What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 25, 2024

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Review the job description


Use the STAR method


Highlight your achievements


Show your personality


Prepare for follow-up questions


Here’s what else to consider

If you are applying for a job that requires customer service skills, you will likely be asked to describe your customer service experience in an interview. How can you answer this question effectively and impress the interviewer with your abilities? Here are some tips to help you prepare and deliver a strong response.

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  • Binaka Jayasanka Lead - Quality Assurance and Training at Smartzi

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1 Review the job description

Before the interview, review the job description carefully and identify the specific customer service skills and responsibilities that the employer is looking for. For example, they may want someone who can handle complaints, resolve issues, communicate clearly, build rapport, or upsell products. Make a list of these skills and think of examples from your previous or current roles that demonstrate how you have used them successfully.

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  • Binaka Jayasanka Lead - Quality Assurance and Training at Smartzi
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    1. Provide a brief introduction of you.2. Highlight your skills and qualities. 3. Describe a particular situation, your response, and action towards it. 4. Ensure to highlight the outcomes in a quantifiable manner.5. Highlight the positive outcome.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (20) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (21) 25

  • Syed Shujaat Hussain Shah Vice President of Marketing | Press Releases | Content Marketing | Digital Marketing | SEO | We help businesses grow
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    In my customer service experience, I've consistently prioritized customer satisfaction by actively listening to their needs, resolving issues promptly, and providing clear, concise information. I excel in adapting to various communication styles and maintaining a professional, empathetic demeanor. I've received positive feedback from customers, indicating my ability to exceed their expectations. Additionally, I've contributed to improving team performance by sharing customer feedback and collaborating on process enhancements. I'm committed to ongoing self-improvement through customer service training and strive to create a positive, lasting impression for every customer I interact with.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (30) 18

  • Patrick Clifford Business Development Manager at Verde Energy Group
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    Discuss your communication skills: Emphasize how you effectively communicated with customers to understand their needs and provide appropriate solutions. Mention instances where your communication skills helped diffuse tense situations and build rapport with customers.Showcase your empathy and patience: Explain how you demonstrated empathy and patience when dealing with customers, especially in challenging or emotional situations. Share stories that exhibit your ability to understand customers' perspectives and provide compassionate support.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (39) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (40) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (41) 3

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    focus on specific instances where you successfully resolved customer issues or went above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. Emphasize your strong communication skills, ability to remain calm under pressure, and your dedication to meeting customer needs. Use concrete examples to highlight your problem-solving abilities and showcase your positive attitude towards providing exceptional service.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (50) 2

  • Maria Manko Senior Manager, Customer Experience
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    In my personal experience, these strategies effectively demonstrate your customer service competence and align your skills with the employer's needs, making you a strong candidate for the position.- Review the JD prior to the interview. Identify the specific customer service skills and responsibilities the employer seeks. - Highlight Relevant Skills: Make a list of the skills and qualities the employer is looking for, such as problem-solving, clear communication, and complaint handling.- Share Examples: During the interview, draw from your past or current roles to provide concrete examples of how you've successfully demonstrated these skills.- Emphasize Results: Describe your customer service efforts' positive outcomes and results.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (59) 1

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2 Use the STAR method

When describing your customer service experience, use the STAR method to structure your answer. This means explaining the Situation, Task, Action, and Result of each example. The Situation describes the context and the challenge you faced, the Task describes the goal or objective you had, the Action describes the steps you took to solve the problem or meet the expectation, and the Result describes the outcome and the benefit for the customer or the company. Using the STAR method helps you provide specific and relevant details and show the impact of your customer service skills.

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  • STAR Method = Guaranteed SuccessAs a leader of a fortune 17 company, I have used this method myself and recommend it to anyone wanting to nail an interview. It's not enough to have right examples, you have to be able to tell a story in a way that is intriguing and easy to follow. The result is as important as the situation - don't forget to use quantifiable metrics that you've achieved and measurable results that display long term success.STAR allows you to be able to portray a complex scenario in a way that is easily digestible: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Utilizing this method properly elevates you in the eyes of the employer - not many people use it well, and it will be those people who don't receive a job offer.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (68) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (69) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (70) 99

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    I personally think this is the best method to showcase your skills in an interview, this is certainly the answers that stand out to me when I'm interviewing candidates. Even if you don't have a huge deal of experience in customer services, this technique allows you to go through why and how you resolved an issue, as well learning opportunities. Its not always about showcasing the best experience you've ever given, but what you could have done better next time, self reflection and improvement are something any company benefits from


