What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (2024)

To make an investment, the financial statements numbers are critical. Today many investors are considering non-financial insights about an organization when making an investment decision. This involves components such as identifying and tackling climate change, diversity, or equal pay. This type of investment strategy is referred to as environmental, social, and governance investing or ESG investing. Socially responsible investing strategies are slowly becoming increasingly popular among investors.

But what exactly is ESG investing, and how can organizations incorporate it into their investment portfolio?

An ethical investing strategy, ESG investing helps investors, businesses, and people to align their investment choices with their values. ESG investors aim to purchase the shares of organizations that demonstrate their willingness to improve their performance across the three areas of ESG.

What is an ESG?

An acronym for a set of environmental, social, and governance standards, ESG is a socially conscious framework critical for investors to select investments. Some examples of ESG category include:


  • Carbon emissions

  • Green energy initiatives

  • Waste management

  • Air pollution and water usage

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (1)


  • Gender and diversity

  • Data privacy and security

  • Customer satisfaction

  • Sexual harassment policies in an organization

  • Human rights


These criteria help in identifying how well public companies are employing measures to safeguard the environment and the societies they function in, along with how they ensure management and corporate governance. ESG can mean different things to different individuals. And there is no agreed-upon definition for organizations as well as investors.

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What is ESG Investing?

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (2)

ESG investing can be defined as investing that encompasses sustainability principles along with ESG criteria in the investment decision-making process. At the very core, ESG investing is about influencing a positive change in society by fostering a sustainable investing environment for investors. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance, and each category broadly implies:

  • The environmental factors that are used to measure how business practices impact the world’s ecosystems.

  • The social factors involve the well-being and safety of employees and how businesses interact with the communities they function in.

  • Governance factors enable organizations to evaluate the ethics and longevity of their management.

ESG investing incorporates environmental, social, and corporate governance factors that impact an organization's overall performance. By evaluating ESG factors, investors gain a holistic view of the firms they back, thereby mitigating the risk and identifying new opportunities for growth.

The ESG Investing Boom

In recent years, there has been a significant expansion of ESG investing across the globe as organizations and individuals are increasingly recognizing the interdependencies between social, environmental, and economic issues. The pandemic further encouraged this trend notably. Uncertainty and market disruptions led to many investors turning to ESG funds for increased resiliency. Today, $30.7 trillion sits in sustainable investment funds globally, and it is predicted to rise to $50 trillion in the next two decades.

More and more investors are scrutinizing funding organizations and products that support and promote sustainability while complying with emerging regulations like climate change. This growing demand has been met with increased action on ESG issues and progressively higher returns on ESG investments due to resilience against conventional market disruptions. Organizational portfolios incorporating ESG, and sustainability are known to perform better in the long term.

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (3)

This boom in ESG investing can be attributed to a different range of components. And with the supply chains becoming more complex, there is a broader awareness of social and human rights issues and risks for the business world. There has also been a growing concern for environmental issues, including climate change, that influence investor decisions. The elevated engagement of groups - particularly young people and women - is further contributing contributed to the ESG investing boom. To reflect the evolving societal values, it is essential for organizations to adopt forward-looking ESG practices to remain competitors in their industry.

Industries are receiving increasing pressure from stakeholders, investors, and concerned citizens to incorporate sustainable investments into their operational framework. And with legal obligations expected to tighten for industries progressively, they are likely to face more pressure from their shareholders to reduce their contributions to climate change. Such events will spark further transformations within these industries.

Read more: ESG Strategy for Growth: Embedding ESG in the Business Model

How Does ESG Investing Work?

Let's have a closer look at the critical criteria used to evaluate ESG investing in an organization:

  • Environment: The kind of impact a company has on the environment is calculated in the aspect of ESG. This can involve an organization's carbon footprint, its mitigation of toxic chemicals in its manufacturing and processes, along its pursuit of sustainability through the supply chain.

