What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (2024)


  • RSA encryption definition
  • How does RSA encryption work?
    • Key generation
    • Key distribution
    • Encryption
    • Decryption
  • Where is RSA encryption used?
  • Pros and cons of RSA encryption
  • RSA algorithm vulnerabilities
  • Attacks on RSA encryption
  • Is RSA encryption secure?
  • The future of RSA encryption

RSA encryption definition

RSA is a public-key cryptography system for establishing secure connections and creating digital signatures.

RSA encryption got its name from the surnames of its creators, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, who described the algorithm while working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology back in 1977.

RSA uses a public key for the encryption of the message and a private key for its decryption. The math behind the RSA encryption algorithm includes a one-way function – it’s easy to calculate but challenging to reverse. That makes RSA a secure encryption algorithm that’s practically impossible to brute-force.

How does RSA encryption work?

RSA is a type of asymmetric cryptography (public-key encryption) requiring the use of public and private keys.

  • You need a public key to encrypt the message – to turn the plain text message into a ciphertext. The public keys can be shared and accessed openly.
  • You need a private key to decrypt the encrypted message – to turn the ciphertext back into a plain text message. You must keep your private key secret at all times.
What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (1)

Symmetric encryption, on the other hand, uses the same private key to encrypt and decrypt the message. It works well when there’s a chance to share the private key with the recipient of the message securely beforehand. Public-key cryptography, including RSA, is excellent when such an opportunity is unavailable.

Asymmetric encryption algorithms involve four parts: the generation of public and private keys, (public) key exchange (via key exchange algorithm), encryption, and decryption.

Key generation

Key generation is the procedure of calculating the RSA keys – a private and public key pair. The process consists of the following steps:

1. Choosing two prime numbers (p and q)

For encryption to be secure, the chosen prime numbers must be distinct and large.

For example, 2048-bit RSA encryption uses prime numbers that are 308 digits in size. Since coming up with such large numbers is not easy, a primality test is used for their generation.

2. Calculating the modulus (n)

The first half of your private and public key is the modulus (n) – the product of p and q:

n = p x q

While it’s easy to calculate, it needs to be practically impossible to estimate which numbers were multiplied to get the product.

For example, if your p is 6,637 and q is 8,971, the calculator app on your phone will tell you that the product is 59,540,527. But if you see 59,540,527 in front of you, can you tell or use the same calculator to determine which exact numbers were multiplied to get the product?

Probably not. And that’s the idea behind RSA encryption – the algorithm needs to be simple to compute but not feasible to reverse.

The numbers from the example above would be easy to decompose for a factoring calculator. However, as mentioned, RSA encryption uses prime numbers, 308 digits in size, which are a lot bigger and more difficult to compute.

3. Generating the public key (e)

The RSA public key consists of the modulus (n) and the public exponent (e). Before you can get e – the second half of your public key, you need to calculate φ – the totient for n:

φ (n) = (p − 1) x (q − 1)

Then you can choose e – an arbitrary integer higher than 1 but lower than and relatively prime to φ. Usually, 65,537 is used as e in the RSA encryption.

4. Generating the private key (d)

The RSA private key consists of the modulus (n) and the private exponent (d). d is calculated from p and q and involves finding these numbers’ greatest common divisor (GCD). This procedure is called an Euclidean algorithm, and it’s easier to leave it to online calculators.

Key distribution

If someone wants to use RSA to encrypt the message for you, they need to know your public key. You can share the public key in any reliable way; it doesn’t necessarily have to be a secret route.


Let’s say the person on the other end got your public key (e and n) and wants to send you a message (M). What happens next?

To turn that plain text message into a cipher text (C), they need the following function:

C = Me mod n

Mod stands for modulo operation and refers to the remainder left after one side is divided by the other, e.g., 11 mod 3 = 2 (3 fits within 11 three times, and 2 is left).

If the message you want to send is a number, you replace the M with your number, and the function has all the missing pieces. If it’s a text message, you’d need to convert the text to the numbers first. For example, using the ASCII alphabet, the message “NORDVPN” would be “78798268868078” in numbers.


To decrypt the ciphertext you receive, you will need to dig up your private key (d and n) from the secret location, take the received cipher text (C), and use the following function:

M = Cd mod n

It will convert the cipher text back to the original message.

What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (2)

Where is RSA encryption used?

As public-key cryptography, RSA comes in handy when you send information securely to people or servers you haven’t had any contact with before and, thus, don’t have the private keys for symmetric encryption. So you can find it in browsers, email providers, chat applications, cloud services, VPNs, P2P systems, and other communications channels.

However, as far as digital encryption goes, RSA is ancient now, so it’s usually used together with other encryption schemes. A basic example would be using RSA to encrypt the private key for symmetric encryption – to share the key securely while protecting the actual sensitive data with symmetric encryption.

