What is Micro-Investing: Definition, Benefits & How It Works - My Money Sorted (2024)

Meet John Smith, a hardworking Australian who knows the value of every dollar he earns. John dreams of a brighter financial future, but like many, he faces challenges when it comes to investing in the stock market.

He wants to secure his family’s future, provide a good education for his children, and pay off his debts. But limited income, a lack of financial literacy, and the high cost of living in a city like Sydney can make investing seem impossible.

What is Micro-Investing: Definition, Benefits & How It Works - My Money Sorted (1)

But what if there was a simple, affordable solution?

It’s time you discovered micro-investing, a new and accessible way to enter the investment market.

Jump straight to…

  • What is Micro-Investing?
    • Benefits of Micro-Investing for Everyday Australians
    • Risks of Micro-Investing To Be Aware Of
  • How do I start Micro-Investing?
    • Micro-Investing Platforms and Apps
    • How Micro-Investing Platforms Work
  • Can You Make Money From Micro-Investing?

What is Micro-Investing?

Micro-investing is a financial strategy that allows individuals to invest small amounts of money irregularly.

Instead of needing a significant lump sum to get started, micro-investing platforms enable you to invest spare change from your everyday purchases or make small, frequent contributions to your investment portfolio. In essence, it’s a way to make investing accessible to everyone, regardless of their income or financial knowledge.

The concept is simple: you invest your ‘micro’ savings, often just a few dollars at a time, and over time, these small contributions accumulate into a substantial investment portfolio. Micro-investing is a simpler option for beginners, young adults, and anyone looking to develop a disciplined saving and investment habit without the pressure of large capital outlays.

Benefits of Micro-Investing for Everyday Australians

In a world where financial freedom is a goal shared by many, micro-investing has emerged as a game-changer for everyday Australians. This accessible and innovative approach to investing offers a multitude of benefits that can help you achieve your financial dreams, regardless of your starting point.

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1. Accessibility

One of the most significant advantages of micro-investing is its accessibility. Unlike traditional investing, which often requires a substantial initial investment, micro-investing allows you to start with minimal funds. Whether you’re a student, working professional, or on a tight budget, you can participate in the world of investing without breaking the bank.

2. Diversification

Micro-investing platforms and apps typically offer a range of investment options, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), individual shares, and bonds. This allows you to have a diversified portfolio, spreading your investments across various asset classes, reducing the risk associated with putting all your money into a single investment.

3. Low Cost

Traditional investing often comes with commissions and high account fees (such as brokerage fees, monthly fees and withdrawal fees) which can eat into your returns. Micro-investing apps, on the other hand, usually have lower fees or even offer fee-free options.

For most micro investment accounts, there are no minimum account balances, while deposits and withdrawals are free. This means more of your money goes towards building your portfolio rather than paying for account fees or administrative costs.

4. Automatic Investing

Micro-investing is designed to be easy and convenient. You can set up automated investing, so a portion of your income or spare change from everyday purchases is invested without you having to think about it. This automation promotes consistent saving and investing habits, helping you reach your financial goals faster.

5. Learning Opportunity

For those new to investing, micro-investing provides an excellent learning opportunity. You can start investing a small amount, gain experience, and gradually increase your investment knowledge. Over time, you’ll become more comfortable with investing principles and strategies.

6. Flexibility

A micro-investing app allows you to adjust your investment strategy as your financial situation changes. You can increase or decrease your contributions, switch between investment portfolios, or even withdraw funds if needed. This flexibility makes it easier to adapt your investment strategy to your evolving goals.

Risks of Micro-Investing To Be Aware Of

While micro-investing offers numerous benefits, it also has risks like all investments. It’s essential to be aware of the potential risks involved with micro-investing accounts and if these are aligned with your risk tolerance. This way you can manage the risk properly.

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1. Market Volatility

Like all investments, micro-investing is subject to market fluctuations. The value of your investments can go up or down, and there are no guarantees of positive returns. It’s crucial to have a long-term perspective and be prepared for market ups and downs.

2. Limited Control

When you invest in micro-investment apps, you typically have limited control over the specific assets in your portfolio. You select the investment options, but you don’t have direct ownership of individual shares or bonds. This lack of control may not be suitable for investors who prefer a hands-on approach.

3. Fees and Costs

While micro-investing platforms often have lower account fees than traditional brokers, it’s essential to understand the micro-investing account fee structure. Some investment apps charge a management fee, brokerage fee, or monthly maintenance fee that can eat into your returns over time. Make sure to read the product disclosure statement and choose a micro-investment app with fees that align with your investment strategy.

