What is the Average Yearly Savings Rate for Canadians Right Now? - Canadian Real Estate Wealth (2024)

Let’s agree on the definition of “Save”

Have you ever wondered how Canadians save? According to Webster’s dictionary, the term “save” means to keep and store up (something, especially money) for future use.

Saving Difficulties

Most Canadian households overlook the importance of saving and withdrawing money to pay for unexpected expenses or incur debt. Even though we know that we should have separate bank accounts for savings and daily expenses, it can be extremely difficult to put a certain percentage aside, even though it’s only a fraction of our gross income. This is as common as it is short-sighted. There’s no finger-wagging here though; This is something that we all fall prey to at some point or another.

Canadian Making it Rain

The average Canadian, when they receive a deposit of funds from their annual salary, especially if it’s their first one in a while, may treat it as disposable income instead of making a contribution to a registered retirement savings plan (otherwise known as RRSP accounts or RRSP contributions), investment portfolio, or tax-free savings account (often referred to as a TFSA).

The Bigger Picture

Statistics Canada recently examined savings growth across Canada. Analysis of these statistics to identify pivotal economic and political issues allows pundits and economists alike to be able to forecast and course correctly for the Canadian economy.

When Canadians save more each year, albeit for a down payment, a retirement savings plan, or towards personal savings, compared to times when those fiscal trends are not happening, it identifies the larger fiscal trends at play.

In broad terms, when the majority of Canadian households have the opportunity to put money away into savings, it’s usually a good indication of the nation’s economic health.

How much do Canadians save each year?

Statistics Canada said the average Canadian household had an average net savings of around $9,972 for the 2021 year. Compared with their peers, 45% fewer people had less than $49,000 in savings per household.

Let’s Go Micro

Looking at things on more of a macro level, Canada is currently saving 7.61 percent on its own by excluding taxes on rent and the costs associated with living necessities like food and transportation. A 6.71% annual income for Canadian households would give us an approximate $413 CAD in savings.

How Do Canadians Stack up in the World

In looking at 2020 statistics comparing household debt to the percentage of disposable net income through OECD.org, the results were very surprising.

Household debt is defined as all liabilities of households (including non-profit institutions serving households) that require payments of interest or principal by households to creditors at fixed dates in the future.

Debt is calculated as the sum of the following liability categories: loans (primarily mortgage loans and consumer credit), and other accounts payable.

By using this methodology, Canada ranked ninth in terms of the highest household debt-to-disposable income ratio at 186%. The top five were as follows:

5) Australia-203%

4) Netherlands-222%

3) Switzerland-222%

2) Norway-241%

1) Denmark-248%

Factors Influencing Higher Savings in Canada

It may be best to think of financials as cyclical, if not symbiotic.

We know that the macro-economy, broadly speaking, is healthier when people are saving. The more that Canadians saved as compared to the previous year, the better the financial forecast as a nation.

When we turn our minds to it, it stands to reason that when the economy is healthy, an individual person pays more into their savings as they’re not stretching their dollar as much.

We can then say that macroeconomics will foster a relationship with a citizen’s bank account. To put it another way, those trends we see in the larger economy will often ripple down to the individual level.

What is the Average Yearly Savings Rate for Canadians Right Now? - Canadian Real Estate Wealth (1)

What’s the impact of COVID-19?

According to imf.org in the article entitled, The Long Economic Hangover of Pandemics, historically speaking, pandemics are followed by sustained periods—over multiple decades—with depressed real interest rates.

There certainly appeared to be a bit of a boom during the pandemic as households were saving on commuting costs and many businesses were saving on operating costs (although somewhat mitigated by a widespread decrease in revenue).

We’re now seeing the fallout from that in the form of supply chain issues, and a dramatic increase in the cost of living. This spells bad news for people who are already over-leveraged.

The Bank of Canada reports that global inflation remains high, with measures of core inflation on the rise in most countries.

In response, central banks around the globe continue to tighten their monetary policy.

What this means for the average Canadian is that if you were over-leveraged during the pandemic, the cost of items needed for day-to-day life has increased, while the cost of borrowing money has also increased.

What Do I Save?

The recommendation on the amount of savings depends largely on what you plan to spend the money on and how soon you need the funds.

Another consideration is also the cost of borrowing. Whether you are saving for a downpayment for a house, purchasing a new car or retirement savings contribution, each of those will all have different costs associated with them, so you’ll want to really do your research.

