Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (2024)


Mar 24, 2010 6:37 AM


Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (1)


Nov 2008


In the beginning when Claire was damaged by the youma, and she had to show her flesh to Rubel, It got me wondering... what kind of thing is hidden by the Claymores? I mean, is it the remains of the youma or is it something far worse and shocking?

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (2)

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Mar 25, 2010 4:21 AM



Jul 2018


I always wondered that also.
And also with Teresa and the bandits who wanted to rape her. One of them threw up when she showed her body lol.

Maybe like you said the remains of the Yoma. Maybe a nasty nasty scar that is from the "surgery" that turned them into Claymores. Maybe it's the only part of their body that is always Yoma-like and which is impossible for them to make human again.

But what is weird is that, in the scenes were some claymores end up naked, their backs seem perfectly fine. Can their backs be fine but their fronts monster-like?

Or maybe Yagi is just playing around with the people who really really wanna see these beautiful girls assets :P

That is a question that can only be answered when/if Yagi decides to show it in the futur manga chapters to come.

Mar 25, 2010 11:02 AM


Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (3)


Mar 2010


^^^^pretty much what i wanted to say.

not perverted?...suuuure xD

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (4)

Mar 25, 2010 3:18 PM


Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (5)


May 2008


The part with Rubel was to inspect the stomach injury she received from the disguised youma that previously stuck a claw through her stomach.... which is understandably dangerous for an offensive type claymore.

The scene with Teresa does make you wonder... but since we've never been shown a midriff it's really difficult to say. At the very least nothing sticks out of their skin-tight suits so it must be smooth or a simple scar if there is any kind of defect there. Considering that being a hanyou allows you insane healing ability and the ability to morph your body, it's hard to imagine there being much problem fixing such a thing... and you can even explain Teresa's display as kind of a dare to the bandits where she deliberately distorted her body to make it unattractive to them -- but they were still horny bastards apparently.

So it might be there and it might not.... and even Yagi probably hasn't decided which he wants. Very cunning of him to leave it ambiguous.... :P

If you think about it, recently-made claymores probably don't have enough control over their youki to heal themselves.... so it might be like Raphaela's scar, where it's too late to heal properly after a while. You could always lop off part of your stomach again and then regenerate it later -- but not many would want to endure it just for aesthetics.

sakaMar 25, 2010 3:22 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (6)
I am a banana.

Mar 26, 2010 1:17 PM



Jul 2018


Sounds plausible ^^

Mar 29, 2010 5:13 PM


Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (7)


Apr 2008


Damn it, kayasbb..
He clearly meant that perverts like you are out of discussion!

Mar 30, 2010 3:05 AM



Jul 2018


Sorry :P i forgot my place ^^

Mar 30, 2010 4:18 AM


Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (8)


Dec 2008


spolier --- its the head of ________ thats 40% sure

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (9)Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (10) Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (11)

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (12)
Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (13)
Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (14)

Mar 30, 2010 4:46 AM



Jul 2018


What are you talking about?

Mar 30, 2010 8:33 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (15)


Jun 2008


I suspect the outside of their stomach has green Yoma skin and looks a little disgusting or something like that. Is probably the place they had the Yoma inserted into them.

Apr 1, 2010 8:40 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (16)


Nov 2008


I agree with Monad I think its the flesh of the yoma that they used to create them... so for Clare case as an example, Teresa's face will be located near that area, plus scars and veins and such because young Clare asked Teresa herself if that hurt or not.

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (17)

Apr 1, 2010 9:01 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (18)


Mar 2010


but you cant find any signs of scars,veins etc. if you look at their bodies while they wear their skin-tight suits. their bodies look perfect^^
so it cant be too out sticking, maybe they have just yoma skin or a huge but not too obvious scar from the transfomation

...or Yagi just wants to mess with our heads, wouldnt be too surprising.

PyrodizeApr 1, 2010 9:08 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (19)

Apr 2, 2010 8:32 AM


Nov 2008


Probably all reconstructed tissue, that's probably what they look like. If you have ever seen it before its pretty disgusting actually.

Apr 2, 2010 11:22 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (20)


Aug 2007


I think many ugly scars. :o

Apr 3, 2010 12:20 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (27)


Dec 2009


Talhkora said:

I think many ugly scars. :o

me too
but when Claire showed her sexy body to rubel, her ass was clean , no scars or anything ugly
i wondering why!?

