What is Seed Funding For Startups and How Does It Work? - Crest Legal (2024)

Raising funding for a startup can be complex with shares, stock, compliance, rights and even deciding on the type of funding that’s right for you. Seed funding is the name for the initial amount of funding that a startup raises to cover costs for anything from product development and research to marketing costs and expenses.

What is seed funding?

Seed funding refers to the initial sums of money a business venture raises, the seed funding represents the initial equity funding stage. The early investment that seed funding provides to a business is normally used to facilitate business growth and stimulate income generation.

For new businesses, seed funding, also known as seed capital, is an essential component of business investment.

The name ‘seed’ funding comes from the analogy for the planting of a tree, with the seed being the first foundation for further growth.

New businesses have startup costs which include equipment, wages, rent, utilities and much more.

Seed funding can help new businesses with access to funds early on so that they have them available to meet the initial startup costs and potential growth.

What is seed funding used for?

Seed funding is essentially equity-based funding, which requires investors to invest money into the business at the very early stages.

In return for the investment, the investor is given an equity stake. An equity stake is a share of the business.

The seed funding arrangement is mutually beneficial for both business and investor. The business receives essential capital to begin trading, and the investor acquires some ownership of the business.

For any startup that wants fast growth, seed funding plays a big part.

High growth often requires high capital in order to sustain the growth. Seed funding can provide new businesses with a competitive advantage, especially when they are navigating unpredictable business territories.

Who usually provides seed funding?

Types of investors

A common source of seed funding are private investors.

Seed funding can also be provided by accredited investors, crowdfunding investors and also angel investors.

Angel investors are typically investors who provide seed funding, but also provide advice and guidance to help the business grow.


Online crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter are "all or nothing" platforms: once you've met your project's fundraising goal, no more money is collected. In addition to each transaction's payment processing costs as well as a percentage of the amount raised, most platforms charge fees based on a percentage of the total amount generated.


Incubators can help early-stage companies grow. They focus on encouraging new ideas and innovation generation. They generally provide smaller investment amounts as well as workspace assistance, networking opportunities, and mentorship programs. Demo days or pitch events are also common.


Accelerators focus on assisting startup growth. In return for a set percentage of shares, they give startups a set amount of funding. Many provide indirect funding through mentorship opportunities or hosting networking events, demo days, or pitch events. Some accelerators also provide workspace assistance, such as access to technology and services that can help companies develop faster.

Angel Investors

Angel investors are usually high net worth individuals who invest seed capital for startups in the form of shares. Many angel investors use convertible debt, which allows money to be converted into shares. The benefit of convertible debt is that the value of the firm is delayed until the next round of investment funding. The angel investor benefits from an "early investor" discount.

Angel investors are typically investors who provide seed funding, but also provide advice and guidance to help the business grow.

Angel Groups

Angel investors may also form angel groups. This allows them to invest much larger amounts of money, to get larger ownership stakes, and to earn greater potential gains. Angel groups are often made up of investors from many different sectors and markets who will decide as a group whether or not to invest, how much they should invest, and under what terms.

Corporate seed funding

Bigger companies may look to invest in your business as a way of generating new ideas, sources of talent and to move into new markets.

Personal Savings

Often known as “Bootstrapping” - many founders use their personal savings to fund the early stages of their startup. The benefits are that personal savings may not need to be repaid or come with equity obligations - however it may create financial issues for the founders.

Venture capital

Seed funding may also be available from venture capital firms, which can help entrepreneurs with exceptional growth potential obtain the financial resources they need. Investors in venture capital funds are usually heavily vetted and their contributions to companies include expert knowledge as well as cash. Venture capital investment almost always entails the exchange of ownership interests for backing.

What’s in it for the seed funder?

There are many benefits for seed funders. For most seed funders they are looking for a healthy return on their investment.

As early funders, they can reap the benefits of joining the business early, and working with innovative founders.

Many investors in startups like the option of having a diverse portfolio of investments and in the UK, investors can potentially claim tax relief on investments of up to 50% (more on that below).

How much seed funding does my startup need?

Ideally, you should be able to raise enough money to reach profitability. Not only will this make it easier to obtain funding in the future, but you'll also be able to operate without additional financing if conditions get tough.

Alternatively, you may be looking to raise enough cash to get to the next milestone of your product’s development before looking to raise the next round of funding.

Getting started with seed funding

There can be a lot of new terminology to deal with when looking at funding options.

New startups often make time-critical decisions relating to funding, but don’t always anticipate the implications of their decisions further down the line.

The UK has a legislative regime which was established to ensure investors are protected and that companies are regulated when dealing with seed funding.

There are strict rules that businesses have to comply with when it comes to sourcing funding for startups. Legal and financial advisors can ensure you are compliant with the rules and protected from risky situations.

The circ*mstance of each business is unique and the advice should always be tailored to the specific requirements of the business.

