What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 5, 2024

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Market multiples


Discounted cash flow


Venture capital method


Machine learning models


Hybrid approaches


Here’s what else to consider

If you are a startup founder or a venture capitalist, you probably want to know how much your startup is worth and what kind of exit you can expect. But how do you estimate your startup's exit value using market data? In this article, we will show you some methods and tools that can help you do that.

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What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (1)

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  • Vinod Bhat, CFA

    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (3) 8

  • Ravi Agarwal Professor of Finance and Accounting. Editorial Advisor - Emerging Market Case Studies Journal

    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (5) What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (6) 3

  • What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (8) 3

What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (9) What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (10) What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (11)

1 Market multiples

One of the simplest and most common ways to predict your startup's exit value is to use market multiples. This means comparing your startup's key metrics, such as revenue, EBITDA, or users, to those of similar companies that have been acquired or gone public. For example, if the average revenue multiple for SaaS startups in your sector is 10x, and your startup has $20 million in annual revenue, you can estimate your exit value to be around $200 million. However, this method has some limitations, such as the availability and quality of comparable data, the differences in growth rates and margins, and the impact of market conditions and timing.

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  • Vinod Bhat, CFA
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    Typically, startups are unprofitable or make small profits whereas most at least make some revenues. So, valuing startups based on revenue multiple is more common. And instead of taking the revenue for the trailing 12 months or forecasted revenue for next 12 months, it is common to use the Annualized Revenue Run rate (ARR) where the last month's revenue is just multiplied by 12.Selecting the revenue multiple is more art than science. One typically looks for comparable startups in the same sector/segment and geography and preferably at a similar stage of evolution. The quality and track record of the founders and management team can also be an important factor.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (20) 2

  • Ravi Agarwal Professor of Finance and Accounting. Editorial Advisor - Emerging Market Case Studies Journal
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    As mentioned in the note following the point #1, it is vital to ascertain the key metric first. In startups wherein manpower is key, then it should be used as a multiple. The most widely used multiple is sales as the ecosystem of startups in general doesn't construe profits for many years.Installed capacity (in case the startup is driven by heavy engineering), total assets (if it is pro physical assets), and intangible (if it is IP based) are other multiples that can be used.Once the multiple is fixed, it is based upon the average value of recent transactions that have taken place in the market. In case the startup is heavily driven by IoT, the Moon and Schwartz model can be used, though with a pinch of salt.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (29) 1

  • ِِAbdelrhman soliman Senior Investment Analyst @ Multiples Startup Advisory | Investment Analysis, Startups Valuation, Pitch Deck, Startup Consulting, Fundraising, Data Room, CFA LII Candidate
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    This method involves comparing your startup's key metrics (such as revenue, EBITDA, or users) to similar companies that have been acquired or gone public. It provides a straightforward way to estimate exit value based on market comparables. However, it may be limited by the availability and quality of comparable data, differences in growth rates and margins, and market conditions.


2 Discounted cash flow

Another way to predict your startup's exit value is to use discounted cash flow (DCF). This means projecting your startup's future cash flows and discounting them to their present value using a discount rate that reflects the risk and return of your startup. For example, if your startup expects to generate $30 million in free cash flow in five years, and your discount rate is 15%, you can estimate your exit value to be around $125 million. However, this method also has some challenges, such as the uncertainty and variability of future cash flows, the choice of discount rate and terminal value, and the sensitivity to assumptions and scenarios.

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  • Ravi Agarwal Professor of Finance and Accounting. Editorial Advisor - Emerging Market Case Studies Journal
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    Notwithstanding the superiority of DCF as a valuation approach, it is not suitable to value a typical startup. The principal reason is that a startup doesn't have profits for a considerable amount of time. This makes the projection of cash flows very difficult. Therefore, some authorities suggest bringing in real options analysis (ROA), which is an extension of NPV (read DCF). Start-ups involving R&D, technology, and innovation are usually valued using ROA.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (46) What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (47) 3

  • Vinod Bhat, CFA
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    DCF may be more commonly used for startups in niche or new segments where we may not find comparable startups based on which we can select a valuation multiple. The challenge here is that DCF needs cash flow projections for at least the next 5 years but there would be a lot of uncertainty regarding even the next year's cash flow for a startup, not to mention next 5 years.Since startups are high risk investments, we would normally want to use a high discount rate and that can be subjective.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (56) 1

  • ِِAbdelrhman soliman Senior Investment Analyst @ Multiples Startup Advisory | Investment Analysis, Startups Valuation, Pitch Deck, Startup Consulting, Fundraising, Data Room, CFA LII Candidate
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    DCF involves estimating the future cash flows your startup will generate and discounting them back to present value using an appropriate discount rate. This method requires making assumptions about future performance and can be complex, but it allows for a more customized valuation based on the unique characteristics of your startup.


