What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (2024)

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The thought of being unable to answer a question during a job interview can be scary, but it happens more often than you think.

Sometimes, you don't know the answer to a tough question. In other cases, you may know the answer and freeze up. Interviewers may even deliberately ask tricky questions, like brain teasers, to stump you to reveal how you'll respond to challenging situations.

This article explains what to do when you can't answer an interview question, reviews example answers you can use in this situation, and provides helpful tips to ace the interview process.

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (1)

What to do when you can't answer an interview question

You're not the first candidate to not know the answer to a question. Not knowing the best way to respond to a question isn't going to ruin your chances of getting hired for the position.

However, knowing how to respond to a question where you don't know the answer can help you make the most out of a problematic situation and alleviate anxiety.

Regardless of whether you don't know or you need more time to generate your answer to a specific question, follow these steps:

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (2)

1. Prepare for common interview questions

Your mindset going into the hiring process is a critical ingredient for success. Many candidates assume they need to be near-perfect to land the job. In reality, most other interviewees will also stumble on some questions.

This realization can help you not panic when you don't know the answer to a question. However, you should take the time to prepare answers to common interview questions as employers will expect you to answer those!

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (3)

2. Maintain a professional appearance

Your reaction can be as important as your response. When you don't know the answer to a specific question, feeling nervous is normal. The best thing you can do is remain calm and prepare to respond to the hiring manager in the best way you can.

Try not to fall apart and get upset, as it can make the interviewer lose confidence in you. Most hiring managers understand nerves can get the better of you and are understanding, but it's best to stay composed.

Consider saying something like, "That's a good question; can I take some time to consider it and get back to you later?" or "Great question! I can answer part of it, but I'd like to think about it and get back to you."

Take a deep breath, smile, and make appropriate eye contact. If you're doing a video interview, be sure to check out our Zoom interview tips.

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (4)

3. Ask for clarifying information

If you're unsure how to answer a job interview question, it may be because you don't have adequate context or aren't clear on what the hiring manager is asking.

If this situation occurs, ask questions to get clarification. An excellent way to do this is by rephrasing the question. For example, you might say, "Are you looking for an example of how I'm a team player? Or are you more interested in my biggest strengths?"

It's OK to respond to a potential employer by asking them follow-up questions about the answer they want.

Interviewer: "Tell me about yourself."

Candidate: "There's a lot I can say, and I want to make sure I give you the right answer. Would you like to know more about my interests, education, or work experience?"

Related: How to answer "Tell me about yourself."

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (5)

4. Provide any information you can

If a potential employer asks you about a current event or topic you don't fully understand, be honest about your limitations.

When you respond, tell them that you don't have a firm grasp of the topic, but you are interested in learning more about it. Then detail anything you do know about it.

For example, if the hiring manager asks you how the Internet works, you may only have a rough understanding:

Interviewer: "Can you explain how the Internet works to the best of your understanding?"

Candidate: "I only have a cursory understanding of how the Internet works. I know that when you type in a URL into the address bar, it resolves to an IP address, and then that IP address resolves to a physical machine. However, I don't know the specific mechanics of resolving those addresses or the protocols. If this was an important aspect of the job, I know I could learn it, but it's not something I've had exposure to in the past."

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (6)

5. Explain what steps you would take to learn the answer

It's also a great idea to outline how you'd learn the answer. Explaining how you'd learn the answer can be an excellent way to highlight your problem-solving skills and dedication to learning and development. For example, the hiring manager might ask a brain teaser question about why maintenance hole covers are round.

Interviewer: "Why are manhole covers round?"

Candidate: "I'm not sure there is a specific reason. It could be because they're cheaper to produce, easier to transport, or so they don't fall into the hole. To find the real answer, I'd probably spend some time talking to utility workers to learn about their work environment and thoughts on the question."

Related: How to answer brain teaser interview questions

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (7)

6. Ask to come back to it later

If you're stumped, you can ask to come back to the question later. The interviewer may forget to ask again, and that will allow you to follow up with your answer in your thank you email.

Say something like: "That question has stumped me! Can I think about it and come back to it at the end of our conversation? I want to make sure we can cover as much ground as possible."

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (8)

7. Always be honest

It can be embarrassing to be unable to answer a question, but the worst thing you can do is lie. Chances are the interviewer knows the correct answer, and you lying about your understanding will be a red flag.

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (9)

Example answers for when you can't answer an interview question

These are some sample responses you can review to prepare for interview situations where you don't have a good answer:

Example answer 1

Interviewer: "Do you have any questions for me?"