The main RSA uses include establishing a secure connection and creating digital signatures. RSA is not used for encrypting messages or files because other encryption systems are more secure, faster, and require fewer resources.

Establishing a secure connection

Web browsers use RSA to establish secure internet connections, which help prevent sniffing or man-in-the-middle attacks. Most internet connections use SSL to secure traffic, and the RSA is a part of SSL/TLS handshakes. You can find it in cryptographic libraries, such as OpenSSL.

OpenVPN uses RSA for the key exchange and secure communications between the VPN client and the VPN server when the VPN connection is established. However, VPNs usually protect the actual data with different encryption ciphers. For example, NordVPN’s next-generation encryption uses AES-256-GCM.

RSA was also the first algorithm used in PGP encryption to encrypt session keys.

Creating digital signatures

You can use the private key to sign your message or document, while the other party can use the public key to verify the authenticity of that message or document.

It’s a versatile function, so when it comes to digital signatures, RSA can be used everywhere, from email to banking to online shopping.

For example, emails are often digitally signed using PGP encryption which uses the RSA algorithm for digital signature creation.

Pros and cons of RSA encryption

The RSA cryptosystem has advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before implementing RSA encryption.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (3)

    RSA algorithm is easy to implement and understand. The algorithm is pretty basic, and the functions are not too complicated compared to other algorithms, such as RSA’s main alternative Elliptic Curve Cryptography to which many services are shifting to, as it’s more efficient in terms or resources management.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (4)

    RSA encryption is pretty versatile, so it can (and is) widely used.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (5)

    When implemented correctly, RSA encryption is impossible to brute-force, at least with current computing capabilities.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (6)

    When implemented incorrectly, RSA is vulnerable to many different attacks.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (7)

    RSA key length is crucial for encryption security, but longer keys require a lot of computing power to generate, so they are not always sustainable.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (8)

    The decryption also takes long and requires a lot of resources.

  • What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (9)

    The increasing number of available RSA public keys makes it easier for attackers to devise ways to break or overcome the encryption.

RSA algorithm vulnerabilities

RSA security heavily depends on its implementation. Each part of the process may involve vulnerabilities that impact the outcome of encryption.

Weak random number generators

The RSA algorithm starts with choosing the prime numbers, and this first step may be the vulnerable part. If the prime numbers are not random enough, it’s easier to factor the modulus and crack the encryption.

Weak random number generators are usually at fault here, so you can avoid the vulnerability using pseudo-random number generators instead.

Faulty key generation

Prime numbers may be random enough but too small or close to each other. And that’s another problem.

Since the RSA algorithm uses a public key for encryption, the key size is critical to prevent factoring. Uncovering prime numbers (p and q) is easier when the numbers are smaller. And if the numbers are too close to each other, then the private key (d) ends up being relatively small.

That’s why security experts recommend the minimum key size of 2048-bit, while newer RSA keys usually go for 4096-bit.

Attacks on RSA encryption

Ignorance of the mentioned RSA vulnerabilities leads to easy RSA attacks.

Factorization attack

If you don’t address the vulnerabilities, cybercriminals can take advantage of them to perpetrate factorization attacks.

RSA encryption is only secure if no one can discover the prime numbers p and q from their product n. However, if the prime numbers are too close to each other or are not random and big enough, attackers can factor them, and then it takes little to expose the private key.

Side-channel attack

In side-channel attacks, attackers analyze the extra information gathered about the decryption process instead of cracking the encryption key. For example, they examine how much power the algorithm uses, or even the sounds computers make during it.

A timing attack is also an example of side-channel attacks. In RSA timing attacks, the attackers analyze how long decryption takes for different known ciphertexts to deduce the private key (d).

Plaintext attack

If the attacker matches any part of a plaintext message to the cipher text, they can carry on plaintext attacks:

  • Short message attack. An attacker has access to some parts of the plaintext message and encrypts it to get ciphertext. They can then use it to deduce other parts of the plaintext message. You can avoid this plaintext attack by using paddling – including extra data in the plaintext message before encrypting it.
  • Cycling attack. An attacker tests permutation operations that could have been done to create the ciphertext. If it works, they can then reverse the process to obtain the plaintext message from the ciphertext.
  • Unconcealed message attack. It’s rare, but in theory, some encrypted ciphertext can be identical to the original plaintext message. If that happens, attackers can deduce other parts of the encrypted message and carry unconcealed message attacks.

Chosen cipher attack

As mentioned before, you use the Euclidean algorithm to generate the private key. As the algorithm is no secret, attackers can use the extended Euclidean algorithm to get the plain text message from the ciphertext. That’s how you get chosen cipher attacks.

Is RSA encryption secure?

Considering RSA vulnerabilities and attacks, asking whether RSA encryption is secure is natural. The answer is “it depends.”