  • Social: This requires the organization to improve its social impact - within the company as well as in the broader community. Social factors also include LGBTQ+ equality and racial diversity in the executive suite and staff, along with inclusion programs and hiring practices.

  • Governance: This highlights the organization's board and management drive to positive change. Governance encloses everything from issues covering executive pay to diversity in leadership.

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (4)

Why Choose ESG Investing?

ESG investing in an organization helps ensure that their investment choices align properly with the organizational values and priorities. And this is emerging as one of the critical reasons to pursue ESG investing.

Investors are voicing their concerns about environmental and social problems like climate change leading to severe climate crises, gender inequality, data security, and privacy. They are also ensuring that they do not invest in firms that contribute to such problems. But aside from supporting the fight to overcome climate change crisis and social injustice, ESG investing strategy can further offer organizations with higher returns.

ESG indexes and funds have recently outperformed broad indexes, and they have done this partly because of the greater percentage of tech companies. Research has highlighted that ESG investments actually help organizations in mitigating risks.

It is equally important for investors to have a mix of sectors represented in their investments in order to lower the risk of poor performance in one tank of their investment. This will further help in balancing out any risks the invested funds can introduce sectors.

ESG Strategies to Consider for Socially Conscious Investing

ESG offers different strategies to investors to align their investments with their values. The approaches include:

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (5)

Socially Responsible Investing

Socially responsible investing, or SRI, helps investors in aligning their investment choices with their values. SRI also presents a framework for investing in organizations that agree with their social and environmental values.

ESG investing takes into consideration the different practices and policies of an organization that impact profitability and future returns. And with socially responsible investing, investors can focus their investment and align it with their values. While ESG focuses on corporate performance, SRI evaluates an investor’s personal outlook.

Read more: The Future of Corporate Sustainability: 2023 Predictions

Impact Investing

Impact investing is focused on returns and intent. With impact investing, investors can make investments across different market segments dedicated to solving pressing problems. These sectors include industries making advancements in green and renewable energy, along with housing equity, healthcare access, and affordability. Research has highlighted different guidelines for impact investments. They are as follows:

  • Intentionality: Investments made with the intention of having a positive social or environmental impact.

  • Investment with return expectations: Investments that help to generate a return of capital at a minimum.

  • Range of return expectations as well as an asset class: Impact investors have various financial return expectations. While some settle for below-market-rate returns to achieve their strategic ESG objectives, others want their investments to outperform the broad market.

  • Impact measurement: Investments that offer an exceptional level of transparency for investors to achieve meaningful change.

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (6)

Compared to ESG, impact investing helps in generating lower returns. Lower returns can also be considered as a part of a trade-off that impacts investors make to support earlier-stage ventures. For investors with a sincere interest in social equity, impact investing presents a direct approach to affecting change with a high focus on investment.

Conscious Capitalism

Conscious capitalism implies that organizations should act with the utmost ethics while pursuing profits. The four guiding principles of the conscious capitalism movement include:

  • Higher purpose: Profit for such companies is considered a reward for a well-built conscious company. They further strive to achieve a higher purpose and create a major impact on the world beyond market share.

  • Stakeholder orientation: Organizations and industry leaders should develop an orientation framework that helps in balancing the needs of every stakeholder equally, without overweighting shareholder returns at the cost of other stakeholders.

  • Conscious leadership: Leaders should integrate measures towards developing an all-inclusive culture by weighing in the interests of all stakeholders in the business, ranging from employees to shareholders and customers.

  • Conscious culture: Organizations should work towards creating a conscious culture within their business practices that helps in promoting their values and purpose.

Today, conscious capitalism is being perceived as a concept like ESG but with one notable difference - the principle of conscious capitalism is embodied by the leader of an organization, which leads to them driving the firm with a high ESG score. Thus, when investors practice an ESG investment strategy, they will choose organizations that represent conscious capitalism principles.

Read more: ESG Investing Trends to Watch

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (7)

Key Takeaways

  • ESG investing strategies take an organization's environmental, social, and governance factors into consideration and are estimated to reach $50 trillion in the next two decades.