Candidate: "I did have a few questions before the interview, but I can't recall them at the moment. Would you mind if I send them in a follow-up email after the interview?"

Related: How to respond to "Do you have any questions for me?"

Example answer 2

Interviewer: "When can you start?"

Candidate: "I'm not sure how long my notice period is at my current job, but I'm happy to look at it after the interview and let you know."

Related: How to answer "When can you start?"

Example answer 3

Interviewer: "Can you explain what a binary search algorithm is and how you would implement it in Ruby?"

Candidate: "It's been a while since my university algorithms course, so I can't implement it off the top of my head, but I feel like my personality and skills align well with the company culture and job description."

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (10)

Tips for overcoming not knowing the answer to an interview question

Use these tips to prepare for situations when you don't have the answer:

  • Prepare for common interview questions: An easy way to avoid being in this situation in the first place is to prepare as much as you can ahead of time. Most interviews will ask a similar set of questions, so if you prepare for the most common interview questions, you probably won't even end up in the situation.
  • Practice mock interviews: Conduct mock interviews with your friends, family, or hire a career coach online. Mock interviews improve your interviewing skills, prepare you for different questions, and even improve your ability to manage situations when you don't know the answer.
  • Be honest: Don't pretend to know the answer or redirect the question back to the hiring manager. Be honest about what you know, as it shows the company that you've got positive character traits. It'll also allow you to explain how you'd acquire the knowledge if you needed it.
  • Use confident body language: Sit up straight, make eye contact, and smile. Not only will this help reduce anxiety, but it'll also make you appear more trustworthy and knowledgeable when answering.
  • Repeat or rephrase the question: If you need time to develop your answer, repeat the question or rephrase it back to the interviewer. Repeating the question shows that you're actively listening, ensures you answer as well as you can, and provides you time to think.

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What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (11)

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As someone deeply entrenched in the realm of career development and job interviews, navigating the intricacies of the hiring process has been a cornerstone of my expertise. With a wealth of experience in coaching individuals on interview strategies, I've encountered and addressed the challenge of handling tough questions firsthand. Allow me to share my insights on what to do when faced with the daunting prospect of being unable to answer an interview question.

1. Prepare for Common Interview Questions:

  • Your mindset plays a crucial role in interview success. Understand that perfection is not the expectation; many candidates stumble on certain questions.
  • Preparation is key. Anticipate common interview questions and formulate thoughtful responses. This groundwork ensures you're equipped to handle a range of inquiries.

2. Maintain a Professional Appearance:

  • How you react is often as important as what you say. Remaining calm and composed, even when unsure of an answer, is vital.
  • Project professionalism through body language, maintain eye contact, and employ a composed demeanor. This not only instills confidence in the interviewer but also showcases your ability to handle pressure.

3. Ask for Clarifying Information:

  • If a question seems ambiguous or you lack context, don't hesitate to seek clarification. Rephrase the question to ensure you understand the interviewer's expectations.
  • Demonstrating the initiative to seek clarification reflects your commitment to providing relevant and accurate responses.

4. Provide Any Information You Can:

  • In cases where you lack complete knowledge on a topic, be honest about your limitations. Acknowledge what you know and express a willingness to learn more.
  • Transparency about your current understanding, coupled with a commitment to acquiring additional knowledge, showcases adaptability and a growth mindset.

5. Explain Steps to Learn the Answer:

  • Outline a proactive approach to learning and problem-solving. Detail the steps you would take to acquire the necessary information.
  • This not only showcases your problem-solving skills but also emphasizes your dedication to continuous learning and development.

6. Ask to Come Back to It Later:

  • If a question stumps you, it's acceptable to request to revisit it later. This allows you time to gather your thoughts and provide a more thoughtful response.
  • Express your eagerness to cover as much ground as possible in the conversation, demonstrating your commitment to a comprehensive discussion.

7. Always Be Honest:

  • While it might be tempting to fabricate an answer, honesty is paramount. Lying about your understanding can be a red flag for interviewers.
  • Acknowledge your limitations, and if necessary, express your willingness to delve deeper into the topic post-interview.

To further enhance your preparedness:

Tips for Overcoming Not Knowing the Answer:

  • Prepare for Common Interview Questions: Invest time in anticipating and preparing for frequently asked questions.
  • Practice Mock Interviews: Simulate real interview scenarios to enhance your response skills.
  • Be Honest: Authenticity builds trust; admit when you don't know, and convey your commitment to learning.
  • Use Confident Body Language: Project confidence through your posture, eye contact, and demeanor.
  • Repeat or Rephrase the Question: If needed, buy yourself time by repeating or rephrasing the question.

