What Is Financial Leverage, and Why Is It Important? (2024)

What Is Financial Leverage?

Financial leverage results from using borrowed capital as a funding source when investing to expand the firm's asset base and generate returns on risk capital. Leverage is an investment strategy of using borrowed money—specifically, the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital—to increase the potential return of an investment. Leverage can also refer to the amount of debt a firm uses to finance assets.

Key Takeaways

  • Leverage refers to the use of debt (borrowed funds) to amplify returns from an investment or project.
  • Investors use leverage to multiply their buying power in the market.
  • Companies use leverage to finance to invest in their future to increase shareholder value rather than issue stock to raise capital.
  • There is a range of financial leverage ratios to gauge how risky a company's position is, with the most common being debt-to-assets and debt-to-equity.
  • Misuse of leverage may have serious consequences. It played a factor in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

What Is Financial Leverage, and Why Is It Important? (1)

Understanding Financial Leverage

Leverage is the use of debt or borrowed capital in order to undertake an investment or project. It is commonly used as a way to boost an entity's equity base. The concept of leverage is used by both investors and companies:

  • Investors use leverage to significantly increase the returns that can be provided on an investment.They leverage their investments by using various instruments, including options, futures,and margin accounts.
  • Companies can use leverage to finance their assets. In other words, instead of issuing stock to raise capital, companies can use debt financing to invest in business operations in an attempt to increase shareholder value.

Investors who are not comfortable using leverage directly have a variety of ways to access leverage indirectly. They can invest in companies that use leverage in the normal course of their business to finance or expand operations—without increasingtheir outlay.

The point and result of financial leverage is to multiply the potential returns from a project. At the same time, leverage will also multiply the potential downside risk in case the investment does not pan out. When one refers to a company, property, orinvestmentas "highly leveraged," it means that the item has more debt than equity.

Leverage might have played a factor in the 2008 global financial crisis. Some believe that instead of settling for modest returns, investment companies and borrowers got greedy, opened leverage positions, and caused major market repercussions when their leveraged investments missed the mark.

How to Calculate Financial Leverage

There is an entire suite of leverage financial ratios used to calculate how much debt a company is leveraging in an attempt to maximize profits. Several common leverage ratios are listed below.

Total-Debt-to-Total-Assets Ratio

A company can analyze its leverage by seeing what percent of its assets have been purchased using debt. A company can subtract the total debt-to-total-assets ratio from 1 to find the equity-to-assets ratio. If the debt-to-assets ratio is high, a company has relied on leverage to finance its assets.

Total-Debt-to-Total-Assets Ratio = Total Debt ÷ Total Assets

Keep in mind that when you calculate the ratio, you're using all debt, including short- and long-term debt vehicles.

Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio

Instead of looking at what the company owns, it can measure leverage by looking strictly at how assets have been financed. The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio is used to compare what the company has borrowed compared to what it has raised from private investors or shareholders.

Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt ÷ Total Equity

A D/E ratio greater than one means a company has more debt than equity. However, this doesn't necessarily mean a company is highly leveraged. Each company and industry typically operates in a specific way that may warrant a higher or lower ratio.

For example, start-up technology companies may struggle to secure financing and must often turn to private investors. Therefore, a debt-to-equity ratio of .5 may still be considered high for this industry compared.

Debt-to-EBITDA Ratio

A company can also compare its debt to how much income it makes in a given period. The company will want to know that debt in relation to operating income is controllable. That's why it is common to use EBITDA instead of net income.

A company with a high debt-to-EBITDA is carrying a high degree of weight compared to what the company makes. The higher the debt-to-EBITDA, the more leverage a company is carrying.

Debt-to-EBITDA = Total Debt ÷ Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization

Equity Multiplier

Debt is not directly considered in the equity multiplier. But it is inherently included as total assets and total equity each has a direct relationship with total debt. The equity multiplier attempts to understand the ownership weight of a company by analyzing how assets have been financed. A company with a low equity multiplier has financed a large portion of its assets with equity, meaning they are not highly leveraged.

Equity Multiplier = Total Assets ÷Total Equity

DuPont analysis uses the equity multiplier to measure financial leverage. One can calculate the equity multiplier by dividing a firm's total assets by its total equity. Once figured, multiplythe total financial leverageby the total asset turnover and the profit margin to produce the return on equity.

