What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (2024)

Notwithstanding the numerous benefits of using blockchain infrastructures for routine financial transactions; one thing that easily puts you off is having to copy a long chain of numbers and letters as your recipients’ wallet (public) address. Double-checking lessens the error margin, but this adds to the stress of executing a simple transaction and still leaves a tangible chance of transferring funds to the wrong address in a mix-up. In a quite popular incident, a Redditor had reportedly sent 800 bitcoins to the wrong address in 2014. A shortened and easily memorable public address saves this, easily.

Since its inception in 2018,Unstoppable Domains has reportedly registered over 2.5 million addresses. Unstoppable Domains'decentralized name service technology lets you create self-owned unique public addresses that are easy to recollect. Unstoppable Domains replace your lengthy wallet address with a fun name and a crypto-centric domain extension. Names like Yourname.blockchain and yournickname.bitcoin can be used in place of the 37 hexadecimal characters that make up a bitcoin wallet address. Over 300 decentralized applications (dApps), wallets, and cryptocurrency exchanges currently support Unstoppable Domains wallet address service.

Unstoppable Domains simplify cryptocurrency transactions, but its utility goes beyond this. Privacy-oriented web browser – Brave, announced a collaboration with Unstoppable Domains that allows brave users on desktop and Android platforms have access to 30,000 decentralized websites and 700,000 blockchain domain names registered with Unstoppable Domains using search bars integrated into the browser. Unstoppable Domains websites are also supported on Opera mini browser.

This means that Unstoppable Domains’ addresses double as cryptocurrency wallet addresses and a properly hosted internet resource site. Unstoppable Domain websites can be uploaded to the InterPlanetary File system (IPFS), a decentralized and collaborative webpage delivery technology.

How do Unstoppable Domains work?

Unstoppable Domains leverage non-fungible tokens (NFT) and smart contract technologies to deliver a truly self-owned and controlled internet domain. In fact, your Unstoppable Domains addresses are proper NFTs and are built on the Crypto Name Service (CNS) technology.

Crypto Name Service protocol guides the creation of blockchain domain names. Unstoppable Domains issue decentralized domains as NFTs. These issued NFTs are of ERC-721 standards. ERC-721 standard NFTS allows the implementation of an ideal API for NFTs within smart contracts and provides basic functionality to transfer and track these NFTs.

Adopting an easily trackable and transferrable NFT standard for domain issuance simplifies the integration of Unstoppable Domains into other decentralized applications and allows domain owners to manage their domains from compatible exchanges, wallets, marketplaces, and DeFi infrastructures.

Functionality of the crypto name service protocol is guided by two smart contracts: The Registry smart contract and The Resolver smart contract.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (1)

CNS smart contracts schema

Registry contract controls the minting and ownership of new crypto domains and sub-domains. Unstoppable Domains translate the chosen address name into a domain name, and the registry smart contract pushes this domain from the database onto the public ledger of the blockchain where the domain is being created. This process is completely decentralized, and third-party (including Unstoppable Domains) influence is resisted.

The Resolver contract translates the chosen domain name into a cryptocurrency wallet address when executing transactions. This is done under the hood. The transaction is made to the resolved address (already produced by the domain owner). The resolver contract also controls the storage of domain records. Multiple signatory function is available on Unstoppable Domains; a domain can be managed by a group of administrators or multi-signature wallets.

Unstoppable Domains addresses can be currently minted on Ethereum, Polygon, and Zilliqa blockchains. Domain minting on Polygon blockchain went live in the last quarter of 2021.

What Can You Do on Unstoppable Domains?

Unstoppable Domains include features such as badges, reverse resolution, and email forwarding, on top of a mobile app and single-sign on for Web 3. Let’s look at each of these and how they work.

1. Profile Badges

Profile badges allow Unstoppable Domains owners to showcase their Web 3 achievements. Unstoppable Domains has created 31 badges based on popular projects and community suggestions. These include Bored Ape and Decentraland, as well as Ethereum Early Adopter and 1 Year Club.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (2)

Source: Unstoppable Domains

Profile badges you’ve earned will appear on your profile:

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (3)

Source: Unstoppable Domains

To find out how these work, check out the guide here.

