What Not To Say To A Home Insurance Adjuster - Einhorn Insurance Agency (2024)

What Not To Say To A Home Insurance Adjuster - Einhorn Insurance Agency (1)

House insurance is a must-have for any homeowner. However, many people may not fully understand the role that a home insurance adjuster plays in this equation. These individuals are an essential part of the process when a claim is made, so let’s dive in and explore their role and why communication with them is vital.

Key Takeaways

  1. A home insurance adjuster’s primary role is to evaluate property damage claims and determine compensation based on the policy, requiring detailed knowledge of various types of property damage.
  2. Effective communication with your insurance adjuster is crucial for fair compensation, including providing detailed information, photographs, and receipts for out-of-pocket repairs.
  3. Insurance adjusters aim to minimize compensation and settle claims quickly for their employer, employing tactics like lowball offers and avoiding calls, which policyholders should be aware of.
  4. Personal injury lawyers can assist claimants in dealing with insurance adjusters by advocating for their rights and negotiating fair settlements, countering adjuster tactics.

The Role of a Home Insurance Adjuster

A home insurance adjuster works on behalf of insurance companies. Their primary role is to evaluate and assess property damage claims. When you submit a claim for property damage, it is the adjuster who will come to your house, survey the damage, and determine how much the insurance company should pay you based on your policy.

The job of an adjuster can be quite complex. They need to have a keen eye for detail and extensive knowledge about different types of property damage. They’ll examine everything from water damage from a nasty flood to structural damage caused by severe storms or even fire damage.

The goal here is not just to check if the claim is legitimate – though that’s certainly part of it – but also to evaluate how much it would cost to repair the damages claimed.1 This information helps set the payout that will be provided by your insurer.

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Importance of Communication with an Insurance Adjuster

It cannot be overstated how crucial effective communication with your insurance adjuster is for getting fair compensation for property damages. A good rapport with your adjuster could well be the difference between an underwhelming settlement and one that can adequately cover your losses.

Remember that while the adjuster works for the insurance company, they’re also there to help you as a policyholder. Clear, open communication about what happened, what was damaged, and any associated costs you’ve incurred will help them assess your claim accurately.

Conveying all relevant information accurately can make a huge difference in how your claim is handled. For example, providing photographs documenting the damage can offer visual proof that supports your claim. Similarly, receipts for any repairs or replacements you’ve had to make out-of-pocket can also be crucial evidence.

Understanding the Role and Goals of an Insurance Adjuster

When you file a claim with your insurance company, one of the key players you’ll interact with is an insurance adjuster. Their role is critical in the claim process, but their goals may not always align with yours. Knowing what motivates insurance adjusters can help you navigate this sometimes tricky interaction and ensure that your interests are protected.

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The Objective of an Insurance Adjuster

Insurance adjusters have two primary objectives: minimizing compensation and settling claims quickly. Both of these aims serve the interest of the insurance company they represent.2

Minimizing Compensation

Insurance adjusters work to calculate the lowest possible compensation on behalf of their employer – the insurer. This isn’t because they’re out to get you; it’s simply part of their job to keep costs as low as possible for their company.

Remember that insurance companies are businesses, and like all businesses, they aim to maintain profitability. Thus, if there’s a legitimate way for an insurer to reduce the payout on a claim, you can bet that their adjuster will find it.

Settling Claims Quickly

Apart from minimizing compensation, insurance adjusters also strive to settle claims promptly. The longer a claim lingers unresolved, the more it costs the insurer in terms of time spent by adjusters and other staff members dealing with it.

Speedy resolution also benefits policyholders who are eager to have damages repaired or losses compensated. However, it’s essential not to let this eagerness lead you into accepting a settlement that doesn’t fully cover your losses.

To achieve their objectives, adjusters may employ various tactics such as avoiding phone calls, delaying action, requesting more details than necessary, issuing lowball offers first up, or even threatening or intimidating claimants.3

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Tactics Used by Adjusters to Minimize Settlement Offers

These tactics aren’t used by all adjusters or insurers but being aware of them can help you protect your interests. For instance, understanding that a first offer might be intentionally low can prevent you from accepting less than what your claim is truly worth.

The Role of Personal Injury Lawyers in Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Dealing with insurance adjusters can be challenging, especially when you’re also dealing with the aftermath of property damage or personal injury. This is where personal injury lawyers come into play.

These legal professionals can assist claimants in dealing with insurance adjusters by advocating for their rights, negotiating fair settlements, and ensuring proper handling of their claims. They understand the tactics that some adjusters may use and have the knowledge to counteract them effectively.

Dealing with Home Insurance Adjusters: What Not to Say

While it’s important to maintain open and honest communication with your home insurance adjuster, there are certain things that you should avoid saying. The words you use when discussing your claim can significantly impact the outcome, and a slip of the tongue could potentially cost you. Let’s discuss a few key points that could help you navigate these conversations more effectively.

Importance of Not Admitting Fault or Underestimating Damages

When dealing with an insurance adjuster, it’s critical not to admit fault or underestimate the extent of your property damage.

