What is Scrum in Software Development? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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What is Scrum in Software Development? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 22 May, 2024




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Scrumis a popular framework that is used whenever we want to develop complex products,Ken SchwaberandJeff Sutherlandare known as the people who developed Scrum. Scrum is a type of Agile framework.

Table of Content

  • What is a scrum in software development?
  • Silent features of Scrum
  • Advantage of Scrum framework
  • Disadvantage of Scrum framework
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Scrum (software development)

What is a scrum in software development?

Scrum isa management framework that teams use to self-organize tasks and work towards a common goal. It is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems while the productivity and creativity of delivering products are at the highest possible value. Scrum is a management framework that teams useto self-organize and work towards a common goal.

  • Scrum allows us to develop products of the highest value while making sure that we maintain creativity and productivity.
  • The iterative and incremental approach used in scrum allows the teams to adapt to the changing requirements.

Silent features of Scrum

  • Scrum is a light-weighted framework
  • Scrum emphasizes self-organization
  • Scrum is simple to understand
  • Scrum framework helps the team to work together
  • Lifecycle of ScrumWhat is Scrum in Software Development? - GeeksforGeeks (3)
  • Sprint: A Sprint is a time box of one month or less. A new Sprint starts immediately after the completion of the previous Sprint. Release: When the product is completed, it goes to the Release stage.
  • Sprint Review: If the product still has some non-achievable features, it will be checked in this stage and then passed to the Sprint Retrospective stage.
  • Sprint Retrospective: In this stage quality or status of the product is checked. Product Backlog: According to the prioritize features the product is organized.
  • Sprint Backlog: Sprint Backlog is divided into two parts Product assigned features to sprint and Sprint planning meeting.

Advantage of Scrum framework

  • Scrum framework is fast moving and money efficient.
  • Scrum framework works by dividing the large product into small sub-products. It’s like a divide and conquer strategy
  • In Scrum customer satisfaction is very important.
  • Scrum is adaptive in nature because it have short sprint.
  • As Scrum framework rely on constant feedback therefore the quality of product increases in less amount of time

Disadvantage of Scrum framework

  • Scrum framework do not allow changes into their sprint.
  • Scrum framework is not fully described model. If you wanna adopt it you need to fill in the framework with your own details like Extreme Programming(XP), Kanban, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM).
  • It can be difficult for the Scrum to plan, structure and organize a project that lacks a clear definition.
  • The daily Scrum meetings and frequent reviews require substantial resources.


In Conclusion, Scrum is an Agile framework for product development, improving the self organization and capabilities. It improve the productivity and customer satisfaction but it may cause the challenges in handling changes in the mid sprint and requires additional changes for implementation.

Frequently Asked Questions on Scrum (software development)

Why scrum is used?


Scrum is basically structuredfor the help of teams to naturally adapt changing conditions and user requirements which are dynamic in project.

Why is it called Scrum?


Scrum is not an acronym, but isarrived from the word rugby.

Who uses scrum?


these are companies which are top mainly used the Scrum Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple, and Spotify

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What is Scrum in Software Development? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)
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