What is Income Tax Audit - Know About Rules and Types (2024)

An audit is nothing but an official inspection. As per the Income Tax audit under section 44AB,specific categories of individuals and certain businesses, must have their books of accounts audited. A tax audit is necessary for businesses and people once you do business over and above a specific amount. Here is all that you need to know about tax audits in India.

What is tax audit?

A tax audit involves a thorough inspection of financial records by taxpayers, ensuring compliance with income tax regulations. It simplifies income computation for filing tax returns, enhancing transparency and accountability in business and professional financial operations.

Objectives of tax audit

  • Verify that books of accounts are maintained accurately and certified by a Chartered Accountant (tax auditor).
  • Identify and report any discrepancies or observations found during the systematic examination of books of accounts.
  • Provide information required by tax authorities, such as tax depreciation and compliance with income tax provisions.
  • Enable tax authorities to verify the correctness of income tax returns filed by ensuring accurate calculation of total income, deductions claimed, and compliance with tax laws.

Who is mandatorily subject to tax audit?

A taxpayer is mandatorily subject to tax audit if their business's total sales, turnover, or gross receipts exceed Rs. 1 crore in the financial year. For professionals, this threshold is Rs 50 lakh, unless 95% of receipts are in digital mode, where the threshold is Rs. 75 lakh. Additionally, specific conditions under presumptive taxation schemes apply, such as declaring profits below prescribed limits or opting out of such schemes. Amendments under the Finance Act 2021 raised the turnover threshold to Rs. 10 crore if cash transactions are within 5% of total transactions, providing relief to certain businesses from mandatory audits.

Why is a tax audit conducted?

Its core purpose is to ensure that your business abides by the tax laws put in place by the Income Tax Act of India. Once completed, the tax audit makes it easy for you to file tax returns. A tax audit catches any errors or discrepancies early on by looking into your books of accounts and ensures that you are disclosing the information you are supposed to. Also, once you carry out a tax audit, it is easy for the tax authorities to go through your Income Tax Returns.

Who is supposed to have a tax audit in India?

Certain people must have an income tax audit, and as per the law, these are the categories that must participate in a tax audit.

Any business where the total sales, turnover, or receipts exceed Rs. 1 crore in a year should have a tax audit in India. As a professional, receipts over Rs. 50 lakh makes you eligible for a tax audit. Here, a professional includes the likes of an engineer, architect, interior decorator, legal and medical professional. For the complete list of professionals, you must refer to Rule 6F of the income tax rules, 1962.

If you have opted for the presumptive taxation scheme as a professional or businessperson, and your total sales/ turnover is more than Rs. 2 crore, you must carry out a tax audit. Similarly, if you find that your profits are lesser than what was determined by the presumptive taxation scheme, you have to carry out a tax audit to confirm this.

If it is stipulated that you are to get a tax audit done and you do not, you will have to pay a penalty. However, as per section 273B, there are certain situations where not filing your tax audit report or doing so late is allowed. Examples of this are natural calamities, strikes or lock-outs, theft of documents or the resignation of the auditor.

Who conducts a tax audit?

A chartered accountant or a firm of CA conducts this audit. However, the tax audit limit rests at 60 audits per CA. In the case of a firm, the tax audit limit applies to each firm’s partners.

What are the types of audits in India?

When it comes to the type of audits or classification of audits, you will find that there are three main types:

  1. Field audit:This is conducted at your office typically. On the off-chance that it is to be conducted at your representative’s place of work, you will have to provide the necessary documents to them.
  2. Office audit:This is conducted at an IRS office, and you are supposed to visit the office with the necessary documents in tow. Typically, a letter will be sent to you stating the documents you must carry.
  3. Correspondence audit:In this type of audit, the IRS sends you a letter requesting documents that will provide clarity/ missing information regarding your tax returns. Basis the instructions, you are required to mail the documents in simply.

How to do a tax audit in India?

To complete the tax audit in India, you are required to submit the necessary forms. The four most commonly required ones are as follows.

  • Form 3CA:This is for companies or professionals who have to carry out a tax audit mandatorily.
  • Form 3CB:This is for a business or profession that is not mandated by any other law to have a tax audit carried out.
  • Form 3CD:This form is best viewed as a detailed statement of particulars. It comprises various details of the business and its transactions.
  • Form 3CE:This form is for NRIs and foreign companies. You are required to submit it if you receive fees/ royalty from any Indian concern or the government instead of rendering technical services.