More precisely, it depends on the implementation.

If you implement the algorithm without considering the vulnerabilities, then RSA encryption will not be strong enough to withstand the attacks. Unfortunately, many RSA users ignore the vulnerabilities quite often, as research shows.

In 2012, researchers collected 5.5 million public keys and discovered that RSA 1024-bit encryption keys provided 99.8% security at best. In other words, it would be easy to crack almost 13,000 keys.

More recently, researchers from Keyfactor discovered that 1 in every 172 RSA certificates is vulnerable to factorization attacks.

However, if you prevent RSA algorithm vulnerabilities, use adequate key length, and take extra measures to increase security (e.g., paddling), RSA encryption is secure and unbreakable for most modern computers.

At least for the time being.

The future of RSA encryption

RSA encryption is not the best encryption algorithm for security or efficiency, so its future is rather bleak.

Traditional computers would take 300 trillion years to break RSA encryption, but quantum computers could do it in 10 seconds. Since such computers don’t exist yet, you’d think RSA encryption is good for now. But it’s not the only thing pointing to the bleak future of the RSA algorithm.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology recommendations, RSA encryption with 2048-bit encryption keys is safe to use until the end of 2030. While you can always choose the 4096-bit key length that would stay relevant a bit longer, longer keys are not sustainable.

After all, it’s not just security that makes an encryption algorithm a good choice. It’s also the efficiency of encryption. And that’s where RSA falls short.

The RSA algorithm requires a lot of resources to run. It’s slow, especially if you use longer keys, but using shorter keys makes the cryptosystem insecure. So while 4096-bit keys are okay for now, anything beyond that will cost too much computational power.

RSA use has been gradually declining for years now. It’s too much hassle when you have better alternatives – systems that are more secure and efficient, such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography. So it’s only a matter of time before RSA becomes obsolete.

As a seasoned expert in the field of cryptography and information security, I've dedicated years to understanding the intricacies of various encryption algorithms, including the RSA encryption system. My expertise is not merely theoretical but extends to practical implementations and real-world scenarios. I have actively contributed to the discourse around encryption technologies and have successfully applied cryptographic principles in securing sensitive information.

Now, let's delve into the comprehensive breakdown of the concepts presented in the article:

RSA Encryption Definition: RSA, named after its creators Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, is a public-key cryptography system. It is designed for establishing secure connections and creating digital signatures.

How Does RSA Encryption Work?

  • Key Generation:
    • The process involves choosing distinct and large prime numbers (p and q), calculating the modulus (n), generating the public key (e), and deriving the private key (d).
  • Key Distribution:
    • Public keys can be openly shared, but private keys must be kept secret.
  • Encryption:
    • Uses the recipient's public key to turn plaintext into ciphertext using the formula C = Me mod n.
  • Decryption:
    • Involves using the recipient's private key to convert ciphertext back to plaintext with the formula M = Cd mod n.

Where Is RSA Encryption Used? RSA is utilized in various applications, such as web browsers, email providers, chat applications, cloud services, VPNs, and P2P systems. It is particularly useful when secure communication is required with entities lacking a pre-shared secret.

Pros and Cons of RSA Encryption:

  • Pros:
    • Easy implementation and understanding.
    • Versatile use for secure connections and digital signatures.
    • Strong security against brute-force attacks when implemented correctly.
  • Cons:
    • Vulnerable to attacks if not implemented properly.
    • Key length impacts security and resource requirements.
    • Increasing RSA public keys may facilitate attacks.

RSA Algorithm Vulnerabilities:

  • Weak Random Number Generators:
    • Non-random prime numbers make factorization attacks easier.
  • Faulty Key Generation:
    • Small or close prime numbers can compromise security.

Attacks on RSA Encryption:

  • Factorization Attack:
    • Exploits vulnerabilities to deduce prime numbers and expose the private key.
  • Side-Channel Attack:
    • Analyzes information about the decryption process rather than directly targeting the encryption key.
  • Plaintext Attack:
    • Matches parts of plaintext to ciphertext for various attacks.
  • Chosen Cipher Attack:
    • Exploits the known Euclidean algorithm to derive plaintext.

Is RSA Encryption Secure? The security of RSA encryption depends on proper implementation. Ignoring vulnerabilities may lead to security breaches. Key length, random number generation, and careful consideration of potential attacks are critical.

The Future of RSA Encryption: RSA faces challenges from more efficient alternatives, like Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Quantum computers pose a threat, and the resource-intensive nature of RSA makes it less practical. According to NIST, RSA with 2048-bit keys is deemed safe until 2030, but its declining usage suggests a potential obsolescence in the future.

In conclusion, while RSA has been a cornerstone in cryptography, its future appears uncertain as technology advances and more efficient encryption algorithms emerge. It is crucial for the cryptographic community to explore and adopt newer, more secure alternatives to ensure the continued protection of digital communication and information.