2. Reverse Resolution

Unstoppable Domains makes apps, wallets, games, metaverses, and other areas of Web 3 more personal. You can replace your wallet address with your Unstoppable Domain across different platforms, which lets you see your chosen domain name instead of a wallet address.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (4)

Source: Unstoppable Domains

Beyond game leaderboards, reverse resolution also makes it easier to search for transactions as you can search for their Unstoppable Domain instead of their wallet address.

Find out how to set up reverse resolution.

3. Email Forwarding

Looking for a way to communicate through email privately? Unstoppable Email lets you send end-to-end encrypted emails with your @ud.me email address. This lets you receive and reply to messages without revealing your main email address.

Find out more about how it works and how to set up email forwarding.

4. Single-Sign On for Web 3

With over 125 dApps and projects that have integrated Login with Unstoppable, you’ll be able to use your NFT domain as a username to log into these apps.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (5)

Source: Unstoppable Domains

Learn more about Login with Unstoppable.

5. The Unstoppable Mobile App

You can now manage your domains through Unstoppable’s iOS app. You can mint domains directly from the mobile app, and the Unstoppable app will show you the wallet apps you have installed on your device.

It also connects to the Unstoppable Domains website, where you can manage aspects of your domain we covered above, such as profiles, email forwarding, setting up reverse resolution, and so on.

How to buy Unstoppable Domains: Step-By-Step Guide

Buying a domain from Unstoppable Domains is pretty simple. Here’s a detailed guide on the process.

1. Create an Unstoppable domain account

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (6)

Visit Unstoppable Domain’s website and click on Sign up/Log in. Connect using your wallet by clicking Connect wallet and following the prompts from your wallet. You can also create an account with your email; select Continue with email to create your Unstoppable domain account.

2. Search for a domain

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (7)

To search for available domains, go to your homepage. And click Find the perfect one from the center of your homepage or get a new domain. Search your preferred domain name on the search bar to see available domains and costs. Domains for sale are indicated, to purchase, click Contact owner to discuss ownership transfer.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (8)

To initiate the purchase process Add chosen domain to your Cart. Visit your Cart to Checkout. Select a preferred payment method and complete payment to purchase the domain. A deadline is given for payment, ensure to pay the stated amount before the deadline.

3. Mint your Unstoppable Domain

The domain minting process pushes your domains from Unstoppable Domains’ database onto the blockchain and subsequently, into your cryptocurrency wallet. Minting a domain gives you full custody over the domain name.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (9)

Your purchased domain will appear under the My Domains section of your profile. Click the Free Mint button over the domain you wish to mint. Enter your 2FA verification code. Choose how to connect your wallet. Initiate the domain minting process by confirming and signing the transaction from your wallet.

4. Add your wallet address(es) to your Unstoppable Domain

To use your purchased domain for receiving or sending cryptocurrencies, add your wallet addresses to your domain.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (10)

Visit your domain section on My Domains and Click on Manage. Copy and paste your cryptocurrency addresses into the correct field and complete the process by saving and signing the transaction on your Wallet.

You can easily transfer or sell your Unstoppable domain. To Transfer your Domain:

Go to your domain management tab, and click the Transfer tab to enter a wallet address to send the domain. Ensure that address is hosted on Unstoppable Domain-supported wallets.

Like any other NFT, you can sell your Unstoppable Domains on NFT marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible. Create an account on a preferred marketplace and list your Domain for sale.

Unstoppable Domain vs ENS

Decentralized domains and wallet naming services are becoming quite popular. The concept has seen explosive growth in the last few years. Unstoppable Domain and Ethereum Name Services (ENS) are arguably the two most popular crypto domain services and share lots of similarities. Similar to Unstoppable Domains, ENS also creates censorship-resistant decentralized websites. In addition, ENS also allows you register DNS (Domain Name Service) names you already own as ENS addresses.

