What to Expect if I Invest $100 in Ethereum Today? | PrimeXBT (2024)

But that’s not even the biggest climb it made between 2023 and 2024. If you had invested when Ethereum was at its lowest price in 2023 – $1,585.27 you could’ve made almost 130% of your investment.

The problem is that we don’t have a time machine to go back and invest. If we did, we’d go back to 2013 and buy all the Ethereum at just $0.31 (well, maybe not all of it, since there were 72 million Ether in circulation, so it would still cost $22 million). But even if you bought just $100 worth, you would have more than 300 Ether, and that’s worth $900,000 in March of 2024.

What does that mean today though? Your asking “If I invest 100 in Ethereum today how much would I have in one year, two years, five years?” Although we can really give you investment advice, hopefully this article will help you make a decision.

Key takeaways

  • You could’ve doubled your money in 5 months if you invested in October of 2023
  • Investing from the beginning of 2023, you would have increased your initial investment by an impressive 130%.
  • Buying approximately 300 Ether in 2013 cost $100. In March 2024 the same amount of Ether is worth $90,000

Is Ethereum still a good investment today?

Now that the Decun update has been committed, it seems that it has resulted in Ether climbing from last month’s $3,339 to $3,633.

That’s almost a $300 increase if you had made a small investment of a single Ether coin when the price was half or less.

Keep in mind that this latest upgrade intends to improve the network’s efficiency, scalability and speed. In fact the co-founder said that Ethereum is aiming to hit “10,000 transactions a second”. That would significantly increase Ether’s market cap, since every transaction block rewards tokens.

Ether token value after upgrades

So what happens to the value of a Crypto market token when the supply increases? Usually its market value drops, but that’s if there isn’t demand for said token. Ethereum comes in with what you could call built-in demand, since a lot of its DeFi, NFT products and smart contracts, are fuelled by Ether and fees are paid in the network’s native coin.

As revealed by Ethereum’s co-founder’s ambitions of 10,000 transactions per second, Decun won’t be the network’s last upgrade.

10,000 transactions per second

Scaling up the Ethereum blockchain will of course allow more transactions, but also expand the utility of the network. Web3 applications and decentralized applications have not only proven their popularity but also their utility in the Cryptocurrency space.

The Ethereum blockchain and its functions allow interoperability within the Cryptocurrency market, allowing for one coin to be exchanged for another or for smart contracts to be executed across different networks.

Today (4 June 2024) Ethereum (ETH/USD) is trading at $3815.03 per ETH, with a market cap of $457850078686 USD. The 24-hour trading volume amounts to $12623126244 USD. ETH price has changed by 1.2% in the last 24 hours. Ethereum’s circulating supply is 120146771 ETH.

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Is investing $100 or $1000 in Ethereum enough?

After looking at historical prices and an expert Ethereum price prediction, you might think that a bigger investment would give you bigger returns if Ether’s market value increases. And you wouldn’t be wrong. But there is a way you can control a larger trade with less capital, keep reading to find out how.

How to use $100 to make a $10,000 trade

Leverage is a tool that allows you to use less capital to control a bigger trade. Platforms like PrimeXBT allow you to trade the Crypto market with 100:1 leverage, which multiplies your capital by 100. So if you traded with $50 and 100:1 leverage, you could control a $5,000 position, if you used $1000 you could control a $100,000 trade.

Just like any other tool

But like other tools, you need to use them the right way. If you don’t they can cause more damage than good. Leverage is a multiplier or an amplifier. And although we would like it to only work in one direction, the one that benefits you, it unfortunately works in both directions.

There are a few other things that you need to know when trading with leverage, one is a certain amount of money is required to keep a leveraged trade open. If this money isn’t in your account, then your other opened leveraged trades will be closed until enough margin is freed up.

Dollar cost averaging in the Cryptocurrency market

Dollar cost averaging takes advantage of the fact that the extreme volatility of the Crypto market is cyclical, i.e. peaks followed by valleys followed by peaks again. By that logic investing the same amount at a regular frequency (i.e. $100 every 15th of the month) should balance times when Ether is at a higher price with times when you purchase at a lower Ethereum price. Additionally, as new higher Ethereum prices emerge, you are already invested.

Let’s take a look at some prices to illustrate this point, if we bought on the first of every month since September of 2023:

  • 09/01/2023 – $1,670.92
  • 10/01/2023 – $1,815.13
  • 11/01/2023 – $2,051.56
  • 12/01/2023 – $2,281.90
  • 01/01/2024 – $2,283.14
  • 02/01/2024 – $3,339.26
  • 03/01/2024 – $3,548.49

The average Ethereum price across these seven months comes to $2427.2 which is well below the price on the first of March.

