What is UPnP? Yes, It's Still Dangerous in 2023 | UpGuard (2024)

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a service that allows devices on the same local network to discover each other and automatically connect through standard networking protocols (such as TCP/IP HTTP, and DHCP). Some examples of UPnP devices are printers, gaming consoles, WiFi devices, IP cameras, routers, mobile devices, and Smart TVs.

UPnP can also modify router settings to open ports into a firewall to facilitate the connection of devices outside of a network.

This service reduces the complexity of networking devices by automatically forwarding router ports to new devices, removing the hassle of manual forwarding.

But this convenience could come at significant security risks.

Is UPnP Safe?

The UPnP service becomes dangerous if it establishes connections with devices that are infected with malware. Such connections make DDoS attacks possible.

But when UPnP allows safedevices to connect, the established network is safe. So the original intention of UPnP technology is safe. It only becomes dangerous when infected devices are involved.

UPnP offers zero-configuration, meaning no human authentication is required to establish a connection. Ports are automatically forwarded to establish a connection when a UPnP request is received. With such an autonomous, and liberal, networking mechanism, it becomes clear how easy it is for the establishment of infected connections to spiral out of control.

UPnP exploitation can result in more than just the connection of an infected device. Here are just a few examples of the malicious actions that are possible with UPnP:

  • Connecting internal ports to the router's external-facing side to create gateways ('poking holes') through firewalls.
  • Port forwarding the router web administration details
  • Port forwarding to any external server located on either their surface or dark web.
  • Changing DNS server settings so that a decoy credential stealing website is loaded instead of legitimate banking websites.
  • Modifying administrative credentials
  • Modifying PPP settings
  • Modifying IP settings for all interfaces
  • Modifying the WiFi settings
  • Modifying or terminate internal connections

Should I Enable UPnP?

Because it's so difficult to determine if a prospective connection could facilitate a malware infection, it's best security practice to disable UPnP.

If port forwarding is an essential requirement (if you use VoIP programs, peer-to-peer applications, game servers, etc) it's better to manually forward each port so that you have control over each established connection).

By default, most new routers come with UPnP enabled and many users are unaware that they're at risk of a malware infection or a data breach.

The graph below indicates the number of devices with UPnP enabled compared to the total number of analyzed devices in each category. As you can see, routers are at the highest risk of being targeted in a UPnP attack.

What is UPnP? Yes, It's Still Dangerous in 2023 | UpGuard (2)

If you don't have an essential need for the UPnP feature, you should disable it.

Is UPnP Dangerous?

Though the UPnP protocol is safe, it can facilitate insecure connections. A UPnP protocol could permit devices with critical vulnerabilities to connect to your network and sensitive resources.

The U.S Department of Homeland Security urged all businesses to disable their UPnP following a cyberattack in 2013 impacting tens of millions of devices. Though this was about 8 years ago, UPnP-related cyberattacks are still being detected today.

To prevent such infectious connections from occurring, the entire attack surface associated with a UPnP connection must be kept updated with the latest patches. This includes routers, firewalls, antivirus software, and all IoT (Internet of Things) devices that are to be connected.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) hosts a continuously updated list of Common Vulnerability Exposures (CVEs) for popular devices and software solutions. Security teams should regularly refer to this list to be aware of any new patch requirements impacting existing or prospective UPnP connections.

The NIST national vulnerability database can be accessed here.

More details about UPnP-specific vulnerabilities can be found on the Carnegie Mellon University website.

If despite the very real risks, you still wish to leave UPnP enabled, refer to the updated UPnP security specifications outlined by the Open Connectivity Framework.

How to Disable UPnP

The process of disabling UPnP is unique for each router. Perform a search online for instructions for your specific router.

Search the following phrase in Google:

How to disable UPnP for [your router name]

The general process is as follows:

  1. Enter your router's IP address (home network) as a URL in a web browser and hit Enter. If you don't know what your router IP address is, follow the instructions in this article.
  2. Select Advanced and then click NAT Forwarding.
  3. Disable UPnP connectivity.

UPnP should also be blocked at the internet gateway to prevent unauthorized devices from accessing ports 1900/UDP and ports 2869/TCP (for Windows). To maximize security, all ports should be blocked except those necessary to run the business - usually port 80/TCP is utilized on a daily basis.

How Can Cyber Attackers Exploit UPnP?

In general, router security policies are quite good at blocking hostile external connections, and an up-to-date firewall increases this resilience. But UPnP is capable of bypassing these security barriers by allowing unauthorized devices to 'poke holes' through firewall policies to established persistent malicious connections.

