What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (2024)

Table of Content

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), or application testing, is the final stage of any software development or change request lifecycle before go-live. UAT meaning the final stage of any development process to determine that the software does what it was designed to do in real-world situations. Actual users test the software to determine if it does what it was designed to do in real-world situations, validating changes made and assessing adherence to their organization’s business requirements. The main purpose of acceptance testing is to validate end-to-end business flow.

Table of Contents

  • How to Perform UAT
  • UAT Prerequisites
  • Major UAT Challenges
  • UAT Process Management Best Practices: The Checklist
  • The Importance of UAT Documentation
  • UAT test case outcomes
  • How to Make Your UAT Even More Effective
  • Simplify UAT Testing with Panaya
  • Accelerate Testing for All Stakeholders
  • Hear from Our Customers
  • Frequently Asked Questions
What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (1)

User Acceptance Testing – Simplified

Help business users make acceptance testing a priority by simplifying it. Gain user adoption and execute faster and safer UAT cycles.

  • Start Simplifying Your Tests Now – Get The Guide >>

What You’ll Learn

  • The definition and purpose of User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
  • The detailed steps involved in performing UAT in software.
  • Prerequisites necessary for conducting successful UAT.
  • Common challenges faced during UAT and how to overcome them.
  • Best practices for managing the UAT process effectively.
  • The importance of thorough documentation during UAT.
  • How to document UAT test case outcomes.
  • Strategies to enhance the effectiveness of your UAT process.
  • How Panaya can simplify and accelerate UAT testing for all stakeholders.

How to Perform UAT in Software

Performing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) involves several steps that ensure that a change, update, or new feature meets the requirements of the end-user. The UAT testing process begins with preparing test scenarios and cases and finding suitable participants. The testing takes place in a separate testing environment. The first step in UAT is to prepare test scenarios and cases and identify suitable participants. The testing takes place in a separate testing environment and may span multiple sessions over several days. The process starts with instructing participants on how to correctly perform the tasks, filling in the test scenario forms, and providing feedback. End-users can then complete the test cases while company employees monitor progress and assist with any questions or issues that may arise during the testing process.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Prerequisites

Before performing a User Acceptance Testing (UAT), certain prerequisites must be met. These include:

  • Business requirements provided to the testing team.
  • Completed system, integration, and unit testing with no high or medium defects or showstoppers
  • Regression testing completed not to affect the software.
  • UAT environment available and ready

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Top Challenges

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) presents several challenges that organizations must address to achieve a successful testing outcome. One significant challenge is the potential damage to reputation caused by rework and retesting. If organizations continue to rely on outdated tools like Excel or traditional test management tools, it can lead to difficulties coordinating with business users and lack of visibility into the testing status. Besides, coordinating with globally dispersed business users can become costly and time-consuming. Other common UAT challenges include engaging non-technical business users, facilitating collaboration between users, reducing idle time, improving visibility and control over the testing process, and ensuring high-quality test evidence without disrupting user productivity, increasing location costs, or interfering with business users’ availability.

UAT Best Practices: The Process Management Checklist

The key to successful UAT is adopting industry best practices, including five steps that take you through the process from start to finish.

1. Knowledge Gathering for Test Planning

Always begin by gathering the information required to create a comprehensive test. Your list of questions for the relevant stakeholders must include:

  • Which business processes should be tested?
  • What sequence of actions must be taken for a representative test?
  • What are the guidelines for selecting test data?
  • What are the intended results of the changes made?
  • Which UAT team is responsible for testing?

Generally, the entire process requires a significant degree of collaboration between the integration manager, the different functional leads, and the relevant business process owners.

2. UAT Scoping

Not all business processes must be tested. Some can be safely ignored. It would be best if you never began UAT until you’ve defined the scope of your project. You’ll find that it tends to balloon pretty quickly. Unless you scope in advance, it can become challenging to decide on the fly what is critical for the success of your test.

3. UAT Design

Once you understand the scope of your UAT test, you can move on to design. This includes mapping and assigning different steps to various business users and setting a timeline. As time passes and you have more use cases to reference, this step will become much more manageable.

4. UAT Execution

With your UAT process clearly defined, you can now begin testing, address any defects and decide if you should move ahead to production or not. To make this step optimally efficient, you’ll need flawless communication and balance between testers and developers, focusing on documentation (see below for a deeper dive into this issue), progress reporting, and defect management.