3 Venture capital method

A third way to predict your startup's exit value is to use the venture capital method (VCM). This means applying a target return multiple to the amount of capital invested in your startup, and then dividing it by the post-money valuation of your startup. For example, if your startup has raised $50 million at a $150 million post-money valuation, and your investors expect a 10x return, you can estimate your exit value to be around $500 million. However, this method also has some drawbacks, such as the arbitrariness and variability of the target return multiple, the dependence on the valuation of previous rounds, and the neglect of other factors such as growth and profitability.

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  • Vinod Bhat, CFA
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    The Venture Capital Method can be used as a last resort when neither the multiples-based valuation or DCF is possible. It takes away the complexity of finding comparable companies or projecting cash flows.However, it is somewhat arbitrary as it just depends on the return expectations of the VC for the capital they have invested without regard to whether the startup really deserves the valuation. Of course, valuation in previous rounds can bring some sanity to the process.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (73) 1

  • Dhruv Shah Senior Manager
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    It's important to define the Purpose of valuation before deciding which method applies. Typically funding in venture capital involves multiple classes of stock which has differential rights and by using recent funding and saying its worth $ million is not appropriate. Evaluating various rights and understanding the complexity of pay-off (in events such as Dissolution/IPO/M&A) to various classes of stock needs involvement of specialized skills. Investors can put in return expectations from 5.0x to 100.0x while in reality only 5% - 10% (% changes by different studies optimistically only 20% companies survive to give higher returns) gives higher return. Also post money is not good valuation method to rely on due to various reasons.

  • ِِAbdelrhman soliman Senior Investment Analyst @ Multiples Startup Advisory | Investment Analysis, Startups Valuation, Pitch Deck, Startup Consulting, Fundraising, Data Room, CFA LII Candidate
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    This method involves estimating the potential return on investment for venture capitalists based on the expected exit value of your startup. It typically involves projecting future revenues or profits and applying a desired rate of return to determine the present value of the investment.


4 Machine learning models

A fourth way to predict your startup's exit value is to use machine learning models. This means using data science and artificial intelligence techniques to train and test algorithms that can learn from historical data and make predictions based on various features and variables. For example, you can use a regression model to estimate your exit value based on your revenue, growth, margins, industry, location, and other factors. However, this method also has some limitations, such as the complexity and opacity of the models, the need for large and reliable data sets, and the possibility of bias and error.

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  • Vinod Bhat, CFA
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    Given the limited track record and variability in the revenue, growth and margins for startups, as well as the fact that valuation multiples change based on macro economic conditions and sentiment, using a Regression model which finds the best fit based on historical data may be open to debate.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (98) 2

  • ِِAbdelrhman soliman Senior Investment Analyst @ Multiples Startup Advisory | Investment Analysis, Startups Valuation, Pitch Deck, Startup Consulting, Fundraising, Data Room, CFA LII Candidate
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    Machine learning models can analyze large datasets to identify patterns and make predictions about your startup's exit value. These models can incorporate various factors beyond traditional valuation methods, but they require access to extensive and high-quality data and expertise in machine learning techniques.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (107) 1

5 Hybrid approaches

A fifth way to predict your startup's exit value is to use hybrid approaches. This means combining and adjusting different methods and sources of data to get a more balanced and realistic estimate. For example, you can use market multiples to get a range of exit values, then use DCF or VCM to refine and validate them, and then use machine learning models to incorporate more factors and scenarios. However, this method also has some challenges, such as the difficulty and subjectivity of choosing and weighting different methods, the risk of overfitting and double counting, and the need for judgment and experience.

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  • Vinod Bhat, CFA
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    Using multiple methods for valuation can help in a sense that it can compel us to put some more thought into key aspects and assumptions regarding the startup.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (116) 8

  • ِِAbdelrhman soliman Senior Investment Analyst @ Multiples Startup Advisory | Investment Analysis, Startups Valuation, Pitch Deck, Startup Consulting, Fundraising, Data Room, CFA LII Candidate
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    Hybrid approaches combine elements of multiple valuation methods to provide a more comprehensive and accurate estimate of your startup's exit value. For example, you could use market multiples as a baseline and adjust the valuation based on factors specific to your startup using DCF or venture capital methods.


6 Here’s what else to consider

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    I wrote an excellent article on how early stage companies are valued on my page called “How Venture Capitalists Value Early-Stage Companies” that captures a lot of nuance as it relates to this collaborative article’s big question.At the end of the day, the exit value of a company is theoretical until the initial investor finds a buyer who is willing to pay more for it than what the original investor paid. If I’m going to be realistic about my exit value, I’m going to be very mindful of the fact that most VC investments exit via M&A and I’m going to want to know what factors are affecting the liquidity and multiples within my niche. Understand what the probabilities of those factors are as it relates to your investment.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (133) 3

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    An example of a solid way to use the market data, if relevant, is to compare the team's track record to successful teams that already have won in their exit.


