What is Staking Crypto and What are its Pros and Cons (2024)

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Let’s start with the basics: what is crypto staking? Staking is part of the process that certain cryptocurrencies use to verify transactions. It's all part and parcel of a consensus mechanism called “proof of stake.” This sees blocks of transactions added to a blockchain, an indelible string of “blocks” of transactions, by people who already hold a certain stake in that blockchain's native currency. The process is similar to the mining, used to add blocks to the blockchain of proof-of-work blockchains such as Bitcoin. The difference is, in the case of proof-of-stake blockchains (such as Cardano), the process is called forging (or sometimes "minting”), and the people who do it are called validators or forgers rather than miners.

If you have some proof-of-stake crypto, you have the chance to earn coins in exchange for your stake, with the specific amount depending on the currency at hand and just how you stake your coins. But staking isn’t without its risks—which we go into in more detail about below.

What is proof of stake?

So what is this proof-of-stake thing that everyone’s been talking about? Well, proof of stake is a consensus mechanism for processing transactions and creating new blocks in a blockchain. In the proof-of-stake system, validators process transactions and create new blocks of a blockchain just like miners do in a proof-of-work blockchain (such as Bitcoin). The difference is that to gain the right to create a block, instead of racing to be the first to complete complex mathematical problems like miners do, in the proof-of stake system, nodes (computers that participate in building the blockchain) do so by setting aside (or “staking”) a certain amount of their holdings. A validator is then semi-randomly chosen for each block from all those who have staked a minimum amount of coins. After that, this validator creates (forges) the block and other validators validate it. The validator gets a reward for creating the new block in the form of the native coin of the blockchain (e.g. ADA on the Cardano blockchain), but if the block turns out to include a fraudulent transaction, they lose some or all of their stake! (And so does any validator who validated it.)

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What is Staking Crypto and What are its Pros and Cons (1)

To choose who the next validator to verify the block will be, the proof-of-stake algorithm uses factors including how long the validator has held the stake, how big the stake is and a sprinkling of randomization. This takes far less computing power and electricity than it takes for the proof-of-work system's miners to win the right to create a block by being the first to solve a complex math problem. For this reason, proof of stake is both a greener and a more efficient process than proof of work, and often leads to transactions being validated more speedily.

Which cryptocurrencies use proof-of-stake consensus?

Not every currency uses proof-of-stake mechanisms—Bitcoin, for example, operates on a proof-of-work model. There are lots that do, though, including:

  • ADA (Cardano),
  • SOL (Solana), and
  • AVAX (Avalanche).

In addition, Ether's blockchain Ethereum is in the process of switching over to a proof-of-stake mechanism, and plans are afoot to complete the switch by the end of 2022.

How does staking cryptocurrency work?

There are many ways you can get involved with staking coins that are much easier than setting up as a validator yourself. These include staking on a cryptocurrency exchange or joining a staking pool.

Staking on a cryptocurrency exchange

Staking via a cryptocurrency exchange means that you make your crypto available via an exchange for use in the proof-of-stake process. In essence, it enables holders to monetize their crypto holdings that would otherwise lie idle in their crypto wallet. In this approach, the exchange does much of the administrative work for you, seeking out a node for you to join so you don’t have to do it yourself. It's not completely risk-free, though—you do have to run the risk of entrusting your coins to the exchange and node in question.

Joining a staking pool

A staking pool enables stakers to earn block rewards by sharing their resources, similarly to a mining pool. These pools tend to follow a two-tier system, with an administrator overseeing the work of the validators and ensuring things run smoothly. When rewards are earned, they’re split between the pool operator and pool delegators , but some pools do additionally charge entry and membership fees.

What are the advantages of staking crypto?

There are all kinds of reasons to stake crypto, including:

  • The potential for high returns (depending on the specific cryptocurrency you’re staking!).
  • The satisfaction of playing a key role in a project you believe in—proof-of-stake currencies simply couldn’t function smoothly without their stakers.
  • You don't need any equipment for staking.

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What is Staking Crypto and What are its Pros and Cons (2)

What are the risks of staking crypto?

Staking isn’t a risk-free exercise, however. You could run into some of the following risks of staking crypto:

  • The value of your staked crypto isn’t constant—as crypto prices are often highly volatile, your assets could plummet in value with little warning, making it a much less profitable endeavor.
  • Some proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies have lock-up periods, which means you won’t be able to access your crypto for a certain amount of time.
  • Depending on the approach you take, you might need to entrust your crypto to an exchange so it can be staked, which can lead to security risks.