5. Business Objective Confirmation

Once execution is over, and as many defects as possible are resolved, it is time to sign off on UAT and go live. The sign-off approval indicates that the change meets business requirements and is ready for deployment.

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (2)

The Importance of UAT Documentation

Documentation of your UAT testing strategy and the overall plan is indispensable to the outcome of your current and future tests. This documentation should include information about out-of-scope situations that are worth testing, the expectations for the test, general agreements about the standards for passing, how to carry out the test, the owners and participants involved, the scope of work, and the venue used. Additionally, it’s important to note any successful past use cases, including details about the test structures, management, and outcomes. This documentation will provide a clear and comprehensive guide for the entire testing process.

UAT test case outcomes

Document your tests and their results with traceable and annotated records that are easy to access and use. (But please don’t mistake Excel sheets for ‘easy to use’.) Here are some examples of the kinds of data to include in your outcome documentation:

  • Acceptance criteria
  • Business impact (e.g., high, medium, low)
  • Business requirement
  • Comments
  • Date executed
  • Expected outcomes
  • Name of tester
  • Pass/Fail
  • Test case name and number
  • Test case steps defined

Your testers should independently record their own UAT results, which should be reviewed daily. In this way, issues can be identified early and addressed immediately.

How to Make Your UAT Even More Effective

With the right agile UAT tools in place, you can tackle those challenges and take the best practices we talked about to the next level. You’ll be reducing the time and effort needed for UAT processes by up to 50%.

Plan Right

Engaging both your functional and business users on a standardized platform from the start is key to ensuring tests reflect actual end-to-end business processes. The right solution will offer collaborative technologies to coordinate among cross-functional, globally-dispersed users, and will be intuitive enough to ensure business users are comfortable with the process.

Scope as Needed

When it comes to scoping your project, you can’t get very far without input from your business users. Yet getting them to list all the important information you need in spreadsheets can be incredibly exhausting. The right test management solution would be able to guide users through this process, intuitively. Moreover, instead of having to rescope each project from scratch, test plans can be repurposed so users can get started immediately.

Accelerate Test Execution

Copying and pasting screenshots of test results into Word or Excel is very time-consuming and prone to human error. Optimize your UAT testing with automated documentation, workflow, and defect management. The right tool will help you with exploratory testing and be able to document tests using a recorder for playback as needed, accelerating the process and reducing the back-and-forth between the software development and testing teams.

Evaluate and Monitor

When you start off with a business-process-centric approach, it’s much easier to track processes throughout the test lifecycle. Instead of relying on unmanageable and unreliable Excel sheets, leverage real-time dashboards to help you track multiple test cycles at both the test and business process level. You’ll be able to monitor defects and manage overdue tests with built-in notifications to proactively reassign tests or send reminders to relevant stakeholders.

Execution: Remove Idle Time and Relieve Bottlenecks

UAT workflows often feel like running a relay race blindfolded to your key users. There are so many dependencies they are simply unaware of as they wait their turn in a waterfall-type workflow. This is anything but agile UAT. Instead, you can relieve dependency bottlenecks with embedded workflow automation features – even in a multi-step, multi-tester business process. Notifications, for example, can let a user know when it’s their turn to test within the business process (a ‘Time to Test’ alert) or when a defect is resolved and ready for retesting (a ‘Retest’ notification), and a ‘Close’ notification informs developers of test or retest success.

Evaluation: Accelerate with Built-In Collaboration Tools

Globally dispersed key users are bound to have time-zone and communication issues that can make their whole testing experience even more unpleasant than it usually is. The right defect management tool can sidestep these problems and reduce the time wasted on ineffective communication between testing and development teams, automatically alerting developers to errors during testing and attaching the steps that produced them. When a defect is found, all other tests affected by it can be automatically identified, and testers can be warned or blocked from proceeding until the defect is resolved.

