What is Term Deposit , Term Deposit Vs Fixed Deposit | Max Life Insurance (2024)

Max Life Insurance Company Limited is a Joint Venture between Max Financial Services Limited and Axis BankLimited.

Corporate Office :Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 11th Floor, DLF Square Building, Jacaranda Marg, DLFCity Phase II, Gurugram (Haryana) - 122002.

Operation Center :Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd, Plot No. 90C, Udyog Vihar, Sector 18, Gurugram(Haryana) - 122015.

Customer Helpline: 1860 120 5577 (9:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M Monday to Saturday) * Call charges apply.

Online Helpline - 0124 648 8900 (09:00 AM to 09:00 PM Monday to Saturday).

Fax Number:0124-4159397.

Email ids: service.helpdesk@maxlifeinsurance.com

Website: www.maxlifeinsurance.com

Max Life Insurance is integrated with licensed NBFC FinVu (Cookiejar Technologies Pvt. Ltd. for sharing policydetails with regulated Financial Information Users within the Account Aggregator ecosystem after obtaining thePolicy holder's consent. Read more about Account Aggregator framework here.

*Life insurance coverage is available in this product. For more details on risk factors, Terms and Conditionsplease read the prospectus carefully before concluding a sale. You may be entitled to certain applicable taxbenefits on your premiums and policy benefits. Please note all the tax benefits are subject to tax lawsprevailing at the time of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you. Tax benefits are subject to changesin tax laws. Trade logo displayed belongs to Max Financial Services Ltd. and Axis Bank Ltd. respectively andwith their consents, are used by Max Life Insurance Co.

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on the risk factors, Terms and Conditions,please read the sales and rider prospectus carefully before concluding a sale. Tax benefits are eligible for taxexemption on fulfilling conditions mentioned under Section 10(10D) of income tax act 1961. Tax exemptions are asper our understanding of law and as per prevailing provisions of income tax at 1961. Policy holders are advisedto consult tax expert for better clarification /interpretation. Please note that all the tax benefits aresubject to tax laws at the time of payment of premium or receipt of policy benefits by you. Tax benefits aresubject to changes in tax laws. The monthly Income Benefit and Terminal Benefit may be taxable subject to extrapremium being loaded at underwriting stage.

Disclaimers for Market Linked Plans & Saving plans:


Unit Linked Insurance Products (ULIPs) are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to therisk factors. The premium paid in the Unit Linked Life Insurance Policies is subject to investment risks associatedwith capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factorsinfluencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions. Max Life Insurance is only thename of the insurance company and Max Life Online Savings Plan (UIN: 104L098V06) is only the name of the unit linkedlife insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects orreturns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges from your Insurance agent or the Intermediaryor policy document of the insurer. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and donot in any way indicate the quality of these funds, their future prospects or returns.

Max Life Online Savings Plan is a Unit Linked Non Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 104L098V06)

*#Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of yourInsurer carrying on life insurance business. The assumed rates of return (4% p.a. and 8% p.a.) shown in theillustrative example are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back as thevalue of your Policy depends on a number of factors including future investment performance. The guaranteed andnon-guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. The Maturity Benefit shown in theillustrative example are inclusive/exclusive of taxes.

Privacy Policy

^^On completion of policy term

The savings indicated is the maximum premium difference as compared with offline plan & depends on the variantpurchased.

Claims for policies completed 3 continuous years. All mandatory documents should be submitted before 3:00pm on aworking day. Claim amount on all eligible policies4 is less than Rs. 1 Crore. Claim does not warrant any fieldverification. Mandatory Documents:> Original policy document > Original/attested copy of death certificateissued by local municipal authority > Death claim application form (Form A) > NEFT mandate form attested bybank authorities along with a cancelled cheque or bank account passbook along with nominee’s photo identity proof> Discharge/Death summary attested by hospital authorities or FIR & Post Mortem Report/viscera report (incase of accidental death)

1The 5% employee discount will be refunded to you once your policy is issued. Submit your documentsfor getting your policy issued and get 5% employee discount

2Total premium will be charged at the time of the policy issuance (subject to underwriting’sdecision).