Four Kinds of Savings

  • The Emergency Fund. This is the “Do Not Touch”fund unless it’s an ‘in case of glass’ type of situation.
  • I can touch this fund. This is for things you know are going to happen (e.g. replacement of brakes or need a new roof), but just not every month.
  • I Know What I Want, I Just Need to Pay for it Fund. This kind of savings is for a specific goal or purchase.
  • Long-term Savings.

When Should I Save?

The answer to this question is always now. Although some people may say, “the sooner the better, which isn’t wrong.

However, since we haven’t perfected time travel yet, let’s let go of the guilt of what we should have, would have, or could have done, in the past and just put our best foot forward for the future.

Why Should I Save?

Here are some reasons why you may want to save your hard-earned money:

  • To fund future investments. A dollar saved and invested today may be worth much more tomorrow.
  • With a specific goal in mind such as to fund a future life event such as rent, tuition, or your dream wedding.
  • To provide a safety net in case of unforeseen incidents. i.e.. surgery, cancer, a lawsuit, or a set of triplets. In life, you never know!
  • To fund big-ticket purchases. Maybe you are saving for a family vacation, A posh car, or the latest tech.
  • Employers match- One great reason to save is when you have someone helping you to do so. An employer-matched RRSP is a retirement savings plan where you make a contribution and your workplace may match it entirely or the company contributes a smaller portion; either way, it’s money in your retirement pocket.

How Do I Know How Much I Need to Save?

Above and beyond saving up to buy something specific, it’s also highly recommended that one have enough financial cushion to provide emergency funds for any financial obligation that could arise unexpectedly.

Some expert opinions expressed suggest saving between three to six months of your salary for this.

Retirement Saving Rules of Thumb

Historically, people have used the “70% rule,” which suggests you could live comfortably in retirement on 70% of your pre-retirement income.

However, because people are now living longer and are retired for longer, 70% might not be enough.

Another rule of thumb is to save 10% of your net income. While it’s a nice idea, while you’re paying down a mortgage or student loan, and raising children, it may be difficult.

As well, the 10% rule may not factor into your lifestyle. Some folks might need to save more or less than 10%.

Age Groups and Savings

Age influences saving.

In 2018, people under the age of 35 made up the single largest group with lower earnings. Not surprisingly, they also accounted for less than 1% of the Canadians who are regularly contributing to their savings.

The average Canadian aged 65 or older typically has $259,225 saved across various challenges.

Obviously, this has a great deal to do with where someone is in their lifecycle.

Can you tell me the average Canadian savings in a year?

According to StatsCan, the average Canadian household grew by $854.94 in 2018. Although this may seem relatively low, it’s important to remember that the results are influenced by the broader average. Earnings vary widely amongst Canadians.

Statistics Canada shows that the median household spent more than it earned in the lower e-commerce sector.

What is the Median Net Worth of Canadians by Age?

To put it simply, net worth consists of assets minus all debt. Assets include pension savings and financial assets, homes, and vehicles, while liabilities include debt, credit card loans, and other debts.

Under 35: $48, 800 (source: loanscanada.ca)

35-44: $234,400 (source: loanscanada.ca)

45-54: $521,100 (source: loanscanada.ca)

55-64: $690,000 (source: loanscanada.ca)

It’s important to highlight the large jump from the under-35 value to the 35-45 age value. It is in this age range, typically that Canadians purchase their first home.

How Much Do You Need to Retire in Canada?

Since everyone has their own income, expenses, and goals, there isn’t a single solution to retirement savings. Safe estimates note that at least 65%-70% as mentioned above.

Another positive variable to note is that the cost of living decreases after retiring.

How to Save for Retirement by age group?

No time is too late for saving. It’s always helpful to set personal financial goals based on what stage of life you’re in.

It’s also incredibly important that you align those financial goals with a budget and reconcile that budget at a minimum on a monthly basis (but more often is better). It can be helpful to review your retirement plans at least once a year.

Tell me the best way to save.

Aside from the typical savings accounts, there are several options to save money that provide good returns on their investments.

Which tool for savings is the best for an individual will largely depend on what age group they fall into.

5 Best Ways to Save Money for the Future

  1. Track your expenses — make a budget.
  2. Spend intentionally — cut out non-essentials.
  3. Set savings goals — both short and long-term.
  4. Decide your priorities.
  5. Pick the right tools — grow your savings.
What is the Average Yearly Savings Rate for Canadians Right Now? - Canadian Real Estate Wealth (2)

Some Tools for Saving

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA): According to td.com, you can hold qualified investments like cash, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in a TFSA and can withdraw contributions as well as the interest, capital gains, and dividends earned in the account at any time, without paying taxes (or reporting the withdrawals as income when you file your taxes).