Potential Consequences of Using Incorrect Language

Using incorrect language such as admitting fault or underestimating damages can negatively impact the outcome of a property damage claim. For instance, if you say something that implies you were responsible for the damage, the adjuster may interpret this as an admission of liability, possibly resulting in lower compensation or even denial of your claim. Similarly, downplaying the extent of damage might lead to a smaller payout than the actual repair costs warrant.

Importance of Honesty When Providing Account to The Insurance Adjuster

Just as you should avoid admitting fault or downplaying damages, you also need to steer clear of embellishing details or fabricating information.

Consequences of Making False Statements

Providing false information to an insurance adjuster is a serious misstep. Doing so can lead to dire consequences such as denial of the claim or even legal repercussions. Remember, insurance fraud is not only unethical but also illegal. You’re likely to lose far more than you stand to gain from any short-term benefits achieved through dishonesty.

Avoiding Discussing Fraud, Even as a Joke

Even if you’re just joking around or expressing frustration about the claims process, never mention fraud in a conversation with your insurance adjuster. Such comments can raise suspicion and damage your credibility.

Even an off-the-cuff remark made in jest can be misinterpreted and flag your claim for additional scrutiny. At worst, it could lead to a denial of the claim or even an investigation into potential insurance fraud.

Preparing for the Insurance Adjuster’s Visit and Follow-Up Actions

Dealing with property damage is undoubtedly stressful, but being well-prepared for your insurance adjuster’s visit can help streamline the claims process. There are steps you can take both before and after the adjuster’s visit to ensure a smoother experience. Let’s break down these steps so you can approach your claim with confidence.

Steps to Take Before the Adjuster’s Visit

Preparation is key when it comes to dealing with insurance claims. By taking some time to organize information about your damaged or lost belongings and understanding what your policy covers, you can set the stage for a more effective interaction with your adjuster.

Compiling an Itemized List of Belongings

Creating a detailed inventory of lost or damaged belongings is crucial. This list should include descriptions of each item, its approximate value, and any receipts or other proof of ownership you may have. Photos can also be very helpful in documenting damage. This inventory will greatly increase the likelihood of receiving full compensation for your losses.

Understanding Policy Exclusions

It’s vitally important to familiarize yourself with any exclusions listed in your insurance policy before the adjuster arrives. These exclusions detail specific circ*mstances or types of damage that your policy does not cover. By understanding these exclusions, you’ll avoid unpleasant surprises, potential claim denial, and have a clear comprehension of what damages are indeed covered.

Steps to Take After the Adjuster’s Visit

Once the adjuster has assessed the damage, there are still some important steps to follow to ensure that your claim is processed accurately and fairly.

Submitting Relevant Claim Information

After the adjuster’s visit, you’ll need to provide accurate and complete information about the damages sustained. This includes submitting copies of any estimates for repairs or replacement costs you’ve obtained from contractors or suppliers. Be thorough and meticulous in this step; any missing or inaccurate information can delay your claim or reduce your compensation.

Possible Actions if Dissatisfied with the Adjuster’s Ruling

If you’re dissatisfied with the adjuster’s ruling – perhaps you feel the damage assessment was inaccurate or the settlement offer too low – you have options. You might consider appealing the decision through your insurance company’s internal appeals process, seeking mediation through a neutral third party, or consulting with an attorney specializing in insurance claims.4


As we wrap up this discussion on dealing with home insurance adjusters, it’s important to keep several key points in mind. Understanding these can help you navigate the claims process more effectively and ensure that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to for your property damage.

Recap of Key Points on What Not to Say to a Home Insurance Adjuster

Dealing with an insurance adjuster can be a delicate dance. There are certainly things you should avoid saying if you want to maximize your chances of a fair settlement.

Avoid admitting fault or underestimating damages as this might lead to lower compensation or even denial of your claim. Honesty is crucial when dealing with an insurance adjuster, so avoid providing false information which can lead to serious consequences like claim denial or legal repercussions. And last but certainly not least, keep discussions around fraud off the table – even as a joke.

Final Thoughts on the Importance of Understanding Your Rights and Navigating the Claims Process Effectively

Understanding your rights as an insurance policyholder and effectively navigating the claims process is vital. By doing so, you can ensure that you receive fair settlements and proper compensation for your property damage claims.

Remember that while insurance adjusters do work for the insurance company, they’re also there to provide a service to policyholders like you. Being knowledgeable about your policy coverage, documenting your losses accurately and thoroughly, and communicating effectively can help make the claims process smoother and more beneficial for you.


  1. Credible. (2023, March 29). What Is a Home Insurance Adjuster? – https://www.credible.com/blog/home-insurance/dealing-with-insurance-adjusters/
  2. Alvendia, Kelly & Demarest. (n.d.). Tactics Used by Insurance Adjusters: Maximizing Your Claim. Retrieved from – https://www.akdlawyers.com/insurance-claims/insurance-adjuster-tactics/
  3. Phoong Law. (2023, January 3). Tactics Insurance Adjusters Use To Reduce Or Deny Claims in Sacramento. Retrieved – https://phoonglaw.com/tactics-insurance-adjusters-use-to-reduce-or-deny-claims-in-sacramento/
  4. “If you’re dissatisfied with the adjuster’s ruling – perhaps you feel the damage assessment was inaccurate or the settlement offer too low – you have options.”
  5. Surrano Law Offices. (2021, April 30). What If I Disagree With the Adjuster on My Property Insurance Claim? Retrieved from – https://www.surranoinsurancebadfaith.com/what-if-i-disagree-with-the-adjuster-on-my-property-insurance-claim/
What Not To Say To A Home Insurance Adjuster - Einhorn Insurance Agency (2024)


What not to say to a home insurance adjuster? ›

Admitting Fault, Even Partial Fault.