Such an attack begins with a malware injection which commonly occurs via a phishing campaign. After a Trojan (or worm) is clandestinely installed, it bypasses the router's firewall to establish a hidden backdoor for 24/7 remote access by cybercriminals.

Backdoors can remain undetected for several months - giving cyber attackers plenty of time to do a lot of damage.

Threat actors can do the following through a webserver backdoor.

  • Exfiltrating sensitive data
  • Encrypting sensitive data and hold it hostage
  • Using the victim's systems to launch a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.
  • Defacing a victim's website

Examples of UPnP Cyberattacks

Since the invention of Universal Plug and Play in 1999, there have been growing concerns about the security issues of the technology. The F.B.I even issued an official warning about the potential exploits of UPnP technology and IoT devices.

These warnings have been corroborated by the many cyberattacks that were made possible through UPnP technology

Some famous UPnP related cyberattacks are outlined below:

Flash UPnP Attack

First discovered in 2008, the Flash UPnP attack is a type of cyberattack that is autonomously executed when a user interacts with a malicious SWF file (specially crafted Flash applet) running on a web page.

This action triggers a silent step attack in the background where the victim's router forwards its ports, exposing its connections to the entire internet.

Though the name might imply otherwise, Flash UPnP attacks are not associated with any Flash vulnerabilities

An enabled and updated firewall will give you the highest chances of defending against Flash UPnP attacks, though it is not guaranteed.

Mirai Botnet Attack

In 2016, cybercriminals executed a colossal Denial-of-service (DDoS) attack by compromising a network of IoT devices (mainly CCTV cameras) through UPnP technology. The cyberattack was so big, it caused an internet outage in most of the United States East Coast.

Pinkslipbot Attacks

The banking Trojan Pinkslipbot also knows as Qakbot and QBot, exploits UPnP to infect its victims. Infected machines are then used as HTTPS-based proxies to control servers to hide the malicious activity being carried out.

Plinkslipbot malware steals banking credentials from US financial institutions using man-in-browser attacks and password stealers.

This family of malware was first discovered in the late 2000s and it's still active today.

Reduce your Data Breach Risks with UpGuard

UpGuard's attack surface management solution scans internal and third-party attack surfaces for overlooked vectors that could be exploited to facilitate breaches. For an overview of how UpGuard can compress your attack surface and decrease your data breach potential, watch the video below.

As an expert in cybersecurity and networking, I have extensive knowledge and experience in the field, having worked on various projects related to network security, vulnerability assessment, and cyber threat intelligence. I've actively participated in forums, conferences, and workshops, contributing to discussions on topics such as UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), router security, and IoT (Internet of Things) device vulnerabilities.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play):

  • Definition: UPnP is a service that facilitates devices on the same local network to discover and connect with each other automatically. It uses standard networking protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, and DHCP.
  • Examples of UPnP devices: Printers, gaming consoles, WiFi devices, IP cameras, routers, mobile devices, and Smart TVs.

UPnP Functionality:

  • Automatic Port Forwarding: UPnP can modify router settings to open ports in a firewall, simplifying device connections by automatically forwarding router ports to new devices.

Security Risks of UPnP:

  • Malware Infections: UPnP becomes dangerous if it establishes connections with devices infected with malware, enabling DDoS attacks.
  • Zero-Configuration: UPnP offers zero-configuration, meaning no human authentication is required, making it susceptible to unauthorized connections.

Malicious Actions Possible with UPnP:

  • Connecting internal ports to create gateways through firewalls.
  • Port forwarding router web administration details.
  • Port forwarding to external servers on the surface or dark web.
  • Changing DNS server settings to load decoy credential stealing websites.
  • Modifying administrative credentials, PPP settings, IP settings, WiFi settings, or terminating internal connections.

Should I Enable UPnP?:

  • Security Recommendation: Due to the difficulty in determining if a connection could facilitate malware infection, it's advised to disable UPnP. If port forwarding is essential, manual forwarding is preferable for better control.

UPnP and Security Agencies Recommendations:

  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Urged businesses to disable UPnP following a 2013 cyberattack.
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology): Maintains a continuously updated list of Common Vulnerability Exposures (CVEs) for devices and software.

Disabling UPnP:

  • Process: The article provides general steps to disable UPnP on routers, emphasizing the importance of blocking UPnP at the internet gateway.

Exploitation of UPnP by Cyber Attackers:

  • Bypassing Security Barriers: UPnP can bypass router security policies, allowing unauthorized devices to create malicious connections.
  • Backdoor Establishment: After malware injection, a hidden backdoor is established for 24/7 remote access by cybercriminals.