Embarking on the journey to secure your dream remote job requires a strategic approach. Platforms like Himalayas offer a tailored job search experience, enabling you to explore a plethora of remote opportunities and connect with companies aligned with your skills and preferences. Joining their remote work community can further enrich your professional network and provide valuable insights into the evolving landscape of remote work.

What To Do If You Can't Answer An Interview Question (2024)


What if I can't answer the interview questions? ›

Repeat the question to allow time for thinking: If you want more time to develop your answer, you can repeat the question to the interviewer to make sure you heard them correctly. Doing so can help to show them you're thorough while allowing you more time to respond.

What should you do if you answer a question poorly during an interview? ›

You should always send your interviewer a thank you note regardless of whether you think the interview went well or not. If you do feel that you screwed up on a particular question, or need to clarify anything, the thank you note is the perfect place to make up for it.

Is it OK to have short answers in an interview? ›

During your interview, you shouldn't give too-short answers - you should hit the right length for your answers so you give your interviewer the right amount of information, show your strengths, and prove you have good communication skills.

Why can't I pass an interview? ›

Failing a job interview process could be as simple as not providing sufficient information. Perhaps you have failed to blow your own trumpet about your great experience. Some people clam up at interview and are too shy to wax lyrical about successes they've had in their career to date.

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

Is it okay to mess up one interview question? ›

Handling mistakes is an integral part of most jobs so if you messed up one question but handled it correctly it could actually increase your chances of getting a job offer. Can you still get the job even if you didn't answer some of the questions right or to what the employer was looking for in an interview? Sure.

Can you still get hired after a bad interview? ›

While the interview signs above can help predict whether the employer thought you were a good candidate for the job, it's possible to notice a sign of a bad interview and still get the job.

Can you do poorly in an interview and still get the job? ›

If you're lucky, they may just look past whatever snafu happened during the interview—big or small—and give you the job anyway. Of course, this is mainly likely to happen despite a less-than-ideal interview, you have relevant experience and the desired qualifications for the job.

Who is the most important person in an interview? ›

Hiring manager

In a small company, for example, the hiring manager might be responsible for the entire interview process, meaning they're the only person that you'll meet before you're hired. In larger companies, the hiring manager is the most important person you will meet during the interview process.

How do I stop being nervous in an interview? ›

Here are five tips you can use to help relieve nerves before a job interview:
  1. Prepare yourself. ...
  2. Plan your day around the interview. ...
  3. Eat breakfast. ...
  4. Talk to a family member or friend. ...
  5. Take a break. ...
  6. Try the STOP method. ...
  7. Focus on your breathing and pause before you speak. ...
  8. Remember you're having a conversation.
Oct 14, 2023

How do you end an interview with a positive note? ›

The first thing you should do at the end of the interview is to thank the interviewer for their time and interest. This is a common courtesy that shows your respect and gratitude. You can also mention something specific that you learned or enjoyed during the interview, such as a question, a topic, or a project.

Is it OK to lie a little in an interview? ›

While it may be tempting to present yourself with a few exaggerations here and there, it's important to consider the consequences and risks in doing so. In my work as a career coach and educator, I never encourage my clients or students to lie during the application process.

How long is too long for an interview answer? ›

Interview answers should be 30 seconds to four minutes, depending on the context of the questions.

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself"? ›

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

What is the best response to I don't know you? ›

If someone says "I don't know you," it may be because they do not recognize you or do not have any prior knowledge of you. Here are some potential responses you could give: "That's okay, my name is [your name]. Nice to meet you!" This response is a friendly and non-threatening way to introduce yourself to the person.

How to answer questions you don't know in a presentation? ›

Don't try to bluff, lie, or make up an answer that you are not sure about. This will only damage your credibility and trustworthiness. Instead, be honest and humble, and admit that you don't know the answer, or that you need more information or time to find it.

How do you respond when you don't know the answer to a question in customer service? ›

When you don't have the answer to part, or all, of a client/potential client question, the best way to handle it is to offer to look up or find out this information. Tell the client you don't know, but you will find out. Try to give them a timeline for when you will have an answer.

How to answer an interview question that you don't know on Reddit? ›

The best thing to do is say "I'm not familiar with that but I would find out by doing X." Something that shows if you come to a problem you'll work to figure it out, not just lie or say IDK and throw your hands up in the air and walk away.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.