What you NEED and what you DON'T NEED when port forwarding and addressing relayed Helium hotspots - Helium ACT (2024)

Many people getting into Helium are coming from all walks of life. Some have technical backgrounds and all of this is a walk in the park, and others are brand new and are needing to come to grips with relatively technical networking concepts for the first time.

What you NEED and what you DON'T NEED when port forwarding and addressing relayed Helium hotspots - Helium ACT (3)

This post is for the latter group of people, who in my experience easily get hung up on terms thinking they must have something when they don’t. Here are some tips to address and hopefully explain some of that. I’ll just say one thing from the outset: YOU MOST LIKELY DO NOT NEED A STATIC IP FROM YOUR ISP unless you fall into one of the situations described below. I needed to get that off my chest – seems to be a common hang up.

Before proceeding, also please read my earlier posts and watch the video on Port Forwarding.

If you’re NOT relayed – don’t read any further. You’re golden.

If you ARE relayed here is what you need:

On your home network (all configurable in your router):

  • Your hotspot/miner needs to have a fixed/static IP address on YOUR HOME NETWORK. This is so the port forwarding can always find the device on your network to forward the Helium traffic to
  • Your router need to have Port forwarding enabled to forward port 44158 via TCP to the fixed address you have set for your miner/hotspot above
  • You don’t want to have a router behind another router unless the first router is bridged. This creates a Double-NATted connection which is problematic for Helium and many other services. If you’ve never setup a bridged connection (which essentially converts a combined modem/router into just a modem) get some help from a network savvy friend
What you NEED and what you DON'T NEED when port forwarding and addressing relayed Helium hotspots - Helium ACT (4)

On the ISP side of things:

Most of the dramas here relate to CG-NAT connection. You don’t want to be on a CG-NAT connection. We’re running out of IPv4 IP addresses and most ISPs and very commonly 4G providers use CG-NAT to create a large private network sharing a handful of public IP addresses The easiest way to test this is to see what kind of IP address your router is given on the WAN/Internet side of the router. If it is an IP address in a range reserved for private networks you are on a CG-NAT connection and Helium miners are going to struggle unless you fix it. Alternatively, compare the IP address your router reports you have for your WAN with what a service like canyouseeme.org reports – if they are different, you probably have CG-NAT.

If you find you ARE on a CG-NAT connection, you want to do one of three things:

  1. Opt out of CG-NAT – contact your ISP and ask to opt-out of CG-NAT. This will have the effect of getting a proper public IP address. Some ISPs will gladly do this at no cost.
  2. If that doesn’t work, see if you can get a static IP address from your ISP for your router. There is usually a charge for this – typically ~$5 or so per month. This too will have the effect of removing yourself from CG-NAT and onto a proper public IP address
  3. Failing all that you may need to go down the VPN path to tunnel your way through CG-NAT to a VPN server with a public IP address this involves configuration of your router. This is not that simple, so let’s save THAT for another post on another day, or reach out to your network-savvy tech friends.

…and finally, if all THAT fails the last resort is… (Thanks, Ian! 😉 )

4. Change your ISP to one which DOESN’T use CG-NAT in the first place!

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What you NEED and what you DON'T NEED when port forwarding and addressing relayed Helium hotspots - Helium ACT (5)

If you find this content informative, or if it has helped you out in some way, here’s my Helium wallet address. A coffee, a beer or a little bit of HNT to offset some of the operating costs is always appreciated! Thanks.

What you NEED and what you DON'T NEED when port forwarding and addressing relayed Helium hotspots - Helium ACT (2024)


What ports need to be forwarded for a Helium miner? ›

Which ports should be open for Helium Miner? The Helium Miner requires port 44158 to be open. You can do this by opening your router's configuration page and forwarding port 44158 to the IP address of your Helium Miner.

How do I setup port forwarding for Helium hotspot? ›

How To Forward Ports for Helium Hotspot
  1. You can start by logging in to your router.
  2. Locate the section in your router that deals with port forwarding.
  3. Put the IP address of your device in the proper box in your router.
  4. Put the TCP and UDP ports for Helium Hotspot in the corresponding boxes in your router.
Jul 22, 2021

Should I port forward my Helium miner? ›

Port Forwarding​

Before launching the Miner, you will want to configure ports on your network to forward two ports: 44158/TCP: the Miner communicates to other Miners over this port. The networking logic knows how to get around a lack of forwarding here, but you will get better performance by forwarding the port.

