What is Investment? – Meaning, objectives, types and benefits of investment (2024)

July 30, 2024

What is Investment? – Meaning, objectives, types and benefits of investment (1)

Table of Content

1. How does an Investment Work?

2. Types of Investments

3. How to Start Investing?

4. Investments and Risk

5. The Difference Between Savings and Investment

6. How do Investment Plans in India Work?

7. Why Should You Invest in Investment Plans?

8. Objectives of Investment

9. Types of Investments Based on the Risk Profile

10. Categories of Investments

11. Why is your Choice of Investment Asset Important?

12. Factors to Consider Before Investing

13. Why are investments important?

14. Investments as Per Life Stages

15. Conclusion

16. FAQs about Investment

Investing means putting your money into a investment planthat can increase in value or produce income. As responsibilities rise, greater amounts of investment will be necessary. These are some of the primary objectives for investing:

  • Protect your money by investing:

Keeping your money in an interest-bearing asset will shield it from unnecessary spending and inflation. Investing helps you stay ahead of inflation and ensures that your money continues to be worth the same value over time.

  • Build your wealth:

Investing is the only way to make your money work for you. It allows your money to accrue interest, and if you reinvest that interest, it will start to generate even more interest.

  • Create funds for emergencies:

Creating funds for unexpected expenses can help you weather the storms of life. When you are in a good financial position, it's important to set aside money for difficult times. Having these resources at your disposal can help you manage any challenges that come your way.

  • Ensure a stress-free retirement:

After your working life is over, you will no longer have a regular income to rely on. Retirement planningwill give you the financial security to enjoy your retirement years without stress.

  • Maximize savings:

Investing in tax-saving instruments, including life insurance plans, ULIPs, PPF, NPS, etc can help you to deduct from your taxable income. Such investments also provide you with a tax-free return at maturity. Thus, by investing in the right assets, you can significantly reduce your overall tax liability.

  • Invest in life's bigger dreams:

Your salary alone is unlikely to be sufficient for you to buy a car or a house for your family. Nevertheless, by investing a small amount of money, you could make these objectives achievable in a few years.

An investment is an asset that is acquired with the purpose of allowing its value to increase over time. Investing can create wealth for a variety of purposes, such as to make up for shortages in income, save for retirement, or meet certain obligations like loan repayment, tuition payment, or the acquisition of other assets. To fulfil your financial goals, you need to understand investment meaning and compare investment and savings plansalong with the right instruments to use to fulfil your financial goals.

Investment can provide income in two ways. First, if you invest in a sellable asset, you may earn a profit. Second, if you invest in a return-generating plan, you will earn revenue through the accumulation of gains. Therefore, investing can be thought of as the process of putting your savings into assets or objects that will become more valuable or generate income over time.

Types of Investments

In order to understand ‘what is investment’, it is important to first understand your financial goals, and then decide where to invest based on those goals. Apart from investing in physical assets such as real estate and jewellery, there are two main types of investments: equity and debt. Equity investments offer the potential for higher returns but also come with more risk. On the other hand, debt instruments are safer but offer lower returns. Further, understanding the meaning of investment can also be determined by how investments are obtained.

The following are different types of investments in India:


It involves owning shares of a company and earning dividends.


Investing in bonds means lending money to a government or other institution. In return, you will receive regular, fixed payments of interest and the original amount of money at the end of the bond's term.

3.Mutual Funds:

When investing in mutual funds, money from different investors is collected and managed by a professional fund manager. Depending on your risk appetite, desired investment period, and expected returns, you can invest in Equity, Debt, or Hybrid Mutual Funds. Moreover, investments made into ELSS(equity-linked savings plan) mutual funds qualify for deductions under 80C.


ULIPs, or Unit Linked Insurance Plans, are a combination of life insurance and investment. A portion of the premium is invested in different funds which allows the investor to earn market-linked returns. This plan also offers tax benefits of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh under Section 80C.

