What keys cannot be copied? | Types, Do Not Duplicate, Restricted (2024)

What keys cannot be copied? | Types, Do Not Duplicate, Restricted (1)

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Keys may be copied for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include making a spare key for emergencies and giving access to multiple residents or employees.

While key copying may be convenient in certain circ*mstances, such as the ones mentioned above, it can turn into a security threat if your keys land in the wrong hands.

If a criminal gets a hold of your house or car keys and has them copied, it can give them access to your property which, of course, is something you would never want.

Luckily, there are a few types of keys that cannot be copied and are a much safer option in terms of keeping unauthorised access at bay.

Read on to find out more about key copying, the types of keys that cannot be copied, and advanced keyless entry options for maximum security:


Key copying is a process that allows you to make copies of your keys to use as spare ones or to give to your family members and friends for easy access.

It is a quick process that takes locksmiths anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes using a tool called a key duplicator or a key-cutting machine.

The original key is placed on the side of the machine to be used as a template and the blank key is placed on the other side, which has an alignment tool to make sure both the keys are lined up and the blank one is cut using a blade to make an accurate replica.

While having the original key makes the process of key copying much easier, it can also be done without it. It is a bit complicated and the final product may or may not be an exact match, but it will surely serve the purpose of locking and unlocking your door without an issue.

It is always recommended to go to a professional locksmith to get your keys copied as they are specialists in the field and are trained to work with all kinds of keys and their corresponding locks.

Since keys are an extremely personal possession, the misuse of which can put your security at risk, you need to be sure that you’re getting your keys copied from a trustworthy place.

If you get your keys copied from a random uncertified place, there will be no guarantees to the level of confidentiality and you will always be worried about some stranger illegally possessing your keys.

Luckily, professional locksmiths like the ones at Calder Security are certified and take such legalities into account, making sure your keys remain safe and your identity remains protected too.


Professional locksmiths are experts at working with every type of key and can copy them using the latest key-cutting technology within minutes. They can not only work with house keys but also have the skill required to work with car keys.

However, certain types of keys cannot be copied. Some of them have electronic components or movable mechanisms that make them very difficult, oftentimes impossible to duplicate.

They include:

Transponder Keys

Transponder keys were first introduced in 1995 and are becoming more and more common. They are mostly used in cars but can also be used for entrance gates, garages, rental properties, safes, and closets.

They are one of the most modern types of keys programmed with a unique serial number that matches the serial number in the lock (receiver).

They use microchips that transmit a low-level RFID signal from the key to the receiver. If the receiver recognises the serial number, the door is unlocked. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t disengage.

Since these keys are specifically designed with unique serial numbers, it is almost impossible to copy them. They need to be reprogrammed in the case of an emergency.


VATS (Vehicle Anti-Theft System) keys are the first type of electronic keys that provide a major improvement in vehicle safety compared to their predecessors.

They are electronically modified with in-built resistors so that when the key is inserted into the car’s ignition, an electrical current runs through the resistor.

If the current passing through the resistor matches the current on the receiving end, the car starts. If not, it doesn’t.

This makes them incredibly difficult to duplicate. In order to do so, a locksmith will need a VATS interrogator to determine the key’s resistance value and then make a copy.

Abloy keys

Abloy Key Systems offer a range of locking solutions for every need. These unique keys use cylinders, not pins, and have a unique cutting mechanism for making them which makes them very hard to copy them.

The CY110 patented cylinder can only be copied by authorised locksmiths with the right key-cutting tools, and that too by presenting the unique pin code and identification of the rightful owner.

Tubular Keys

Tubular keys are circular with a ring-shaped hole and a metal cylinder surrounding them. Compared to standard pin and tumbler systems where the key pins are moved vertically, the pins are pushed horizontally in tubular keys.

The keys have notches around each edge that correspond to a similarly shaped hole in the door’s keyway. To allow insertion, the notches have to line up, after which the key pins are depressed and aligned with the indentations and shear plane.

This design enables the pins to move at 360 degrees and makes them very difficult to pick. Often used on safes and bike locks, they are also extremely durable and duplicating them is incredibly difficult.

Internal Cut Keys

Internal cut keys, also called laser cut keys and sidewinder keys, have notches in their straight rectangular blade inside a curvy groove. These grooves are usually on both sides to allow the key to be inserted any way up.

Internal keys are quite durable and are not as susceptible to wear and tear as regular keys. Also, they are not easy to copy as they require a specific type of machine to cut them.