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a savings account, registered with the Canadian Federal government to which you contribute for retirement purposes. When you contribute money to an RRSP, your funds are “tax-advantaged”, meaning that they’re exempt from being taxed in the year you make the contribution, as reported on td.com.

According to westernfinancialgroup.ca A GIC (guaranteed investment certificate) is a safe and secure investment with very little risk. You don’t have to worry about losing your money because it is guaranteed. A GIC works like a savings account in that you deposit money into it and earn interest on that money.

In Conclusion

As we’ve seen throughout this article, there is no perfect recipe for saving. It will depend largely on the reason for saving and at what stage of life you are. The most important thing about saving is that you do it, as much and as early as possible.

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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of personal finance, I've delved into the intricacies of saving, investing, and economic trends. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge, backed by a comprehensive understanding of real-world financial dynamics. Now, let's dissect the concepts embedded in the provided article.

  1. Definition of "Save": The article begins by establishing a common understanding of the term "save" as per Webster's dictionary, defining it as the act of keeping and storing up money for future use. This foundational definition sets the stage for the subsequent exploration of saving habits among Canadians.

  2. Saving Difficulties: The article highlights a common challenge faced by Canadian households—the difficulty in consistently setting aside a portion of income for savings. It acknowledges the struggle of maintaining separate accounts for daily expenses and savings, emphasizing the prevalent but short-sighted nature of this behavior.

  3. Canadian Saving Behavior: The narrative shifts to the spending behavior of Canadians, especially when receiving annual salary deposits. It underscores the tendency to view such windfalls as disposable income rather than making contributions to long-term savings vehicles like registered retirement savings plans (RRSP), investment portfolios, or tax-free savings accounts (TFSA).

  4. Statistics Canada Insights: The article cites Statistics Canada, demonstrating a macroeconomic approach to understanding the health of the Canadian economy through savings growth analysis. It establishes a correlation between increased savings by Canadian households and positive indications for the nation's economic well-being.

  5. Average Canadian Savings: Statistics Canada's data is employed to reveal that the average Canadian household had a net savings of approximately $9,972 in the year 2021. The article also notes a decrease in the number of households with savings below $49,000, indicating a positive trend.

  6. Global Comparison of Household Debt: The article employs data from OECD.org to compare household debt to disposable income ratios globally. Canada is ranked ninth, with household debt reaching 186% of disposable income, providing context on the country's financial landscape compared to other nations like Australia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, and Denmark.

  7. Factors Influencing Higher Savings in Canada: The article explores the symbiotic relationship between individual financial habits and the macroeconomy. It posits that a healthier economy fosters increased savings by individuals, creating a cyclical pattern.

  8. Impact of COVID-19 on Savings: The article delves into the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, citing information from imf.org. It discusses the historical trend of sustained periods of depressed real interest rates following pandemics, emphasizing the current challenges posed by supply chain issues and a rising cost of living.

  9. Recommendations on Saving: The article provides advice on the amount of savings, advocating for emergency funds and suggesting considerations based on specific financial goals, costs, and employer-matched retirement savings plans.

  10. Retirement Savings Rules and Age Groups: It touches upon retirement savings rules of thumb, considering the "70% rule" and the challenge of determining a fixed percentage due to varied lifestyles. The impact of age on saving behavior is discussed, with insights into the average savings across different age groups.

  11. Net Worth of Canadians by Age: The article provides data on the median net worth of Canadians in different age brackets, outlining the assets and liabilities contributing to the overall financial picture.

  12. Tools for Saving: The article concludes with practical tips on saving money, including tracking expenses, setting goals, and choosing appropriate tools such as Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs).

In summary, the article navigates through a comprehensive exploration of saving behaviors, economic indicators, and practical advice, offering a well-rounded perspective on personal finance in the Canadian context.

What is the Average Yearly Savings Rate for Canadians Right Now? - Canadian Real Estate Wealth (2024)


What is the Average Yearly Savings Rate for Canadians Right Now? - Canadian Real Estate Wealth? ›

Canada National Saving

National Saving
National saving can be thought of as the amount of remaining income that is not consumed, or spent by government. In a simple model of a closed economy, anything that is not spent is assumed to be invested: National saving can be split into private saving and public saving.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › National_saving
Rate is at 6.20%, compared to 6.20% last quarter and 6.20% last year.

What is the average yearly savings rate in Canada? ›

The average Canadian household saved about 6% of its disposable income per year in 2022, according to Statistics Canada.

How much does the average Canadian have in savings at 65? ›

According to Ratehub, the average 65-plus-year-old Canadian has $129,000 saved in their RRSP. The figure rises to about $160,000 if you include the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). In total, the average retiree has $319,000 saved. A note on who Ratehub's survey sampled.