3The discount is applicable if you are a salaried employee with a corporate. During policy issuance,Max Life may call for proof of employment if required. In case proposer when asked is not able to prove theemployment part, discount offer will be discontinued and additional premium as applicable will have to be paidfor processing of the case.

4InstaClaim TM is available for all versions of (UIN: 104N118V09). Mandatory Documents: • Originalpolicy document • Original/attested copy of death certificate issued by local municipal authority • Death claimapplication form (Form A) • NEFT mandate form attested by bank authorities along with a cancelled cheque or bankaccount passbook along with nominee’s photo identity proof • Discharge/Death summary attested by hospitalauthorities or FIR & Post Mortem Report/viscera report (in case of accidental death)

5Criteria applicable only for “Term plans” for Graduate, Indian resident with declared income >=10 lacs with CIBIL score >= 650 (salaried) and >= 700 (self-employed) with no disclosed medicalcondition

6The life insurer is eligible for a discount on renewal premium under regular pay variant by accumulating HealthyWeeks as per terms and conditions of the rider

7Available with Max Life Smart Wealth Plan (UIN: 104N116V12)

8Available with Max Life Smart Fixed-return Digital Plan (UIN: 104N123V05). Theguaranteed benefits are available with selected life insurance plans & are applicable if all due premiums arepaid.

9The percentage savings is for a regular pay Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan(A Non Linked Non Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan, UIN: 104N118V09)– Life Optionfor 1 cr life cover for a 35 year old, non-smoker male for a policy term of 40 years vs a 10 year policy term withthe same details’

##Tax conditions :

##Save 46,800 on taxes if the insurance premium amount is Rs.1.5 lakh per annum and you are a RegularIndividual, Fall under 30% income tax slab having taxable income less than Rs. 50 lakh and Opt for Old tax regime~# Save 54,600 on taxes if the insurance premium amount is Rs.1.5 lakh per annum for life cover and25,000 for critical illness cover and you are a Regular Individual, Fall under 30% income tax slab having taxableincome less than Rs. 50 lakh and Opt for Old tax regime.

CI Rider disclaimers:

MAX LIFE CRITICAL ILLNESS AND DISABILITY RIDER (UIN: 104B033V01) available as a rider on payment of additionalpremium.

>Extended cover of up to 85 years is available with gold and platinum variant only

@64 critical illnesses covered in platinum and platinum plus variant on payment

22 critical illnesses covered in gold and gold plus variant

*^Total premiums paid inclusive of any extra premium but exclusive of all applicable taxes, cesses or levies andmodal extra. Return of premium option is available on payment of additional premium.

~ Conditions for premium break: Available at an additional premium for policies with policy termgreater than 30 years and premium payment term greater than 21 years. Option to skip paying premium for 12 months. 2premium breaks will be available during the premium payment term separated by an interval of at least 10 years

~1 Conditions for Special exit value:

Option to receive all premiums paid back, at a specified point in the term of the policy (free of cost). Availablewhen Return of Premium variant is not chosen. No additional premium to be paid.

~2 Voluntary Top-up Sum assured:

Option to double your insurance cover, basis underwriting, at the time of your need by increasing your sum assured upto an additional 100% of base sum assured, chosen at inception

^^*^^Free look period conditions:

The policyholder has a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of the policy document, to review the terms andconditions of the Policy, where if the policyholder disagrees to any of those terms or conditions, he / she has theoption to return the Policy stating the reasons for his objections. The policyholder shall be entitled to a refundof the premiums paid, subject only to deduction of a proportionate risk premium for the period of cover and theexpenses incurred by the company on medical examination of the lives insured and stamp duty charges.

^Individual Death Claim Paid Ratio as per audited financials for FY 2023-2024

@3Tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws, subject to change

Terms and conditions for availing 5% employee discount:

<Due to system constraints, employee is requested to select 5 Lakh and above income which can bechanged to actual amount on the information page.

ARN - ARN/Web/01/21042021

Past performance of the investment funds do not indicate the future performance of the same. Investors in the Schemeare not being offered any guaranteed / assured returns. The premiums & funds are subject to certain charges relatedto the fund or to the premium paid.