Beyond that, the $100 you invested at $1,670.92 is worth 112.36% more or is now worth $212.36. Your $100 of Ether bought at the Ethereum price of $1,815.13 is now worth $195.49. So not only are you taking advantage of lower previous prices, but you are also profiting from them as the prices climb.

What may happen if I invest $100 in Ethereum

As mentioned before, the Dollar average strategy is a great way to invest on the Crypto market, since it takes advantage of short term price fluctuations which lowers risk and allows you to buy at a lower average price over a longer timeframe.

Also, something we mentioned previously is the fact that you could’ve doubled your money in just five months if you had invested in October of 2023 and closed your trade in profit in March.

And Ethereum’s track record since 2013-14 definitely makes it a good investment. If you had invested $100 in Ethereum back in 2013 when it was $0.31 you would have roughly 310 Ethereum today. At the current price of Ethereum, you would basically be a millionaire with 1,027,340 in your wallet or account.

Can investing $100 in Ethereum make me Wealthy?

Intrigued by the potential of Ethereum to transform a $100 investment? While building immense wealth may not be immediate, Ethereum offers exciting possibilities. Let’s explore why:

Start investing in Crypto

A $100 investment acts as your launchpad into the world of Cryptocurrency. You’ll gain valuable experience navigating the Crypto market without a significant financial commitment.

Investing in the infrastructure

Ethereum is a frontrunner in the blockchain space. The Ethereum network pioneered technology for DeFi, Web3, smart contracts and decentralized applications. And as competition in the space increases, Ethereum will likely continue to develop more innovative solutions, which will inevitable play into any Ethereum price prediction.

Long-term growth potential

The Cryptocurrency market, while volatile, has shown impressive historical gains. By holding your Ethereum for the long haul, you position yourself to benefit from potential price appreciation.

Building a sustainable strategy

Consider implementing a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy, where you invest smaller amounts consistently. This approach can help mitigate risk and smooth out market fluctuations.

Remember, knowledge is power. Conduct thorough research on Ethereum and the Cryptocurrency market before making any investment decisions. Cryptocurrencies are inherently risky, so only invest what you’re comfortable potentially losing.

With a strategic approach and a dash of patience, Ethereum has the potential to be the spark that ignites your financial future.

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Can I lose my money on Ethereum?

As with even the safest investments there is a certain risk involved. A valid Ethereum price prediction should include both the potential upside, but also potential or speculated lows. This way you can adjust your strategy, your stop loss and take profit levels and margin (if you are trading with leverage).

Although you can never completely avoid risk, even when you have the most substantiated Stock picks when you’re investing, you can definitely take measures to lower your exposure to it.

Unfortunately, an Ethereum price prediction is made even more challenging by the fact that the Crypto market is notoriously volatile, and assets tend to follow each other – especially the OG Bitcoin.

If for any reason Bitcoin takes a hit, or even sees huge gains, this is often reflected by other tokens, like Ethereum.

How can a beginner invest in Ethereum?

The dollar average strategy is a solid way to start investing and take advantage of your favorite Ethereum price prediction. As mentioned previously in the article this strategy uses the idea that if you invest the same amount at a fixed interval, you will purchase your asset at both lower and higher prices, lowering the overall price on a longer time frame.

A beginner’s guide to investing with PrimeXBT

Cryptocurrencies can be very appealing, and Ethereum, one of the “Big 3”, has been the second most popular and largest by market cap behind BTC since it’s IPO. But for beginners, navigating the investment landscape can feel daunting. This guide will help you take your first steps towards investing in Ethereum using PrimeXBT.

Understanding Ethereum

Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand what Ethereum is. Unlike traditional currencies, Ethereum isn’t physical. It’s a digital asset that powers the Ethereum blockchain, a decentralized platform enabling secure transactions and the development of various applications. Owning Ethereum essentially means you are also holding a piece of this innovative technology.

Why is PrimeXBT good for beginners?

PrimeXBT offers a user-friendly platform catering to both seasoned traders and newcomers. Here’s why it might be a good fit for you:

Simplified interface: PrimeXBT boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate for beginners. You won’t be overwhelmed by complex charts and trading jargon.

Focus on Ethereum: PrimeXBT allows you to trade a variety of Cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum. However, unlike some exchanges that prioritise complex derivatives, PrimeXBT offers a straightforward way to buy and hold Ethereum.

Educational resources: PrimeXBT provides a wealth of educational resources, including articles, tutorials, and even a glossary of terms. These resources can help you gain a deeper understanding of Cryptocurrency and the basics of investing.

Getting started with PrimeXBT

  1. Register for a free account. The process is relatively simple, requiring basic information like your email and password.
  2. Deposit funds to start investing. PrimeXBT offers various deposit methods, including bank transfers, credit cards (in some regions), and other Cryptocurrencies. Choose the method that best suits your needs.
  3. You can choose between different types of orders, but as a beginner, focus on “market orders.” This means you’re buying Ethereum at the current market price.