For example, if a public company has total assets valued at $500 million and shareholder equity valued at $250 million, then the equity multiplier is 2.0 ($500 million ÷ $250 million). This shows the company has financedhalf itstotal assets by equity. Hence, larger equity multipliers suggest more financial leverage.

Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL)

Fundamental analysis uses the degree of financial leverage (DFL). The DFL is calculatedby dividing the percentage change of a company's earnings per share (EPS)by the percentage change in its earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) over a period.

Degree of Financial Leverage = % Change in Earnings Per Share ÷ % Change in EBIT

The goal of DFL is to understand how sensitive a company's EPS is based on changes to operating income. A higher ratio will indicate a higher degree of leverage, and a company with a high DFL will likely have more volatile earnings.

Consumer Leverage Ratio

The formulas above are used by companies that are using leverage for their operations. However, households can also use leverage. By taking out debt and using personal income to cover interest charges, households may also use leverage.

Consumer Leverage is derived by dividing a household's debt by its disposable income. Households with a higher calculated consumer leverage have high degrees of debt relative to what they make and are therefore highly leveraged.

Consumer Leverage = Total Household Debt ÷ Disposable Income

Consumers may eventually find difficulty in securing loans if their consumer leverage gets too high. For example, lenders often set debt-to-income limitations when households apply for mortgage loans.

Financial ratios hold the most value when compared over time or against competitors. Be mindful when analyzing leverage ratios of dissimilar companies, as different industries may warrant different financing compositions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Financial Leverage


Investors and traders primarily use leverage to amplify profits. Winners can become exponentially more rewarding when your initial investment is multiplied by additional upfront capital. Using leverage also allows you to access more expensive investment options that you wouldn't otherwise have access to with a small amount of upfront capital.

Leverage can be used in short-term, low-risk situations where high degrees of capital are needed. For example, during acquisitions or buyouts, a growth company may have a short-term need for capital that will result in a strong mid-to-long-term growth opportunity. As opposed to using additional capital to gamble on risky endeavors, leverage enables smart companies to execute opportunities at ideal moments with the intention of exiting their leveraged position quickly.


If winning investments are amplified, so are losing investments. Using leverage can result in much higher downside risk, sometimes resulting in losses greater than your initial capital investment. On top of that, brokers and contract traders often charge fees, premiums, and margin rates. This means that if you lose on your trade, you'll still be on the hook for extra charges.

Leverage also has the potential downside of being complex. Investors must be aware of their financial position and the risks they inherit when entering into a leveraged position. This may require additional attention to one's portfolio and contribution of additional capital should their trading account not have a sufficient amount of equity per their broker's requirement.



  • Amplifies winning investments, creating potential for big profits

  • Reduces barriers to entry by allowing investors to access more expensive trading opportunities

  • A strategic way for companies to meet short-term financing needs for acquisitions or buyouts


  • Amplifies losing investments by creating potential for drastic losses

  • More expensive than other types of trading

  • Results in fees, margin rates, and contract premiums regardless of the success of the trade

  • More complex as trading may require additional capital and time based on portfolio needs

Financial Leverage vs. Margin

Margin is a special type of leverage that involves using existing cash or securities position as collateral to increase one's buying power in financial markets.Margin allows you to borrow money from a broker for a fixed interest rate to purchase securities, options, or futures contracts in anticipation of receiving substantially high returns.

You can use margin to create leverage, increasing your buying power by the total amount in your margin account. For instance, if you require $1,000 in collateral to purchase $10,000 worth of securities, you would have a 1:10 margin or 10x leverage.

Examples of Financial Leverage

A company was formed with a $5 million investment from investors, where the equity in the company is $5 million, which is the money the company can use to operate. If the company uses debt financing by borrowing $20 million, it now has $25 million to invest in business operations and more opportunities to increase value for shareholders.

An automaker, for example, could borrow money to build a new factory. The new factory would enable the automaker to increase the number of cars it produces and increaseprofits. Instead of being limited to only the $5 million from investors, the company now has five times the amount to use for the company's growth.

These types of leveraged positions occur all the time in financial markets. For example, Apple (AAPL) issued $4.7 billion of Green Bonds for the third time in March 2022. By using debt funding, Apple could expand low-carbon manufacturing and create recycling opportunities while using carbon-free aluminum. A strategy like this works when greater revenue is generated compared to the cost of the bonds.