The premium shall be adjusted on the due date even if it has been received in advance.

For Total Installment Premium -Total Installment Premium is the Premium payable as per premium payingfrequency chosen, it excludes GST and applicable taxes, cesses or levies, if any; and includes loadings formodal premiums, Underwriting Extra Premium and Rider Premiums if any.

For Return of Premium -~The Return of Premium Option is available on payment of AdditionalPremium. Premium does not include amount paid for riders and is excluding taxes, cesses and levies. UponPolicyholder's selection of Return of Premium variant this product shall be a Non-Linked Non-ParticipatingIndividual Life Insurance Savings Plan.

For Riders -#Applicable Rider available on the payment of Additional Premium is Max LifeCritical Illness and Disability Rider | Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium HealthInsurance Rider | UIN: 104B033V01. Critical Illness and Disability Rider variant opted is Platinum Plus whichcovers 64 critical Illnesses. The rider cover will only be paid in scenarios where customer is diagnosed withlisted 64 critical illnesses or total and permanent disability. Rider will terminate after major criticalillness claim is paid to the policyholder. In case customer requests for cancellation of rider only, thesolution as a whole will be cancelled and not just the individual rider.

For Additional Benefits -##On Payment of Additional Premium. The accident cover will only bepaid in scenarios where death occurs due to accident.

*~Disclaimer | Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan. A non-linked non-participating individual pure risk premiumlife insurance plan |Benefit available with special exit value -Total premium paid inclusive of any extra premiumbut exclusive of all applicable taxes, cesses or levies & modal extra. The premium calculated as per Standardpremium for 30 year old healthy male, non-smoker, 40 years policy term, 40 years premium payment term (exclusive ofGST) for Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan.

##Policy continuance benefit is not available with lifelongwealth variant. **The accrued income will be accumulated on an annual basis at the prevailing reverse repo rate(publish on RBI’s website).

#With “Save the date”, you can choose to take your annual income to anyspecial date in a year.

***Available with early wealth variant. Income benefit will be paid as per selected plan terms.

~Accidental death benefit is available in call variants except for Singlepremium variant. Life insurance coverage is available in this product.

#~Term Insurance plan bought online directly from Max Life Insurance has nocommissions involved.

~1Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan, A non-linked non-participatingIndividual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan| Standard Premium for 30 year old healthy male, non-smoker, 40years policy term, 40 year premium payment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan | ~1Conditions for special exit value: Option to receive all premiums paid back, at a specified point in the term ofthe policy (free of cost). Available when Return of premium variant is not chosen. No additional premium to bepaid. Option to receive all premiums back (exclusive of GST). Flexibility of exiting the plan early. SpecialExit Value cover applicable till age 68 & above (of your age). T&C Apply.

@>Max Life Critical illness and Disability (UIN: 104B033V01) available as arider on payment of additional premium. 64 critical illnesses covered in platinum and platinum plus variant onpayment.

*Available on Payment of Additional Premium. The accident cover will only bepaid in scenarios where death occurs due to accident.

^1Disclaimer: Standard premium for 24-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 25 years policy term,25 year premiumpayment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05) with a life cover of Rs. 50lakh.

^2Disclaimer: Standard premium for 24-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 25 years policy term,25 year premiumpayment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05) with a life cover of Rs. 75lakh.

^3Disclaimer: Standard premium for 24-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 25 years policy term,25 year premiumpayment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05) with a life cover of Rs. 1Cr.

^4Disclaimer: Standard premium for 24-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 25 years policy term,25 year premiumpayment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05) with a life cover of Rs. 1.5Cr.

^5Disclaimer: Standard premium for 24-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 25 years policy term, 25 year premium payment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05) with a life cover of Rs. 2 Cr.

^6Disclaimer: Standard premium for 24-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 25 years policy term, 25 year premium payment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05) with a life cover of Rs. 5 Cr.