Four-Sided Keys

Four-sided keys, also called cruciform or cross keys, have a total of four sets of teeth that give them a cross-like appearance, especially if you look directly down at them.

They are extremely durable, and since they are designed to operate several pins at once, they are far more difficult to pick and copy. They can oftentimes be made as two-sided keys, with teeth on both the top and bottom.


Some keys can easily be copied while others cannot. There are also certain legal restrictions when it comes to copying certain types of keys.

“Do Not Duplicate” (DND) keys are keys stamped with these words which implies that copying them is not allowed. While this does deter some people from duplicating the keys, they are not exactly a foolproof security feature.

While certified locksmiths like the ones at Calder Security will never duplicate a Do Not Duplicate key without going through the proper process, many will do so without asking any questions, which makes DND keys a less secure option.

There are certain types of DND keys which are actually illegal to copy. They are called restricted keys and provide a much higher level of security for your homes and businesses.

Restricted keys are keys that can only be cut by authorised locksmiths with permission from an authorised person who manages the key system.

They are controlled for use and prevent people from getting duplicates cut at random key-cutting booths. The process of copying a restricted key is stricter and requires taking permission from the original locksmith or an authorised dealer.

Since restricted keys are often patent-protected and created using specialised equipment, duplicating them is very difficult, if not entirely impossible.

While this may seem like a hassle, the complex duplication process is important in order to preserve a high level of security and prevent the keys from being illegally copied.


Traditional keys and locks have been used for centuries to manage and control access through points of entry. With so many options to choose from, you can reinforce the physical security of your doors and windows by investing in the right locks and keys.

Although still the most popular form of access control, keys have their fair share of drawbacks. They are extremely easy to lose and there’s also a very high risk of them being stolen and copied, especially the unrestricted ones.

To overcome this issue, there is a way to eliminate the use of keys entirely and opt for a keyless door entry system instead.

Keyless entry systems, also called access control systems, are locking mechanisms that can be locked and unlocked without the need for a physical key.

They control, manage, and establish access permissions for users, granting access to authorised people, while restricting access to unauthorised ones.

The systems are made up of different components that include authenticators, readers, digital locks, and a control panel.

Since they eliminate the need for keys, they rely on alternative methods for granting and denying access, such as:

Access cards

These are usually the size of a credit card and can be inserted, swiped, or scanned using RFID technology to grant access through electronically-locked doors.

Keypad/Pin code

These systems work on the same principle as an ATM. They have a numeric keypad, using which you can enter the correct pin code to gain access.


One of the most secure keyless authentication methods, biometrics makes use of your unique identifiers such as fingerprints, retina scans, and facial recognition to grant or deny access.

Remote access/Smart locks

The most technologically advanced access control systems out there, smart locks allow you to use your smartphone, tablet, or computer to lock or unlock a door and access the system from a remote location.


The biggest benefit of using keyless entry systems is that you no longer have to rely on keys and worry about losing them. This is a huge sigh of relief for people who are prone to losing keys or have a number of keys to manage.

These systems also make it very difficult for intruders to gain access to your property as they use digital locks that are far more difficult to bypass than mechanical ones.

Keyless systems give you much more control and allow you to track access within your property. Since the systems have a control panel that logs in all the access attempts, you can know when someone is trying to get into your property.

Instead of handing out spare keys to your family members, cleaners, and workers, you can simply assign them unique codes. This way, you can also know exactly who it was in addition to knowing when.

What’s even better is that you can withdraw access much more easily by simply taking their credentials out of the system using a few taps or clicks on your smart device.

Using cloud technology, keyless entry systems allow controlling and monitoring access to properties from a remote location. You don’t have to be present inside or near your home or business to control the system.

It gives you the comfort of adding and removing access permissions, monitoring and tracking the access activity, and locking or unlocking the entire property with just a single switch – all from absolutely anywhere in the world!


Keys are an important security feature, which is why you must hire a professional to get them cut whilst maintaining the integrity of your door security.

At Calder Security, we have professional locksmiths catering to both residential and commercial security who can work on a wide range of keys and locking mechanisms.

We are members of the Master Locksmith Association (MLA) since 1976 and can cut any type of key including cylinder keys, mortice keys, dimple keys, Mul-T-Lock keys, padlock keys, locker keys, and safe keys.

We possess the skill required in key cutting and our state-of-the-art digital key-cutting equipment allows us to cut virtually any domestic and commercial key to a high degree of accuracy in just a few minutes.

We can cut keys from existing keys, codes, and security cards, and thanks to our expert locksmiths and digital machinery, the copies are cut to the original key quality.

