Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (2024)

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Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (1)
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
- Pine Beach, NJ

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Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (4) I'm doing a science fair experiment on this too and I thought it was pretty lame so thanks for making me feel better that others do this too.

Alexia F. [student's last name deleted by Editor]
- Chiang Mai, Thailand
December 15, 2020

Student Lab Notebook


(affil links)

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (5) Hi Alexia. Cleaning pennies with beverages is fine if focused on showing young children how to make a "lab book", how to distinguish hypotheses from observations, the steps involved in "the scientific method", etc., without exposing them to any dangerous chemicals or situations.

The "lameness" is that there is no "extensible" lesson. It's like being taught that 429 + 252 = 681. Yes, that answer is correct, but only the method of arithmetic is valuable, not that one individual fact. Learning that strawberry lollapalooza cleans pennies better or worse than pineapple-grape punch is worthless knowledge, but it's probably hard to convince kids that practicing the method is far more important than the particular result they got :-)

Luck & Regards,

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (6)
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
December 2020

⇩ Related postings, oldest first ⇩

Q. I'm doing a science fair on cleaning pennies as well, accept I'd like to know which BEVERAGE cleans pennies the best: lemon juice, orange juice, co*ke, sprite, green tea, black pekoe tea, decaf coffee, regular coffee, tap water, sparkling water, skim milk, whole milk, strawberry pop, or cherry pop? I hope this number of drinks isn't overwhelming!

Caitlin K. [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
student - Warren, Maine, United States


A. Whether 14 drinks is overwhelming or not is a question of how much money you have to spend on them, Caitlin, and how much room you need to maintain your experiment. But it would be far better to have 3 beaker [beakers on eBayorAmazon [affil links] s each of 4 beverages than one beaker each of 14 beverages because one test can be too subject to some small corruption to be trustworthy.

You could try those 14 beverages, or you could expand it to thousands, but what would be the POINT of trying to categorize every beverage by its ability to clean pennies? It would be ridiculous. What would you learn from the fact that cherry pop is better or worse than strawberry (they are probably both secret artificial flavors that have nothing to do with the real fruits anyway).

So maybe pick four that are very different from each other like lemon juice, coffee, water, and whole milk. The POINT is to learn about forming a hypothesis, making a "lab book", experimental procedures, and the scientific method -- not to actually learn which flavor of soda you should clean pennies with. Good luck!

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (7)
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey

A. Lemon Juice. Just leave the pennies in over night and clean they'll be.

Byron G. [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Shreveport, Louisiana

A. Caitlin,

Us old ones are only renting the planet so we can pass it on to youngsters like yourself. Whilst we are always willing to help you learn, it would be stupid just to hand everything on to you; what will you do when we are long gone and you are in charge? You must learn by experimentation so that you, in your turn, will be able to hand on your knowledge to the next generation. As Ted says, do the experiment and then, if you don't understand something, ask. You will learn one heck of a lot more by doing it yourself than just taking the soft option and being told the answers.

Good luck and enjoy science - it is a lot of fun.

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (8)
Trevor Crichton
R&D practical scientist
Chesham, Bucks, UK

A. I've also experimented with this, and have found that co*ke works the best.

Zac H. [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Pennsylvania

pH Paper



(affil links)

Q. Well, it is whichever beverage is the most acidic. I think it's lemon juice, but does pH have anything to do with it? I'm really not sure, I'm trying to figure it out too. I have to do a research report 3 effing pages. I can't find much.

Karen L
student - LA, California, USA

A. Without knowing what grade you are in, Karen, I don't know if it would help you to know that pH is the "negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration". But what it means in simpler terms is that acidity and low pH are the same thing. A pH of 0 is fully acid as you can get; a pH of 7 is neutral, and a pH of 14 is as fully alkaline.

This question of cleaning pennies has been asked and answered on this site over a hundred times, so you will have no trouble filling 3 pages if you do a search.

But I disagree that the most acidic beverage is necessarily the best penny cleaner. I think that there are teachers, administrators, and textbook publishers who should get Fs, because few have a clear understanding of this experiment they are asking millions of students to do. Add a pinch of salt to virtually any juice and it will clean much better than a more acidic juice. Please don't just believe me, get some pH paper and a dash of salt and try it!