Avoid any language that could be construed as apologetic or blameful. Admitting any level of fault can eliminate or reduce the compensation that may be available.

How do you argue with home insurance adjuster? ›

How to dispute a denied homeowners insurance claim
  1. Review your claim and coverage. ...
  2. File an appeal. ...
  3. Get another professional opinion. ...
  4. File a complaint with your state's insurance department. ...
  5. Hire an attorney.
Apr 24, 2024

What not to say to an insurance investigator? ›

It's All My Fault”

Never admit any level of fault to an insurance adjuster and don't apologize for what happened. Admitting fault can harm your case by either preventing you from winning your claim entirely or lowering the total value of your accident claim.

Can you disagree with insurance adjuster? ›

If you find yourself at odds with a claims adjuster over a settlement amount, it's important to advocate for the payment you deserve. Don't simply accept an offer you believe to be inadequate. Instead, arm yourself with evidence, negotiate firmly but politely, and don't be afraid to dispute their decision if needed.

How to answer insurance adjuster questions? ›

Remember this motto: Stick to the basic facts. Don't add opinions such as who's at fault, what triggered the crash, or what the damages might be. More importantly, don't lie or even embellish the facts, as this can compromise your insurance claim and become grounds for serious legal trouble.

How to negotiate with a claims adjuster? ›

Tips for Negotiating With an Insurance Claims Adjuster
  1. Come well-prepared with supporting evidence. Records and documentation are critical components of the process. ...
  2. Calculate a full settlement amount. ...
  3. Know your bottom line. ...
  4. Beware of the first offer. ...
  5. Get the settlement offer in writing. ...
  6. Read the fine print.
Feb 17, 2023

What does R&R mean on a home insurance claim? ›

R&R = Remove & replace. This Xactimate entry is used when an item is being entirely demolished & replaced with a new similar item of similar grade & composition. O&P = Overhead & profit.

Why would a home insurance claim be denied? ›

Claims are often denied due to insufficient information. Ask your claims adjuster what's missing from your claim and how you can help. Additional photos, receipts or a home inventory may be all that's required to get your claim reevaluated.

How do I succeed a claims adjuster? ›

Self-discipline – essential for working independently. Project Management – the ability to work on multiple claims simultaneously. Computer Skills – proficiency in typing and using certain independent adjuster software programs. Excellent Organization – since sloppiness can lead to costly errors.

What is unethical behavior in insurance? ›

Delaying payment unreasonably. Denying a policyholder's claim despite overwhelming evidence to support it. Making a partial payment and seeking a settlement for the remainder. Not investigating a claim or, in some cases, denying the claim without providing any reason.

What triggers an insurance investigation? ›

Insurance companies are more likely to investigate you when you file a large claim. Any large check that they write comes out of their profits. Therefore, they are looking for any way to escape paying for the damages their policyholder caused.

What questions do insurance investigators ask? ›

Questions Insurance Adjusters Commonly Ask in Recorded Statements
  • What is your full name?
  • Are you aware that this interview is being recorded?
  • Do I have your permission to record your statement?
  • Can I share the information we discuss with another adjuster?
  • What is your address, telephone number, and date of birth?
Mar 7, 2019

How do I argue with my home insurance adjuster? ›

  1. Step 1: Contact your insurance agent or company again. Before you contact your insurance agent or home insurance company to dispute a claim, you should review the claim you initially filed. ...
  2. Step 2: Consider an independent appraisal. ...
  3. Step 3: File a complaint and hire an attorney.
Jun 4, 2024

Do insurance adjusters try to lowball? ›

You may expect them to treat you fairly and offer you what you deserve when settling your claim. Unfortunately, the insurance company is a business. As such, their focus may be on making a profit instead of your health and needs. You should not be surprised if they make you a lowball first offer.

Are claims adjusters biased? ›

Dealing With Insurance Adjusters

The insurance adjuster has only the best interests of their client in mind and will perform their duties with a certain degree of bias. Some insurance adjusters may even go as far as to employ bad faith tricks to lower the potential payout the insurance company has to deliver.

Do insurance adjusters make mistakes? ›

Mistakes happen. The difference between the excellent adjuster and the so-so adjuster is the number of mistakes made. Claims management, supervisors, and managers also make errors in judgment or unwittingly commit an oversight.

Is property claims adjuster stressful? ›

Insurance claims adjusting is a high-stress job that can be mentally and emotionally draining. Claims adjusters often work long hours, handle difficult clients and situations, and have to manage multiple claims simultaneously. All of these factors can lead to stress and burnout.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.