The direct taxes committee of the ICAI regularly issues guidance notes on tax audits to keep tax auditors abreast with the latest changes in the tax audit report requirements. This may be with regard to changes in the information that is to be disclosed, the contribution of the auditors, and amendments to forms, as was the case with form 3CD in 2018.

By when should you have the tax audit report?

The auditor will hand over the tax audit report to you electronically to approve and then file. Note that you do have the option to reject the tax audit report, in which case it will have to be carried out again from scratch. The tax audit due date is 30 September of the assessment year, and for form 3CE, it is 30 November of the assessment year.

Although understanding tax audits in India is the biggest tax return trip, knowing how to calculate taxable income and reduce tax liability will help you.

How to calculate taxable income for your business?

As mentioned before, you are required to have a tax audit done if your total income from all businesses is over Rs. 1 crore and that from all professions are over Rs. 50 lakh. However, if you are a business owner and a professional, your audit is not on the basis of your cumulative income. This means if your total turnover from the business is Rs. 95 lakh and that from your profession is Rs. 48 lakh, you do not require a tax audit done.

In addition, if you are wondering how to calculate taxable income in India, remember that if the amount is below the threshold, your earnings from the sale of an asset will also not be considered a profit. This applies to fixed assets such as machinery or cars, assets held as investments such as stocks, expenses reimbursed by a client, rental income, etc.

How to reduce your tax liability as a business owner or professional?

  • Make purchases in your company’s name. This is because based on what you have purchased, computers, vehicles, or smartphones; you can claim depreciation on such capital expenses.
  • Consider utilities to be business expenses. Paying for electricity, internet connections, air conditioning, etc. can be written off, lowering your taxable income.
  • File your taxes on or before the due date. Apart from ensuring that you are a law-abiding entity, this tip for filing taxes also helps you in other ways. This is because as you can carry forward a loss from your business for up to 8 consecutive years.
  • Stay abreast of the changes instated by the government. The government revises the policies from time to time to help businesses, especially small and medium enterprises.Familiarising yourself with these changes will ensure that you are making the most of every deduction possible to lower your taxable income.
  • Write off business expenses. Whether travelling for work or entertaining clients, they are counted as business expenses, and you can use them to lower your taxable income. However, to do so, you must keep a detailed record of all such expenses. This means preserving bills and receipts meticulously.
  • Make the most of start-up expenses. Also known as preliminary expenses, these give you tax benefits under section 35D of the Income Tax Act. Typically comprising expenses that you incur before the commencement of your business, these can be written off over five consecutive years as per the provisions of the law.
  • So, keep pointers in mind to reduce your tax liability and carry out your tax audit on time. Remember that if you do not, you will have a penalty of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh to pay.

What are the objectives of the income tax audit?

  • Verify that books of accounts are maintained accurately and certified by an auditor, ensuring transparency and preventing fraudulent activities.
  • Provide necessary information such as tax depreciation and compliance with income tax provisions, aiding tax authorities in assessing tax liabilities.
  • Report any discrepancies found during the thorough examination of the books of accounts, ensuring compliance with income tax regulations.
  • Simplify the calculation of taxable income, deductions, and tax liabilities for accurate filing of income tax returns.
  • Verify the accuracy of income, tax, and deductions declared by the taxpayer in their income tax return, ensuring compliance and preventing tax evasion.

Penalty of non-filing or delay in filing tax audit report

Failure to comply with tax audit requirements can result in penalties for taxpayers. If a taxpayer is obligated to conduct a tax audit but fails to do so or submits the audit report after the deadline, they may face a penalty. This penalty is calculated as the lesser of 0.5% of their total sales, turnover, or gross receipts, or Rs 1,50,000. The objective of this penalty is to ensure timely and accurate reporting of financial information, facilitating transparency and compliance with tax laws.

However, there are exemptions to this penalty under certain circ*mstances. If there is a valid reason for the delay in filing the tax audit report, such as natural calamities affecting business operations, sudden resignation of the tax auditor, prolonged strikes or lockouts, loss of accounting records due to unforeseen events, or physical incapacity or death of the person responsible for maintaining accounts, no penalty will be levied. These exemptions recognise situations beyond the taxpayer's control that hinder compliance with audit requirements, thereby providing relief in genuine cases of unavoidable delays.

What is Income Tax Audit - Know About Rules and Types (2024)


What is Income Tax Audit - Know About Rules and Types? ›

An IRS audit is a review/examination of an organization's or individual's books, accounts and financial records to ensure information reported on their tax return is reported correctly according to the tax laws and to verify the reported amount of tax is correct. Why am I being selected for an audit?