Disclaimer~*Standard premium for 24-year old healthy female,non-smoker, 25 yearspolicy term, 25 year premium payment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05)

~^Disclaimer: 5 year return (CAGR – Compound Annualised Growth Rate) from Max Life High Growth Fund(ULIF01311/02/08LIFEHIGHGR104) as on 31/07/2024

^~The assumed rates of return (4% p.a. and 8% p.a.) shown in the illustrative example are not guaranteed and they arenot the upper or lower limits of what you might get back. The value of your policy depends on a number of factorsincluding future investment performance. The amount shown is for a 30-year-old healthy male, with 10 years premiumpayment term, and 35 years policy term with Max Life Online Saving Plan (Unit Linked Non Participating IndividualLife Insurance Plan | Life Insurance is available in this product).

**Disclaimer | Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan. A Non Linked Non Participating Individual Pure Risk PremiumLife Insurance Plan. | **Standard Premium for 24 Year Old Healthy Female, Non-smoker, 25 Years Policy Term, 25 YearPremium Payment Term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan. | For Male, the Total premium to bepaid in 25 years is Rs.2.09 lakhs (exclusive of GST). ~As compared to the similar modal points of Male, Female hasto pay Rs. 13,800 lesser premium than male for the entire policy term (exclusive of GST).

~3Disclaimer: A 35 year old female opting for a life cover of Rs. 1 Cr till the age of 75 years pays Rs. 3,319monthly for 10 years while a 35 year old male will pay Rs. 4,168 monthly for 10 years

~4 Subject to submission of all documents required for GST waiver.

*++Max Life's Nifty Alpha 50 Fund tracks the NSE's Nifty Alpha 50 Index, subject to tracking error. The above values have been calculated by projecting historical returns of the Nifty Alpha 50 index, after adjusting for all expenses, except the tracking error, in Max Life's online savings plan (variant 1) for a 35-year-old male investing 10k per month for 10 years and maturity after 20 years. The calculations have been done using historical returns of the Nifty Alpha 50 index and may not be indicative of the future performance of Max Life's Nifty Alpha 50 Fund. The above values have been calculated basis 10 year returns of 26.4% (30th Apr'24) of the Nifty Alpha 50 Index.

*+Nifty Mid-cap 150 Momentum 50 Index was launched in Aug’22. These are returns of benchmark indices and are not indicative of return on Max Life Insurance’s Midcap Momentum Index fund. 10 year return of NIFTY Midcap 150 Momentum 50 Index as on 27/05/2024. Max Life Midcap Momentum Index Fund (SFIN: ULIF02802/01/24MIDMOMENTM104) is passively managed Index Fund that mirrors NIFTY Midcap 150 Momentum 50 Index.

*&10 year return of Nifty Smallcap 250 Quality 50 Index as on 30/04/2024. The past returns are extrapolation of index fund returns up to past 10 years using same formula (provided by NSE). The returns are not indicative of the future performance of the fund. Max Life Nifty Smallcap Quality Index Fund is passively managed Index Fund that mirrors Nifty Smallcap 250 Quality 50 Index. The objective of the fund is to invest in companies with similar weights as in the index and generate returns as closely as possible, subject to tracking error.

@1Standard premium for 20-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 40 years policy term, 40 year premium payment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05). The above mentioned premium is the discounted monthly premium to be paid in 1st year. Discount is applicable only for salaried employees with a corporate, purchasing via web link. During policy issuance, Max life may call for proof of employment if required. In case proposer when asked is not able to prove the employment part, discount offer will be discontinued and additional premium as applicable will have to be paid for processing of the case. | ~1 Get back all the premiums paid with Special Exit value. This can be exercised in any policy year starting 30th policy year, but not during the last 4 policy years. Available for minimum policy term of 40 years. Benefit available with special exit value - the total premiums paid plus underwriting extra premiums paid plus loadings for modal premiums exclusive of any applicable taxes, cesses or levies. This feature shall be applicable on the base cover premium only and not for additional optional benefits like Accelerated Critical Illness, Accident cover, Joint life cover, any attached riders and Voluntary Sum Assured Top-Up.