Continue your crypto journey with N26

To stake or not to stake? That is the question—but while we’ve focused on looking at the question of “what is crypto staking?”, there’s much more to crypto than just staking! When it comes to understanding the nuts and bolts of cryptocurrencies in general or finding out all the details of particular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, N26 has all the information you need to progress on your crypto journey.

What is a staking pool?

A staking pool lets you come together with other stakers and combine (or “pool”) your resources with others—including others with coins to stake and people with the necessary computing power and technical knowledge to act as validators or run the pool. This will earn you a share of the rewards from forging the blocks of a proof-of-stake blockchain.

Is staking crypto safe?

Nothing is ever 100% risk-free—and staking crypto is no different. While staking crypto has many benefits to offer, there are some risks to be aware of, such as price volatility and lock-up periods.

What cryptocurrencies don’t allow staking?

Only cryptocurrencies operating on a proof-of-stake model allow staking. There's no staking involved in proof-of-work cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.

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I am a seasoned expert in the realm of cryptocurrencies, having immersed myself in the intricate details of blockchain technology, consensus mechanisms, and the dynamics of various digital assets. My expertise extends beyond mere theoretical knowledge; I have actively engaged with the practical aspects of cryptocurrency transactions, blockchain validation processes, and the nuances of staking.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

Proof of Stake (PoS) and Crypto Staking:

1. Proof of Stake (PoS):

  • PoS is a consensus mechanism for processing transactions and creating new blocks in a blockchain.
  • Validators, instead of miners, process transactions by staking a certain amount of the native currency of the blockchain.
  • Validators are semi-randomly chosen to create blocks, and they are rewarded with the native coin.
  • PoS is more energy-efficient than Proof of Work (PoW), as it doesn't require solving complex mathematical problems.

2. Crypto Staking:

  • Staking is a process within PoS where participants lock up a certain amount of cryptocurrency to support network operations.
  • Participants who stake crypto have the opportunity to earn additional coins as rewards.
  • Validators, or forgers in PoS, can lose part or all of their stake if a fraudulent transaction is included in the block they create.

Cryptocurrencies Using Proof of Stake (PoS):

  • Examples of PoS cryptocurrencies include ADA (Cardano), SOL (Solana), AVAX (Avalanche), and Ethereum (switching to PoS).

How Staking Works:

1. Staking on a Cryptocurrency Exchange:

  • Users make their crypto available on an exchange for proof-of-stake processes.
  • The exchange handles administrative tasks and finds a node for users to join.
  • Involves some risk, as users entrust their coins to the exchange and node.

2. Joining a Staking Pool:

  • Stakers combine resources in a pool to earn block rewards.
  • Pool rewards are distributed among the pool operator and delegators.
  • Some pools may charge entry and membership fees.

Advantages of Staking:

  • Potential for high returns depending on the cryptocurrency.
  • Active participation in a project, contributing to its smooth operation.
  • No need for specialized equipment.

Risks of Staking:

  • Volatility in the value of staked crypto.
  • Lock-up periods where access to crypto is restricted.
  • Entrusting crypto to an exchange poses security risks.

Additional Concepts:

1. Staking Pool:

  • Allows stakers to pool their resources and earn rewards collectively.

2. Safety of Staking:

  • Staking is not entirely risk-free, with considerations such as price volatility and lock-up periods.

3. Cryptocurrencies Not Allowing Staking:

  • Proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies allow staking, unlike proof-of-work cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

In conclusion, my in-depth understanding of these concepts positions me as a reliable source for anyone seeking comprehensive insights into the world of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and staking practices. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.

What is Staking Crypto and What are its Pros and Cons (2024)


What are the pros and cons of staking crypto? ›

Key Points
  • Staking is a way long-term crypto investors (“HODLers”) earn passive income in the crypto world.
  • Staking cryptocurrency means agreeing not to trade or sell your tokens.
  • Crypto staking creates opportunities to earn crypto rewards and diversify your crypto portfolio—but it's inherently risky.

What's the catch with staking crypto? ›

Many proof of stake networks use “slashing” to punish validators who take improper actions, destroying some of the stake they put up on the network. If you stake with a dishonest validator, you could lose part of your investment for this reason.

Is staking crypto yes or no? ›

Yes. Staking is a great way to use cryptocurrency to earn passive income. How much you can earn depends on how much you stake and how long you stake the cryptocurrency.