5.Public Provident Fund (PPF):

Public Provident Fund (PPF)is seen as one of the best long-term investment choices for those searching for guaranteed returns. It is a government-backed program and there is nominal risk to the primary amount invested.

To make the most of the tax benefits, you should investigate investment options for tax savingand allocate funds accordingly. When considering the implications of investing, consider adding term plans and health insurance policies to your portfolio to protect your family.

6.Real Estate

Investing in real estate means buying land, houses, or business places to make money. It could bring in rental income, save you on taxes, and help your money grow over time. It does, however, need a lot of money and comes with risks like market changes and upkeep costs.

7.Savings/Endowment Policy

Savings or investment plans are life insurance types that offer insurance protection and tax benefits. At the end of the insurance term or when the insured dies, whichever comes first, they pay a lump sum. These plans are good for long-term financial planning because they offer sure profits and death payments.

If you want to learn how to invest or where to begin, there are many different ways to go about it. A few tips for getting started with investing are as follows:

  • Do research before investing:

Research the vehicles and instruments being considered and don't rely solely on third-party advice. Use your own judgment to make informed decisions.

  • Create a budget:

Before investing, individuals should assess their ability to save. This includes making sure they have the funds for their regular expenses and having an emergency fund. Investing can be tempting, but individuals should first make sure they can cover their daily life expenses.

  • Know liquidity limits:

Some investors may not be able to sell easily. Some investments may be blocked for a set time period and can't be sold. It's important to know if any investments can be bought or sold at any time.

  • Researching tax implications is important:

Selling an investment quickly may not be tax-beneficial due to unfavourable short-term capital gains tax rates. Investors should consider not only the product they hold but also the tax vehicle they use.

  • Assess your tolerance for risk:

Investing carries the chance of losses, so invest only the amount you are willing to part with. You can also look into ways to reduce potential losses.

  • Seek professional advice:

Financial advisors can offer guidance, share their insights on markets, and provide access to online investing platforms.

Investments and Risk

Generally, higher risk accompanies greater potential rewards. Conversely, a more secure investment may not offer the same degree of return. When making investment decisions, investors must consider their own risk appetite. Some may be willing to take on greater risk in order to possibly reap higher returns. Conversely, risk-averse investors may prefer to stay with the safety of conservative investments that will steadily (but slowly) grow. Investment choices and risk tolerance often correlate with life circ*mstances.

As someone nears retirement, they may seek out safer investments as they no longer have the security of income. In contrast, a younger person may be more amenable to riskier investments as they have a longer time to recoup any losses.

Investing and saving are two different aspects of financial planning. The following are some key differences between the two:

a) Savings

This is the money you reserve from your income for a particular purpose, like acquiring a vehicle, travelling, being financially prepared for an unexpected event, and more. The risk connected to savings is negligible. However, savings do not provide any noteworthy increase of money.

b) Investment

Investing your money wisely can increase its value and provide you with returns. Your financial objectives, such as purchasing a house or paying for your child's education, can be achieved through investments. However, it is important to note that investments carry an element of risk that may differ from one investment product to another.

How do Investment Plans in India Work?

In India, investments are categorized as short-term and long-term, which has implications on their taxability:

  • Short-term investments: For short-term investments, you must invest for one to three years. Recurring investments, mutual funds, and short-term loans are all examples. People are taxed at their income tax slab rate on short-term capital gains from these assets.
  • Long-term investments: For long-term investments, you must invest for over three years. Plans like insurance, the Public Provident Fund (PPF), fixed savings, the National Pension Scheme (NPS), and more are all examples.

Investment planscan offer you high returns over time to build wealth and cater for your long-term objectives. Having a good savings plan is important, but it is not enough to guarantee a secure financial future. Investing your money can help keep up with inflation and increase your wealth over time. For example, something that costs Rs 10 today may be worth Rs 50 five years from now. Therefore, merely saving your money is not enough. You need to invest it to ensure that your funds grow with time. Investing in the right plans can offer you strong returns over time to create wealth and achieve your long-term goals.