@2Standard premium for 20-year old healthy male, non-smoker, 40 years policy term, 40 year premium payment term (exclusive of GST) for Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Term Plan (UIN: 104N125V05). The above mentioned premium is the discounted monthly premium to be paid in 1st year. Discount is applicable only for salaried employees with a corporate, purchasing via web link. During policy issuance, Max life may call for proof of employment if required. In case proposer when asked is not able to prove the employment part, discount offer will be discontinued and additional premium as applicable will have to be paid for processing of the case. | ~1 Get back all the premiums paid with Special Exit value. This can be exercised in any policy year starting 30th policy year, but not during the last 4 policy years. Available for minimum policy term of 40 years. Benefit available with special exit value - the total premiums paid plus underwriting extra premiums paid plus loadings for modal premiums exclusive of any applicable taxes, cesses or levies. This feature shall be applicable on the base cover premium only and not for additional optional benefits like Accelerated Critical Illness, Accident cover, Joint life cover, any attached riders and Voluntary Sum Assured Top-Up.

7Disclaimer: Rs. 1,00,29,587 after 14 years at policy maturity on monthly investment of Rs. 16,600for 12 years for 30 year old male with Max Life Smart Wealth Plan – Long Term Variant. A non-linkednon-participating individual life insurance savings plan. The guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all duepremiums are paid. Total premiums paid is exclusive of GST. Life Insurance is available in this product. ARN:WP/SWP/250723.

Disclaimer: ~10 year CAGR of Nifty SmallCap 250 Quality50 index as on 24/07/2023. Max Life NiftySmallcap Quality Index Fund is passively managed Index fund that tracks the Nifty SmallCap 250 Quality50 index(subject to tracking error).

Disclaimer:**+NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index was launched in June'24. The past returns are back tested based on historical returns and formula (provided by NSE). These are returns of benchmark indices as on 11 June’24 and are not indicative of returns on Max Life Insurance’s newly launched NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Fund. Max Life’s NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Fund (SFIN:ULIF03014/08/24MOMENFIFTY104) is a passively managed Index Fund that mirrors NSE’s NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index, subject to tracking error. The fund value calculation is done by projecting historical returns of NSE’s NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index, after adjusting for all expenses (except tracking error) in Max Life’s Online Savings Plan (UIN: 104L098V06) for a 30 year old male investing 10k per month for 10 years. The above values have been calculated assuming 25% p.a. gross investment returns as on 11 June'24, which is the 10-year return of NSE's NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index (backtested).

Disclaimer: *6 Check the Total Premium amount against the respective monthly premium values in the below table.

Note: For Sum assured of 75 lakh, 1 crore, 1.5 crore and 2 crore, the below calculations are based on Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Plan (A Non Linked Non Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan, UIN:104N125V05). Monthly premium amounts are excluding GST and before any applicable discounts assuming Regular Pay and monthly payment mode.