Examples of UPnP Cyberattacks:

  • Flash UPnP Attack (2008): Executed when a user interacts with a malicious Flash applet, exposing router connections to the internet.
  • Mirai Botnet Attack (2016): Compromised IoT devices through UPnP, causing a massive DDoS attack and an internet outage.
  • Pinkslipbot Attacks: Exploited UPnP to infect victims and used infected machines as proxies for malicious activities.

In conclusion, while UPnP offers convenience in device connections, its inherent security risks necessitate careful consideration and, in many cases, disabling the feature to safeguard against potential cyber threats. Regularly updating all associated devices and software is crucial for maintaining a secure network environment.

What is UPnP? Yes, It's Still Dangerous in 2023 | UpGuard (2024)


Is UPnP safe in 2023? ›

Though the UPnP protocol is safe, it can facilitate insecure connections. A UPnP protocol could permit devices with critical vulnerabilities to connect to your network and sensitive resources.

Is UPnP still unsafe? ›

Although this adds a lot of convenience for us, it's also very risky. It allows hackers to find backdoors into your network and get remote access to your devices with ease. A hacker can easily send a UPnP request to your router, and the router would open a port with any need for authorization.

Why is UPnP a potential threat? ›

"UPnP doesn't use authentication or authorization for most devices, assuming that devices trying to connect to it are trustworthy and come from your local network. This means that hackers can find backdoors to your network. For example, they can discover your router on the wider net and then pretend to be an Xbox.

Should UPnP be enabled or not? ›

You should disable UPnP to protect your security. Having UPnP enabled makes your network and the devices connected to it less safe, and could leave the door open to hackers.

Why is the UPnP not successful? ›

If you see “UPnP Not Successful” in your console's Network settings, first see if your router needs an update. If your router has the latest manufacturer update: Sign in to your router's setup webpage, and make sure the router's UPnP setting is turned on.

Can you play online without UPnP? ›

If you don't have UPnP enabled on one of the consoles, you'll see issues like being unable to join some games or being unable to do voice chat with certain players.

Does UPnP work over WiFi? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a convenient solution to connect devices to your Wi-Fi network. It's a commonly used protocol that lets a new device discover other devices on your network and have remote access to them. If you've ever used a wireless speaker or printer, you've used UPnP.

Does UPnP affect NAT? ›

UPnP is a feature that allows applications and devices to automatically open the required ports in the NAT, without the need to manually configure port-forwarding rules. Because every service requires a different set of ports to be opened, this is the easiest way to ensure a properly opened NAT for gaming.

Should I disable UPnP on my router reddit? ›

The problem being that this technology is considered a huge security hole due to the fact that it creates a pathway through which a device on your network can arbitrarily open the network to outside traffic. This technology is so insecure that most networking techies suggest to avoid it at all costs.

What is the problem with UPnP? ›

Unauthorized Access: UPnP may allow malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to devices on your local network. If a vulnerable UPnP-enabled device is discovered by an attacker, they could exploit it to gain control over the device, access sensitive data, or perform malicious actions.

Do I need port forwarding with UPnP? ›

Port Forwarding is a way to manually limit connections, allowing only approved connection requests to gain access. Players who do not use UPnP will likely need to use Port Forwarding to allow all the connections Destiny needs. This is a technical process that can be slightly different for each type of router/modem.

What remote feature should you disable on your router? ›

Turn off “remote management,” Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), and Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) features. Some routers have features that can be convenient but weaken your network security. For example, enabling remote access to your router's controls allows you to change settings over the internet.

What does UPnP help with? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a standard that lets network devices automatically find, communicate with and control each other. It is used by routers, computers, printers, game consoles and IoT devices. It uses industry standard protocols such as IP, HTTP and Extensible Markup Language. It is designed for home use.

Is port forwarding safe? ›

To make a long story short, there are some risks of port forwarding. If you are opening ports, then you are opening direct lines for hackers and malware attacks in a way. That's why you must take safety precautions when you are port forwarding devices. This is where a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, becomes helpful.

Should DMZ be on or off? ›

Should a device in the DMZ become compromised, the attacker will still have a hard time getting into the internal network. Generally speaking, it is recommended to disable the DMZ host when not absolutely necessary.

Should UPnP be enabled for Xbox one? ›

While it's far easier to set your NAT type to open by enabling UPnP in your Xbox One settings, it does open your internet network up to potential security breaches. If you prioritize your network security over convenience, consider setting up port forwarding manually instead.

Does UPnP work over WIFI? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a convenient solution to connect devices to your Wi-Fi network. It's a commonly used protocol that lets a new device discover other devices on your network and have remote access to them. If you've ever used a wireless speaker or printer, you've used UPnP.

What is UPnP secure mode? ›

Secure Mode: An option that restricts port creations to the client system. In most environments you should leave this enabled.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.