What Is Primary Market? - Example, Types & Functions! (2024)

June 5, 2024

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The primary market is where securities are created and first sold to investors. It’s a marketplace where companies, governments, and other entities can raise capital by issuing new securities such as stocks, bonds, or shares of mutual funds.


  • Meaning of Primary Market
  • Primary Market Example
  • Distinguish Between Primary Market And Secondary Market
  • Functions Of Primary Market
  • Types Of Primary Market
  • Advantages Of Primary Market
  • Disadvantages Of Primary Market
  • What Is Primary Market – Quick Summary
  • Meaning of Primary Market – FAQs

Meaning of Primary Market

In financial terms, the primary market is the capital market segment, where companies issue fresh securities directly to investors. It provides the initial platform for companies seeking to raise capital, be it for expansion, meeting operational expenses, or funding new projects. For instance, when a company decides to go public, it does so via the primary market, launching what we commonly refer to as an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

An example of this is the Zomato IPO that happened in India in 2021. The company decided to go public and raise funds for its operations. It did so through the primary market, offering its shares for the first time to public investors. The event attracted numerous investors, many of whom used online brokerage platforms like Alice Blue for their transactions.

What Is Primary Market? - Example, Types & Functions! (4)

Primary Market Example

A typical example of a primary market transaction is an Initial Public Offering (IPO). In an IPO, a company sells its shares directly to the public for the first time. An example of a recent IPO in the Indian market is that of Paytm, a digital payment and financial services company. In November 2022, Paytm launched its IPO, issuing shares directly to the public through the primary market. This allowed the company to raise capital for expansion while giving investors an opportunity to be part of its financial journey.

Distinguish Between Primary Market And Secondary Market

The main difference between the primary and secondary markets is that the primary market involves issuing new securities directly from companies to investors. In contrast, the secondary market involves the trading of these securities amongst investors.

More such differences are explained below:

ParameterPrimary MarketSecondary Market
Nature of transactionDirect purchase from the companyTrading among investors
PurposeFund-raising by companiesLiquidity for investors
PricingFixed by the issuing companyDetermined by supply and demand
Regulatory oversightRegulated by SEBI ensuring fairnessRegulated by SEBI for fair and transparent practices
Frequency of transactionOne-time transactionMultiple transactions possible
Role of brokersMinimal involvementSignificant involvement
  • In the primary market, investors directly purchase securities from the company, aiming to raise funds. In the secondary market, investors trade securities among themselves, providing liquidity.
  • Pricing is fixed in the primary market but determined by supply and demand in the secondary market. Regulatory oversight by SEBI ensures fairness in both markets.
  • The primary market involves one-time transactions, while the secondary market allows multiple transactions.
  • Brokers play a minimal role in the primary market but a significant role in the secondary market.

Functions Of Primary Market

The primary function of the primary market is to facilitate capital formation. It is the avenue through which companies can raise funds directly from investors for various purposes like business expansion, acquisition, or debt repayment.

For instance, when Reliance Jio announced its plans to build a 5G network in India, it raised funds through a rights issue in the primary market. The funds were used to support the capital expenditures required for the project.

The primary market also performs several other functions:

  • Pricing of securities: The primary market determines the price of the security being issued, which is typically based on the company’s financials, its business model, market conditions, and investor sentiment.
  • Safety of transactions: As transactions in the primary market are overseen by regulatory bodies like SEBI, it ensures the safety and transparency of the transactions.
  • Helps in economic development: The primary market indirectly contributes to the country’s economic development by enabling companies to raise capital for their business operations.
  • Assists in direct investment: The primary market provides an avenue for investors to invest in the securities of a company directly. This allows them to participate in the company’s growth and potentially share in its profits.

