What is Token-Based Authentication? Types, Pros and Cons (2024)

Tokens definition

We should begin for certain meanings of "tokens," which are basically changed forms of mystery passwords, thumps, or expressions that are utilized to check characters.

At the point when an animation character thumps on an entryway, a sliding board opens, uncovering a face, which sits tight for the mystery expression ("Joe sent me") prior to making the way for keep interlopers out. Rather than a mystery expression, it very well may be a unique thumping arrangement (two thumps, stop, three thumps).

At the point when we execute exchanges on the web, auth tokens are very helpful apparatuses for demonstrating one's personality during logins, updates, buys, and different cycles. The incredible thing about auth tokens is that they can be consistent, as in a login experience, or they can be more "frictive," as I've examined in past online journals, requiring "contact" (extra or manual contribution) to guarantee that you are who you say you are and that you truly do without a doubt need to play out the activity.

Tokens are more secure from programmers since they don't need to contain a client's very own information and are created by a calculation or programming. This is a critical improvement over organizations utilizing an individual's federal retirement aide number or other individual/private data as their record number, which permits troublemakers to effortlessly take characters more. Clients who remember individual data for their passwords, like pet names, are helpless against agitators who can without much of a stretch find them via looking through the client's web-based entertainment accounts.

Token-based Authentication - Overview

Starting a conversation with someone over the internet is similar to token-based authentication. Code interacts in the background, sharing the same secret passcode or agreed-upon symbols to generate a token that completes the authentication process, rather than two people communicating. Unauthorized users are prevented from accessing your resources by using a token to verify their identity.

Tokens can be used for multi-factor authentication (MFA) and backend protocols that connect apps, APIs, and websites.

The importance of token-based authentication

Take a step back from the technology to consider the problem you're attempting to solve. You're asking legitimate users to prove their identities in order to keep bad actors out of your network (where they can steal data, install ransomware, and so on). Because the token is based on the device's private key, when we use a token from an application like PingID, a key fob, or a dongle that we plug into our computer, we prevent outside actors from interfering. They will choose a competitor's service over yours if you make it too difficult for them. The "why" is to choose a token-based authentication solution that verifies users without creating friction or frustration. Users are happy and data is secure when a process runs smoothly.

Technology isn't without flaws, of course. As we've seen with companies that use technology to automate and streamline operations in order to improve the user experience while simultaneously reducing staff, poor planning and implementation can make things worse. Because customer expectations are set, people become frustrated and angry when authentication or other automated systems fail. Companies will disappoint and lose customers if they fail to scale technology correctly or understand the user experience.

Token-based Authentication in action

Clients can be conceded confirmation tokens in an assortment of ways, including equipment-based tokens, once passwords (typically gave by means of cell phones), and programming put together tokens based with respect to the JWT standard.

In a safe way, all tokens store client qualifications and information. With such countless information protection regulations set up today, the token can likewise check that the information is right and has not been altered, which is a basic security prerequisite. They likewise further develop the client experience by permitting clients to sign in without recalling passwords.

Token-based confirmation is typically done in four stages:

  1. Demand – client demands admittance to a safeguarded asset interestingly. The client should initially distinguish themselves without the utilization of a token, for example, by utilizing a username or secret phrase.
  2. Confirmation — the verification guarantees that the client's certifications are substantial and that they have the suitable authorizations on the mentioned framework.
  3. Tokens — a token is given by the framework and given to the client. This includes truly giving tokens to the client on account of an equipment token. This occurs behind the scenes with programming tokens, as the client's experience speaks with the server.
  4. Determination — the token is actually held by the clients, whether in their program or on their cell phone. It empowers them to validate in the future without utilizing their certifications.

What is Token-Based Authentication? Types, Pros and Cons (1)

Advantages and disadvantages of token-based authentication

There are benefits and disservices to this procedure, similarly as there are to some other approach or method.


  • Effectiveness - Software-based tokens are more proficient and versatile than actual tokens. The server can undoubtedly make and check however many tokens depending on the situation, making scaling the quantity of clients who access your site or web application simpler. They likewise don't expect organizations to give their clients actual tokens.
  • Adaptability - Software-based tokens are flexible in that they can be involved on numerous servers and give verification to various sites and applications simultaneously. They're oftentimes used to execute single sign-on (SSO), which makes things simpler for clients while likewise expanding security.
  • Security - JWT tokens are stateless and must be confirmed when the private key is gotten by the server-side application that produced them. Therefore, they're believed to be a solid and secure validation technique.