ENS, however, is only available on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the .eth domain extension. Unstoppable Domains can be minted on Ethereum, Zilliqa, and Polygon blockchains and presents more domain extension options like .nft, .zil,.crypto, and .blockchain. In addition, a few other differences exist in their governance, domain purchase and expiration, and mode of operation.


Unlike Unstoppable Domains; Ethereum Name Service operates a DAO. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are a systemic design structured to ensure general and undiluted participation of the members of an organization. In cryptocurrency communities, rights to this participation are tokenized and every token holder is considered a member of the DAO. Through voting portals, members of the DAO are able to vote on proposals and also submit their improvement suggestions to be voted on by the rest of the holders.

In the last quarter of 2021, ENS airdropped its governance token (ENS) to its users. ENS holders can submit and vote on proposals on the ENS governance portal. A user will need about 100,000 ENS tokens to submit a proposal. Proposal subjects are limitless and can span across every aspect of the project including technology, politics, and financial management. If a proposal gains a majority vote, it is passed and implemented. in contrast, Unstoppable Domains has yet to develop a similar infrastructure and has been accused of being centralized in the past.

Domain payment and expiration

Unstoppable Domains ownership lasts a lifetime. Once a user completes the initial purchase process for their domain, the domain name and address are valid forever. No renewal fees after the first payment. For ENS domains, a recurring payment structure prevails. Domain owners have to select a time span for the validity of their domain. To retain their domain, a renewal fee is paid on or before the validity period elapses.

Purchasing Unstoppable Domains is further simplified by the array of payment options including PayPal and credit card payment support. Whereas for ENS Ethereum blockchain is the only available payment option. Considering the situational increase in Ethereum transaction fees, Unstoppable Domains are cheaper alternatives in terms of transaction costs.

Mode of operation

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) operates a ‘public oriented’ system. ENS is an open-source protocol. Access to the codebase is open to external developers. The ENS DAO facilitates decentralization and community participation in the project's governance while the open-source protocol allows technical contributions from the developers’ community.

On the other hand, Unstoppable Domains is a profit-making company. It is "brand protected" to prevent unscrupulous individuals from owning specific names, words, and phrases. There are many complaints online regarding people prevented from creating domains with their names. In this regard, the Unstoppable Domains' code is not open like ENS.

Final Thoughts

With the growth of Web3 and decentralized technology, Crypto Name Services are poised to get more popular and prominent. Unstoppable Domains present a low entry barrier into the decentralized domain concept. However, this is relative. Consider other factors such as ease of use, available support system, and wallet/browser compatibility before choosing a decentralized domain service.

Related:What is Ethereum Name Service (ENS) And How Does It Work?


Are Unstoppable Domains safe and secure?

Unstoppable Domains’ infrastructures are proofed and only point to the wallet address provided by the domain owners. The resolver contract that controls the wallet resolution process is carefully programmed to ensure no errors. If the domain owner provides the right address for their domain, transactions to the right domain address will execute the transaction without errors. Domain owners also have complete control over what is publicly shown by the name service. Personal details will only be shared when authorized by the domain owner(s).

How decentralized are Unstoppable Domains?

The registry smart contract does not have an administrator, as a result, the transfer and management of created domains can only be done by the domain owner(s) or with their permission. Unstoppable Domain addresses are hosted on the blockchain and the services are built using blockchain protocols.

What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (11)

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What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (12)

Joel Agbo

Joel is deeply interested in the technologies behind cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks. In his over 7 years of involvement in the space, he helps startups build a stronger internet presence through written content. He is the founder of CryptocurrencyScripts.Follow the author on Twitter @agboifesinachi

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What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? (2024)


What Is Unstoppable Domains And How Does It Work? ›

Unstoppable Domains allows you to make payments with over 297 cryptocurrencies using a single domain name. As long as you have configured your addresses to the domain, our members can send crypto to your domain, and it will end up in your wallet.

What is the point of Unstoppable Domains? ›

Using an Unstoppable Domain allows you to create a blockchain-connected web address similar to a URL — such as Samplename. crypto or Samplename. zil for example — that translates a cryptocurrency wallet's addresses into a far simpler human-readable name that connects with decentralized apps (dApps) and exchanges.