4. Long-Term Commitment

Micro-investing is most effective when viewed as a long-term strategy. If you’re looking for quick, high returns, micro-investing may not be the best fit. It’s designed for individuals willing to commit to regular contributions and patiently watch their investments grow over time.

5. Financial Security

While micro-investing apps strive to protect your financial information, no system is entirely immune to security breaches. It’s crucial to use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and stay vigilant about your account’s security to mitigate these risks.

Now that you’re aware of the benefits and risks of micro-investing, let’s explore how you can get started on your micro-investment journey.

How do I start Micro-Investing?

Getting started with micro-investing is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to begin your micro-investment journey:

What is Micro-Investing: Definition, Benefits & How It Works - My Money Sorted (4)

1. Set Clear Financial Goals: Before you start investing, define your financial goals. Do you want to save for a future vacation, build an emergency fund, or work towards retirement? Understanding your objectives will help you determine how much you need to invest and the level of risk you’re comfortable with.

2. Choose a Micro-Investing App or Platform: Research and compare different micro-investing apps and platforms available in Australia. Look for features that align with your goals, such as low fees, investment options, and user-friendly interfaces. Some of the more popular micro-investing apps in Australia include Raiz, Spaceship, and CommSec Pocket.

3. Complete the Registration Process: Once you’ve chosen a micro-investing platform, sign up and complete the registration process. You’ll need to provide personal information, including your name, contact details, and tax file number (TFN).

4. Link Your Bank Account: To fund your micro-investment account, you’ll need to link it to your bank account. This allows you to transfer money into your investment portfolio seamlessly.

5. Choose Your Investment Options: Most micro-investing apps offer a selection of investment options, including ETFs, individual shares, or diversified portfolios. Select the investment options that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

6. Set Up Automatic Contributions: To make the most of micro-investing, set up automatic contributions. You can choose to invest a fixed amount regularly or round up your everyday purchases to the nearest dollar, with the spare change going into your investment account.

7. Monitor Your Progress: Regularly review your investment portfolio and track your progress towards your financial goals. Some micro-investing apps provide tools and insights to help you stay on top of your investments.

8. Adjust Your Strategy as Needed: Life circ*mstances change, and so should your investment strategy. If your goals or risk tolerance shift, don’t hesitate to adjust your contributions and investment options accordingly.

Micro-Investing Platforms and Apps

Now that you know how to get started, let’s delve into some of the micro-investing platforms and apps available in Australia.

Most micro-investing apps invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds, and most apps can match you with an investment portfolio or diversified ETF portfolios based on your risk tolerance.

Micro-investing has become more accessible than ever, with various investment apps appearing on the market that cater to new and experienced investors alike.

1. Raiz

Raiz is one of the most popular micro-investing apps in Australia. It allows users to invest their spare change by rounding up everyday purchases to the nearest dollar and investing the difference. Raiz offers a range of diversified portfolios with varying levels of risk, making it suitable for both conservative and aggressive investors. The app also provides educational content to help users better understand their investment choices. Raiz offers a unique feature called “Round-Ups,” which automatically invests the spare change from everyday transactions. This effortless approach to investing makes it an excellent choice for those looking to start small.

2. Spaceship Voyager

Spaceship Voyager is another notable micro-investing platform in Australia. It offers a range of investment portfolios, each with a different focus. Spaceship Voyager’s investment options include technology-focused portfolios and a universe portfolio that encompasses a broader range of global companies. This platform is known for its user-friendly interface and transparent fee structure.

3. CommSec Pocket

CommSec Pocket, offered by one of Australia’s leading stockbrokers, CommSec, provides users with access to a variety of investment options. You can choose from seven different ETFs, each representing a specific investment theme, such as “Tech Savvy” or “Health Wise.” CommSec Pocket is a reliable option for those who want the backing of a well-established financial institution.

4. BrickX

If you’re interested in real estate investing but lack the capital to buy a property, BrickX might be the solution. BrickX allows you to invest in fractions of residential properties, effectively breaking down real estate investments into smaller, more affordable chunks. It’s a unique micro-investing platform that provides exposure to the property market.

5. Pearler

Pearler takes a slightly different approach to micro-investing. It’s designed for investors who want to build a diversified portfolio with a long-term perspective. With Pearler, you can create and customise your portfolio by selecting individual shares and ETFs. This platform is ideal for those who want more control over their investments.

6. Stockspot

Stockspot combines robo-advisory services with micro-investing. It offers a range of diversified portfolios based on your risk tolerance and financial goals. Stockspot’s automated investment algorithm rebalances your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation. It’s a convenient option for hands-off investors.

7. Bamboo

Bamboo focuses on sustainable investing. It allows users to invest in portfolios that prioritise environmentally and socially responsible companies. Bamboo aims to align your investments with your values while providing a seamless micro-investing experience.