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (79) 5

  • James Evans MSBA@CMU | AI | ML | Python | SQL | Digital Communications
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    One of the most actionable things a student can use in an interview is the STAR method. This is a fundamentally sound tactic for clearly conveying the necessary spoken (and unspoken) information the interviewers need to hear. Think about scenarios and pride points you'd like to talk about in an interview, and go ahead and prep them on a flashcard in a STAR method format. Now you have practicable discussion points that you can retrofit to questions as they're being asked in the interview.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (88) 1

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    The STAR method is undoubtedly essential for effectively highlighting your experiences. Storytelling is a powerful tool for communicating information and engaging the reader. By utilizing the STAR method, you can construct a compelling narrative that includes all the relevant details.


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  • Kevin Kirchner COO - Customer Care - Consultor Financeiro - Gestor de Equipes
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    Star approach helps you provide comprehensive and compelling responses, showcasing your problem-solving skills and demonstrating your suitability for the role.


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3 Highlight your achievements

As you describe your customer service experience, highlight your achievements and positive feedback that you have received from customers, managers, or colleagues. For example, you can mention how you increased customer satisfaction, retention, or loyalty, how you improved sales or revenue, how you received recognition or awards, or how you implemented new ideas or processes to enhance customer service. Quantify your achievements with numbers or percentages if possible to make them more concrete and credible.

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    I take pride in the fact that, under my leadership, our team consistently achieved high customer satisfaction scores. We were recognized within the organization for our commitment to providing exceptional service. Our team was able to continuously achieve a Targeted SLA of 99% for responding to Customer Issues within 24 hours. This was possible due to the trust and relationships we had built with our customers over time.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (114) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (115) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (116) 9

  • Maria Manko Senior Manager, Customer Experience
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    In my opinion, emphasizing your achievements is a crucial aspect of portraying your customer service experience effectively. By highlighting your achievements, not only do you provide evidence of your skills and capabilities, but you also show your dedication to going beyond the standard and making a positive impact. This approach can help you stand out as a customer service professional who not only meets expectations but consistently exceeds them.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (125) 1

  • Delisha M. Senior Service Representative at BMO | MBA (Global)
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    When describing your customer service experience in an interview, it's important to highlight your ability to effectively communicate with customers, resolve issues efficiently, and ensure customer satisfaction. Share specific examples of challenging situations you've successfully handled, emphasizing your problem-solving skills and dedication to providing excellent service. Showing your passion for helping customers and your positive attitude can also make a strong impression on the interviewers.


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  • Kevin Kirchner COO - Customer Care - Consultor Financeiro - Gestor de Equipes
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    When highlighting your achievements, focus on specific outcomes you've accomplished. Use quantifiable data or numbers wherever possible to showcase your contributions. Employ strong action verbs to vividly describe your responsibilities and achievements. Tailor your accomplishments to match the requirements of the job you're applying for. Provide context by explaining the situations you were in and the challenges you faced. Use clear examples to demonstrate how you contributed positively. Highlight the specific skills and competencies you utilized to achieve your success. Vary your language and presentation to effectively emphasize the breadth and depth of your achievements.

  • Greg Magtulis, MBA HTM Special Instructor at World Citi College
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    Firstly I never use the word customer because it is unhospitable. My first aim if I have a new guest is to make them feel that they are important by using the eord "for you"which is effective in the sense that guest feel that you are providing a personalize service. By doing so they felt there is a sense of belongingness. This will make them acquinted and let them feel they miss you. They will then come back and become a regular guest which my ultimate goal is to.make them our patron. This definitely increase our revenue because they themselves will promote our product (promote to their friends). My recognition is promotion (from being a waiter up to manager). As a result of this action, we normally get 40% cruise repeaters every cruise.


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4 Show your personality

While describing your customer service experience, show your personality and enthusiasm for helping customers and delivering excellent service. Use a friendly and confident tone, smile and make eye contact, and avoid using negative or vague words. Express your passion for customer service and how you enjoy interacting with people, solving problems, and learning new skills. Show that you are adaptable, flexible, and willing to go the extra mile to meet customer needs and expectations.

