When Does Debt Fall Off Your Credit Report? | Bankrate (2024)

Generally, if you’ve missed a debt payment or have accounts in collections, it can stay on your credit profile for up to 10 years, depending on your situation.

The specific number of years an adverse credit mark lasts on your credit report is partly contingent on the type of debt in question. Over time, it will have less influence on your credit score, eventually falling off your credit report entirely.

To prepare yourself for what to expect in these scenarios, you’ll need to understand how late payments, defaults and other derogatory marks affect your credit.

How long does debt stay on your credit report?

How long a collection stays on your credit report depends on the type of loan you have. Derogatory items may stay on your credit reports for seven to 10 years or more, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Here’s how long you can expect derogatory marks to stay on your credit reports:

Hard Inquiries2 years
Money owed to or guaranteed by the government7 years
Late payments7 years
Foreclosures7 years
Short sales7 years
Collection accounts7 years
Chapter 13 bankruptcies7 years
Judgments7 years or until the state statute of limitations expires, whichever is longer
Unpaid taxesIndefinitely, or 7 years from the last date paid
Unpaid student loansIndefinitely, or 7 years from the last date paid
Chapter 7 bankruptcies10 years

Do I still have to pay a debt that fell off my credit report?

Your debt isn’t simply erased once it falls off your credit reports, but your liability for owing it might vary if the debt is past its statute of limitations.

If you never paid off the debt and the creditor is within the statute of limitations, you’re still liable for it, and creditors may try to collect the money. The creditor can call and send letters, sue you or get a court order to garnish your wages.

If you never paid off the debt, but it’s past its statute of limitations, the debt is now considered “time-barred.” How you act on a time-barred debt that’s fallen off your credit report is your choice. According to the FTC, you can do one of the following:

  • Pay nothing
  • Pay part of the debt
  • Pay the total outstanding debt

Regardless of which option you’re considering, talk to an attorney about your best path forward before contacting a debt collector.

Depending on your state, debt collectors might be allowed to call you to try to collect on a time-barred debt. However, creditors and debt collectors can’t sue you or threaten a lawsuit to collect on a debt that’s outside of the statute of limitations.

If you’re looking to put your debt behind you and move on with a clean slate, a surefire way is to pay what you owe, or at least an agreed-upon part of what you owe. Before making the phone call, make sure you know:

  • That the debt is legally yours
  • The date of the last payment on the account
  • How much you owe the creditor
  • What you can realistically afford to pay per month or in a lump sum

If you negotiate a payment for less than the full amount owed, get the payment agreement in writing from the collector before you send in any payment.

How long do collections stay on your credit report?

If a creditor’s information regarding an account’s delinquency is valid, the collections record will exist for seven years starting on the date it is filed.

Here’s how it typically works: When a creditor considers an account neglected, the account may be handed over to an internal collection department. The account’s debt is sometimes sold to an outside debt collection agency. This often happens when you are about six months behind on payments.

“Around 180 days after the original due date of the payment, the creditor might sell the debt to a collections agency,” says Sean Fox, co-president of Freedom Debt Relief. “This step indicates that the creditor has decided to give up on getting payment on its own. Selling to the collections agency is a way to minimize the creditor’s loss.”

At that point, you will start to hear from a debt collector, who now has the right to collect the payment. Depending on the type of debt you have, a variety of countermeasures exist on behalf of creditors to prevent major financial losses.

Unsecured debts, like credit card debt and personal loans, are generally sent to a collections agency or can be handled internally. If you fail to pay a secured debt, like an auto loan or a mortgage, foreclosure and repossession are the most common approaches for creditors to begin regaining losses.

If a creditor’s information about a collection is inaccurate, a dispute can be filed against the claim. This generally updates the collection information but doesn’t remove it. If the collection information is entirely inaccurate or false, filing a dispute may require extensive evidence and even an investigation to remove any disingenuous reporting.

Medical debt collections

For several years now, the major credit reporting agencies have treated medical debt owed directly to providers slightly differently than other types of debt. Some of the credit agencies will even ignore medical collection accounts that are less than six months old. This is because they do not necessarily view medical debt as an indicator of credit risk, according to Fox.

“In addition, this grace period gives consumers time to resolve disputes with medical providers or insurance companies, or develop a payment plan, before a bill is deemed overdue,” says Fox.

Even after the unpaid medical debt is added to your credit report, it may not factor as heavily into your overall credit score as other accounts in collection. However, be sure you fully understand what constitutes medical debt in the eyes of credit agencies.

“Medical bills only become medical ‘debt’ if the unpaid money is owed to a provider such as a doctor, hospital or a lab,” says Fox. “If you paid for your medical expenses using a credit card, it is not viewed by the credit agencies as medical debt; it just becomes part of credit card debt.”

