What is Sell Through Rate? 2023 Guide for Sellers - Jungle Scout (2024)


This article was written by Jungle Scout ecommerce experts with some assistance from artificial intelligence.

As an Amazon seller, it’s important to keep track of your products’ sales performance to understand the overall health of your business. One of the most crucial metrics you need to understand and monitor is your sell-through rate (STR).

Understanding and tracking your sell-through rate gives you valuable insights into the effectiveness of your inventory management and sales performance.

In this article, we will explore what sell-through rate is, why it matters for Amazon and ecommerce sellers, how to calculate it accurately, and how to improve your sell-through rate.

  • What is a sell-through rate?
  • How to calculate sell-through rate
  • How to improve your sell-through rate

What is a sell-through rate?

Sell-through rate is a measure of how quickly you are selling your inventory within a given period of time. It is expressed as a percentage and represents the ratio of units sold from your total inventory available for sale during a specific time frame, often monthly.

Your product’s sell-through rate helps you determine if you are overstocked, understocked, or optimizing your inventory levels. Understanding your STR can help you make informed decisions about inventory replenishment and pricing strategies.

READ MORE | Amazon Inventory Management 2023 Guide

Why is sell-through rate important for ecommerce sellers?

Sell-through rate is particularly important for Amazon FBA and ecommerce sellers for several reasons:

  • Storage fees. FBA sellers pay storage fees for their products stored in Amazon’s warehouses. Knowing your sell-through rate helps you manage your inventory better, ensuring you don’t have excess stock that will incur additional storage fees.If you use a third-party fulfillment service for other ecommerce marketplaces, you could also incur monthly storage fees there.
  • Marketing effectiveness. Your product’s sell-through rate is a good indicator of your marketing effectiveness. If your sell-through rate is low, it may indicate that your marketing message does not resonate with your target audience. By analyzing your sell-through rates with your marketing efforts, you can identify which marketing channels and messages are most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Product listing optimization. A low sell-through rate may indicate that your product listing needs improvement. By analyzing your product’s sell-through rate, you can identify any issues with your product listing, such as poor product descriptions, low-quality images, or incorrect pricing, and make changes to optimize your listing.

TIP: Need help optimizing your product listings? Check out Jungle Scout’s new AI Assist within the Listing Builder tool.

  • Optimize your supply chain. You can optimize your product supply chain and sourcing strategies by analyzing your product’s sell-through rate. For example, if a particular product has a high sell-through rate, consider ordering more inventory to ensure you stay in stock.
  • Profitability. Understanding your sell-through rate is crucial for calculating your profitability and managing cash flow. If your product has a high sell-through rate, you can invest more in that product or source similar products. On the other hand, if your product has a low sell-through rate, you may need to adjust your pricing, marketing, or inventory management strategies to improve your cash flow.
  • Identify popular products. Sell-through rate can help you identify popular products and trends in your market. By monitoring your sell-through rates over time, you can specify which products are selling well and adjust your product mix accordingly. You can also use this information to identify new opportunities and expand your product line.

How to calculate sell-through rate

To calculate your sell-through rate, you will need two pieces of information: the total number of units sold and the total number of units available for sale during a specific time period.

The formula for sell-through rate is as follows:

Sell-through rate = (Total Units Sold / Total Units Available for Sale) x 100

Let’s break it down further with an example.

  • Total Units Available. Say you have 100 units of a product listed on Amazon.
  • Total Units Sold. During the month of March, let’s say you sold 60 units.

To calculate your sell-through rate for March, you would use the formula:

Sell-through rate = (60 / 100) x 100 = 60%

This means that 60% of your inventory was sold during March, and you have a sell-through rate of 60% for that period.

What is a good sell-through rate?

A good sell-through rate in ecommerce can vary depending on the industry, product category, and other factors such as price point and demand.

Generally speaking, a sell-through rate of around 50-80% is considered good on Amazon, eBay, Shopify and other ecommerce platforms. Though fluctuations are normal when considering seasonality, market trends, and competition.

However, it’s important to note that sell-through rate should be looked at in conjunction with other metrics such as conversion rate, traffic, and customer reviews to get a more complete picture of a product’s performance.

Additionally, it’s necessary to continually optimize your product listings, marketing strategies, and other aspects of your ecommerce operations to improve your sell-through rate over time.

READ MORE | How to Increase Your Amazon Conversion Rate in 2023

Amazon FBA sell-through rate

Amazon calculates and displays the sell-through rate in Seller Central a little differently. Amazon looks at the past 90 days of shipped units and the average inventory over that same period.

Here is an example provided by Amazon:

“Suppose you shipped 120 units in the past 90 days and had an average of 80 units available during that period. Your sell-through rate would be 120 divided by 80, which equals 1.5, as shown below.”

What is Sell Through Rate? 2023 Guide for Sellers - Jungle Scout (1)

Amazon encourages sellers to maintain a sell-through rate in the green (or “good” rating) year-round. Let’s go over how to find your sell-through rate in Seller Central and what number constitutes “good.”