Apr 3, 2010 12:44 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (28)


Mar 2010


we allready know about their backside, the question is whats on the front? :P
...did i make it sound unperverted? =]

from what i know, her side boob looks clean too...

PyrodizeApr 5, 2010 3:13 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (29)

Jun 3, 2010 6:20 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (30)


Dec 2009


CrimsonReaper said:

I agree with Monad I think its the flesh of the yoma that they used to create them... so for Clare case as an example, Teresa's face will be located near that area, plus scars and veins and such because young Clare asked Teresa herself if that hurt or not.

That's what I think as well.

Jun 23, 2010 1:54 AM


Jun 2010


hmm well I would say I agree but... I know somewhere in the manga that their was nothing but I may be wrong

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (31)

Mar 9, 2011 9:56 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (32)


Jan 2011


Who knows
maybe Yagi could be trolling with the perverted readers XD

"Where will a newborn go from here? The net is vast and infinite" - Motoko Kusanagi

May 28, 2011 5:20 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (33)


Apr 2011


What if its a Yoma face saying "Hellooooooooooooo..."
Nah, but seriously I think it might be some sort skin abrasions or warping like something similar to leporsy. It kinda looks like the skin is rotting a little...
OR, Teresa temporarily changed her front into something Yoma-like just to but the Bandits off for a while.

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (34)

Sep 26, 2011 10:58 AM


Sep 2011


I think it looked somthing like this what ever your symbol is is what scar you have http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-121631/claymores-bodies%3Fpg%3D1&docid=m9ldy8gouRm2IM&w=465&h=640&ei=J72ATvmrIMejtgeV_pnDCQ&zoom=1" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/imgres?q=claymore+teresa+scar&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1407&bih=676&tbm=isch&tbnid=2_lsFAZ-qa0ZPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-121631/claymores-bodies%3Fpg%3D1&docid=m9ldy8gouRm2IM&w=465&h=640&ei=J72ATvmrIMejtgeV_pnDCQ&zoom=1

jay420atlSep 26, 2011 11:02 AM

Nov 5, 2011 3:08 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (35)


Nov 2011


Well i don't know,maybe some scars,but seems that it wasn't nice, at all, lol,do u remember when Teresa showed her boobs to the bandits?

Nov 22, 2011 11:10 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (36)


Nov 2011


The creators of the manga, I believe were just implying that they have very grotesque scars. Keloid scars are quite disgusting. My cousin(who is a soldier) has a giant cut on his torso from Iraq. It scarred up very hideously. It's kind of hard to look at. /doesn't look cool at all/

Nov 25, 2011 3:51 PM


Mar 2010


"It" is NOT just NOR merely (surgical from Implantation) scars:

"It" clearly defines the Claymores as INhuman, and that's why the bandits puked, but it's not that gross (such as a face on their bellies, lol), as they can become accustomed to it, as seen by Father Vincent, due to having had to bandage up Clare so long ago, which is why he didn't freak out/puke when Miata came running out naked... though he had something more captivating running after behind Miata... SEXY Clarice, in just a bathtowel... Father Vincent is a pervy old man, like Jariya is in Naruto, hehe. Also, Human Child Clare wasn't bothered by "it" at all either, lol, though she has been through a lot, so she's not really an example, lol.

Nov 27, 2011 12:20 AM


Mar 2011


An interesting thing that I noticed after watching the anime and reading the manga a few times was when Clare saved Jean from Riful's dungeon, Jean was naked there and Clare gave her the cloak she was wearing. The next scene/panel has a view of Jean wearing the cloak in such a way that you can see her body, and it was flawless!! Yes it was shadowed by the cloak, but there was nothing on her body that was even slightly distorted. I can understand why the artist may have done this for several reasons ranging from the lack of need to draw any kind of physical distortion because of the shadow the cloak casted, to the idea that if something was drawn then it may not have been "perfectly distorted" in the respect that it would not gross out fans but they would be able to understand how other characters in the Claymore universe would find it hideously grotesque.

Dec 12, 2011 3:03 PM


Mar 2010


unfortunately, there's an explanation for Jean:

she's a HA, not a Claymore.

seemingly becoming an HA removes "It" and the scars too

Do we see "It" and the scars on Awakeneds? No!

Thus, it makes sense that we see HAs with the same flawless body as Awakeneds have.