What can I do with an Unstoppable Domain? ›

With an Unstoppable Domain, you can replace your cryptocurrency addresses with a human readable name. For example, I can use Sandy. NFT to pay for a Lazy Lion NFT, or transfer cryptocurrency by typing in a friend's domain — much easier to remember than a long, alphanumeric crypto wallet address.

How much does an Unstoppable Domain cost? ›

Pricing Tiers for Regular Domains
TLDTier 2Tier 6
.unstoppable$40 - 100$10
.pudgy$200 - 500$50
.austin$200 - $500$50
.pog$200 - $500$50
11 more rows
Apr 3, 2024

What is the difference between ETH and Unstoppable Domains? ›

Whereas ENS domains only follow the naming convention of “name. eth”, Unstoppable Domains allow users to purchase domain names that can include top level domain servers such as “name. crypto”, “name. wallet”, “name.

Are Unstoppable Domains worth it? ›

Unstoppable Domains can be worth it for those interested in decentralized web services and cryptocurrency. They offer enhanced security and ease in cryptocurrency transactions, but their value depends on individual needs and interest in blockchain technology.

Are Unstoppable Domains worth anything? ›

Unstoppable Domains are a terrific investment possibility if your individual Unstoppable Domain is a highly sought-after Web3 domain or if you plan to use the domain to develop your own website in the future.

Who is Unstoppable Domain competitor? ›

Paid & Free Alternatives to Unstoppable Domains
  • Mailchimp All-in-One Marketing Platform.
  • GoDaddy.
  • Zoho Mail.
  • Hostinger.
  • Hostwinds.
  • Bluehost.
  • SiteGround.

Can I sell my Unstoppable Domain? ›

To do so, go to the My Domains page and click on Manage next to the domain you want to set up for sale. Click on the Sell Domain tab and add your email address. Once published this email can be removed from your domain but not from the history of the blockchain.

Can you build a website on Unstoppable Domains? ›

Unstoppable Domains can be used with DNS CNAME records like traditional domain names, meaning you can use an Unstoppable Domain as a domain name for a personal website or blog. Read below to learn how to create a decentralized website using Unstoppable Domains and IPFS folders on Filebase.

Who owns Unstoppable Domains? ›

Matthew Gould, Bogdan Gusiev, Braden Pezeshki, and Bradley Kam are the founders of Unstoppable Domains.

Do Unstoppable Domains expire? ›

Unstoppable Domains vs ENS domains

The main difference is that ENS domains NFTs must be renewed annually while Unstoppable Domains have no renewals.

What is the best wallet for Unstoppable Domains? ›

Unstoppable Domains is compatible with top cryptocurrency wallets such as Trust Wallet, Bitcoin.com, and MyEtherWallet, and NFT marketplaces like OpenSea.

What is the difference between ENS and unstoppable? ›

ENS operates similarly to Unstoppable Domains, but it doesn't provide a top-level domain (TLD). ENS works like traditional DNS servers, translating website requests into IP addresses and controlling the server a user will reach when they search for a domain.

Why did domains become necessary? ›

Genetic analysis has revealed that the two main prokaryotic kingdoms are more different from each other, and from eukaryotes, than previously thought. So, biologists established a new taxonomic category—the domain. A domain is a larger, more inclusive category than a kingdom.

Why are domains valuable? ›

Benefits of a strong domain name

It is a valuable marketing and search tool that should successfully lead customers to your site. Careful deliberation and research should be applied, as it might be the most important decision you make when carving out your slice of the online market.

What can you do with a crypto domain? ›

Similar to an email address, a blockchain domain is an easy-to-remember address for sending and receiving crypto. Instead of having to copy and paste long, complicated crypto addresses you can simply type in a blockchain domain like john. crypto, reducing the stress of sending your crypto to the wrong address.

How important is domain ending? ›

Different domain extensions influence how visitors view your website. For example, a visitor will likely determine that a website ending in . edu is more trustworthy than a website ending in . zip.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.