How to find your sell-through rate in Amazon Seller Central

If you fulfill orders through FBA, Amazon assigns each seller an inventory performance index (IPI) score which helps sellers gauge their inventory performance overtime.

One of the top influencing factors of your IPI score is sell-through rate. The faster your inventory sells compared to the amount of inventory stored, the higher your IPI score will be.

You can keep track of your overall sell-through rate that factors in all of your products, and each individual product’s STR. Use the sell-through rate to determine what is selling well and what needs some work.

To find your STR in Seller Central, go to the Inventory tab > Dashboard.

What is Sell Through Rate? 2023 Guide for Sellers - Jungle Scout (2)

In your Inventory Dashboard, you can see your IPI score and your overall inventory performance.

What is Sell Through Rate? 2023 Guide for Sellers - Jungle Scout (3)

For our account, our current STR is 1.78, which according to Amazon, is not that good and needs some work. Amazon considers a “good” STR to be between 2.0-7.0.

Also, notice how our excess inventory metric is in the red? This also plays a role in your sell-through rate as we have had some inventory stored for a while without selling.

What is Sell Through Rate? 2023 Guide for Sellers - Jungle Scout (4)

If you click on “View details”, you’ll be taken to the FBA Inventory page where you can see the STR of each product you offer. This is where we can figure out which products are not selling so well to determine what the next steps are.

Improving your sell-through on Amazon is especially important because your inventory’s performance has a big impact on your FBA storage capacity limits. If your inventory performs poorly, Amazon may not allot you enough storage capacity in their fulfillment centers.

READ MORE | Amazon Just Updated Its FBA Storage Capacity System, and Here’s How it Affects You

Three of the products we offer have low STR’s, so in the next section, we’ll go over how to improve your sell-through rate.

How to improve your sell-through rate

Now that you understand what the sell-through rate is, and how to calculate it, let’s go over some ways you can improve your products’ sell-through rate.

  • Optimize product listings. Your product listings should be optimized to make it easy for customers to find and understand what your product is all about. Use high-quality images, clear and concise product titles, and detailed product descriptions that highlight the benefits and features of your product.
  • Use Amazon PPC Advertising. Amazon Advertising is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your product listings. With the use of Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and/or Sponsored Display ads, you can increase sales and improve your sell-through rates. Of course, you want to be sure your listing is optimized before driving traffic.
  • Monitor pricing. Keep an eye on your pricing and make sure you’re competitive. If you’re priced too high, customers may be less likely to purchase your product. If you’re priced too low, you may be leaving money on the table. Use Jungle Scout’s Product Tracker tool to monitor your competition and adjust your pricing accordingly.
  • Encourage customer reviews. Customer reviews are a powerful tool on Amazon, as they can influence buying decisions. Encourage customers to leave reviews by using Jungle Scout’s Review Automation tool to send automated Amazon ToS-approved review requests to your customers.
  • Utilize Amazon promotions. Amazon offers a variety of promotions, including Lightning Deals, Coupons, and which can help increase your product’s visibility and sales. Experiment with different promotions to see which ones work best for your product.
  • Manage inventory effectively. Poor inventory management can lead to out-of-stock situations, which can negatively impact your sell-through rate. By tracking inventory levels and sales data, you can ensure that you have enough inventory on hand to meet demand without overstocking. Additionally, identifying slow-moving or non-performing inventory can help you make informed decisions about pricing and promotions.

What is your sell-through rate?

Sell-through rate and all these other metrics can be a bit confusing, so we hope this article has any questions you may have had! If you have more questions about sell-through rate (or anything else), please let us know in the comments.


I'm an expert in ecommerce and inventory management, with a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is grounded in practical knowledge and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in selling products online, particularly on platforms like Amazon. Let me provide you with insights into the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Sell-Through Rate (STR):

    • Definition: Sell-through rate measures how quickly inventory is sold within a specific time frame, expressed as a percentage.
    • Importance: Crucial for Amazon FBA and ecommerce sellers for inventory management, pricing strategies, and overall business health.
  2. Calculating Sell-Through Rate:

    • Formula: STR = (Total Units Sold / Total Units Available for Sale) x 100
    • Example: If you have 100 units available and sold 60, the STR is (60 / 100) x 100 = 60%.
  3. Factors Influencing Sell-Through Rate:

    • Storage Fees: Important for FBA sellers to avoid excess stock and additional storage fees.
    • Marketing Effectiveness: Indicates how well marketing messages resonate with the target audience.
    • Product Listing Optimization: Low STR may signal issues in product listings, requiring improvements.
    • Supply Chain Optimization: Helps in optimizing sourcing strategies based on product performance.
    • Profitability: Essential for managing cash flow; high STR allows for more investment in successful products.
  4. Determining a Good Sell-Through Rate:

    • Range: Generally, a sell-through rate of 50-80% is considered good, though industry, product category, and other factors influence this.
    • Considerations: Evaluate alongside other metrics like conversion rate, traffic, and customer reviews for a holistic view.
  5. Amazon FBA Sell-Through Rate:

    • Calculation: Amazon calculates the rate over the past 90 days, considering shipped units and average inventory.
    • Seller Central: Sellers can find their sell-through rate in Seller Central, influencing their Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score.
  6. Improving Sell-Through Rate:

    • Optimizing Product Listings: Use high-quality images, clear titles, and detailed descriptions.
    • Amazon PPC Advertising: Drive targeted traffic to listings through sponsored ads.
    • Monitoring Pricing: Stay competitive by adjusting pricing based on market conditions.
    • Encouraging Customer Reviews: Leverage positive reviews to influence buying decisions.
    • Utilizing Amazon Promotions: Explore various promotions to increase product visibility.
    • Effective Inventory Management: Avoid out-of-stock situations and make informed decisions about slow-moving inventory.