  • Compromised Secret Key - One key is a significant defect in the JWT standard. In the event that the key isn't as expected oversaw by designers or site managers and is undermined by assailants, delicate information might be uncovered. It can permit assailants to imitate clients and seize client meetings, the two of which are hard to identify and stop.
  • Information Overhead - The JWT is a lot bigger than a standard meeting token, and it fills in size as additional information about the client is put away. Adding more information to a token can increment page load times by expanding the time it takes to lay out a client meeting.
  • Long haul Authentication Isn't Ideal - Systems that permit clients to remain signed in for expanded timeframes aren't great. These tokens require incessant revalidation, which can disturb clients. A decent workaround is to utilize revive tokens and store them accurately. Clients can utilize revive tokens to remain validated for longer timeframes without having to re-approve.

Ensure you're arranging and separating your utilization cases accurately. Really at that time can you go with the most ideal choice. Another key component you ought to hope to integrate into your biological system from the beginning is self-administration.

What is Token-Based Authentication? Types, Pros and Cons (2)

How secure is token-based authentication?

Since cybercrime is turning out to be more complex, managing specialist (MSPs) should keep their security strategies and arrangements modern. There has been an expansion in assaults utilizing phishing, animal power, and word reference assaults to target accreditations. Henceforth, passwords are at this point not adequate for confirmation.

Token-based verification, when joined with other validation strategies, can make a more perplexing hindrance to keep refined programmers from taking advantage of taken passwords. Tokens must be recovered from the gadget that created them (for instance, a cell phone or a key dandy), making them an exceptionally viable approval strategy today.

While verification token stages have tons of benefits, there is generally a gamble. Tokens put away in cell phones are helpful to utilize, however they might be defenseless because of gadget defects. The tokens can be effortlessly caught on the way assuming that they are sent through message. A pernicious entertainer can get to tokens put away on a gadget on the off chance that it is lost or taken.

Notwithstanding, realize that you ought to never depend on a solitary validation strategy. Token validation ought to be utilized related to two-factor or multifaceted confirmation.

Types of Tokens

  1. Hardware Tokens (USB Tokens)

Equipment tokens are actual gadgets that, once approved, permit clients to get to safeguarded networks. They're otherwise called validation or security tokens. The reason for an equipment token is to add an additional a layer of safety by means of two-factor or multifaceted validation (2FA or MFA). The proprietor of the symbolic connections it to the framework or administration they need to utilize.

To give a superior client experience and adaptability, equipment tokens arrive in an assortment of shapes and sizes. The most well-known tokens are key coxcombs and USB or remote tokens. Equipment tokens can be separated into three classes.

  1. JWT - JSON Web Tokens

This type is an open standard for taking care of data in JSON plan (RFC 7519). It spreads out a direct, free methodology for securely conveying data between parties. To send tokens between parties, the JWT standard purposes JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) objects. These tokens can be used for affirmation as well as moving additional data about the client or record.

JWTs can be sent as URLs, POST limits, or HTTP headers and can be imparted quickly in view of their little size. To avoid various informational index requests, the JWT contains each of the fundamental information about the component. To endorse the token, the JWT recipient doesn't need to contact the server.

A JWT is made from three segments:

  • A header that contains information about the kind of token and the encryption computation that was used.
  • A payload containing approval capabilities alongside additional information about the client or record.
  • An imprint that consolidates a cryptographic key that can be used to support the payload's validity.

What is Token-Based Authentication? Types, Pros and Cons (3)

  1. One-Time Password (OTP) Tokens

This is a protected equipment or programming gadget that creates one-time passwords. Individual ID numbers (PINs), which are numeric codes going from 4 to 12 digits, are the most ordinarily utilized.

Once passwords are much of the time produced or got utilizing cell phones. In the wake of demonstrating responsibility for telephone, a client can utilize an authenticator application to create OTP passwords — for this situation, the telephone fills in as a code generator. OTPs can likewise be shipped off the gadget by means of SMS.

By consolidating powerfully created accreditations, once secret key tokens supplement existing character and secret key frameworks. OTP tokens create PINs either simultaneously or nonconcurrently, contingent upon the supplier:

Simultaneous tokens create a one-time secret key utilizing your private key and the ongoing time while the other utilizes the Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (CRAM), a bunch of conventions where the server gives a test and the token should answer with the right response.

  1. API Tokens

This Token kind essentially fills in as interesting identifier for applications that solicitation admittance to your administration. The application then, at that point, utilizes the API token created by your administration to demand your administration. The API Token is contrasted with the one you've saved to validate and concede access. Now and again, a Session ID can be utilized, yet this is an exceptionally interesting special case.

Programming interface tokens are acquiring notoriety as a safer option in contrast to sending username/secret word blends over HTTP. OAuth2 is one of the most broadly utilized API security conventions today (access tokens).

What is the Best Authentication Token to Use?

The conditions figure out which confirmation token is ideal. The utilization of OAuth, SAML, JWT, or one more verification token ought not entirely set in stone by your applications, needs, and use cases.

Token-based Authentication for Web APIs

The method involved with verifying clients or cycles for cloud-based applications is known as token-based confirmation for web APIs. The client's application sends a verification solicitation to the validation administration, which affirms the client's personality and issues a token. The application is currently available to the client.