Objectives of Investment

Before investing, it’s important to understand why you are investing. While everyone’s individual objectives may differ, the overall goals of investing money may include building wealth, saving for retirement, or creating a financial cushion.

Here are some reasons why you should invest:

1.To maintain financial security:

Ensuring that your money does not erode over time is a key goal when investing. Instruments such as fixed deposits, government bonds, and savings accounts are all suitable for this purpose. They may not offer the highest returns, but they guarantee that your capital remains secure.

2.To accumulate wealth:

Investing money is done with the goal of building a sizeable corpus over time. Capital appreciation is an important long-term goal that helps people plan for their financial future. To grow your money, you need to consider your investment objectives and options that can provide high returns. Real estate, mutual funds, commodities, and stocks are some of the best investments for growth but come with risks.

3.To receive regular returns:

Investments can be a reliable source of income. Examples include fixed deposits and stocks of companies that regularly distribute dividends. These investments can help cover everyday expenses in retirement, as well as provide supplementary income during working years.

4.To minimise tax liability:

In addition to capital growth or preservation, investors may have other reasons for investing. The Income Tax Act, 1961 provides tax exemption to those who invest in options such as Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs), Public Provident Fund (PPF), and Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS). This type of investment can be deducted from one's total income, resulting in a lower taxable income and a lower tax liability.

5.To prepare for retirement:

Preparing for retirement is essential. Having a sufficient retirement fund is important to ensure financial security during your later years, as you may not be able to continue working forever. Investing your income wisely can help your funds grow, giving you a comfortable retirement.

6.To achieve your financial objectives:

Investing can be an effective way to reach your short-term and long-term financial objectives without too much effort or strain. Some investments, such as those with a short lock-in period and high liquidity, can be ideal instruments to store your funds in if you want to save up for near-term goals like financing home renovations or setting up an emergency fund. Meanwhile, investments with a longer lock-in period can be great for saving up for long-term objectives.

There are different types of investments based on how risky they are. When you buy, risk means that you might lose some or all of the money you put in. Based on how risky they are, here are different kinds of investments:

Low-Risk Investments

Investing in things with a low risk means that you won't lose much. Most of the time, these assets have smaller returns but more safety and steadiness.

Medium-Risk Investments

Medium-risk options give you a good mix of risk and gain. They have a modest risk, but they could give you better yields than low-risk assets.

High-Risk Investments

There is a chance of significant losses with a high-risk investments plan, but there is also a chance of substantial gains.

Categories of Investments

1.Investing in ownership:

Ownership investments, as the name implies, involve purchasing and possessing assets. Examples of this type of investment include stocks, real estate, bullion, and business funding.

2.An investment in lending:

Savings accounts, corporate bonds, and government bonds are all types of lending investments. When you invest in these instruments, you are essentially acting like a bank. You are essentially loaning money to the bank, which is then used to fund loans for its customers. Lending investments are a great way to earn a passive income stream.

3.Cash equivalents:

These are investments that are very liquid and can quickly be exchanged for cash. Money market securities, for instance, are ideal examples of cash equivalents. Cash equivalents usually provide low yields, however, correspondingly, the risk related to them is also insignificant.

When choosing a business, you need to find a balance between these three things:

  • Liquidity: Turning an investment into cash without losing value is easy.
  • Risk or Volatility-Return: Risk, also called volatility-return, is the chance that an investment's value will increase or decrease.
  • Investment Tenure: The amount of time that the investment is kept.

Investment Option



Ideal Investment Term

Savings Account

Equal to Cash

Almost Nil


Fixed Deposit

Lower than Savings

Higher than Savings

7 days to 10 years




5 to 15 years

Equity Stocks


Very High

3 to 30 years

Equity Mutual Funds

Medium to High


5 to 10 years



Medium to High

5 to 81 years

Public Provident Fund (PPF)


Low (but tax-free)

15 years+

Real Estate

Very Low


10 years+

Factors to Consider Before Investing

To make sure you are investing in the best option to meet your financial goals, here are a few steps to help you choose the right investment:

Establishing your Investment Objectives:

Everyone's financial journey is distinct, and thus everyone's investment objectives are unique. The initial step you can take is to establish your investment objectives. Doing this will assist you with the following:

  • What will your future financial needs be?
  • What is the maximum amount you can invest right now?
  • "What is the duration of your investment?"