Do I need public IP for port forwarding? ›

When setting up port forwarding, it is necessary to have a public IP address on the router's WAN interface through which it connects to the Internet. If the router's WAN interface uses an IP address from a private subnet, port forwarding will not work.

Is Helium miner port 44158 TCP or UDP? ›

The Helium network uses two ports for network communication: TCP port 44158 and UDP port 1680.

What do I need for internal port port forwarding? ›

To do this you statically map the external IP address + port 80 to the Internal IP address of the web server + port 80. – This is port forwarding. For home users the most common reason to use port forwarding is gaming.

How do I manually configure port forwarding? ›

To forward ports on your router, log into your router and go to the port forwarding section. Next, enter the port numbers and your device's IP address. Choose a forwarding protocol and save your changes. Note: If you don't see a port forwarding option in your router's settings, you might have to upgrade.

Do I need static IP for Helium miner? ›

Your hotspot/miner needs to have a fixed/static IP address on YOUR HOME NETWORK. This is so the port forwarding can always find the device on your network to forward the Helium traffic to.

What is the best distance between Helium miners? ›

When you mine Helium for profit, ensure your mining setup is within the range of another miner. The recommended distance is at least 300 to 350 meters.

What is the minimum distance between HNT miners? ›

How far apart do Hotspots need to be placed? Hotspots should not be deployed too close to one another. A good rule of thumb is to provide a minimum distance of 300 to 500 meters between Hotspots though this could vary depending on the environment (in a dense city closer, and in a more rural environment farther).

Is DHCP needed for port forwarding? ›

Port forwarding, explained

is assigned an IP address on that network through a process called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). That IP address is unique to your device on the network, which is important for the router in identifying the device.

Do I need dynamic or static IP for port forwarding? ›

Port Forwarding usually needs the LOCAL IP to be static, NOT the WAN IP. Assign a static IP to each PC on your LAN even if only one is to receive forwarded ports. Use the router's IP as the DNS and the Internet Gateway addresses.

What is the difference between IP with port and IP without port? ›

This is a regular server IP address which includes a port used to connect to your server. IP without Port: This is a "Dedicated IP" address, including the port 25565, allowing players to connect without needing to include the port. This is useful when setting up a domain with your server.

What is the best TCP port for Torrenting? ›

The well known TCP port for BitTorrent traffic is 6881-6889 (and 6969 for the tracker port).

What is the best port for TCP? ›

TCP Ports 80 and 443

Arguably the single most famous port on the Internet, TCP port 80 is the default that HyperText Transfer Protocol Web servers listen on for Web browser requests. Port 443 is the default for secure HTTP.

What is TCP port 8333 used for? ›

Basic Information. The port 8333 is used by Bitcoin nodes in the mainnet to communicate between them. The port 18333 is used Bitcoin nodes in the testnet to communicate between them. The port 38333 is used Bitcoin nodes in the signet to communicate between them.

What ports are free for port forwarding? ›

Ports 49152-65535– These are used by client programs and you are free to use these in client programs.

What are port forwarding rules? ›

Port forwarding rules, also known as inbound firewall rules, check the header of each inbound data packet and either block or forward each packet to the specified devices on your local network.

What to do if port forwarding doesn t work? ›

Why port forwarding feature is not working on my Wi-Fi router or...
  1. Step 1: Make sure the server is accessible from the internal network. ...
  2. Step 2: Check the port forwarding settings in the router.
  3. Step 3: Check the firewall setting. ...
  4. Step 4: Pay attention to the WAN IP address in the status page.
Jun 26, 2023

What is the difference between port forwarding and NAT forwarding? ›

Network Address Translation (NAT) allows users to redirect traffic from a specific WAN port while traversing a network gateway, such as a firewall. Port forwarding allows public access to services on a device on the local IP subnet by opening a specific TCP or UDP port for a service in response to inbound traffic.

Do you still need to port forward with UPnP? ›

UPnP Settings

If players cannot use UPnP and are having issues playing Destiny, they should use Port Forwarding instead. It is not recommended to enable both UPnP and Port Forwarding at the same time. UPnP is REQUIRED if players use more than one device to play Destiny on the same network simultaneously.