  • Environmental, social, and governance or ESG factors are used to evaluate an organization's investment sustainability.

  • A form of sustainable investing, ESG investing incorporates environmental, social, and governance components to evaluate an investment’s financial returns and impact.

  • ESG strategies, including impact investing, are gaining momentum and growing as shareholders are demanding actions.

  • One of the most favored ways to evaluate the metrics is through ESG integration. This strategy helps in evaluating the stock through an ESG lens along with other traditional metrics such as capital allocation and cash flow.

  • There are different ways to take an ESG-style investing approach, such as ETFs that help in tracking indices and specialty funds that do not include stocks related to polarizing areas of the market.

  • ESG strategies have proven to be market-beating in the last few years.


Today, it has become critical for organizations to recognize and embrace the shifting ESG investing landscape. The term investor is no longer solely used to refer to a select group of people. Rather, it is increasingly used as a tool to attract a diverse spectrum of people across the globe. The range of factors considered by investors when making decisions has become much broader, reflecting the gradual diffusion of progressive and holistic ESG values. The issues prioritized by investors and organizations are determined by the environmental, social, and economic circ*mstances of the time and are deemed important for a company. Some of the prominent issues influencing ESG investment include:

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (8)

  • Efforts are being taken by organizations to mitigate climate change and environmental disasters like biodiversity loss. To achieve net-zero emissions, organizations are incorporating new policies within their operations.

  • Workplace diversity and equal opportunities are enabling organizations to identify diversity in management.

  • An organization’s performance against ESG enables stakeholders to make key decisions. Many tools are available to measure and report ESG performance.

  • ESG values enable companies to measure and report their performance in a range of areas, such as governance, climate-related risks, resource management, and engagement strategy.

Climate change is demonstrating the fragility of businesses and their usual approaches. It has further brought to light the importance of organizational resistance to sustainable investment. Shareholders and stakeholders are now compelling businesses to transition towards more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable activity to support future generations. Organizations need to build adaptive capacities by considering a wider range of metrics in their operations and long-term strategies. By identifying ESG benchmarks that are material to them as well as setting robust targets, organizations can set themselves up for sustainable growth.

With a presence in New York, San Francisco, Austin, Seattle, Toronto, London, Zurich, Pune, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, SG Analytics, a pioneer in Research and Analytics, offers tailor-made services to enterprises worldwide.

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (9)

A leader in ESG Services, SG Analytics offers bespoke sustainability consulting services and research support for informed decision-making. Contact us today if you are in search of an efficient ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) integration and management solution provider to boost your sustainable performance.

About SG Analytics

SG Analytics is an industry-leadingglobal insights and analytics firm providing data-centric research and contextual analytics services to its clients, including Fortune 500 companies, across BFSI, Technology, Media and entertainment, and Healthcare sectors. Established in 2007, SG Analytics is a Great Place to Work® (GPTW) certified company and has a team of over 1100 employees and has presence across the U.S.A, the U.K., Switzerland, Canada, and India.

Apart from being recognized by reputed firms such as Analytics India Magazine, Everest Group, and ISG, SG Analytics has been recently awarded as the top ESG consultancy of the year 2022 and Idea Awards 2023 by Entrepreneur India in the “Best Use of Data” category.

What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types (2024)


What is ESG Investing, Definition, Examples & Strategies Types? ›

This type of ethical investing strategy helps people align investment choices with personal values. ESG stands for environment, social and governance. ESG investors aim to buy the shares of companies that have demonstrated a willingness to improve their performance in these three areas.

What are the examples of ESG investing? ›

Examples include Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg ESG Data Services, Thomson Reuters ESG Research Data, and others. The ESG scores measure companies' efforts in reducing carbon footprints, greener technology usage, community development projects, tax abiding, and avoiding legal issues.