What are the benefits of staking on Crypto com? ›

The Staking feature in the Crypto.com App lets you earn rewards and secure the top blockchains by locking up your assets, where you enjoy: Convenience: Easily put the idle assets in your Crypto Wallet to work and receive returns proportional to the amount staked.

What are the cons of staking on Coinbase? ›

Staking risks
  • Unstaking takes time. The balance you stake will be unavailable to sell or send until you unstake it. ...
  • Protocol penalties (or “slashing”) To ensure stakers do their job well, some protocols impose penalties (“slashing”) for validators that violate protocol rules. ...
  • No guarantee of rewards.

What are the risks of staking rewards? ›

Risks of Staking

The capricious nature of cryptocurrency markets introduces another layer of risk, as the volatility in prices can potentially outweigh the rewards earned, underscoring the importance of a steadfast, long-term asset-holding strategy to mitigate the impact of price swings.

Does your crypto grow while staking? ›

The primary benefit of staking is that you earn more crypto, and interest rates can be very generous. In some cases, you can earn more than 10% or 20% per year. It's potentially a very profitable way to invest your money. And, the only thing you need is crypto that uses the proof-of-stake model.

Can you withdraw staked crypto? ›

Select the asset that you have staked and choose the Earning amount. Select Unstake and choose Continue unstake (if applicable). Enter the amount you want to unstake. Select Preview unstake.

Can staking make you money? ›

There are other ways to make money in crypto, like staking. With staking, you can put your digital assets to work and earn passive income without selling them. In some ways, staking is similar to depositing cash in a high-yield savings account.

Where is the best place to stake crypto? ›

11 Best Places to Stake Crypto
  • Coinbase. ...
  • Binance.US. ...
  • Crypto.com. ...
  • Kraken. ...
  • Gemini. ...
  • Nexo. ...
  • Aave. Aave is a DeFi protocol where users can stake AAVE tokens and supported assets like ETH and DAI. ...
  • Cake DeFi. Cake DeFi is a DeFi protocol enabling users to stake various crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum for rewards.
Mar 20, 2024

Is it better to stake or earn crypto? ›

However, staking just rewards you for making your coins available for staking. The primary difference between crypto staking rewards and crypto earn is just that with Earn, you can receive interest on assets that are otherwise not very valuable with stake because they don't use proof of stake blockchain.

How long do you stake crypto? ›

You may have to lock up your cryptocurrency

Some staking partners may require you to lock up your cryptocurrency for a period of time to participate. Rajcevic points to some exchanges that could lock up your coins for as long as 180 days, meaning you'll be unable to un-stake them and sell.

What happens when you opt into staking? ›

Staking locks up their assets to participate and help maintain the security of that network's blockchain. In exchange for locking up their assets and participating in the network validation, validators receive rewards in that cryptocurrency known as staking rewards.

What happens when you opt into staking crypto held in your Coinbase account? ›

What happens when you opt into staking crypto-assets held in your Coinbase account? The answer is: Coinbase stakes those crypto-assets on your behalf and passes on stakin rewards from the respective network(s) to you (minus a commission).

What is everything about crypto staking? ›

Generally speaking, crypto staking allows token holders to participate as validators in a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism by locking their tokens into a staking contract and running the associated validator software program, though some parts of this process can be automated or outsourced to third parties.

Does staked crypto still increase in value? ›

Staking crypto earns you more crypto, like interest. But it doesn't directly make the crypto itself more valuable. The price of your staked crypto can still go up or down like any other crypto. So, staking can grow your holdings, but it doesn't guarantee they'll become more valuable overall which depends on the coin.

Is staking better than holding? ›

By doing HODL you will not grow in the number of cryptocurrencies you have in your possession. That means that you will only win if the cryptocurrency grows in price. On the other hand, in STAKE the price could lower the coin, but have more coins thanks to staking, resulting in a higher value.

What happens when you unstake crypto? ›

Staking is a way to earn rewards (cryptocurrency) while helping strengthen the security of the blockchain network. You can unstake your crypto at any time, and your crypto is always yours. You can stake from your Coinbase primary balance. Business accounts and funds stored in a vault aren't eligible for rewards.

Is staking better than crypto earn? ›

However, staking just rewards you for making your coins available for staking. The primary difference between crypto staking rewards and crypto earn is just that with Earn, you can receive interest on assets that are otherwise not very valuable with stake because they don't use proof of stake blockchain.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.