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (9)
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. I did this for my science experiment and found out that tomato, lemon and apple works good, but the thing I don't know is how to average it out. Done this year in sixth grade.

Elizabeth W [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Titusville, Florida, US

A. Apple juice. Sit overnight in a jar; your penny will be clean the next day you look at it when you take it out.

Kiesha [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Florida

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (10) Okay then, on this page we have claims that lemon juice is best, that co*ke is best; that tomato juice works well, and that apple juice is best. So a good experiment for the next student reading this would be lemon juice vs. co*ke vs. tomato juice vs. apple juice :-)

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (11)
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey

I think orange juice will clean a penny better than any other drink. Why, because it is very healthy and has more vitamins in it than any other drink.

Candance J [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Columbus, Georgia, usa


Hi, Candance. It's probably time for you to run an experiment and find out if you're right. Science is about determining how things actually are as opposed to how we'd like them to be :-)

Take a really quick lesson from one of the world's greatest physicists and teachers, Richard Feynmann (dec.)

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (12)
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey


A. I've tried this for my science fair, and orange juice cleaned a penny better cause it has more acid

Isabella S [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Detroit Michigan

A. Mountain Dew on my project works the Best. Try it!

Hailee M
- Oregon
April 20, 2010

Q. I am not sure whether or not I should use everything of what people said works or only one with things such as coffee in my project. I don't want all the results to be the same which should I do?

Julianna M.
- St. John, Indiana, United States
May 2, 2012

May 3, 2012

A. Most of the non-exotic metal cleaners are going to be an acid of some form.
Common ones that you have seen in previous posts are acidic to some level.
Most fruit juices - the more tart, the more acid.
Soda pop-some fruit acids, some phosphoric acid and short term carbonic acid from the CO2 (turns to carbonates a non acid)
Coffee is not normally considered an acid, so would work poorly.
Milk contains lactic acid, but it also contains a lot of calcium, so would be nearly neutral. Buttermilk might be a tiny bit more acid.
If you distill ants, you will get some formic acid, which is extremely hard on the human body (ant bites).

Your project should not be just what cleans pennies best, but why it does. You can find pH values for most things on line. Low is more acid.

James Watts
- Navarre, Florida

A. Although it's always nice to have satisfying results, in a school science project the teachers are more looking at whether you put a decent amount of work into things and whether you used correct procedures. In science, discovering that nothing works is still a result you can learn from. In industrial R&D, discovering that nothing works means you can't create a product to sell and you have nothing to show for your time and effort.

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (13)
Ray Kremer
Stellar Solutions, Inc.
Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (14)
McHenry, Illinois

May 4, 2012

A. The important thing about any project is to understand what has happened. There is nothing wrong with repeating work that someone else has done and getting the same result - it shows that you and whoever else has done the work have either all be very good practitioners or everyone has made the same mistake!
I strongly recommend watching what happens in any experiment and then try to put your observations in scientific terms. We all know that some drinks can clean pennies and make them bright, but the question is why... You may want to consider which drinks clean pennies fastest and what other factors (temperature, agitation, age and/or concentration of drink etc) affect the rate of cleaning. When you can answer these bits, you can start to consider yourself a scientist, but to do that, you need to observe what is happening. In my opinion, the fun thing about science is the actual doing of it.
I am also of the view that there is no such thing as a negative result in science; it may not be the observation you wanted to see, but it is still a bit of information you didn't have before you did the experiment.
As you do more science, you see many more things and gain more knowledge, until one day, you have so much knowledge about something that you can consider yourself an expert on that topic.
Good luck and enjoy your science. Do not worry about repeating other people's work, buy try to understand what you have done and why you have seen what you have seen.

Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (16)
Trevor Crichton
R&D practical scientist
Chesham, Bucks, UK
May 11, 2012

A. Hey, I think Taco Bell sauce is best do it!! ;)

Amy [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Lakeland, Florida, USA
November 8, 2012

Ed. note: We now have an FAQ on Cleaning Pennies which should answer any questions.