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (3)

Simplify UAT Testing with Panaya

Does all of this sound complicated? It doesn’t have to be. A smart test management solution will help simplify your UAT cycles. Panaya Test Dynamix, our top-ranked end-to-end test management platform, includes features like test notifications, collaborative communications, automated documentation, and simple defect reporting. It allows end-users to quickly complete their part in the UAT cycle and return to business. The result is greater adoption, better ROI, fewer bottlenecks, real-time visibility, and zero risk at go-live. As an end-to-end testing solution that mirrors actual business processes, Panaya Test Dynamix provides those benefits and more, streamlining UAT and accelerating business process testing by 85%.

User acceptance testing need no longer be a battle. Download the eBook How to Simplify UAT Testing and learn how to:

  • Automate more elements in your user acceptance testing
  • Incentivize key testers with ease-of-use
  • Gain business users’ confidence and promote adoption

Accelerate UAT Testing for All Stakeholders

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (4)

Hear from Our Customers

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (5)

“We loved Panaya TDx for its collaboration features. It is a user friendly, cloud-based solution that offers easily repeatable test scenarios between similar projects. We would recommend it to any other organization running SAP.”

Pam Brown | Senior Director, ERP Business Process Organization, Bruker

Key Takeaways

  • UAT is a crucial final stage in the software development lifecycle, ensuring the software meets real-world business requirements.
  • Proper planning and scoping are essential to a successful UAT process.
  • Effective UAT requires coordination between technical teams and end-users, and overcoming challenges like dispersed teams and outdated tools.
  • Best practices include gathering knowledge, scoping correctly, designing, executing, and confirming business objectives.
  • Comprehensive documentation is vital for current and future UAT processes.
  • Automating documentation and defect management can significantly enhance UAT efficiency.
  • Tools like Panaya Test Dynamix can simplify UAT, providing real-time visibility, better ROI, and streamlined testing processes.

Read the Full Case Study >

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (6)

User Acceptance Testing – Simplified

Help business users make acceptance testing a priority by simplifying it. Gain user adoption and execute faster and safer UAT cycles.

  • Start Simplifying Your Tests Now – Get The Guide >>

Frequently Asked Questions

What is UAT?

User acceptance testing (UAT) is the safeguard against unfinished, ineffective, or faulty software products before go-live. Well-designed, high-quality UAT tests are thorough and reflect user requirements accurately, identifying problems that would go unnoticed in integration or unit tests. Finally, UAT tests provide a macro-level overview of the system’s completion.

What is the purpose of UAT?

User acceptance testing validates the testing done at the end of the development cycle. The software may undergo other testing phases and be completely functional but might still not meet its requirements for the end users. UAT safeguards against faulty, ineffective, or unfinished software products being released. To be effective, UAT should be thorough and reflect user requirements so that the software will not be released with bugs. These issues can be costly and potentially damaging to the software vendor’s reputation.

Why Run UAT?

The software can be completely functional from a technical standpoint and still fail because requirements are not clearly defined or effectively communicated to developers (a widespread problem with evolving projects). In other cases, new code that appeared effective in every virtual deployment model may have been inadequately tested for a dynamic real-world environment.
User acceptance testing (UAT) is the safeguard against unfinished, ineffective or faulty software products reaching rollout. It achieves that goal by answering the question, “Have we produced what customers want?”
Well-designed, high-quality UAT tests are thorough and reflect user requirements accurately, identifying problems that would go unnoticed in integration or unit tests. Finally, UAT tests provide a macro-level overview of the system’s completion.
For example, a purchase order interface might be improved to include a new subfield for online customers. A unit test could confirm that the change was executed and integrated correctly. But it will take a user acceptance test to ensure that the revised order functions correctly throughout the purchase-to-pay process, across multiple departments, from initial creation and approval, through receipt and invoicing to accounting.

When should UAT be run?

UAT is one of the most critical phases of software development and change implementation. It should be run after unit testing so that development teams are satisfied that their code works as expected and after successful QA testing, whether automated, manual, or both. Then, just before the move on to production, the business users put it to the test. Their practical understanding of how the software fits into real-world scenarios can reveal hidden vulnerabilities and ensure the final product meets your organization’s business requirements. They are the last word.

Who performs UAT?

Business users are the actual UAT performers. Key business users are needed for their business know-how on all phases of the UAT cycle – planning, execution, and evaluation and executing UAT before go-live. Functional experts who oversee the technical side of software development play an important role in shaping UAT cycles and interpreting the results. Stakeholders, Business Analysts, and Software Testing professionals can perform these tests, but UAT imposes unique challenges, such as multiple users involved in testing each business process. The right testing management solution should enable project managers and testing managers to easily assign different steps of a single business process to multiple functional experts or key users, who can then run the tests in an automatic workflow.