Making your first Ethereum investment

  1. Navigate to the “Markets” section and locate the Ethereum market pair (usually ETH/USD). This shows the price of Ethereum in US dollars.
  2. Decide how much you’d like to invest in Ethereum. Remember, start small, especially if you’re new to Cryptocurrency. PrimeXBT often allows buying fractions of an Ethereum token, so you don’t need a massive sum to get started.
  3. Once you’ve entered the amount, confirm the details and place your market order. This initiates the purchase of Ethereum with your deposited funds.

Beyond the basics

  • Dollar-cost averaging: this strategy involves investing smaller amounts of money at regular intervals. It helps mitigate the risk associated with market volatility by averaging out the purchase price over time.
  • Do your own research: the Cryptocurrency market can be dynamic. Stay updated on Ethereum’s developments and broader market trends. Use PrimeXBT’s resources and reputable financial news websites for reliable information, including Ethereum price prediction and other Crypto price prediction.

Important considerations

  • The value of Ethereum can fluctuate significantly. Be prepared for potential price swings and only invest what you can afford to lose.
  • Consider Ethereum as a long-term investment. Don’t expect overnight profits (although they can happen). Patience and a well-defined strategy are key.
  • The regulatory landscape surrounding Cryptocurrency is evolving. Stay informed about any regulations that might impact your investment.

Taking your first steps into the world of Ethereum can be exciting. PrimeXBT offers a beginner-friendly platform to initiate your investment journey. Remember, thorough research, a well-defined strategy, and a healthy dose of patience are crucial for success. With the right approach, Ethereum has the potential to be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio.


The goal of turning a $100 investment into a small fortune may not be immediate, but with Ethereum, you’re slowly building towards potential long-term financial growth. Here’s a breakdown of the key points to consider:

Historical potential: a glimpse into Ethereum’s potential

While past performance isn’t a crystal ball, but historical data offers a compelling glimpse. Imagine investing $100 in Ethereum back in 2013 when it was a mere $0.31 – today, you’d be a millionaire. This phenomenal growth, though not a guaranteed future outcome, highlights Ethereum’s potential for significant long-term appreciation.

Investing in innovation: why Ethereum matters

Your $100 isn’t just buying a digital token; it’s an investment in the future of blockchain technology. Ethereum is a frontrunner in this space, powering groundbreaking applications like Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Web3, and smart contracts. As this innovative ecosystem expands, Ethereum’s value could potentially rise alongside it.

Starting small and building smart: dollar-cost averaging

A $100 investment allows you to test the waters of Cryptocurrency without a significant financial commitment. Consider implementing a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy. This involves consistently investing smaller amounts, minimising risk and potentially benefiting from market fluctuations by averaging out your purchase price over time. DCA allows you to build your Ethereum portfolio gradually, reducing the impact of market volatility.

Knowledge is power: research before you invest

Investing in any asset class requires research. Before diving into Ethereum, understand its technology, its role in the blockchain space, and the broader Cryptocurrency market. Use reliable resources like PrimeXBT’s educational materials and reputable financial news websites to stay informed. Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market.

Embrace volatility: the Cryptocurrency rollercoaster

The Cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, with prices experiencing significant swings. Be prepared for this rollercoaster ride and only invest what you can afford to lose. Consider Ethereum as a long-term investment; don’t expect overnight riches. Patience and a well-defined strategy are key to success in this dynamic market.

PrimeXBT: a platform for everyone

PrimeXBT offers a user-friendly platform catering to both seasoned traders and newcomers. Its intuitive interface simplifies navigation for beginners, while educational resources empower informed decisions. Additionally, the ability to buy fractions of Ethereum allows you to start small and gradually build your investment.

Investing in your future: a calculated approach

While a $100 investment in Ethereum might not guarantee immense wealth, it can be a strategic first step towards a brighter financial future. By understanding the risks and opportunities, implementing a solid strategy like DCA, and conducting thorough research, you can position yourself to potentially benefit from Ethereum’s growth in the years to come. Remember, with a calculated approach and a dash of patience, Ethereum has the potential to be the spark that ignites your financial future. Let your $100 investment turn into a significant asset over time.

With Ethereum’s innovative technology and expanding ecosystem, a $100 investment today could pave the way for substantial returns tomorrow. As the Cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, Ethereum stands out for its versatility and potential applications across various industries. By allocating your investment wisely and staying informed about market trends, you can capitalise on Ethereum’s upward trajectory.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the world of Cryptocurrency, seizing this opportunity could prove lucrative in the long run. So, don’t underestimate the power of your $100 investment — it could be the key to unlocking future financial success.