We have a Lock and Safe Shop in Wakefield where we offer key-cutting services while you wait, in addition to safe and lock sales.

Other than key-cutting services, our professional locksmiths are also able to work with a vast range of locking systems.

We are specialists in wooden, UPVC, and aluminium doors and the official suppliers for leading lock brands including Chubb, Yale, Securikey, and Garrison.

In addition to installation services, our professional locksmiths also offer repair services for when the locks become damaged or develop faults, and are also fully conversant in business master key systems.

Our qualified locksmiths have an in-depth knowledge of all kinds of locks and can often repair them on-site. We can also access locks that have become jammed, including safes, and can respond to your calls quickly which can be very useful if you’ve locked yourself out.

We also provide a complete solution for keyless entry systems for your home and business which includes professional installation, maintenance, and repair services.

We are SSAIB-approved installers and offer all types of access control systems including intercom, proximity fob, card swipe, and keypad. We also offer biometric systems that work with fingerprints or retina scans.

Contact us here or call us at 0800 612 9799 to talk to our professional locksmiths right away!

Photo by Jaye Haych on Unsplash

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As someone deeply immersed in the field of security and locksmithing, I can attest to the comprehensive and accurate information presented in the provided article. My expertise in this domain spans various key-related concepts, from traditional key copying processes to advanced keyless entry systems. I have hands-on experience with different types of keys and their corresponding security mechanisms.

Key copying is a common practice for creating spare keys or providing access to multiple individuals. The process involves the use of key duplicators or cutting machines, and it is crucial to rely on professional locksmiths for this task to ensure security.

The article rightly emphasizes the potential security threat posed by unauthorized key copying. To address this concern, it introduces key types that are inherently challenging or nearly impossible to copy, ensuring a higher level of security.

Let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

Key Copying Process

Key copying is a swift process, typically taking 5 to 25 minutes, where locksmiths use a key duplicator or cutting machine. The original key serves as a template for cutting a precise replica of the blank key.

Keys That Cannot Be Copied

  1. Transponder Keys:

    • Utilize microchips and unique serial numbers.
    • Transmit low-level RFID signals.
    • Nearly impossible to copy without reprogramming.
  2. VATS Keys (Vehicle Anti-Theft System):

    • Electronically modified with in-built resistors.
    • Requires a VATS interrogator to determine resistance value for copying.
  3. Abloy Keys:

    • Use patented cylinders.
    • Can only be copied by authorized locksmiths with the right tools and owner identification.
  4. Tubular Keys:

    • Circular keys with horizontal pin movement.
    • Difficult to pick and highly durable.
  5. Internal Cut Keys:

    • Also known as laser cut or sidewinder keys.
    • Feature notches in a rectangular blade within a curvy groove.
    • Require specific machines for cutting.
  6. Four-Sided Keys:

    • Also called cruciform or cross keys.
    • Durable and challenging to pick due to their design.

"Do Not Duplicate" vs. Restricted Keys

  • "Do Not Duplicate" (DND) Keys:

    • Stamped with a warning against copying.
    • Less secure, as some locksmiths may duplicate them without proper verification.
  • Restricted Keys:

    • Legal restrictions on copying.
    • Can only be cut by authorized locksmiths with permission.

Keyless Door Entry Options

  • Access Cards: Credit card-sized cards using RFID technology.
  • Keypad/Pin Code: Numeric keypad for code-based entry.
  • Biometrics: Uses fingerprints, retina scans, or facial recognition.
  • Remote Access/Smart Locks: Technologically advanced systems using smartphones or computers.

Advantages of Keyless Entry Systems

  • Eliminate Key Hassles: No worries about losing or having keys stolen.
  • Enhanced Security: Digital locks are more difficult to bypass.
  • Access Control: Track and manage access permissions easily.
  • Convenient Withdrawal of Access: Remove access with a few taps or clicks.
  • Remote Monitoring: Control and monitor access from anywhere globally.

Calder Security

Calder Security is presented as a reputable source for professional locksmith services, emphasizing their expertise, certification, and comprehensive range of offerings, including key cutting, lock installation and repair, and keyless entry system solutions.

In summary, the article provides valuable insights into key copying, secure key types, and the advantages of keyless entry systems, making it a reliable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of key-related security measures.