Age of Male ApplicantPremium Amount for Rs. 75 lakh Term PlanPremium Amount for Rs. 1 crore Term PlanPremium Amount for Rs. 1.5 crore Term PlanPremium Amount for Rs. 2 crore Term Plan
18 Years (PPT: 67 years)1417/Month
Total Premium payable: 10.79 lakh
Total Premium payable: 6.74 lakh
Total Premium payable: 10.88 lakh
Total Premium payable: 6.80 lakh
Total Premium payable: 16.32 lakh
Total Premium payable: 10.20 lakh
Total Premium payable: 19.39 lakh
Total Premium payable: 12.12 lakh
25 Years (PPT: 60 years)1872/Month
Total Premium payable: 12.76 lakh
Total Premium payable: 7.98 lakh
Total Premium payable: 13.34 lakh
Total Premium payable: 8.34 lakh
Total Premium payable: 20.00 lakh
Total Premium payable: 12.50 lakh
Total Premium payable: 23.42 lakh
Total Premium payable: 14.64 lakh
35 Years (PPT: 50 years)3030/Month
Total Premium payable: 17.22 lakh
Total Premium payable: 10.76 lakh
Total Premium payable: 19.44 lakh
Total Premium payable: 12.15 lakh
Total Premium payable: 29.16 lakh
Total Premium payable: 18.22 lakh
Total Premium payable: 32.18 lakh
Total Premium payable: 20.11 lakh
45 Years (PPT: 40 years)5687/Month
Total Premium payable: 25.85 lakh
Total Premium payable: 16.16 lakh
Total Premium payable: 28.70 lakh
Total Premium payable: 17.94 lakh
Total Premium payable: 43.05 lakh
Total Premium payable: 26.90 lakh
Total Premium payable: 54.31 lakh
Total Premium payable: 33.94 lakh
55 Years (PPT: 30 years)11,101/Month
Total Premium payable: 37.84 lakh
Total Premium payable: 23.65 lakh
Total Premium payable: 44.54 lakh
Total Premium payable: 27.84 lakh
Total Premium payable: 66.81 lakh
Total Premium payable: 41.76 lakh
Total Premium payable: 84.93 lakh
Total Premium payable: 53.08 lakh
60 Years (PPT: 25 years)16,044/Month
Total Premium payable: 45.58 lakh
Total Premium payable: 28.49 lakh
Total Premium payable: 54.02 lakh
Total Premium payable: 33.76 lakh
Total Premium payable: 81.03 lakh
Total Premium payable: 50.64 lakh
Total Premium payable: 101.97 lakh
Total Premium payable: 63.73 lakh
Age of Female ApplicantPremium Amount for Rs. 75 lakh Term PlanPremium Amount for Rs. 1 crore Term PlanPremium Amount for Rs. 1.5 crore Term PlanPremium Amount for Rs. 2 crore Term Plan
18 Years (PPT: 67 years)1417/Month
Total Premium payable: 10.79 lakh
Total Premium payable: 6.74 lakh
Total Premium payable: 10.88 lakh
Total Premium payable: 6.80 lakh
Total Premium payable: 16.32 lakh
Total Premium payable: 10.20 lakh
Total Premium payable: 19.39 lakh
Total Premium payable: 12.12 lakh
25 Years (PPT: 60 years)1626/Month
Total Premium payable: 11.09 lakh
Total Premium payable: 6.93 lakh
Total Premium payable: 11.36 lakh
Total Premium payable: 7.08 lakh
Total Premium payable: 16.99 lakh
Total Premium payable: 10.62 lakh
Total Premium payable: 19.30 lakh
Total Premium payable: 12.06 lakh
35 Years (PPT: 50 years)2492/Month
Total Premium payable: 14.16 lakh
Total Premium payable: 8.85 lakh
Total Premium payable: 15.72 lakh
Total Premium payable: 9.82 lakh
Total Premium payable: 23.58 lakh
Total Premium payable: 14.73 lakh
Total Premium payable: 25.98 lakh
Total Premium payable: 16.23 lakh
45 Years (PPT: 40 years)4565/Month
Total Premium payable: 20.75 lakh
Total Premium payable: 12.97 lakh
Total Premium payable: 21.91 lakh
Total Premium payable: 13.69 lakh
Total Premium payable: 32.86 lakh
Total Premium payable: 20.54 lakh
Total Premium payable: 41.11 lakh
Total Premium payable: 25.69 lakh
55 Years (PPT: 30 years)8460/Month
Total Premium payable: 28.84 lakh
Total Premium payable: 18.03 lakh
Total Premium payable: 32.80 lakh
Total Premium payable: 20.50 lakh
Total Premium payable: 49.20 lakh
Total Premium payable: 30.75 lakh
Total Premium payable: 62.91 lakh
Total Premium payable: 39.32 lakh
60 Years (PPT: 25 years)12,010/Month
Total Premium payable: 34.12 lakh
Total Premium payable: 21.32 lakh
Total Premium payable: 40.11 lakh
Total Premium payable: 25.07 lakh
Total Premium payable: 60.17 lakh
Total Premium payable: 37.60 lakh
Total Premium payable: 75.60 lakh
Total Premium payable: 47.62 lakh
What is Term Deposit , Term Deposit Vs Fixed Deposit | Max Life Insurance (2024)


Is term deposit the same as fixed deposit? ›

Term Deposits and Fixed Deposits share similarities as both are secure investment options with fixed interest rates. A Term Deposit offers flexible tenure and has minimum deposit requirements while a Fixed Deposit has a longer tenure and offers benefits of compound interest.