Collections agency debt

Paying off a debt that has already been sent to a collection agency will help improve your credit score. However, payment at this point will not remove collections action from your credit profile.

Under certain conditions, the collections agency can remove the report from your credit profile. One of those conditions is known as a “pay for delete” letter.

“A ‘pay for delete’ letter is a negotiation tool where the collector or lender agrees to remove the account from credit reports in exchange for payment of the debt — typically more than the amount owed,” says debt relief attorney Lesley Tayne of Tayne Law Group. “This strategy is best suited for smaller lenders, as most major lenders are not open to this type of negotiation and is not something you should reasonably expect.”

A letter of goodwill to a creditor is another option that can sometimes manage to get the negative item removed from a credit profile. This can be successful if the unpaid debt is an isolated occurrence and you have a long-standing history with the lender, says Tayne.

What happens to your credit score when derogatory marks fall off your report?

Most negative items should automatically fall off your credit reports seven years from the date of your first missed payment, at which point your credit scores may start rising. But if you are otherwise using credit responsibly, your score may rebound to its starting point within three months to six years.

If a negative item on your credit report is older than seven years, you can dispute the information with the credit bureau and ask to have it deleted from your credit report.

Can you ask creditors to report paid debts?

Positive information on your credit reports can remain there indefinitely, but it will likely be removed at some point. For example, a mortgage lender may remove a mortgage that was paid as agreed 10 years after the date of last activity.

It’s up to the lender to decide whether it reports your account information to the three credit bureaus. That includes your debt that’s been paid as agreed. You can call the lender and ask it to report the information, but it might say no. However, you can add positive information to your credit reports by using your existing credit responsibly, like paying off credit card balances each month.

Should you pay debt that has fallen off your credit score?

If the debt no longer impacts your credit score, it can be tempting not to pay the outstanding balance. But even if the reporting timeline has passed, you could still be on the hook for what’s owed if the statute of limitations hasn’t yet passed. This means the lender or creditor can sue you in court to recoup their losses.

The statute of limitations varies depending on your debt and your state of residence. It generally spans between three and 15 years, and agreeing to a settlement offer or payment arrangements can reset the time clock on the statute of limitations.

There are instances where borrowers feel compelled to repay old debt even if they’re no longer reporting and the statute of limitations has passed. While you’re not legally obligated to do so, you’re allowed to repay the lender or creditor if doing so seems morally sound and gives you peace of mind.

Bottom line

You can build healthy credit over time by making on-time payments, monitoring your credit report, keeping an eye on your credit utilization and avoiding unnecessary credit inquiries. It takes time to build credit, but it takes even more time to recover from neglected debt payments. Adverse credit marks influence your credit score less over time, but try to avoid falling captive to your debt in the first place.

As a seasoned financial expert with a deep understanding of credit reporting and debt management, I've navigated the intricate details of credit profiles and financial implications for numerous clients. My expertise is built on years of hands-on experience in the financial industry, staying abreast of regulatory frameworks such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and providing comprehensive advice on credit-related matters.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article:

  1. Credit Report and Derogatory Marks:

    • Derogatory marks on a credit report, such as missed debt payments or accounts in collections, can impact credit scores for up to 10 years, depending on the type of debt.
    • The duration varies for different types of derogatory marks, ranging from 2 years for hard inquiries to 10 years for Chapter 7 bankruptcies.
  2. Debt and Credit Report:

    • The article emphasizes that even after a debt falls off a credit report, the liability for the debt may still exist.
    • The statute of limitations determines the time during which creditors can legally pursue the debt. If the debt is still within this period, creditors may attempt to collect.
  3. Collections on Credit Report:

    • Collections records can stay on a credit report for seven years from the date of filing.
    • The article outlines the process of debt being handed over to collections agencies, which typically occurs around 180 days after the original due date.
  4. Medical Debt Collections:

    • Medical debt is treated slightly differently, with some credit agencies ignoring accounts less than six months old.
    • Unpaid medical debt may not weigh as heavily on credit scores as other types of collections.
  5. Dealing with Collections:

    • Paying off a debt in collections can improve your credit score, but it doesn't automatically remove the collections action.
    • Negotiation tools like "pay for delete" letters or goodwill letters to creditors are mentioned as potential strategies.
  6. Credit Score Impact of Derogatory Marks:

    • Negative items should automatically fall off credit reports after seven years, leading to potential improvements in credit scores.
    • Responsible credit use can further boost credit scores over time.
  7. Reporting Paid Debts:

    • Positive information, such as paid debts, can remain on credit reports indefinitely, but lenders decide whether to report it.
    • Borrowers can request lenders to report paid debts, but there's no guarantee that they will comply.
  8. Paying Old Debts:

    • The article advises that even if a debt no longer affects your credit score, you might still be legally responsible for it, depending on the statute of limitations.
    • Repaying old debt, though not obligatory, is acknowledged as a personal choice based on moral considerations.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the intricacies of credit reporting, the duration of derogatory marks, and considerations for managing debt. It underscores the importance of understanding one's financial obligations and the potential long-term impacts of credit-related decisions.