Types Of Primary Market

The primary market is generally classified into five types:

  • Public Issue
  • Follow-on-Public Issue
  • Rights Issue
  • Private Placement and
  • Preferential Allotment.
  1. Public Issue: Here, securities are issued to the general public. The public issue could be an Initial Public Offer (IPO) or a Further Public Offer (FPO). For example, the recent Paytm IPO, where the company offered its shares to the public through the primary market, falls under this category.
  2. Follow-on Public Offering (FPO): Companies already on the stock market sell more shares to the public to get more money.
  3. Rights Issue: Existing shareholders are offered additional shares in proportion to their current holdings.
  4. Private Placement: The issuance of securities is made to select individuals or institutional investors.
  5. Preferential Allotment: Similar to the private placement, the allotment is usually made to a select group of investors, often at a preferential price.

Advantages Of Primary Market

The primary advantage of the primary market is that it enables companies to raise capital directly from investors. This helps them fund their operations, expansions, or pay off debts.

Here are some other advantages:

  • Transparency: With regulatory oversight, transactions in the primary market are transparent and secure.
  • Fair Pricing: The price of the securities is determined after considering several factors, which ensures that the price is fair.
  • Boosts Economy: By helping companies raise capital, the primary market contributes to the country’s overall economic development.
  • Availability to all: In the case of public issues, all interested investors, big or small, have the opportunity to invest.

Disadvantages Of Primary Market

The major disadvantage of the primary market is the high cost associated with the issuance of securities. These include underwriting costs, regulatory fees, and marketing expenses.

Take the example of a company that has decided to go public. It has to hire underwriters, pay regulatory fees to SEBI, and invest in marketing the issue. These costs can add up, reducing the net proceeds from the issue.

Other disadvantages include:

  • Time-consuming: Issuing securities in the primary market is lengthy and involves several steps, which can be time-consuming.
  • Risk of under subscription: If the issue is not well-received by the market, it may not get fully subscribed, leading to undersubscription.
  • Regulatory hurdles: Companies have to comply with several regulations and procedures, which could be complex and cumbersome.

What Is Primary Market – Quick Summary

  • The primary market is where securities are first issued and sold to investors.
  • It acts as a platform for companies to raise capital by issuing new securities like stocks or bonds.
  • An example of a primary market transaction is the Paytm IPO in 2022.
  • The primary market issues new securities, while the secondary market trades among investors.
  • The main function of the primary market is to facilitate capital formation for companies.
  • The primary market is classified into four types: Public Issue, Rights Issue, Private Placement, and Preferential Allotment.
  • The primary advantage of the primary market is it allows companies to raise funds directly from investors.
  • The major disadvantage is the high cost associated with the issuance of securities.
  • Invest in both primary and secondary markets at low brokerage costs with Alice blue.

Meaning of Primary Market – FAQs

1. What do you mean by primary market?

The primary market refers to the part of the capital market where new securities are issued and sold directly by companies to investors. It provides a platform for companies to raise funds for various purposes such as expansion, debt repayment, or launching new projects.

2. What is the role of SEBI in the primary market?

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulates the primary market to ensure fair practices. It sets guidelines for companies issuing securities, monitors the process, and takes necessary actions against malpractices. This ensures that the interests of investors are protected.

3. What are the 5 types of primary market?

The primary market is generally classified into five types:

  • Public Issue
  • Follow-on-Public Issue
  • Rights Issue
  • Private Placement and
  • Preferential Allotment.

4. What is meant by the secondary market?

The secondary market is where securities already issued in the primary market are bought and sold among investors. It provides liquidity to investors as they can sell their securities whenever they want. The price of securities in the secondary market is determined by supply and demand.

5. Who are the players in the primary market?

The players in the primary market include-

  • Companies issuing the securities
  • Investment banks that underwrite the issue, regulatory bodies like SEBI, and the investors who buy the securities.
  • Online brokerage firms like Alice Blue also play a role by providing a platform for investors to participate in the primary market.