    What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (142) 2

Venture Capital What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (143)

Venture Capital

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What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? (2024)


What's the best way to predict your startup's exit value using market data? ›

The discounted cash flow method is one of the best, and it involves calculating cash flows for each year in the forecast period and the terminal value. These values are then discounted to their present value using a discount rate to account for the “time value of money."

How do you calculate exit value of a startup? ›

To calculate the exit value, you will need to first determine the company's current revenue or earnings. You can find this information in the company's financial statements. Once you have this information, you will need to multiply it by a number that represents the expected return on investment.

What is the best exit strategy for a startup? ›

Common exit strategies include mergers and acquisitions (M&A), selling to a strategic acquirer, or initial public offerings (IPOs), each providing a clear roadmap for the future and ensuring financial security.

What is the best way to value a startup? ›

  1. What are Startup Valuation Methods?
  2. Berkus Approach.
  3. Cost-to-Duplicate Approach.
  4. Future Valuation Multiple Approach.
  5. Market Multiple Approach.
  6. Risk Factor Summation Approach.
  7. Discounted Cash Flow Method.

What is the exit valuation method? ›

A: Exit valuation refers to the estimated worth of a startup at the time of its exit event, such as an acquisition or an initial public offering (IPO). It is a critical metric for investors and entrepreneurs to assess the success of a venture and the return on investment (ROI).

How do you determine exit strategy? ›

Which exit strategy an entrepreneur chooses depends on many factors, such as how much control or involvement (if any) they want to retain in the business, whether they want the company to be run in the same way after their departure, or whether they're willing to see it shift, provided they are paid well to sign off.

How do you calculate exit rate? ›

How To Calculate Exit Rate. To calculate Exit Rate, start by dividing the total number of exits from a specific page by the total number of visits to that page. This metric is often provided in digital analytics tools, but understanding its calculation helps in deeper analysis.

What are the three main exit strategies? ›

Initial Public Offering (IPO)—The sale and/or issuance of shares in a private company on a public stock exchange. Private equity—The sale and/or issuance of shares to a financial investor. Sale to another business—The sale and/or issuance of shares to another operating company.

What is the most common exit for a startup? ›

There are many ways for startups and investors to plan an exit. Initial public offerings (IPOs) are one of the most popular and sought-after exit strategies and are typically considered a win for startups.

What is an example of an exit strategy? ›

Examples of some of the most common exit strategies for investors or owners of various types of investments include: In the years before exiting your company, increase your personal salary and pay bonuses to yourself. However, make sure you are able to meet obligations. It is the easiest business exit plan to execute.

What is a good ROI for a startup business? ›

Generally, a good return on investment is considered to be anywhere between 7 and 10% on a yearly basis. However, a good ROI percentage differs depending on the industry. The best ROI figures in sectors like Energy and Technology are largely due to their innovative approaches and adaptation to market trends.

What determines startup valuation? ›

In start-up valuation, the most often used multiples are the following: enterprise value-to-revenue (EV/R), enterprise value-to-EBITDA (EV/EBITDA), enterprise value-to-EBIT (EV/EBIT), and enterprise value-to-free cash flows (EV/FCF).

What is the best formula to value a business? ›

To accurately ascertain a business's value efficiently, calculate its total liabilities and subtract that figure from the sum of all assets—the resulting number is known as book value. This approach to calculating company worth takes into account both existing assets and any outstanding liabilities.

How do you find the exit value? ›

1 Market multiples

One of the simplest and most common ways to predict your startup's exit value is to use market multiples. This means comparing your startup's key metrics, such as revenue, EBITDA, or users, to those of similar companies that have been acquired or gone public.

What is the exit method? ›

EXIT METHOD causes the executing method to terminate, and control returns to the invoking statement. If the containing method specifies the PROCEDURE DIVISION RETURNING phrase, the value in the data item referred to by the RETURNING phrase becomes the result of the method invocation.

What is the exit value approach? ›

The exit value is the value that an organization may get on selling the previously owned assets; it is the sale value of an organisation's assets that they receive if the asset is sold in the market in the current situation.

What is the formula for exit price? ›

To calculate the Exit Value, multiply the business selling multiple by the yearly revenue.

What is the exit rate of startups? ›

Approximately 30% of new small businesses fail by the end of year two, while half will fail before year five. That means roughly 70% of startups fail within their first five years of operations.

How do you calculate exit enterprise value? ›

The EBITDA exit multiple is calculated by dividing the enterprise value (EV) of a company by its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). This multiple serves as a valuation metric in mergers and acquisitions, as well as a comparison tool with industry competitors.

What is the average startup exit size? ›

The median exit value from this sample was $44M. If you only count the successful exits under $100M — the modal outcome — the average value was $28M. VCs focus on $1B+ exits. Founders should pay more attention to <$1B exits.

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