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What to Expect if I Invest $100 in Ethereum Today? | PrimeXBT (2024)


What to Expect if I Invest $100 in Ethereum Today? | PrimeXBT? ›

Investing $100 in Ethereum is a small entry point into the Cryptocurrency market. While there's potential for high returns, Ethereum's price is volatile. Researching Ethereum's technology and the broader market is crucial. Consider dollar-cost averaging to minimise risk.

Is it a good idea to invest in Ethereum right now? ›

Experts acknowledge that due to several use cases and its unique blockchain, Ethereum has a stable future, and there is a chance it may perform exceptionally well compared to Bitcoin. However, it is considered highly unlikely for Ethereum to surpass the price of Bitcoin.

Can you make money with $100 in crypto? ›

Investing $100 in Bitcoin alone is not likely to make you wealthy. The price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and can fluctuate significantly in short periods. While it is possible to see significant returns in a short time, it is also possible to lose a substantial amount just as quickly.

How much would i have if i invested $1,000 in Ethereum? ›

Ethereum, Then and Now

As of mid-April 2024, ETH trades at $3,157 per coin. That marks a roughly 10,000% increase in value. If you had invested $1,000 at $0.31 per coin, you'd have owned 3,225.81 ETH coins. At today's pricing, that would be worth $10,183,871.

What is a realistic Ethereum prediction? ›

Forecasting Ethereum's New All-Time Highs

According to predictive research, the probability of a new ATH in Ethereum is high, but not in 2024 because of the seasonally weak period late summer. ETH is expected to print new all-time highs around summer of 2025, with readings around $5,150 in 2025 and $7,500 by 2026.

Is it worth putting $100 in Ethereum? ›

The short term can be rocky for crypto, and if you'd invested in late 2021 right before prices plummeted, your investment would have declined in value. But if you'd invested just four years ago and held through all the ups and downs, you'd have nearly 8 times your initial investment by today.

What would $100 in Bitcoin be worth today? ›

Investing $100 in Bitcoin: A $100 investment in Bitcoin today could buy 0.00239 BTC, based on a current price of $41,810.58 at the time of writing. Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $68,789.63 in November 2021.

How much will I get if I put $1 dollar in Bitcoin? ›

1 USD equals 0.000015 BTC. The current value of 1 United States Dollar is +28.96% against the exchange rate to BTC in the last 24 hours. ​ The current Bitcoin market cap is $1.27T. ​Create a free Kraken account to instantly convert USD to BTC today.

Can you be a millionaire with Ethereum? ›

At a price of $166,000, six ETH would be worth roughly $1 million. Currently, six ETHs cost around $20,000. For reference, the entire market cap of the S&P 500 is roughly $40 trillion. Additionally, the entirety of the world's above-ground gold reserves are estimated to be worth around $16 trillion.

What if you bought $1000 of Ethereum 5 years ago? ›

If you were smart enough to invest $1,000 in Ethereum five years ago in early 2019, you'd be sitting on a balance of $21,500 today. That translates to a ridiculously large gain of over 2,000%, which crushes the broader Nasdaq Composite index.

Will Ethereum reach $100,000? ›

Crypto markets aren't ready for such a stretched valuation. Ethereum's chart doesn't support moving to $100k in the coming years. While ETH to $100,000 might happen at a certain point in time, it won't happen before 2030, is what we confidently can say. Here is a path to $10,000 though.

Is ETH still a good investment? ›


The world's second-largest cryptocurrency still has a lot of upside potential. Ether (ETH 2.91%), the largest cryptocurrency of the open-source Ethereum network, has rallied nearly 70% over the past 12 months.

Which crypto will make you rich in 2025? ›


With its upcoming transition to Ethereum 2.0 and the promise of scalability and reduced transaction fees, Ethereum is positioned to continue its upward trajectory and potentially reach new all-time highs by 2025.

Does Ethereum have a future? ›

In like fashion, Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, is expected to maintain its upward trajectory and form higher highs in 2025. Moreover, with increased adoption and the demand for ETH, the ETH coin price can create a new all-time high $14,925.

Can Ethereum reach $50,000? ›

Can ethereum reach $50,000? Ethereum prices could surpass $50,000 by 2030 in a best-case scenario, according to VanEck.

Will Ethereum reach 100k? ›

Ethereum's chart doesn't support moving to $100k in the coming years. While ETH to $100,000 might happen at a certain point in time, it won't happen before 2030, is what we confidently can say. Here is a path to $10,000 though.

Should I keep money in ETH? ›

As currently one of the leading cryptocurrencies with robust blockchain technology and wide adoption, many investors believe in its potential for significant long-term growth. However, as always, potential investors should carefully consider the inherent risks and volatility of cryptocurrency investments.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.