixed rate and won't change. Your escrow payments, however, will likely vary on a yearly basis. An increase in your escrow payments could be due to tax and insurance rate fluctuations.

Can I remove escrow from my mortgage? ›

If you can't afford to put 20% down when you take out the loan and don't want an escrow account, you might be able to cancel the account once you reach 20% equity in the home. In most cases, you also must have had the loan for at least a year and can't have any late payments during that time.

Do you get escrow money back? ›

Escrow refunds generally come when there's an expense that's smaller than expected, such as a lower insurance bill or fewer taxes. Your mortgage servicer pays the lower amount and then, when the servicer conducts an escrow analysis, the difference will be refunded to you, typically by check.

Can a property fall out of escrow? ›

Whatever the reason is, if the sale of the property is void, the house “falls out” of escrow. If it is void you are not responsible for the full down payment and the funds in escrow should be returned to you.

What not to do when you're in escrow? ›

In the meantime, make sure you don't make these common credit mistakes that can undermine your smooth closing:
  1. Watch those zero-balance credit cards. ...
  2. Don't change jobs – or let your lender know if you do. ...
  3. Don't buy or lease a new car. ...
  4. Don't buy new furniture on store credit. ...
  5. Don't run up credit cards with cash advances:
Aug 10, 2018

Who owns the money in an escrow account? ›

Who owns the money in an escrow account? The buyer in a transaction owns the money held in escrow. This is because the escrow agent only has the money in trust. The ownership of the money is transferred to the seller once the transaction's obligations are met.

What are the disadvantages of an escrow account? ›

While escrow does provide a lot of benefits, there are some downsides. Loss of investment opportunities: In addition to your mortgage, you're also paying a chunk of your property tax bill and insurance premiums into the account — money that can't be earning a higher return elsewhere.

Who keeps earnest money if a deal falls through? ›

The purpose of earnest money is to provide the seller with compensation in the event that the buyer backs out of the deal through no fault of the seller and in violation of the agreements in the purchase contract. If that happens, the seller gets to keep the earnest money.

Why put a house in escrow? ›

In real estate, escrow is typically used for two reasons: To protect the buyer's good faith deposit, so the money goes to the right party according to the conditions of the sale. To hold a homeowner's funds for property taxes and homeowners insurance.

Who keeps earnest money at closing? ›

Earnest Money is submitted to an escrow company with the accepted purchase contract. At the close of escrow, the EMD is credited towards the down payment and / or closing costs. If there are no closing costs or down payment, the EMD is refunded back to the buyer.

How long is a house typically in escrow? ›

It usually takes between 30 to 60 days for an escrow to close. Sometimes the escrow timeline can be shorter or longer. You and the Sellers agree to an escrow timeline during the contract negotiation.

How long does an escrow account last? ›

After you purchase a home, your mortgage lender will establish an escrow account to pay for your taxes and homeowners insurance. Each month, your mortgage servicer takes a portion of your monthly mortgage payment and holds it in the escrow account until your tax and insurance payments are due.

How long is a standard escrow? ›

Typically the escrow period is 30 days. That's just about enough time to get everything done that is required in a typical real estate sale. Sometimes you can get it done in 21 to 25 days but that's really hustling. 30 is standard and sometimes it goes over by a few days just because there is so much to get done.

What is the longest you can be in escrow? ›

How Long Does the Escrow Period Last? The escrow period usually lasts about 30 to 60 days. The actual length of time may depend on many factors. Sometimes sellers or buyers will negotiate a longer period of time, if it is needed for moving or other logistics.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.