How do I setup port forwarding on my hotspot? ›

First login to your router to get into the settings then you will find port forwarding options. Define the incoming port (this option might not be available for all routers ) and then define the out going port. That's it. How do I port forward on a hotspot?

What static IP address should I use? ›

However, you can have a static IP address for your home network. When making static IP assignments for local devices on home and other private networks, the address numbers should be chosen from the private IP address ranges defined by the Internet Protocol standard: 10.0. 0.0–10.255.

Do I really need static IP? ›

Static IP addresses should be used in any situation where external devices need to remember your IP address. Using a static IP allows external devices to remain connected without your IT team needing to continuously update IP information.

What is the minimum Internet speed for Helium mining? ›

About 5-20Kbps constant.

How much bandwidth does Helium Hotspot use? ›

Expected bandwidth utilized by devices is 1-5kb/s (about the size of a long text message) and devices communicate with the Hotspot over LoRaWAN, not IP (Internet Protocol).

What frequency is Helium Hotspot? ›

The Linxdot Helium hotspot (915/868 MHz - US/EU)

It is quick and easy to set up via smartphone apps.

How many devices can I connect to a Helium Hotspot? ›

Helium Console users are capped at ONE (1) Organization and 10 devices for their account.

What is the most profitable helium miner? ›

9 Best Helium Miners to Earn HNT: 2023 Top Rated List
  • Comparison Table of Best Miners for Helium.
  • #1) SenseCAP Miner.
  • #2) Browan MerryIoT.
  • #3) Milesight LoRaWAN.
  • #4) Nebra Rock Pi.
  • #5) Radacat Cotx-X3.
  • #6) Bobcat Miner.
  • #7) MNTD Miner.
Jun 20, 2023

How do you maximize helium miner? ›

Keep your antenna cable as short as possible if you want maximum earnings. GIVE YOUR ANTENNA 20-30′ OF RUNWAY — LoRa does best if you give it room to breathe. Do NOT put your antenna next to a house, building, or other solid obstacle (unless you know what you're doing and have a very good reason to.)

How high should a helium mining antenna be? ›

A good rule of thumb to start approaching 90% of optimum earnings is at least 20′ above your roof and surrounding roofs. That antenna is on top of a 23′ pole on top of a 15′ high roof in suburban San Diego. Anecdotal reports show that even a *1 meter* elevation difference can noticeably affect earnings.

Where is the best place to put a Helium hotspot? ›

It's best to have the hotspot mounted high, with a clear line of sight. Long cable length can severly effect antenna performance.

How much HNT can be mined daily? ›

The network daily average reward rate at time of writing is 0.10 HNT per day. The HNT token is currently at $ 1.60 which equates to about $ 0.16 per day or $ 59 per year. One way to measure profitability is ROI ( return on investment ) or how many days it takes to recoup your upfront cost.

Why does DHCP use ports 67 and 68? ›

DHCP servers also use port 67 to initiate communication between the client and server on the network. If port 67 is used by another application, DHCP will fail to function. Clients use port 68.

Which two ports are used to forward DHCP traffic? ›

The DHCP employs a connectionless service model, using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). It is implemented with two UDP port numbers for its operations which are the same as for the bootstrap protocol (BOOTP). The server listens on UDP port number 67, and the client listens on UDP port number 68.

Why are there 2 ports for DHCP? ›

The reason TWO reserved ports are used, is to avoid 'waking up' and scheduling the BOOTP server daemons, when a bootreply must be broadcast to a client. Since the server and other hosts won't be listening on the 'BOOTP client' port, any such incoming broadcasts will be filtered out at the kernel level.

Should I use static or dynamic IP address? ›

Typically, static IP addresses are best for businesses, which host their own websites and internet services. Static IP addresses also work well when you have remote workers logging into work via a VPN. Dynamic IP addresses are usually fine for most consumers.

What is the external IP address when port forwarding? ›

What Is an External IP Address? The external IP address or Public IP address is the IP address of the router interface that is connected to the Internet. Here is a diagram to illustrate the IP address allocation on a typical home or small business network. A router will typically have two network interfaces.

How do I port forward without ISP? ›

Here is how to port forward using Windows Defender Firewall:
  1. Launch Windows Defender Firewall on your device.
  2. Select Advanced Options.
  3. Select New Rule from the right panel, followed by Port.
  4. Select TCP or UDP, then enter the Port to be forwarded to Specific local ports.
  5. Enable the connection, then select Next.
Jan 30, 2023

Can two IP addresses use same port? ›

Two applications at the same address cannot use the same port number. If you are configuring your system with multiple instances of TCP/IP on the same system, however, they will have different addresses and therefore the same port number can be used for the same function on each stack.