What is the rule for income tax audit? ›

As mentioned before, you are required to have a tax audit done if your total income from all businesses is over Rs. 1 crore and that from all professions are over Rs. 50 lakh. However, if you are a business owner and a professional, your audit is not on the basis of your cumulative income.

What does the IRS look at during an audit? ›

The IRS audit is simply conducting an impartial review of your tax return to determine its accuracy. You will be expected to demonstrate that you've reported all your income and were eligible to take all the credits, deductions and exemptions shown on your return. There is also a timeframe involved.

What are the different types of tax audits? ›

There are four types of tax audits: correspondence, office, field, and a Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program (TCMP) audit. The most common IRS audit is the correspondence audit, which accounts for roughly 75 percent of all audits and is the simplest.

What is the most common type of IRS audit? ›

1) Correspondence Audit

The first of the four types of tax audits are correspondence audits are the most common type of IRS audits. In fact, they comprise roughly 75% of all IRS audits.

What will trigger an IRS audit? ›

Unreported income

The IRS receives copies of your W-2s and 1099s, and their systems automatically compare this data to the amounts you report on your tax return. A discrepancy, such as a 1099 that isn't reported on your return, could trigger further review.

What income is most likely to get audited? ›

Who Is Audited More Often? Oddly, people who make less than $25,000 have a higher audit rate. This higher rate is because many of these taxpayers claim the earned income tax credit, and the IRS conducts many audits to ensure that the credit isn't being claimed fraudulently.

How do you pass a tax audit? ›

Negotiate. Ask the auditor about disallowances they are considering, and defend your position. Don't try to negotiate the amount of taxes to be paid. Instead, negotiate tax issues—for example, whether a certain deduction should be allowed.

What flags an IRS audit? ›

Too many deductions taken are the most common self-employed audit red flags. The IRS will examine whether you are running a legitimate business and making a profit or just making a bit of money from your hobby. Be sure to keep receipts and document all expenses as it can make things a bit ore awkward if you don't.

Does the IRS look at your bank account during an audit? ›

The Short Answer: Yes. Share: The IRS probably already knows about many of your financial accounts, and the IRS can get information on how much is there. But, in reality, the IRS rarely digs deeper into your bank and financial accounts unless you're being audited or the IRS is collecting back taxes from you.

How many years back can taxes be audited? ›

Generally, the IRS can include returns filed within the last three years in an audit. If we identify a substantial error, we may add additional years. We usually don't go back more than the last six years. The IRS tries to audit tax returns as soon as possible after they are filed.

What happens if you get audited and don't have receipts? ›

If you get audited and don't have receipts or additional proofs? Well, the Internal Revenue Service may disallow your deductions for the expenses. This often leads to gross income deductions from the IRS before calculating your tax bracket.

What happens if you are audited and found guilty? ›

If you are audited and found guilty of tax evasion or tax avoidance, you may face a fine of up to $100,000 and be guilty of a felony as provided under Section 7201 of the tax code.

How does the IRS decide who gets audited? ›

The Unreported Income DIF (UIDIF) score rates the return for the potential of unreported income. IRS personnel screen the highest-scoring returns, selecting some for audit and identifying the items on these returns that are most likely to need review.

How serious is an IRS audit? ›

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst), being audited by the IRS could be a 10. Audits can be bad and can result in a significant tax bill. But remember – you shouldn't panic. There are different kinds of audits, some minor and some extensive, and they all follow a set of defined rules.

What is the income threshold for an audit? ›

Independent Examination And Charity Audit Thresholds

The threshold for a full audit is if you have: income over £1 million or. gross assets over £3.26 million and income over £250,000.

What is the IRS 6 year rule? ›

6 years - If you don't report income that you should have reported, and it's more than 25% of the gross income shown on the return, or it's attributable to foreign financial assets and is more than $5,000, the time to assess tax is 6 years from the date you filed the return.

How can you avoid an income tax audit? ›

How to avoid a tax audit
  1. Be careful about reporting all of your expenses.
  2. Itemize tax deductions.
  3. Provide appropriate detail.
  4. File on time.
  5. Avoid amending returns.
  6. Check your math.
  7. Don't use round numbers.
  8. Don't make excessive deductions.
Feb 12, 2024

How many years after filing taxes can you be audited? ›

Generally, the IRS can include returns filed within the last three years in an audit. If we identify a substantial error, we may add additional years. We usually don't go back more than the last six years. The IRS tries to audit tax returns as soon as possible after they are filed.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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