How Micro-Investing Platforms Work

Micro-investing platforms operate by leveraging technology to make investing accessible and user-friendly. Here’s a closer look at how these platforms typically function:

Round-Up Transactions: Many micro-investing apps, like Raiz, Acorns (now known as Raiz Invest), and Spaceship, offer the option to round up your everyday transactions to the nearest dollar. For example, if you buy a coffee for $3.50, the app will automatically invest the extra $0.50. This small change is then invested in your chosen portfolio.

Automatic Contributions: You can set up automatic contributions to your micro-investment account, which can be daily, weekly, or monthly. These contributions can be fixed amounts or calculated based on your spending habits. The idea is to make investing a consistent habit without requiring manual effort.

Diversified Portfolios: Micro-investing platforms typically offer a selection of diversified portfolios or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that cater to different risk profiles. You can choose a portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals. These portfolios often include a mix of shares, bonds, and other asset classes.

Low Minimum Investment: Micro-investing platforms usually have low minimum investment requirements, making it accessible to individuals with limited funds. You can start investing with as little as a few dollars.

User-Friendly Interfaces: These apps are designed to be user-friendly, even for individuals with no prior investing experience. They often come with intuitive interfaces that allow you to track your portfolio’s performance, make changes to your investments, and set up recurring contributions with ease.

Educational Resources: Many micro-investing platforms offer educational resources and content to help users understand the basics of investing. They may provide articles, videos, and tools to improve your financial literacy.

Are Investing Apps Safe?

Safety is a top priority when it comes to micro-investing apps. To ensure the safety of your investments and personal information, consider the following factors:

Regulation: Check if the micro-investing platform is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Regulation provides a layer of oversight and protection for investors.

Security Features: Ensure that the app employs robust security measures, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and biometric authentication (such as fingerprint or facial recognition). These features help safeguard your account from unauthorised access.

Insurance: Some micro-investing platforms offer insurance coverage for your investments in case of fraud or security breaches. Review the platform’s terms and conditions to understand the extent of coverage.

Reputation: Research the platform’s reputation by reading user reviews and checking for any past security incidents. Established and reputable micro-investing apps prioritise security to maintain trust among their users.

Terms and Conditions: Carefully read and understand the platform’s terms and conditions, including their privacy policy. This will give you insight into how your data is handled and protected.

Remember that no investment platform is entirely risk-free, but choosing a regulated and reputable provider can significantly mitigate security concerns.

Do Investment Apps Charge Fees?

Micro-investing apps typically charge fees, but these fees are generally lower than those associated with traditional investing. Common fees you might encounter include:

Management Fees: Many micro-investing platforms charge a small annual management fee, typically a percentage of your total assets under management. This fee covers the platform’s operating costs and management of your portfolio.

Transaction Fees: Some apps may charge a fee for specific transactions, such as buying or selling investments. However, many micro-investing platforms offer fee-free transactions on their standard investment options.

Account Maintenance Fees: Check if there are any account maintenance fees, which are sometimes charged monthly or annually to cover administrative costs.

Currency Conversion Fees: If you invest in assets denominated in foreign currencies, be aware of potential currency conversion fees when transferring money or making international investments.

It’s crucial to understand the fee structure of your chosen micro-investing platform before you start investing. Transparent fee information should be readily available on the platform’s website or app.

Can You Make Money From Micro-Investing?

Yes, you can make money from micro-investing, but it’s essential to set realistic expectations. Micro-investing is a long-term strategy that focuses on gradual wealth accumulation rather than rapid wealth creation. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Long-Term Perspective: Micro-investing is most effective when you commit to it over the long term. By consistently contributing small amounts and allowing your investments to grow, you can potentially see significant returns over several years.

Diversification: Diversifying your investments across different asset classes and industries can help spread risk and increase your chances of earning positive returns. Micro-investing platforms often offer diversified portfolios that are automatically rebalanced.

Market Volatility: Be prepared for market fluctuations. The value of your investments can go up and down, especially if you invest in shares or equity-based ETFs. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements.

Consistency: The power of micro-investing lies in its consistency. Regular contributions, even if they’re small, can accumulate and compound over time. Stick to your investment plan, and avoid withdrawing funds prematurely.

Reinvestment: Reinvesting dividends and returns can significantly boost your investment growth. Many micro-investing platforms offer automatic reinvestment options to help you maximise your returns.

Seek Professional Advice: If you’re uncertain about your investment choices or strategies, consider consulting a financial advisor. They can provide personalised guidance based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

While there are no guarantees in investing, micro-investing can be a practical way to grow your wealth steadily over time, especially for those who are just starting their investment journey.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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