Some important considerations and terms to be aware of when starting up and using seed funding, include the following:

Financial promotions and FSMA

The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) states that it is not lawful for companies to offer transferable shares to the public unless the business has prepared a prospectus. The prospectus must be approved by the Financial Conduct authority.

There are exemptions to needing a prospectus depending on the level of funding required and consideration payable by investors, so it is essential that businesses seek legal advice before they embark on accepting any offers for seed funding.

A breach of the FSMA is a criminal offence, so any new business looking to source seed funding needs to be aware of the requirements of the FSMA and ensure it is compliant.

The FSMA regime also controls financial promotions. This means that any communication by the business to engage or induce investors to invest will be considered to be financial promotion and must be compliant with the financial promotion rules of the FSMA.

Timing of the deal

The timing of the deal is another consideration startup businesses should have in mind.

Businesses need to determine the best time for entering into a seed funding deal.

Too early, and the funding could be left unused, too late and the business may already be lagging behind with its plans.

The timing of the seed funding for startups determines how far you can take the business in the first 6 months. Of course, at this stage many businesses will only have predictions about future growth, and no exact figures, so approaching investors at the right time is critical.

SEIS and EIS (Seed Investment Enterprise Scheme and Enterprise Investment Scheme)

EIS SEIS legal advice is vital. It is important you work with your legal team and accountant on SEIS and EIS applications.

It will come as no surprise that startups are deemed to be high risk investments.

The SEIS and EIS are both government initiatives established as a relief scheme for investors. The schemes encourage private investors to invest in startups, and in return they are offered tax breaks.

In order for startups to make use of SEIS, businesses need to work closely with their legal advisors and accountants to ensure that they secure the SEIS investment.

Your accountant will be able to advise you about the SEIS rules and whether you qualify.

If your business trade qualifies for the SEIS scheme you can take steps to procure an investment.

SEIS has rules relating to investment so it is always best for businesses to seek independent legal and financial advice.

Share Options, Division and Caps Tables

Remember, there is a finite number of shares you can issue, so think carefully about your share divisions and allocations

Use caps tables to show you the capital stake of each investor and any changes that occur. You should also think about the restrictions on investors in terms of investment limits and control.


Voting structure, control of the company and the shares allocated, are all important issues for the future direction of the company. This can lead to dilution of ownership, and dilution needs to be tracked long-term to ensure your interests are protected.

You should understand how to retain control of your business whilst securing the funding you need. Make sure you are aware of all the regulations, compliance requirements and the contractual terms you are entering into.

Intellectual Property (IP)

As a startup you will have your own intellectual property including copyrights and trademarks. This could be as simple as your company logo or your website. There are numerous assets that you should seek to protect.

GDPR (General Protection Data Regulation)

These are the rules around how companies store, share and manage personal data. Breaching the GDPR rules can have consequences for businesses, including fines and penalties of up to 4% of your turnover.

Convertible Shares

Convertible shares are issued when investors agree to take convertible shares in place of shares upfront. The convertible shares can be converted into equity at a later stage. You should carefully assess any convertible share options and the business in the future.

Down rounds

Sometimes, particularly in an economic downturn, a company could sell shares for a lower rate than they have been sold in previous financing rounds. Negotiating down rounds can be fraught so understanding your company’s financial standing, and negotiating accordingly, is crucial.

Term Sheet

The term sheet will outline the main terms and conditions of the deal you agree with your investors.

The term sheet will also include investor director rights and is an important part of managing the risk between the parties.

Shareholders Agreement

This agreement is the legal document that will detail the relationship between the founders and shareholders.

The shareholders agreement will also list all the warranties you are willing to give such as ‘The company owns all the intellectual property it uses’.

It is important that the agreement is accurate and protects you whilst also outlining the main contractual terms.

Disclosure letter and warranties

As a new startup, the disclosure letter and warranties are an important element of the funding round.

The disclosure letter is where you list warranties that are not correct.

Using the above warranty example, the disclosure letter may state that ‘The company owns all the intellectual property but has a licence to use X software’. The disclosure letter facilitates full transparency from the company.

How much is my business worth?

So, how do you offer a price to a possible investor when discussing terms? Why is it that some firms appear to be valued at £20 million and others at £4 million? Because investors believe they are (or will be) worth that much.

It's as simple as that.

As a result, you should let the market set your price.

You could also get a steer by looking at similar companies who have had recent valuations. But one of the most important factors is appealing to investors.

How do you impress investors?

What do investors look for in a startup? How do you convince someone that your business is a great investment opportunity?

1. A great service or product (even if it is the minimum viable product)

Investors will almost certainly be looking into other companies at the same time as yours, so you must be sure that your offering is a market leader (or have a viable strategy to make it one). You'll face competition from other startups, so consider what makes you stand out from the crowd.