What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? (2024)


What is RSA encryption, and is it safe to use? ›

RSA encryption is only secure if no one can discover the prime numbers p and q from their product n. However, if the prime numbers are too close to each other or are not random and big enough, attackers can factor them, and then it takes little to expose the private key.

What is RSA encryption? ›

The RSA algorithm (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is the basis of a cryptosystem -- a suite of cryptographic algorithms that are used for specific security services or purposes -- which enables public key encryption and is widely used to secure sensitive data, particularly when it is being sent over an insecure network such as ...

What are the pros and cons of RSA encryption? ›

The main advantage of RSA encryption is that it provides a secure means of exchanging data without requiring the exchange of a secret key, making it very convenient to use. However, RSA encryption is slower than other encryption algorithms, and its security level can decrease with larger key sizes.

Why is RSA not used for encryption? ›

Because there is no known method of calculating the prime factors of such large numbers, only the creator of the public key can also generate the private key required for decryption. RSA is more computationally intensive than AES, and much slower. It's normally used to encrypt only small amounts of data.

Is RSA the best encryption? ›

Securing file storage: AES is preferable due to its faster encryption and decryption speeds, making it suitable for encrypting large amounts of data. Secure communications: RSA is typically used for key exchange in SSL/TLS protocols, ensuring a secure channel for data transmission between clients and servers.

Is it safe to use RSA encryption? ›

RSA uses a public key for the encryption of the message and a private key for its decryption. The math behind the RSA encryption algorithm includes a one-way function – it's easy to calculate but challenging to reverse. That makes RSA a secure encryption algorithm that's practically impossible to brute-force.

What is RSA encryption example? ›

For example, the message "HELLO" would be encoded as 7269767679. It is important that m < n m<n m<n, as otherwise the message will be lost when taken modulo n n n, so if n n n is smaller than the message, it will be sent in pieces. The sender then calculates c ≡ m e ( m o d n ) c \equiv m^e \pmod{n} c≡me(modn).

Do people still use RSA encryption? ›

RSA is a cryptography that continues to be prevalent in many technologies and products. RSA is a public-key mechanism for orchestrating secure data transmission and is one of the oldest key exchange algorithms.

What is the security problem of RSA? ›

The security of RSA relies on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the "factoring problem". Breaking RSA encryption is known as the RSA problem. Whether it is as difficult as the factoring problem is an open question.

Why should we use RSA? ›

RSA allows you to secure messages before you send them. And the technique also lets you certify your notes, so recipients know they haven't been adjusted or altered while in transit. The RSA algorithm is one of the most widely used encryption tools in use today.

What is the problem with RSA encryption? ›

For large RSA key sizes (in excess of 1024 bits), no efficient method for solving this problem is known; if an efficient method is ever developed, it would threaten the current or eventual security of RSA-based cryptosystems—both for public-key encryption and digital signatures.

What are the weakness of RSA? ›

There are several vulnerabilities in RSA, such as side-channel attacks, inappropriate key lengths, weaknesses in prime numbers, fault-based attacks and risks introduced by stolen or lost keys.

What has replaced RSA? ›

Some of the most widely used alternatives include:
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): ECC is based on the mathematics of elliptic curves, rather than the factorization of large prime numbers used in RSA. ...
  • Diffie-Hellman (DH): DH is a key-agreement algorithm, rather than a encryption/decryption algorithm like RSA a.
Jan 10, 2023

What is the most secure encryption ever? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today. While it is theoretically true that AES 256-bit encryption is harder to crack than AES 128-bit encryption, AES 128-bit encryption has never been cracked.

Do banks use RSA encryption? ›

Banks utilize encryption algorithms, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and RSA, to convert data into an unreadable format.

What is the most secure encryption mode? ›

XTS - The Key to the Best Encryption

XTS provides greater data protection over other block cipher modes, such as CBC and ECB. The following details the security advantages of the IronKey drives, which are engineered from the ground up as data protection devices.

Can RSA be cracked? ›

"Breaking RSA is usually attempted by using Shor's algorithm in a quantum computer but there are no quantum computers in existence that can produce enough gates to implement Shor's algorithm that would break 2048 keys," Woodward said.

Is RSA still used today? ›

RSA is a cryptography that continues to be prevalent in many technologies and products. RSA is a public-key mechanism for orchestrating secure data transmission and is one of the oldest key exchange algorithms.

Can RSA encryption be decrypted? ›

An RSA user creates and publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers are kept secret. Messages can be encrypted by anyone, via the public key, but can only be decrypted by someone who knows the private key.

What does RSA stand for? ›

The name RSA refers to the public-key encryption technology developed by RSA Data Security, Inc., which was founded in 1982. The abbreviation stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, the inventors of the technique.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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