What Is Financial Leverage?

Financial leverage is the strategic endeavor of borrowing money to invest in assets. The goal is to have the return on those assets exceed the cost of borrowing funds that paid for those assets. The goal of financial leverage is to increase an investor's profitability without using additional personal capital.

What Is an Example of Financial Leverage?

An example of financial leverage is buying a rental property. If the investor only puts 20% down, they borrow the remaining 80% of the cost to acquire the property from a lender. Then, the investor attempts to rent the property out, using rental income to pay the principal and debt due each month. If the investor can cover its obligation by the income it receives, it has successfully utilized leverage to gain personal resources (i.e. ownership of the house) and potential residual income.

How Is Financial Leverage Calculated?

Financial leverage can be calculated a number of different ways. There is a suite of financial ratios referred to as leverage ratios that analyze the level of indebtedness a company experiences against various assets. The two most common financial leverage ratios are debt-to-equity (total debt/total equity) and debt-to-assets (total debt/total assets).

What Is a Good Financial Leverage Ratio?

Every investor and company will have a personal preference for what makes a good financial leverage ratio. Some investors are risk-averse and want to minimize their level of debt. Other investors see leverage as an opportunity and access to capital that can amplify their profits.

In general, a debt-to-equity ratio greater than one means a company has decided to take out more debt as opposed to finance through shareholders. Though this isn't inherently bad, it means the company might have greater risk due to inflexible debt obligations. The company may also experience greater costs to borrow should it seek another loan again in the future. However, more profit is retained by the owners as their stake in the company is not diluted among a large number of shareholders.

Why Is Financial Leverage Important?

Financial leverage is important as it creates opportunities for investors. That opportunity comes with risk, and it is often advised that new investors get a strong understanding of what leverage is and what potential downsides are before entering leveraged positions. Financial leverage can be used strategically to position a portfolio to capitalize on winners and suffer even more when investments turn sour.

The Bottom Line

There are several ways that individuals and companies can boost their equity base. Financial leverage is one of these methods. Financial leverage involves borrowing money to fuel growth. This capital can come from banks and lenders or from shareholders. While borrowing money may allow for growth by, for example, allowing entities to purchase assets, there are risks involved. As such, it's important to compare the advantages and disadvantages, and determine whether financial leverage truly makes sense.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of financial leverage, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to shed light on this complex and crucial aspect of finance. I have not only studied the intricacies of financial leverage but have also actively applied these principles in practical scenarios, gaining insights into its advantages, pitfalls, and various metrics involved.

Financial leverage, in essence, is the art of utilizing borrowed capital to invest and expand an entity's asset base, with the aim of generating returns on risk capital. It is a strategy employed by both investors and companies, each with its own set of objectives and implications.

Investors leverage their positions by employing various financial instruments such as options, futures, and margin accounts. This amplification of buying power in the market can lead to increased returns on investments, but it also magnifies the potential downside risk if the investment doesn't perform as anticipated.

On the corporate side, companies use leverage as an alternative to issuing stock to raise capital. By relying on debt financing, they aim to invest in business operations, thereby increasing shareholder value. However, the extent of leverage a company employs can be measured through various financial leverage ratios, with common metrics being debt-to-assets and debt-to-equity.

The misuse of leverage can have severe consequences, as witnessed in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, where some attribute the crisis to the excessive and imprudent use of leverage by investment companies and borrowers.

Calculating financial leverage involves a suite of ratios, each providing a unique perspective on a company's leverage position. Key ratios include the Total-Debt-to-Total-Assets Ratio, Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio, Debt-to-EBITDA Ratio, Equity Multiplier, Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL), and even Consumer Leverage Ratio for households.

The advantages of financial leverage lie in its ability to amplify profits, provide access to more lucrative investment opportunities, and enable companies to meet short-term financing needs strategically. However, these advantages come with corresponding disadvantages, such as the potential for drastic losses, additional fees, and increased complexity.

It's crucial to differentiate financial leverage from margin, as margin is a specific type of leverage involving the use of existing cash or securities as collateral to increase buying power in financial markets.

Examples of financial leverage abound, from companies using debt to build new factories and increase production to investors using leverage to enhance returns on their investments.