What is the difference between a fixed deposit and a life insurance policy? ›

Fixed deposit is a purely investment product whereas life insurance is an insurance product. Investment is something that helps you save for the future whereas insurance is something which you purchase for risk protection and protect your family in our absence.

What is term deposit in insurance? ›

A term deposit is a fixed-term investment that includes the deposit of money into an account at a financial institution. Term deposit investments usually carry short-term maturities ranging from one month to a few years and will have varying levels of required minimum deposits.

What are the two types of time deposits? ›

There are two types of Term Deposits:
  • Recurring Deposits.
  • Fixed Deposits.

What are the three types of term deposits? ›

Sweep-in term deposits usually provide a higher interest rate. Short-term and Long-term deposits: These term deposits have been classified based on the holding period of the investment. A short term deposit has a lock-in period ranging from 1 to 12 months.

What are the disadvantages of a term deposit? ›

Disadvantages of term deposits

To earn interest on your term deposit, your money is locked away for a chosen period of time. If you need your money before the term ends, you may have to pay a penalty fee.

What is the difference between fixed and term life insurance? ›

There are two types of life insurance: term and permanent. Term insurance covers you only for a specified time period — 10, 20 or 30 years, for example. Permanent insurance is as it sounds — coverage that remains in place until you die.

Is it better to have a life insurance policy or a savings account? ›

While having a savings account is definitely a wise financial decision, it should not be seen as a substitute for life insurance. Life insurance products offer the protection and security of your loved ones in case of your untimely death. It would help if you also considered the tax implications.

What is better than fixed term deposit? ›

For high interest savings accounts, you can keep your money in there for as long as you like. There is no fixed term or maturity date, so you never have to move your money if you're happy with your terms and conditions.

What is a term deposit also called? ›

Term Deposit, also known as Time Deposit, is an investment which is made by parking a specific amount of money within a financial institution for a prearranged time period. This investment is held by a fd rate of interest throughout the life of the plan, which usually ranges from one month to five years.

Why would someone use a term deposit? ›

With a term deposit, you can invest a sum of money into an account for a certain period of time in exchange for a high interest rate payment. They're a great option for anyone looking to save up for a bigger purchase like a car or home repairs, or to simply grow your savings.

Are term deposits high risk? ›

Term Deposits typically carry less risks than investing in things like the stock market/cryptocurrencies.

Are term deposit and fixed deposit the same? ›

A term deposit is often used when the deposit is extended for a certain period, say 3 months, 6 months etc. Fixed deposits, on the other hand, are used when the deposit is for a period of 6 months or greater than that. The deposit amount offers a higher rate of return as compared to the banks' savings accounts.

Is time deposit the same as fixed deposit? ›

The primary difference is that while time deposits have a fixed term, fixed deposits can be for a fixed term or can be opened without any fixed term. Another significant difference between time deposits and fixed deposits is that time deposits often offer higher interest rates than fixed deposits.

Is term deposit a good investment? ›

Term deposits are a safe way to lock away money. But you could earn more by investing it elsewhere. You may be able to earn more money by investing in property or shares, but are at greater risk of losing it.

What is another name for a term deposit? ›

Time deposits generally pay a slightly higher rate of interest than a regular savings account. The longer the time to maturity, the higher the interest payment will be. Another name for this type of investment is term deposit.

What is another name for Fixed Deposit? ›

So, what exactly is a Fixed Deposit? In a Fixed Deposit, you put a lump sum in your bank for a fixed tenure at an agreed rate of interest. At the end of the tenure, you receive the amount you have invested plus compound interest. FDs are also called term deposits.

What is considered a term deposit? ›

When you invest in a term deposit, you agree to leave your money with a financial institution for a specified period. In return, the bank guarantees to repay the principal amount you invest, often with a set amount of interest over the term you select — usually ranging from 30 days to over a year.

Can you withdraw from term deposit? ›

You will not be able to readily access your money during the term invested. If you wish to access your money before the term ends you will have to pay an administration fee, miss out on interest which you would otherwise earn and you may need to provide 31 days' notice depending on the type of term deposit.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.