How many people have $1,000,000 in savings in Canada? ›

Canada has 1.1 million people with US$1 million, reveals the annual wealth report by the Credit Suisse Research Institute. By 2021, that number will increase 50% to 1.68 million people.

What is the average high interest savings account rate in Canada? ›

Canadian HISA rates comparison
ProviderInterest ratesFees
Peoples Trust e-Savings Account3.45%n/a
RBC High-Interest eSavings Account5.50%See fees here
Saven Financial High-Interest Savings Account4.05%$0
Scotiabank Momentum Savings Account6.05%* for the first 3 months (90 days)$0
21 more rows

How much money do you need to retire comfortably in Canada? ›

The “4% rule” is another popular method for working out how much you need to retire in Canada comfortably. The idea is that you take out 4% of your savings for every year of retirement. For example, to be able to spend $40,000 a year in retirement, using the 4% rule, you would need to save $1,000,000.

What is the current annual interest rate in Canada? ›

The prime rate in Canada today, July 23, 2024, is currently 6.95%. The prime rate, also known as the prime lending rate, is the annual interest rate Canada's major banks and financial institutions use to set interest rates for variable loans and lines of credit, including variable-rate mortgages.

What is the average wealth of Canadian retirees? ›

According to Statistics Canada's 2024 Canadian Income Survey, the average after-tax retirement income for senior families in 2022 was $74,200, or $6,183 per month. For individual seniors, it was $33,600, or $2,800 per month.

Can I retire at 65 with 500k in Canada? ›

The average retirement age in Canada is 65, estimating the $500,000 is to last you 25 years your yearly retirement income would be $20,000.

What is the average income of seniors in Canada? ›

The average Canadian retirement income

According to the 2021 Canadian Income Survey, the average after-tax income for senior families in 2021 was $69,900. And for a senior individual, it was $31,400. That works out to $5,825 per month for a couple and $2,616 per month for an individual.

How much money is considered rich in Canada? ›

What is considered high net worth in Canada? Individuals with a net worth of $1 million or higher is considered high in Canada. Net worth is calculated as total assets less liabilities, like mortgages and other debt.

Can I live off interest on a million dollars in Canada? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

What is the average net worth of a Canadian household? ›

Average household net worth was $940,558 as of the second quarter of 2022, down $65,400 (-6. 5%) from the previous quarter, and down $19,318 (-2.

Which bank gives 7% interest on savings accounts? ›

7% Interest Savings Accounts: What You Need To Know. Why Trust Us? As of July 2024, no banks are offering 7% interest rates on savings accounts. Two credit unions have high-interest checking accounts: Landmark Credit Union Premium Checking with 7.50% APY and OnPath Credit Union High Yield Checking with 7.00% APY.

What does the average Canadian have in savings? ›

According to Statistics Canada's 2019 figures (the most recent available), the average person under age 35 had saved $9,905 towards retirement (RRSPs only) and held $27,425 in non-pension financial assets. For Canadians aged 35 to 44, these numbers are $15,993 and $23,743, respectively.

Where can I get 5% interest on my money? ›

Here are the institutions on this list with APYs of 5% or more.
  • My Banking Direct, 5.45% APY.
  • UFB Direct, 5.25% APY.
  • Upgrade, 5.21% APY.
  • Bread Savings, 5.15% APY.
  • Bask Bank, 5.10% APY.
  • BMO Alto, 5.10% APY.
  • EverBank, 5.05% APY.
  • Popular Direct, 5.05% APY.
4 days ago

Which bank is giving 7% interest in savings accounts? ›

Why Trust Us? As of July 2024, no banks are offering 7% interest rates on savings accounts. Two credit unions have high-interest checking accounts: Landmark Credit Union Premium Checking with 7.50% APY and OnPath Credit Union High Yield Checking with 7.00% APY.

How much interest does $1 million dollars earn per year in Canada? ›

Traditional savings accounts, generally reserved for short-term savings, available at banks generally yield low rates of interest. A million-dollar deposit with the average 0.45% APY would generate $$4,510.08 of interest after one year. If left to compound daily for 10 years, it would generate $46,027.51.

What is the average saving rate per year? ›

US Personal Saving Rate is at 3.90%, compared to 3.70% last month and 5.30% last year.

What is the average interest rate per year for a savings account? ›

The national average interest rate on savings accounts is 0.45% APY, according to the FDIC. Many large brick-and-mortar banks pay even lower rates, while plenty of online banks pay much more. What is a good interest rate on a savings account?

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.