What are the strategies for ESG investing? ›

What are the four strategies of ESG investing? ESG investing involves four distinct techniques to achieve success: exclusionary screening, positive selection, ESG integration and impact investment.

What is ESG and example? ›

Adopting ESG principles means corporate strategy focuses on environment, social, and governance. This means taking measures to lower pollution, and CO2 output, and reduce waste. It also means having a diverse and inclusive workforce, at the entry level and the board of directors.

What is an example of an ESG strategy? ›

Examples of an ESG strategy
  • Reduce emissions across all operations (scope 1, 2, and 3)
  • Invest $1 billion to accelerate technology development and deployment of new climate innovations.
  • Purchase carbon removal credits.
Dec 8, 2023

What are the disadvantages of ESG investing? ›

However, there are also some cons to ESG investing. First, ESG funds may carry higher-than-average expense ratios. This is because ESG investing requires more research and due diligence, which can be costly. Second, ESG investing can be subjective.

Is ESG good or bad? ›

Companies with a low ESG score are thought to have the worst environmental, social, and governance impacts. Undesirable ESG scores have also been linked to rising poverty levels in the communities where the firm operates, as well as poor employee mental health.

What is the most common ESG strategy? ›

The Full Integration method is the most complete ESG strategy as it is a mix of other methods. In this approach, ESG criteria are incorporated at each step of the investment process, from picking stocks to deciding how much to invest in each of them.

How do you define ESG strategy? ›

An ESG strategy shows your commitment to factors relating to the environment, social issues and corporate governance. Rather than simply claiming to take sustainability seriously and then just continuing as normal, an ESG strategy pinpoints what the issuer will strive to achieve in these areas.

What are the three principal ESG strategies? ›

The three pillars of ESG are:
  • Environmental – this has to do with an organisation's impact on the planet.
  • Social – this has to do with the impact an organisation has on people, including staff and customers and the community.
  • Governance – this has to do with how an organisation is governed. Is it governed transparently?

What is an example of ESG in real life? ›

Costco: Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain

Costco, the famous retail giant in America, is now focused and committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing practices. The company has implemented several ESG initiatives in the previous years, including reducing waste and promoting sustainable agriculture.

What is ESG in one word? ›

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance.

Why is ESG controversial? ›

One of the biggest criticisms of ESG is that it perpetuates what it was partly designed to stop – greenwashing.

Who has the highest ESG score? ›

Top 100 ESG Companies
RankCompanyESG Score
1ASML Holdings N.V.73.13
2Check Point Software Technologies72.64
3Hermes International SCA71.71
39 more rows

Is ESG a good investment strategy? ›

ESG funds have similarities to other funds

While the results from these time periods have been generally encouraging for ESG funds as a whole, we don't see convincing evidence that ESG funds are reliably better than non-ESG funds.

How many companies have an ESG strategy? ›

GlobalData's ESG Sentiment Polls Q4 2022 reveals that only 32% of respondents said their company had an ESG strategy. This means that the majority (68%) of respondents either had no ESG plan in place (34%) or were unsure whether they had one (34%).

Is Apple an ESG investment? ›

Apple Stock Ranks Fifth On ESG List. For investors who care about a company's ESG initiatives, Apple stock is a standout. In addition to environmental causes, Apple is working with community groups to improve technology education and job opportunities, especially for minorities.

Where is ESG investing most popular? ›

It is more and more becoming the standard in the investment industry, especially in Europe, where most of the sustainable fund's assets are concentrated. The most common approach to investing sustainably is through ESG integration - by explicitly and systematically factoring ESG issues into the investment decision.

What are the 3 pillars of ESG? ›

The three pillars of ESG are:
  • Environmental – this has to do with an organisation's impact on the planet.
  • Social – this has to do with the impact an organisation has on people, including staff and customers and the community.
  • Governance – this has to do with how an organisation is governed. Is it governed transparently?

Who invests in ESG funds? ›

ESG investing has been developed primarily by and for large institutional investors (pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, etc.).

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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