What is the difference between System Testing vs. User Acceptance Testing?

System testing is performed by testers and developers, while end-users and clients perform User Acceptance Testing. System testing is responsible for testing the interfaces between the components and interactions to various systems parts like hardware, software, and interfaces among systems. In system testing, individual units must be integrated first in separate builds; however, the whole design is examined in user acceptance testing.

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained (2024)


What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The Full Process Explained? ›

During the UAT phase, users or designated stakeholders engage in testing the software to validate whether it meets their requirements and expectations. Any issues, discrepancies, or improvements are identified and addressed before the software is officially launched.

What is the UAT acceptance process? ›

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), or application testing, is the final stage of any software development or change request lifecycle before go-live. UAT meaning the final stage of any development process to determine that the software does what it was designed to do in real-world situations.

How many steps are there for UAT testing? ›

5 Steps To Set Up User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Process Flow + Checklist. In the last couple of weeks, we've given you a deeper look into the world of user acceptance testing execution in UAT. And over this period, we have received many questions on how a User Acceptance Testing process flow works.

Is acceptance testing the same as UAT? ›

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): This involves verifying the user's requirements have been met. Business Acceptance Testing (BAT): Here, you assess whether the product meets the business goals set out in the design. Contract Acceptance Testing (CAT): These tests happen once a product goes live.

What is a UAT checklist? ›

The User Acceptance Testing Checklist is a tool to help ensure that an application, system, or product meets the needs of the users.

Who writes test cases for UAT? ›

Quality Assurance (QA) Professionals: QA experts are responsible for designing effective UAT scripts that cover a wide range of user scenarios. They ensure that the scripts are detailed, accurate, and aligned with the overall testing strategy.

What are the 4 types of acceptance testing? ›

Types of acceptance testing include:
  • Alpha & Beta Testing.
  • Contract Acceptance Testing.
  • Regulation Acceptance Testing.
  • Operational Acceptance testing.

What is the UAT lifecycle? ›

User acceptance testing, or UAT, is essential to a product's lifecycle. Usually at the end of the software testing process, UAT involves testing software by end-users or proxies to determine if it's acceptable to their standards and the software's intended requirements.

Who is responsible for UAT? ›

UAT is a way to determine if the software meets the needs of your business. Unlike with other types of testing, the actual users or the product owner carries out the software tests.

Is UAT testing done manually? ›

UAT is typically best performed manually.

This evaluation can entail more than just “pass” and “fail” determination. For example, while performing a UAT test scenario, it may become obvious that the software is difficult to use, or lack some other characteristic such as reliability, performance, or accessibility.

Does QA or UAT come first? ›

QA testing is there to ensure the prevention of problems before the “completed” web product is sent out for User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

Who should approve UAT? ›

Approvals of the UAT Plan should be obtained from the Project Manager, Project Sponsors, and the Business Owner or designee and recorded before proceeding with UAT testing.

What is UAT testing with an example? ›

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a crucial phase in software testing where the software is tested in a real-world scenario by end-users to ensure it meets their requirements and functions as expected.

What is the goal of UAT? ›

Meaning of UAT testing

DevelopMentor puts it most succinctly when they describe user acceptance testing (UAT) as: The goal of User Acceptance Testing is to assess if the system can support day-to-day business and user scenarios and ensure the system is sufficient and correct for business usage.

What is the acceptance process procedure? ›

Acceptance Procedure means the review of the Batch Related Documents and any reasonably necessary test(s) of a Batch of Product which are performed to verify that the Product delivered meets the Specifications and complies with Regulatory Authority requirements, which are conducted by Client before or after SBL's ...

What is the acceptance test process? ›

Acceptance testing is a quality assurance (QA) process that determines to what degree an application meets end users' approval. Depending on the organization, acceptance testing might take the form of beta testing, application testing, field testing or end-user testing.

What is the UAT phase? ›

User acceptance testing (UAT), also called application testing or end-user testing, is a phase of software development in which the software is tested in the real world by its intended audience.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.