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    I really think personality goes such a long way in an interview. It's important to really get your personality across, as if this fits with the culture, then skills can be trained and nurtured via onboaridng and ongoing development plans


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (159) 8

  • Kevin Kirchner COO - Customer Care - Consultor Financeiro - Gestor de Equipes
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    In showcasing your customer service experience, exhibit your personality by demonstrating your passion for assisting customers and delivering exceptional service. Employ a warm and confident tone, and steer clear of negative or ambiguous language. Emphasize your fondness for interacting with individuals, addressing challenges, and acquiring new proficiencies. Illustrate your adaptability, flexibility, and readiness to surpass customer demands and desires.

  • Greg Magtulis, MBA HTM Special Instructor at World Citi College
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    I always settle to very good service due to non existence of excellent service. I firmly believe that no matter how hard you try in satisfying your guest there is always a few who always ends up as dissatisfied. So no way on earth you will get excellent service because excellent service is perfection. Only God is perfect.

  • Lindsey Tooman Internet Extraordinare, Board Member, Concho Valley and Permian Basin Active Community Member and Volunteer.
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    In a customer service interview, it's essential to strike a balance between professionalism and showing your personality. Begin by showcasing your strong interpersonal skills through active listening and empathetic responses, demonstrating your ability to connect with customers on a personal level. Additionally, highlight your enthusiasm for problem-solving and your genuine passion for helping others, which will make you a standout candidate for the role.

  • Victoria Harris Manager, Bank Sales and Service Contact Center
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    Review the job experience and prepare with examples that already demonstrate these behaviors. STAR method is important to provide a clear example of you already demonstrating the behavior they are looking for. It’s also a the best way to provide your results. It’s also important to remain professional while displaying your personality. One of the best responses I’ve heard while conducting an interview included the phrase “we will handle this together and I will get my mop and broom and clean this mess”.


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5 Prepare for follow-up questions

After describing your customer service experience, be prepared for follow-up questions from the interviewer. They may ask you to elaborate on some aspects of your examples, to explain how you handled a difficult or angry customer, to describe a time when you made a mistake or received a complaint, or to share your customer service philosophy or values. To answer these questions, use the same STAR method and focus on the positive outcomes and lessons learned from each situation.

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  • Craig Davis I write really good LinkedIn comments 💬 | Currently looking for a new Customer Success Associate role (DM me)
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    Prepare for examples to share when it comes to customer service.1. One question will be asked about how you handle a angry guest. Share examples from your experience and how you resolved it.2. Another question will be about complaints. How you handle it and what was the result?3. Focus on your key messages. In any interview, it's not about answering questions. It's your key messages and your stories on why someone should pick you for customer service.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (200) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (201) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (202) 14

  • Charl Grobler Operations | Collection in the Wild
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    The customer wants to be heard; listen to them, even though you might have a different. Building a connection your customer, and catch potential issues early.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (211) What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (212) 5

  • Maria Manko Senior Manager, Customer Experience
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    In my opinion, anticipating and preparing for follow-up questions is a crucial aspect of presenting your customer service experience effectively. By preparing for follow-up questions, you not only display your readiness for a thorough discussion of your customer service experience, but you also showcase your ability to reflect, learn, and adapt. This reflects well on your suitability for the role and the importance you place on personal and professional growth in customer service.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (221) 2

  • Kevin Kirchner COO - Customer Care - Consultor Financeiro - Gestor de Equipes
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    Following your customer service experience description, expect follow-up questions from the interviewer. These may include requests for further details on specific examples, explanations of how you managed difficult situations, instances of dealing with mistakes or complaints, or insights into your customer service approach. Employ the STAR method in your responses, emphasizing positive outcomes and lessons learned from each scenario.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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    The best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview is to highlight your accomplishments and skills in a structured manner. Start by providing a concise overview of your background and the specific roles you've held, emphasising any relevant accomplishments or promotions. Be sure to provide concrete examples that demonstrate your customer service skills, and emphasise how your experience can benefit the prospective employer and contribute to their team's success.


    What is the best way to describe your customer service experience in an interview? (239) 15

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    Customer Service has always been about empathy, clear communication, and continuous learning. It’s a journey of building relationships with customers and creating value for them.


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    When describing your customer service experience in an interview, it's essential to highlight your skills, achievements, and the positive impact you made on customers. Using specific examples and quantifiable achievements can make your descriptions more compelling and demonstrate your real impact in your previous customer service roles. Be confident, enthusiastic, and genuine in your responses to effectively showcase your customer service experience during the interview.


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.