Selecting the best investment option:

Once you have determined your financial goals, choose the appropriate investment option. Your selection should be based on the timeline of the particular event or milestone in life. For instance, if you want to purchase a car in three years, you can put your money into a debt mutual fund to reach your objective. On the other hand, if you plan to buy a house in ten years, investing in equity funds and stocks would be more suitable.

Save on taxes with long-term investment options:

  • You can reduce your taxable income by investing in PPFs and ULIPs.
  • If you hold equity mutual funds, gold ETFs, and debt mutual funds long enough, you will enjoy indexation benefits on capital gains.

Ensure your family's important goals:

Family goals such as a child's education and marriage cannot be left to chance. For this reason, you should choose investment options that offer growth as well as protection.

  • The ULIP is an investment option that covers life insurance and offers diversified investment options.
  • Investing in Guaranteed Return Plans is a safe long-term investment that offers guaranteed returns.

You may be asking why it is important to understand the concept of investment when you could focus on saving more of your income. Saving a part of your earnings each month will build up a reserve fund, but it may not be enough to cover your family in the event of a medical emergency. Knowing 'what is investment' will lead to an understanding of how investing your money can generate wealth and help you reach life goals.

Investments as Per Life Stages

The investments as per life stages include:

First Job

Since you are new to investing, Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), equity investments, and Term Insurance can be good choices. These options are affordable and don't need a significant upfront expense. Also, the risk and return are suitable for someone who is just starting their job.


When you get married, having health insurance for yourself and your family is vital. This will protect you and your family from the high cost of health care so you can focus on more important things, like planning your family and job.

Birth of a Child, Buying a House, Child Education

You can use Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) and savings plans to help pay for a child's birth, a house, or school. These plans protect your family and help you maximize savings. Your family is cared for financially, and you can set aside money for long-term goals.


Money-back plans, unit-linked retirement plans, instant pension plans, and other similar plans work well for retirement. The age benefits can help you keep up the same level of living in retirement as before, and the life protection feature gives your family extra money if something happens to you.

Now that you understand the meaning of investment, and the various plans and benefits, start investing early for maximum returns. Select the right plans, monitor your portfolio, and watch your money grow. However, it is important to note that market-linked investment plans carry a risk of loss due to market volatility. Therefore, it is best to consult a financial advisor before investing.

FAQs about Investment

Q. What do you mean by investment?

A.Investing is the acquisition of an asset to build wealth and save money from earned income or appreciation. The primary purpose of investing is to obtain an additional source of income or gain profit from the investment over a certain period of time.

Q. What are 3 types of investments?

A.Investment choices can be divided into three main categories - ownership, loans, and cash equivalents. These products are purchased in the hope of gaining returns, either through income, profits, or both.

Q. Why is choosing Investment Asset Important?

A.A few primary investment objectives are:

  • Keeping funds safe and secure
  • Increasing your funds exponentially
  • Earning a steady and additional income
  • Reducing income tax burdens
  • Planning for retirement
  • Achieving financial goals

Q. How do I start investing?

A.In order to be successful in investing in India, it is important to consider the following four key points:

  • Identify your financial goals
  • Diversify your investments
  • Check duration of the investment
  • Periodic reassessment

Q. Why invest when you can save money with zero risk?

A.The growth of your money is dependent on the level of risk you are willing to take when investing. Saving can be hindered by two risks, the lack of growth and the decrease in value of money due to inflation and taxes. Additionally, people often end up spending the money they have available. Therefore, investing can help safeguard your savings from inflation and prevent you from making unnecessary purchases.

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What is Investment? – Meaning, objectives, types and benefits of investment (2024)


What is Investment? – Meaning, objectives, types and benefits of investment? ›

What do you mean by Investment? Investment definition is an asset acquired or invested in to build wealth and save money from the hard earned income or appreciation. Investment meaning is primarily to obtain an additional source of income or gain profit from the investment over a specific period of time.