In conclusion, the sell-through rate is a pivotal metric for ecommerce success, impacting various aspects of a seller's business. To excel in the competitive landscape, sellers must continually optimize their strategies based on this metric and other relevant performance indicators.

What is Sell Through Rate? 2023 Guide for Sellers - Jungle Scout (2024)


What is a good sell-through rate? ›

The industry-wide standard for a good sell-through rate is 80%. The average sell-through rate typically falls between 40% and 80%, depending on your category.

What is a good Amazon sell-through rate? ›

An Amazon sell-through rate above seven is Excellent, meaning you're selling seven times more units compared to how many you hold on average. Three to seven is Good, while one to two is Fair. In the context of our earlier example, the Amazon sell-through rate of 1.25 falls under fair.

How to look up sell-through rate? ›

Start by tracking the total number of units sold and the existing inventory for the month, quarter or year that you want to measure. To calculate your sell-through rate, divide the total number of units sold by your inventory at the start of the period. Then multiply this figure by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Is Amazon FBA still profitable in 2023? ›

Going Forward into 2023

So, is it worth selling on Amazon in 2023? Absolutely, Amazon FBA selling is a great opportunity in 2023 as e-commerce continues to thrive, and Amazon makes launching a business scalable.

Is a 20% sell-through rate good? ›

For example, in the retail industry, a sell-through rate of 10% is considered good, while in the food industry, a sell-through rate of 20% is considered good.

What is a 100% sell-through rate? ›

An STR of 100% means that your business sells all of the inventory received in the specific time period. On the opposite side of the coin, an STR of 0% means that your business sells none of the inventory received in the specific time period.

How to improve Amazon sell-through? ›

Improve 90-day rolling sell-through by maintaining a sell-through that places this metric in the green (or “good”) range year-round. This can be achieved by setting up a weekly rigor in identifying sell-through for the trailing 90 days and then capturing the weekly average units sold per SKU.

Is a high sell-through rate good? ›

A high sell-through rate generally indicates that a business is doing well. In contrast, a low sell-through rate may suggest issues with the business' product offering, pricing, or marketing strategy.

Is it good to sell-through Amazon? ›

Amazon sellers are profiting much sooner compared to a typical small brick-and-mortar business. While it may take the latter 2+ years to turn a profit, 22% of Amazon sellers reported it took less than 3 months to turn a profit, and 58% are profitable within their first year.

How to calculate Amazon sell-through rate? ›

Amazon FBA sell-through rate

“Suppose you shipped 120 units in the past 90 days and had an average of 80 units available during that period. Your sell-through rate would be 120 divided by 80, which equals 1.5, as shown below.”

What does "high sell through" mean? ›

Sell-through rates indicate how fast you are selling a certain product within a specific window of time (usually quarterly or monthly). If you have a high sell-through rate, this means your products are selling quickly, while a low sell-through rate indicates the products are selling slowly.

What is an example of a sell-through report? ›

For example, let's assume a business wants to calculate the sell-through rate for the previous month. If the business sold 500 units of inventory that month, but began the month with 2,000 units, their sell through rate would be 500/2,000, or 25%.

How long before Amazon FBA is profitable? ›

Some sellers may start generating profits relatively quickly, while others may take longer to reach profitability. For some sellers, profitability can be achieved within the first few months of starting their Amazon business, especially if they offer unique products with high demand and minimal competition.

Is Amazon FBA difficult? ›

How hard is it to sell on Amazon FBA? It's fairly hard to sell on Amazon FBA. On a scale of difficulty, I would rate it an 8 out of 10, 10 being the most difficult.

Can I become a millionaire from Amazon FBA? ›

Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire through Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). Many entrepreneurs have achieved this level of success by building profitable businesses on the platform.

What is considered a good sell-through rate on eBay? ›

A good sell-through rate in ecommerce can vary depending on the industry, product category, and other factors such as price point and demand. Generally speaking, a sell-through rate of around 50-80% is considered good on Amazon, eBay, Shopify and other ecommerce platforms.

Can sell-through rate be more than 100%? ›

A sell-through rate higher than 80% is generally considered excellent. While a sell-through rate of 100% is seemingly perfect, it could indicate that there is demand in the market that you're not capturing, and that you need to order larger amounts of stock.

What is the average sell-through rate in fashion? ›

In retail, a good sell-through rate is typically 80%, and that's where many retailers set their STR goal. However, the average STR is typically somewhere between 40% and 80%, largely depending on the type of products you sell and your turnover.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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