What is the difference between a MAC address and an IP address? ›

A MAC address is responsible for local identification and an IP address for global identification. This is the primary difference between a MAC address and IP address, and it affects how they differ in their number of bits, address assignment and interactions.

How to differentiate between physical address IP address and port address? ›

What is the difference between an IP address and a port number? An IP address identifies a machine in an IP network and is used to determine the destination of a data packet. Port numbers identify a particular application or service on a system.

Is Helium hotspot TCP or UDP? ›

According to Helium's security doco, Helium hotspots communicate with their peers across the internet on TCP port: 44158.

What ports are required for network share? ›

SMB is a network file sharing protocol that requires an open port on a computer or server to communicate with other systems. SMB ports are generally port numbers 139 and 445.

How to open port 44158 Helium miner? ›

Simply locate the Bobcat Miner and click on it once and you want to select this device in the Lane IP address. It will automatically fill in there. Again. If you want to manually do it, enter the exact IP address from the report and now in the Start Port you want to type in and in the end Port you want to do 44158.

What port do crypto miners use? ›

Mining traffic used to be easy to identify, as most pool servers listened on distinct ports such as 3333 or 7777, which came to be associated with cryptomining traffic.

What IP address does hotspot use? ›

In case you're wondering about the IP address you are using at a hotspot, it's whatever the IP address is for that wireless network… and everyone using that particular Wi-Fi is sharing the same IP address.

What Blockchain does Helium run on? ›

Helium, powered by the Solana blockchain, is built to incentivize the creation of decentralized, public wireless networks.

What protocol does Helium use? ›

Helium uses an open-source LongFi architecture, which combines the LoRaWAN wireless protocol and the Helium blockchain. Hotspots also acts as miners on the Helium blockchain so owners can earn a new cryptocurrency (HNT), for building the network and transferring IoT device data.

What are ports 135 139 and 445 used for? ›

Port 135 is used for RPC client-server communication, and ports 139 and 445 are used for authentication and file sharing. UDP ports 137 and 138 are used for local NetBIOS browser, naming, and lookup functions.

How do you determine what port to connect to? ›

How to find your port number on Windows
  1. Type “Cmd” in the search box.
  2. Open “Command Prompt”.
  3. Enter the netstat -a command to see your port numbers.
Mar 29, 2022

How many ports can be used in network devices? ›

The numbers from 1024 to 49151 are called registered ports and can be registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority for a specific use. The numbers 49152 to 65535 are unassigned, can be used by any type of service and are called dynamic ports, private ports or ephemeral ports.

How do you know if your hotspot is relayed? ›

A relayed Hotspot is not directly connected to the internet, but through another Hotspot on the network. All relayed Hotspots can be identified in Explorer. The “Needs Attention” label is a warning for a device that is “Relayed”, ”Offline”, ”Not Syncing” or in the process of ”Syncing”.

How do I know if my miner is relayed? ›

If there isn't an inbound connection, your hotspot has been relayed. Checking your internet connection is the first step in trying to fix your relayed Helium miner. Make sure your hotspot is connected correctly to your ethernet connections.

Which device is best for crypto mining? ›

Some of the most profitable and best ASIC Bitcoin miners include:
  • Bitmain Antminer S19 XP Hyd (255Th)
  • Bitmain Antminer S19 XP (140Th)
  • Canaan Avalon Made A1366.
  • MicroBT Whatsminer M50S.
  • MicroBT WhatsMiner M56S.
Mar 19, 2023

Which miner is best for crypto mining? ›

Best Bitcoin Mining Software for 2023
  • Best Overall: CGMiner.
  • Best for Customization: BFGMiner.
  • Best for Ease of Use: MultiMiner.
  • Best Centralized Management: Awesome Miner.

Which miner holds the most bitcoin? ›

Marathon, Hut8, and Riot became the top three companies with the largest total BTC holdings, with 12,232 BTC, 9,086 BTC, and 6,952 BTC, respectively. Marathon's holdings account for 27.7% of the combined BTC pool of the top nine mining companies, while Hut8 and Riot account for 20.4% and 17.5%, respectively.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.