Token-based Authentication and REST APIs

REST APIs benefit from token-based verification, which is more easy to understand than lower-level web APIs. The arrangement, which is often an open-standard JWT token, looks like a web address with a long series of characters containing an action word (e.g., GET, PUT, or POST) and an endpoint. Look at this connection if you have any desire to dive deeper into how RESTful APIs work.

Token-based Authentication and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

In multifaceted confirmation, hard and delicate tokens fall under the "something you have" verification factor, which is ordinarily utilized after the "something you know" username-secret key mix to check a client's character.

What is Token-Based Authentication? Types, Pros and Cons (2024)


What is Token-Based Authentication? Types, Pros and Cons? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Token-based Authentication

What are the advantages and disadvantages of token-based authentication? ›

Pros of Using Tokens
  • Token-based Authentication is more Scalable and Efficient. As we know that tokens are required to be stored on the user's end, they offer a scalable solution. ...
  • Flexibility and Performance. ...
  • Tokens Offer Robust Security. ...
  • Compromised Secret Key. ...
  • Data Overhead. ...
  • Shorter Lifespan.

What is token-based authentication? ›

Token-based authentication is a protocol that generates encrypted security tokens. It enables users to verify their identity to websites, which then generates a unique encrypted authentication token.

What are the different types of authentication tokens? ›

The following token types are described on this page:
  • Access tokens.
  • ID tokens.
  • Self-signed JWTs.
  • Refresh tokens.
  • Federated tokens.
  • Bearer tokens.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of authentication? ›

User authentication provides strong security and granular control over who can access sensitive data or perform specific actions. However, it can be time-consuming for users and requires additional infrastructure and management.

What are the pros and cons of tokenization? ›

The pros of tokenization—increased accessibility, liquidity, and efficiency—should be weighed against the cons—regulatory uncertainty, technological complexity, and security risks.

What are the risks of token authentication? ›

Disadvantages of token-based authentication

Introduces risk: If managed poorly or improperly configured, token-based authentication can lead to widespread data and application breaches. Much of the value in tokens is convenience because only one key is required for system or multi-system access.

What is the difference between SSO and token based authentication? ›

An SSO token is data, such as the user's login email address, that is passed from one system to another during the SSO process. Using a token-based authentication method, users verify their data and then receive a unique access token (created using the Skilljar API - see below), allowing them to log in.

Why use tokens instead of passwords? ›

Passwords: Token authentication offers superior security with encryption and digital signatures, while passwords can be exposed to attacks and are often reused. Token Authentication Reduces Repeated Logins: Users don't need to repeatedly enter login information, unlike passwords which can lead to "password fatigue."

What is the difference between API key and token based authentication? ›

The main distinction between these two is: API keys identify the calling project — the application or site — making the call to an API. Authentication tokens identify a user — the person — that is using the app or site.

What is better than token authentication? ›

If your application handles sensitive data or requires rapid revocation, session-based authentication may be the better choice. If your application needs fast, efficient authorization or requires more interaction between the client and server, token-based authentication may be more suitable.

What is the difference between certificate based authentication and token based authentication? ›

Unlike other authentication methods like one-time passcode (OTP) tokens or biometrics, certificates are stored on the device locally and are implemented without needing any extra hardware. Certificate-based authentication also makes access control very simple.

What is basic token authentication? ›

Updated: 09/02/2024 - 6:13. Time to read: 8 minutes. Token-based authentication is a protocol which allows users to verify their identity, and in return receive a unique access token.

Which authentication method is better? ›

More Secure: Biometrics. Biometric authentication methods rely on something you are. That makes them hard to steal, difficult to misplace or share, and impossible to forget.

What provides the strongest authentication? ›

A physical authentication key is one of the strongest ways to implement multifactor authentication. A private key, stored on a physical device, is used to authenticate a user, such as a USB device that a user plugs into their computer while logging in.

What are the disadvantages of key based authentication? ›

3 Drawbacks of keys

Second, keys can pose a security risk if they are lost, stolen, or compromised. If someone gets access to your private key, they can impersonate you and access your servers. Third, keys can create compatibility issues with some systems or applications that do not support key-based authentication.

What are the disadvantages of token passing? ›

The disadvantage is that even when demand is light, a station wishing to transmit must wait for the token, increasing latency. Some types of token passing schemes do not need to explicitly send a token between systems because the process of "passing the token" is implicit.

What is an advantage of using a token system? ›

Research shows that token systems are effective at increasing desired behaviors (Matson & Boisjoli, 2009). What are the benefits of using a token system? Communicates to the child how much progress has been made. It is clear to the child how many more tokens they need to earn to receive a reward.

What are the advantages of tokenization security? ›

Tokenization works to not only increase security for sensitive data but also cut down on compliance scope and associated costs. The flexibility of tokenization allows companies to create customized solutions that help them balance their data utility needs with data security requirements.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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