Apr 30, 2012 8:33 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (38)


Feb 2012


So we have the general consensus of it being a type of scar. What if it's not a scar or a face of any type but merely an illusion, a type of subconscious power of a claymore produced by the youma within each. Like an illusion or (using naruto terms genjustu type deal) not seen by other claymores or youma even but by humans only.

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (39)

Jun 1, 2012 5:59 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (40)


Feb 2005


Well, now that we know they used pieces from one of those dragon monster creatures to make them, it's probably safe to assume that piece is reflected there somehow. Though seeing how the tight suit never reveals any unusual bulges or recesses, it's probably something with the skin texture.

Aug 4, 2012 10:07 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (41)


Oct 2008


after this chapter we know now what is under their clothes...a big scar..:)

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (42)

Aug 6, 2012 8:59 AM


Apr 2012


It's not a big scar. It's a huge opening that doesn't heal or close up, without stitches.

Aug 6, 2012 6:56 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (43)


Dec 2011


And one mystery was finally solved. I was really excited to hear about it. And Clare and Raki are back, Pricilla is about to awaken, so much happened. It was a good chapter :)

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (44)

Aug 11, 2012 3:29 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (45)


Sep 2007


It's weird though, you normally don't see any stitches or anything. If it can't heal, then the stitching should always be visible, but we've seen Clare's torso countless times and it never showed any stitching. What do you guys make of this?

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (46)

Sep 9, 2012 11:26 AM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (47)


Aug 2011


A Claymore's upper body bears a stigma, a hideous deformation that frightens most people who see it. This is said to be a result of taking Yoma flesh into their bodies.
The stigma itself takes the form of a large vertical incision extending from the neck all the way down to the groin.


Nov 20, 2012 2:01 PM

Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (48)


Jan 2012


I expected more as intestines going off and stuff so.


Jul 5, 2014 9:39 AM


Nov 2013


Kayoro said:
A Claymore's upper body bears a stigma, a hideous deformation that frightens most people who see it. This is said to be a result of taking Yoma flesh into their bodies.
The stigma itself takes the form of a large vertical incision extending from the neck all the way down to the groin.


tbh though I know there in a hurry when they first zip them up but they could at least re-due the stitching to look elegant rather than rough if the wished to.

Just by undoing one stitch at a time and then sowing that one stitch more carefully and with thinner "sting" with tighter stitching and then rinse and repeat, so it would be even stronger than the rough stitches.

And you could even make to look kinda cool depending on the sowing style at least it wouldn't be unsightly.

because it would just look like a line of material going down there bodies.

Feb 9, 2022 6:25 PM


Jan 2022


Thanks a lot kayoro for the perfect explanation about the nasty stigmata the morgue coroner stitches that the organization leaves on the poor girls scarring them for life and making it nearly impossible to lose their chastity.
Well its a japanese medieval series after all.
Thank you twice for not posting any pictures of it and i wouldnt recommend google for it either.
Take the nice explanation of the half awakened Jean who healed it as much as Priscilla the fully awakened.
Thats nicer despite the cost of the process kinda like cosmetic surgery in real life and also makes up for all the grotesque nagai go like images of yomas kakuseishas(awakened) and shinsos(abyssals) we have to endure in the anime who as usual are even grossier in the mangas.

Feb 9, 2022 6:35 PM


Jan 2022


Thanks hegemonkhan for the beautiful explanation about Jean half awakeness and also about how kakuseishas heal their stigmas.
It was very aesthetical thus welcomed in a series pervaded by the grotesque.
At least is not as gory as devilman and most nagai gos work.
Man, talk about distasteful ecchi fanservice and disgusting violence.
Even Berserk managed to mellow out a bit, all it took was for kentaro miura to perish sadly.
Thats the price to pay for some decent good ending in Japan.

Feb 19, 2022 12:21 AM


Feb 2022


I imagine whatever is underneath must be pretty gnarly. When she was nearly r-ped on of the bandits full on vomited when she revealed her mid drift. I would guess it’s some kind of nasty scar or deformation caused from when the yoma half was implanted. However, their suits look skin tight and smooth, so it mustn’t be anything too deformative. I personally imagine it as a deep, raised scar surrounded by tough yoma-like skin.

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Whats under the Claymore's Clothing? (Not perverted) (2024)


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