6. What is the difference between primary market and secondary market?

The main difference between the primary market and the secondary market is that on the primary market, companies issue and sell new securities directly to investors. In contrast, on the secondary market, investors trade these securities with each other.

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Vinayak Hagargi

Vinayak is a passionate financial markets enthusiast with 4+ years of experience. He has curated over 100 articles simplifying complex financial concepts. He has a unique ability to break down financial jargon into digestible chunks. Vinayak aims to empower newbies with relatable, easy-to-understand content. His ultimate goal is to provide content that resonates with their needs and aspirations.

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What Is Primary Market? - Example, Types & Functions! (2024)


What Is Primary Market? - Example, Types & Functions!? ›

In the primary market, new stocks and bonds are sold to the public for the first time. In a primary market, investors are able to purchase securities directly from the issuer. Types of primary market issues include an initial public offering (IPO), a private placement, a rights issue, and a preferred allotment.

What is an example of a primary market? ›

An initial public offering, or IPO, is an example of a primary market. These trades provide an opportunity for investors to buy securities from the bank that did the initial underwriting for a particular stock. An IPO occurs when a private company issues stock to the public for the first time.

What is the primary market and its functions? ›

What is primary market? The primary market, often referred to as the "new issue market," is where companies issue new securities to the public for the first time. In the case of equity, this process is known as an Initial Public Offering (IPO), while for debt instruments, it involves issuing bonds or debentures.

What are the primary and secondary market types and functions? ›

Key takeaways. The primary market is where new securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) are issued and sold for the first time, typically through initial public offerings (IPOs). The secondary market, on the other hand, is where already issued securities are bought and sold by investors.

What are the primary markets in the US? ›

Also known as gateway markets or 24 hour cities, primary markets have historically attracted investor interest with their established economies and lower cap rates. The six most notable primary markets are Washington D.C., San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles.

What are 2 examples of primary market research? ›

Examples of primary research are: Interviews (telephone or face-to-face) Surveys (online or mail) Questionnaires (online or mail)

What are the three types of primary markets? ›

Types of primary market issues include an initial public offering (IPO), a private placement, a rights issue, and a preferred allotment. Stock exchanges instead represent secondary markets, where investors buy and sell from one another.

What are 2 examples of secondary market? ›

Examples of popular secondary markets are the National Stock Exchange (NSE), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the NASDAQ, and the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

What are the types of market and its functions? ›

The four popular types of market structures include perfect competition, oligopoly market, monopoly market, and monopolistic competition. Market structures show the relations between sellers and other sellers, sellers to buyers, or more.

What is the function of the secondary market? ›

The Function of Secondary Market

Secondary market functions allow investors to buy and sell securities among themselves without the involvement of the issuing company. Intermediaries such as brokers and dealer market play a key role in matching buyers and sellers, and facilitating the transaction process.

Who sells in the primary market? ›

The financial markets also have primary and secondary markets. The primary market is where new securities are issued, with the issuing companies and governments selling to financial intermediaries such as broker-dealers or directly to investors.

How many primary markets are there? ›

The four types of primary markets are Public Issue (or Initial Public Offering), Rights Issue, Private Placement, and Preferential Allotment. Each type caters to specific needs and is governed by its unique rules and regulations.

What is my primary market? ›

Primary market. Your primary market is the primary country or region that you sell to, and is often your home or domestic market.

What is an example of a primary and secondary target market? ›

A business may have more than one target market—a primary target market, which is the main focus, and a secondary target market, which is smaller but has growth potential. Toy commercials are targeted directly to children, and their parents are the secondary market.

What is an example of a secondary market? ›

Secondary markets are primarily of two types – Stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets. Stock exchanges are centralised platforms where securities trading take place, sans any contact between the buyer and the seller. National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) are examples of such platforms.

What is an example of primary product in marketing? ›

Explanation. Primary product are natural raw materials, it include: crude oil, coal, iron ore, agricultural products such as wheat, cotton, coffee beans etc.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.