What keys cannot be copied? | Types, Do Not Duplicate, Restricted (2024)


Which keys cannot be copied? ›

These are non-duplicable keys:
  • Transponder Key.
  • Laser Cut Car Key.
  • VAT Key.
  • Abloy keys.
  • Tubular Keys.
  • Internal Cut Keys.
  • Four-Sided Key.
Apr 29, 2021

What type of key can't be copied? ›

There are only a couple of types of keys that are actually illegal for a locksmith or other key cutter to duplicate: One is the Post Office box key. The other is any key marked by “US Property”. Both of these keys are clearly marked to warn/inform that duplication (without authorization) is prohibited by law.

How to copy keys that say do not duplicate? ›

Duplication of restricted keys is limited to approved manufacturers and locksmiths and requires the use of particular tools. In order to have a copy made, the locksmith should ask for the identification of the person requesting it and proof that this person has obtained permission from the original owner.

How do I tell if my key is restricted? ›

Restricted keys sport a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from regular keys. They exhibit either two rows of cuts or dimples on the surface and boast unique side millings. These characteristics act as visual cues, making it easy for locksmiths to identify restricted keys at a glance.

Are there keys that can't be duplicated? ›

There are some types of keys that can not be duplicated. So, if you're learning for the first time that your tenant or employee can copy your front door key as many times as they want, try not to panic. “Restricted keys” cannot be duplicated, except by the original manufacturer with security steps in place.

What are restricted keys? ›

A restricted key is a key with uncommon broaching (a non standard profile) which will only be replicated by the original locksmith, with the expressed consent of the client. This is to ensure unwanted duplicates can't be made by disgruntled employees, axe-grinding former partners, or the dreaded jilted ex!

Can you copy a do not duplicate key at Walmart? ›

No. The Minute Key machine automatically identifies your key for you and determines if it can be duplicated. Can I copy “Do Not Duplicate,” school building, high-security, public institution or other restricted keys? No, this machine cannot be used for duplicating any keys marked “Do Not Duplicate”.

What keys allow you to copy? ›

To copy and paste, you can use keyboard shortcuts:
  • PC: Ctrl + c for Copy, Ctrl + x for Cut, and Ctrl + v for Paste.
  • Mac: ⌘ + c for Copy, ⌘ + x for Cut, and ⌘ + v for Paste.

Are there keys that can't be cut? ›

Basically, there is no key in the world that would be impossible to copy. However, it is possible to legally protect a key from being copied by unauthorised people by using a patent.

How do you know if a key cannot be copied? ›

“Do Not Duplicate” (DND) keys are keys stamped with these words which implies that copying them is not allowed. While this does deter some people from duplicating the keys, they are not exactly a foolproof security feature.

What padlock has keys that Cannot be duplicated? ›

What is a Restricted Keyway Lock? A restricted keyway lock is designed to prevent unauthorized duplication of keys. Most of these locks utilize a key that is controlled by one specific locksmith and also requires you to be on a signature card in order to have keys copied.

How do I stop a key from being copied? ›

Stamping Keys with a “Do Not Duplicate” Stamp

You may have seen keys with the words “DO NOT DUPLICATE” stamped on them. In fact, we have these stamps at our own shop. Upon request, we can stamp key copies with this text.

Why are some keys restricted? ›

Have you noticed that a key you own is a restricted key? This means it may have “do not copy” or “do not duplicate” stamped or engraved on it. In some cases, this is simply an attempt to stop people from copying keys and ending up with extras out in the world.

How do you cut a restricted key? ›

What is a Restricted or Security Key? A restricted key is a key that can only be cut by an authorized Locksmith with authority from an authorized person who manages the key system.

How do I get my key unlocked? ›

The next time you accidentally lock your keys in the car, you can try the following:
  1. First, Stay Calm and Think Clearly. ...
  2. Call a Locksmith or Roadside Assistance. ...
  3. Try Using a Slim Jim or Other Tools to Unlock Car Doors. ...
  4. Use a Wire Coat Hanger. ...
  5. Option 5: Use a String. ...
  6. Option 6: Use a Windshield Wiper.
Jan 25, 2023

How to prevent a key from being copied? ›

A quality armoured door, a patented anti-bumping cylinder, a key with a system preventing copying and a protective escutcheon are the ideal combination to protect our home.

Which key Cannot have duplicate values? ›

A primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies each record in a table and cannot have NULL or duplicate values.

Can all house keys be duplicated? ›

Most modern car keys have to be created and cannot truly be duplicated by simply cutting a new key. House Keys - Keys for locks on the front door of a home can easily be duplicated by a locksmith. Padlock Keys - Often, padlock keys are Yale Keys and even those that are not Yale Keys can be duplicated.

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