2. Growth potential

If investors are going to invest in your firm, they'll want to know about future prospects for development and expansion. With this in mind, investors will want to see evidence that your product has room for growth and that plans are in place to meet it. The company should also have a plan for how it intends to develop, including financial projections.

3. Faith in the founding team

Investors will be investing in your team as well. They'll want to know that they're putting their money in a smart, driven, and experienced group with a burning desire to make the company successful.

4. Business plan

This includes, marketing, finances, and clear plans for how you would use the investment money

After you've decided what you want an investor to provide, make sure your strategy for spending the funds is clear. An investor will be hesitant to part with their cash if ideas appear hazy.

Seed funding for startups - What next?

There is a fine balance between securing investors and protecting the founders and the business at the same time.

Get the right legal advice from the start by contacting us here.

What is Seed Funding For Startups and How Does It Work? - Crest Legal (2024)


What is Seed Funding For Startups and How Does It Work? - Crest Legal? ›

Seed funding works in much the same way as other forms of equity and venture capital funding: startups receive capital, or 'seed money' in exchange for equity (an ownership stake) in the company. Seed funding may also be structured as debt, in which case, the principal may need to be repaid.

How does startup seed funding work? ›

Seed money—often referred to as seed funding or seed capital—is an initial investment that entrepreneurs or founders use to start a business or a new project, and cover initial operating expenses. This type of funding is usually a relatively small amount of capital, compared to other sources of startup funding.

Do you pay back seed funding? ›

There are a few different types of seed funding, including debt financing, equity financing, and grants. debt financing is when a startup borrows money from an investor and agrees to pay it back with interest. equity financing is when a startup sells a portion of its company to an investor in exchange for capital.

Is seed funding risky? ›

Risk and reward

Seed funding is typically considered to be higher risk because the business model and market fit may not be fully tested. But there is potential for high levels of reward, as early investors often get a more significant stake in the business's equity.

What do seed investors get in return? ›

Seed money, also referred to as seed capital or seed funding, is a private investment of capital in a startup in exchange for equity. Seed money is typically in the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars range, not millions.

Can you pay yourself with seed funding? ›

For example, if you're a seed startup founder, you're going to be raising a lot less money. This is because you're still building your team and you're still trying to get proof of concept. Consequently, you will probably be paying yourself, as a founder, a little bit less than a later-stage company.

How much revenue needed for seed funding? ›

Investor community StartEngine recommends that companies aim to raise their seed round "when they have less than $3 million annual recurring revenue (ARR).”

What is the success rate of seed funding? ›

As this Crunchbase data summarizes well, once the amount of funding for the seed stage startup surpasses the $1 mil mark, the post-seed funding raising success rate increases from ~30% level to over ~55%, and given about 35% companies that get Series A to fail in the US, this indicates approximately 60% failure rate at ...

How much do startups get paid for seed funding? ›

Startup founders increase their salaries after fundraising rounds, with around $130,000 for seed to around $250,000 for Series B founders, Kruze Consulting found. CTO salaries tend to be higher at early stages, and then CEO salaries take over at later funding stages.

Does seed money get taxed? ›

Seed funding, similar to other forms of investment capital, should not be taxable when received. It is an investment in your company and does not count as income.

What is the minimum amount for seed funding? ›

There is not any such CAP, but still we go for Indian Scenario. You can seed anything between 3-10 lakhs from traditional investors from your family and friends. If you go to professional one then seed fund would range in 10-60 lakh. There are exceptions too in both ends of range.

How long is seed funding supposed to last? ›

As a general rule of thumb, funding should last somewhere between 12 and 18 months. It should be enough capital to allow you to comfortably hit your goals and the forecast you laid out during your pitching and fundraising process.

What percentage of ownership is seed funding? ›

Founders start with 100 percent ownership. Seed rounds – the earliest stage of funding, usually from family and angel investors – typically dilute founders' ownership by an average of 15%. By the time you reach the Series A stage, you need to be prepared for further dilution.

How do seed investors get paid? ›

Seed funding is essentially equity-based funding, which requires investors to invest money into the business at the very early stages. In return for the investment, the investor is given an equity stake. An equity stake is a share of the business.

What happens after seed funding? ›

The first round after the seed stage is Series A funding. The term gets its name from the preferred stock sold to investors at this stage.

What should I spend seed funding on? ›

Money raised at the seed stage can be used for a variety of a startup's needs, including:
  • Product development.
  • Hiring.
  • Marketing.
  • Infrastructure costs.
Oct 31, 2023

How hard is it to get pre-seed funding? ›

Even though there are multiple funding rounds after it, raising pre-seed money is perhaps the most difficult point in your startup's life regarding raising capital. This is often because novice startups have no idea where to meet new potential investors.

How much can I get in seed funding? ›

If you can manage to give up as little as 10% of your company in your seed round, that is wonderful, but most rounds will require up to 20% dilution and you should try to avoid more than 25%.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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