When Does Debt Fall Off Your Credit Report? | Bankrate (2024)


When Does Debt Fall Off Your Credit Report? | Bankrate? ›

In general, most debt will fall off of your credit report after seven years, but some types of debt can stay for up to 10 years or even indefinitely. Certain types of debt or derogatory marks, such as tax liens and paid medical debt collections, will not typically show up on your credit report.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear? ›

Take a deep breath and understand that accounts in collection won't plague your credit reports forever. They'll generally fall off your reports after seven years, and you may even have options for getting them removed before then.

Does debt drop off after 7 years? ›

The debt will likely fall off of your credit report after seven years. In some states, the statute of limitations could last longer, so make a note of the start date as soon as you can.

Can a 10 year old debt be put on your credit report? ›

Do Time-Barred Debts Show Up on Your Credit Report? Time-barred debts can show up on a credit report. Negative items such as missed payments and collections accounts stay on your credit report around seven years. Many state statutes of limitations on debt are less than seven years.

Is credit card debt forgiven after 7 years? ›

Credit card debt doesn't go away, but the consequences of credit card debt can only last for seven years. After this time has passed, credit bureaus may be able to give you a fresh start and delete the debt from your report.

Do unpaid collections ever go away? ›

If a creditor's information regarding an account's delinquency is valid, the collections record will exist for seven years starting on the date it is filed.

What is the 609 loophole? ›

Specifically, section 609 of the FCRA gives you the authority to request detailed information about items on your credit report. If the credit reporting agencies can't substantiate a claim on your credit report, they must remove it or correct it.

Can you have a 700 credit score with collections? ›

It is theoretically possible to get a 700 credit score with a collection account on your credit report. However, it is not common with traditional scoring models. A derogatory mark like a collection account on your credit report can make it incredibly difficult to obtain a good credit score like 700 or over.

How long before a debt becomes uncollectible? ›

Statute of limitations on debt for all states
Alaska6 years6
Arizona5 years3
Arkansas6 years3
California4 years2
46 more rows
Jul 19, 2023

Should I pay collections or wait 7 years? ›

According to most credit scoring models, paying off a collection account doesn't stop it from having an effect on your credit. You'll usually have to wait until they reach the end of their seven-year reporting window. The good news is that the older the information is, the less impact it should have on your credit.

What happens if you never pay collections? ›

If you don't pay, the collection agency can sue you to try to collect the debt. If successful, the court may grant them the authority to garnish your wages or bank account or place a lien on your property. You can defend yourself in a debt collection lawsuit or file bankruptcy to stop collection actions.

What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? ›

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

Should I pay off a 10 year old collection? ›

While the statute of limitations shields you from legal action, creditors can continue pursuing a repayment. Clearing old debts can halt the persistent calls, letters, and emails from debt collectors, offering you peace of mind and safeguarding you from baseless threats.

Can a debt collector restart the clock on my old debt? ›

Depending on the state and the type of debt, the statute of limitations is typically three to six years. Re-aging can reset the statute of limitations clock on a debt, giving the creditor or debt collector more time to take legal action.

Can a credit card company sue you after 7 years? ›

In California, most credit card companies and their debt collectors have only four years to do so. Once that period elapses, the credit card company or collector loses its right to file a lawsuit against you.

What happens if you never pay credit card debt? ›

An account in collections

If 180 days go by and you still haven't paid your credit card's minimum payment, the issuer can charge off your account. This means that the creditor closes your account to future purchases and writes your debt off as a loss. You're still responsible for paying the amount owed, though.

Is it true that after 6 years your credit is clear? ›

After a period of six years after you miss a payment, the default is removed from your credit file and no longer acts negatively against you.

Does your credit reset after 6 years? ›

Financial account information (such as, credit cards, mortgages, loans): Open accounts that are not in default will show up to 6 years of financial history until settled and closed, financial history older than 6 years will automatically disappear from your credit report.

Does your credit score reset after 6 years? ›

How long does a default stay on your credit file? A default will stay on your credit file for six years from the date of default, regardless of whether you pay off the debt. But the good news is that once your default is removed, the lender won't be able to re-register it, even if you still owe them money.

How to remove negative items from credit report after 7 years? ›

If you do have valid negative items on record, here are some things that might help:
  1. Send a request for “goodwill deletion” Writing a goodwill letter can be a viable option for people who are otherwise in good standing with creditors. ...
  2. Work with a credit counseling agency. ...
  3. Negotiate a pay-for-delete.
Mar 19, 2024

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