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Which Beverage cleans pennies best? (2024)


Which Beverage cleans pennies best? ›

You may have to wipe off some of the built-up dirt on some of them. Vinegar and lemon juice both work really well for cleaning pennies.

What liquid will clean pennies the best? ›

Copper oxide dissolves in a mixture of weak acid and table salt-and vinegar is an acid. You could also clean your pennies with salt and lemon juice or orange juice, because those juices are acids, too.

Does lemon juice clean pennies better than vinegar? ›

Ultimately, lemon juice will clean pennies better than vinegar, though both liquids are viable cleaning options for copper.

Will co*ke Zero clean coins? ›

Coca Cola was the second best as it cleaned approximately 5/8 of the coin. . co*ke Zero was third best as it cleaned approximately 4/8 of the coin. .

What cleans pennies the fastest? ›

The vinegar and salt mixture dissolves the outer layer of dirt. Flip the pennies over and wait another 30 seconds. Then remove them, rinse them with water, and dry. Now you have two clean, shiny pennies!

What is the best way to clean old pennies without damaging them? ›

Mix a bit of water with a tablespoon of baking soda to make a paste. Grab an old toothbrush and gently scrub each coin with the paste. Rinse the coins to unveil their shiny surfaces. Enjoy the sparkle!

How do professionals clean pennies? ›

Distilled water is recommended as tap water contains chlorine. The coin is dipped into olive oil which according to Hudgeons, works best for common copper or bronze coins. This solution was commonly used as a coin cleanser in the 1920s, it led to the accidental death of a prominent numismatist at the time.

Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean pennies? ›

HOW TO CLEAN CORRODED COINS. Soak coin in vinegar for 24 hours. This will remove the black tarnish and corrosion on your cash! If you don't have any white or apple cider vinegar, use one bottle of regular distilled vinegar and add a teaspoon of salt to help draw out more dirt and corrosion from the coin.

Why is the 1944 wheat penny so valuable? ›

The 1944 Lincoln penny is particularly desirable in the eyes of collectors not only because of its design, but also due to its scarcity. Being that there are no more 1944 Lincolns being produced, the scarcity of these coins is constantly on the rise, thus making the coins more valuable.

Does pickle juice clean pennies? ›

Household chemicals that can clean or discolour your pennies include baking soda, vinegar, ketchup, salsa, pickle juice, detergent, soap, fruit juice… the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

How long does it take for lemon juice to clean a penny? ›

Bottled or fresh-squeezed lemon juice will work. Wait five minutes, then remove the penny from the lemon juice. The penny will get cleaner the longer it sits in the solution.

What drink cleans coins the best? ›

co*ke and off-brand colas will quickly remove the tarnish. Just don't drink the co*ke afterward. co*ke contains phosphoric acid that cleans the oxides. Try a variety of citrus juices to see which works best or simply let your pennies soak in lemon juice.

Which liquid will clean a penny better? ›

The acetic acid in vinegar dissolves these chemicals and leaves the copper surface of the penny looking shiny. Soap can clean lots of things, but it can't dissolve copper oxides. Younger kids: Do the experiment again with more pennies.

How to make old pennies look new? ›

Ketchup contains vinegar and tomato acid, which can dissolve copper oxide. Simply apply a small amount of ketchup to the penny and rub it with a cloth or toothbrush for a few minutes. Rinse the penny with water and dry it off with a towel.

How do professionals clean coins? ›

The coin is dipped into a dilute acid solution that removes the oxidation from the coin along with a small amount of metal. Overdipped coins result in loss of luster which lowers the coin's grade and appeal. According to author Thomas E. Hudgeons Jr., this is the safest way commonly found coins are cleaned.

How does hydrogen peroxide clean pennies? ›

Has a cashier ever given you your change and you cringed at the grimy and oily feel of the coins? Hydrogen peroxide will fix that. Hydrogen peroxide will dissolve the years of dirt on the coins and sterilize them.

Can you clean pennies with WD 40? ›

WD-40 is a lot less messy than olive oil but more expensive and not for use on the semi-industrial scale which some coin-cleaners seem to do. I would do 2-3 coins and leave them in the oil for a day or two at most (not being the patient type). It did help some on hard encrustations but not enormously.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.