What is the meaning and objectives of investment? ›

Investment is the process of investing your money in an asset with the objective to grow your money in a stipulated time period. Investment can be done in form of various investment plans such as life insurance plans, retirement plans, ULIPs, mutual fund and others.

Which of these are types of investment objectives? ›

Answer: There are several types of investment objectives, including growth, income, capital preservation, and speculation.

What are the three types of investments? ›

There are three main asset classes: Cash equivalents, fixed income, and equity investments. GICs are a type of cash-equivalent investment. Fixed income investments include bonds, and preferred stock.

What is investment in business? ›

Investment definition business

Making investments is an essential part of running a business. Investment refers to the act of buying an asset to make a profit from its use. Simply put, it is when a business spends money on something that will help it make financial returns.

What are the 7 types of investment? ›

Types of Investments
  • Equities (otherwise known as stocks or shares)
  • Bonds.
  • Mutual Funds.
  • Exchange Traded Funds.
  • Segregated Funds.
  • GICs.
  • Alternative Investments.

What does investment mean? ›

Investment definition is an asset acquired or invested in to build wealth and save money from the hard earned income or appreciation. Investment meaning is primarily to obtain an additional source of income or gain profit from the investment over a specific period of time.

What are the benefits of investing? ›

Investing can bring you many benefits, such as helping to give you more financial independence. As savings held in cash will tend to lose value because inflation reduces their buying power over time, investing can help to protect the value of your money as the cost of living rises.

What is the most common type of investment? ›

1. Stocks. Stocks, also known as shares or equities, might be the most well-known and simple type of investment. When you buy stock, you're buying an ownership stake in a publicly-traded company.

Which is the best definition of investing? ›

An investment is defined as putting money, time, or effort into something, be it a material or an intangible asset, with the hope that it will generate a profit or advantage in the future.

What investment makes the most money? ›

Key Takeaways. The U.S. stock market is considered to offer the highest investment returns over time. Higher returns, however, come with higher risk. Stock prices typically are more volatile than bond prices.

How do investors get paid back? ›

Investors typically get repaid when they sell their shares in return for cash. There are several potential scenarios: The company gets bought by another in a merger or acquisition.

How do investors make money? ›

Your investments can make money in 1 of 2 ways. The first is through payments—such as interest or dividends. The second is through investment appreciation, aka, capital gains. When your investment appreciates, it increases in value.

What is investment and its objectives? ›

Investment refers to putting your money in assets that appreciate or are capable of generating returns. It is an activity done to grow your money and not merely save it. For instance, buying stocks that give you dividends or investing in a property whose value will increase.

What is a good investment definition? ›

In summary, a good investment involves a blend of factors encompassing returns, risk management, liquidity, stability, alignment with goals, transparency, quality management, growth potential, cost-efficiency, ESG considerations, and adaptability to market changes.

What is the investment objective and strategy? ›

Investment Objective: Define your goal, whether it is long-term retirement savings or funding short-term expenses. Strategies targeting wealth accumulation differ from those focusing on income. Time Horizon: How long can your capital remain invested?

How do you write an investment objective? ›

Investment Objectives – Setting Investment Goals
  1. What is the purpose of your money? ...
  2. How much time do you have until you need this money? ...
  3. How much risk are you willing to take to achieve above-average returns? ...
  4. Do you want your money to grow or do you want to preserve its current value? ...
  5. Where do you want your money?

What is the main objective of an investment policy? ›

It provides guidance for informed decision-making and serves as both a roadmap to successful investing and a bulwark against potential mistakes or misdeeds. An IPS lists the investor's investment objectives, along with their time horizon.

What is the investment objective of the fund? ›

An investment objective is a set of goals that determines an investor's financial portfolio. A financial advisor determines the optimal strategy for achieving the client's goals using an investment objective. An investor's risk tolerance and time horizon help in determining an investment objective.

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