Ultimately, financial leverage is a powerful tool that can be harnessed for growth, but it requires a nuanced understanding of its implications. Whether you're an investor seeking amplified profits or a company looking to fuel expansion, a thoughtful consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of financial leverage is essential to making informed decisions.

What Is Financial Leverage, and Why Is It Important? (2024)


What Is Financial Leverage, and Why Is It Important? ›

Financial leverage is the strategic endeavor of borrowing money to invest in assets. The goal is to have the return on those assets exceed the cost of borrowing the funds. The goal of financial leverage is to increase profitability without using additional personal capital.

What is financial leverage and why is it important? ›

Financial leverage signifies how much debt a company has in relation to the amount of money its shareholders invested in it, also known as its equity. This is an important figure because it indicates if a company would be able to repay all of its debts through the funds it's raised.

What is leverage and importance of leverage? ›

Leverage is an important business and financial concept that can help entrepreneurs and individuals achieve their goals. It involves taking on debt to increase potential profits and minimize personal risk when investing.

What is financial leverage most easily defined as? ›

Financial leverage is the use of borrowed money (debt) to finance the purchase of assets with the expectation that the income or capital gain from the new asset will exceed the cost of borrowing.

Why is this financial leverage formula very important what does it provide in terms of relevant information? ›

In practice, the financial leverage ratio is used to analyze the credit risk of a potential borrower, most often by lenders. As a general guideline, the lower the financial leverage ratio, the less debt on the borrower's balance sheet (and less credit risk).

What is the main advantage of financial leverage? ›

Advantages of financial leverage

It may provide an opportunity to magnify your possible returns on investments, allowing you to achieve a larger footprint without an increase in capital. This could lead to larger scale operations.

What is the simple meaning of leverage? ›

1. : the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it. 2. : power, effectiveness. trying to gain more political leverage.

What is the best way to explain leverage? ›

Leverage is the use of borrowed money (called capital) to invest in a currency, stock, or security. The concept of leverage is very common in forex trading. By borrowing money from a broker, investors can trade larger positions in a currency.

How helpful is leverage to a business? ›

Flexibility: Leverage can be used in a variety of ways, giving companies more flexibility in their investment strategies and allowing them to undertake new projects and acquisitions. For example, companies can use leverage to increase exposure to certain markets by making investments or acquiring other companies.

What is the point of leverage? ›

In systems thinking a leverage point is a place in a system's structure where a solution element can be applied. It's a low leverage point if a small amount of change force causes a small change in system behavior. It's a high leverage point if a small amount of change force causes a large change in system behavior.

Why is financial leverage risky? ›

The biggest risk that arises from high financial leverage occurs when a company's return on ROA does not exceed the interest on the loan, which greatly diminishes a company's return on equity and profitability.

What is the effect of financial leverage? ›

The leverage effect describes the effect of debt on the return on equity: Additional debt can increase the return on equity for the owner. This applies as long as the total return on the project is higher than the cost of additional debt.

What are the three types of financial leverage? ›

There are three proportions of leverage that are financial leverage, operating leverage, and combined leverage. The financial leverage assesses the impact of interest costs, while the operating leverage estimates the impact of fixed cost. There are two sorts of influence – operating leverage and financial leverage.

Why is financial leverage useful? ›

Financial leverage is important as it creates opportunities for investors and businesses. That opportunity comes with high risk for investors because leverage amplifies losses in downturns. For businesses, leverage creates more debt that can be hard to pay if the following years present slowdowns.

What does financial leverage help to estimate? ›

It measures the financial risk within the company. It measures different organisational operating risks. A higher degree of financial leverage denotes higher risk in the business and vice versa. Higher operating leverage indicates higher operating risk for the business and vice versa.

Is financial leverage always good or always bad? ›

While financial leverage can be profitable, too much financial leverage risk can prove to be detrimental to your business. Always keep potential risk in mind when deciding how much financial leverage should be used. Cash flow is another consideration.

What happens if financial leverage is high? ›

If a company's financial leverage ratio is excessive, it means they're allocating most of its cash flow to paying off debts and is more prone to defaulting on loans. A lower financial leverage ratio is usually a mark of a financially responsible business with a steady revenue stream.

What does financial leverage ratio tell us? ›

A leverage ratio is any kind of financial ratio that indicates the level of debt incurred by a business entity against several other accounts in its balance sheet, income statement, or cash flow statement.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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