Whitecap Resources Inc (WCP) Dividends (2024)

The table below shows the full dividend history for Whitecap Resources Inc

StatusTypeDecl. dateEx-div datePay dateDecl. CurrencyForecast amountDecl. amountAccuracy
ForecastMonthly10 Dec 202631 Dec 202614 Jan 2027CADSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Nov 202630 Nov 202615 Dec 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Oct 202630 Oct 202616 Nov 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly10 Sep 202630 Sep 202614 Oct 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Aug 202631 Aug 202614 Sep 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Jul 202631 Jul 202614 Aug 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Jun 202630 Jun 202614 Jul 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 May 202629 May 202615 Jun 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Apr 202630 Apr 202615 May 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Mar 202631 Mar 202615 Apr 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Feb 202627 Feb 202616 Mar 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Jan 202630 Jan 202616 Feb 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Dec 202531 Dec 202514 Jan 2026CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Nov 202528 Nov 202515 Dec 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Oct 202531 Oct 202517 Nov 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Sep 202530 Sep 202515 Oct 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Aug 202529 Aug 202515 Sep 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Jul 202531 Jul 202515 Aug 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Jun 202530 Jun 202515 Jul 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly14 May 202530 May 202516 Jun 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Apr 202530 Apr 202515 May 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Mar 202531 Mar 202515 Apr 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Feb 202528 Feb 202517 Mar 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Jan 202531 Jan 202518 Feb 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Dec 202431 Dec 202415 Jan 2025CADSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Nov 202429 Nov 202416 Dec 2024CADSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Oct 202431 Oct 202415 Nov 2024CADSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Sep 202430 Sep 202415 Oct 2024CADSign up
DeclaredMonthly15 Aug 202430 Aug 202416 Sep 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly15 Jul 202431 Jul 202415 Aug 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly13 Jun 202428 Jun 202415 Jul 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly15 May 202431 May 202417 Jun 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly15 Apr 202429 Apr 202415 May 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly14 Mar 202427 Mar 202415 Apr 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly15 Feb 202428 Feb 202415 Mar 2024CAD6.08c6.08c😄
PaidMonthly15 Jan 202430 Jan 202415 Feb 2024CAD4.77c6.08c😌
PaidMonthly14 Dec 202328 Dec 202315 Jan 2024CAD4.83c6.08c😌
PaidMonthly15 Nov 202329 Nov 202315 Dec 2023CAD4.83c6.08c😌
PaidMonthly16 Oct 202330 Oct 202315 Nov 2023CAD4.83c6.08c😌
PaidMonthly14 Sep 202328 Sep 202316 Oct 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly15 Aug 202330 Aug 202315 Sep 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly13 Jul 202328 Jul 202315 Aug 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly15 Jun 202329 Jun 202317 Jul 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly17 May 202330 May 202315 Jun 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly13 Apr 202327 Apr 202315 May 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly15 Mar 202330 Mar 202317 Apr 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly15 Feb 202327 Feb 202315 Mar 2023CAD4.83c4.83c😄
PaidMonthly16 Jan 202330 Jan 202315 Feb 2023CAD3.67c4.83c😒
PaidMonthly15 Dec 202229 Dec 202216 Jan 2023CAD3.67c3.67c😄
PaidMonthly29 Nov 202215 Dec 2022CAD3.67c3.67c😄
PaidMonthly28 Oct 202215 Nov 2022CAD3.67c3.67c😄
PaidMonthly28 Sep 202217 Oct 2022CAD3.67c3.67c😄
PaidMonthly30 Aug 202215 Sep 2022CAD3c3.67c😌
PaidMonthly28 Jul 202215 Aug 2022CAD3c3.67c😌
PaidMonthly29 Jun 202215 Jul 2022CAD3c3c😄
PaidMonthly30 May 202215 Jun 2022CAD3c3c😄
PaidMonthly28 Apr 202216 May 2022CAD3c3c😄
PaidMonthly30 Mar 202218 Apr 2022CAD2.25c3c😒
PaidMonthly25 Feb 202215 Mar 2022CAD2.25c
PaidMonthly28 Jan 202215 Feb 2022CAD2.25c
PaidMonthly30 Dec 202117 Jan 2022CAD2.25c
PaidMonthly29 Nov 202115 Dec 2021CAD2.25c
PaidMonthly28 Oct 202115 Nov 2021CAD2.25c
PaidMonthly28 Sep 202115 Oct 2021CAD1.63c
PaidMonthly16 Aug 202130 Aug 202115 Sep 2021CAD1.63c
PaidMonthly29 Jul 202116 Aug 2021CAD1.63c
PaidMonthly29 Jun 202115 Jul 2021CAD1.63c
PaidMonthly28 May 202115 Jun 2021CAD1.51c
PaidMonthly29 Apr 202117 May 2021CAD1.51c
PaidMonthly30 Mar 202115 Apr 2021CAD1.51c
PaidMonthly25 Feb 202115 Mar 2021CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly28 Jan 202115 Feb 2021CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly15 Dec 202030 Dec 202015 Jan 2021CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly16 Nov 202027 Nov 202015 Dec 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly15 Oct 202029 Oct 202016 Nov 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly29 Sep 202015 Oct 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly28 Aug 202015 Sep 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly30 Jul 202017 Aug 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly29 Jun 202015 Jul 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly28 May 202015 Jun 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly29 Apr 202015 May 2020CAD1.43c
PaidMonthly30 Mar 202015 Apr 2020CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly27 Feb 202016 Mar 2020CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly30 Jan 202018 Feb 2020CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly30 Dec 201915 Jan 2020CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly28 Nov 201916 Dec 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly30 Oct 201915 Nov 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly27 Sep 201915 Oct 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly29 Aug 201916 Sep 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly30 Jul 201915 Aug 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly27 Jun 201915 Jul 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly30 May 201917 Jun 2019CAD2.85c
PaidMonthly29 Apr 201915 May 2019CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly28 Mar 201915 Apr 2019CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly27 Feb 201915 Mar 2019CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly30 Jan 201915 Feb 2019CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly28 Dec 201815 Jan 2019CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly29 Nov 201817 Dec 2018CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly30 Oct 201815 Nov 2018CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly27 Sep 201815 Oct 2018CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly30 Aug 201817 Sep 2018CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly30 Jul 201815 Aug 2018CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly28 Jun 201816 Jul 2018CAD2.7c
PaidMonthly16 May 201830 May 201815 Jun 2018CAD2.57c
PaidMonthly27 Apr 201815 May 2018CAD2.57c
PaidMonthly28 Mar 201816 Apr 2018CAD2.57c
PaidMonthly15 Feb 201827 Feb 201815 Mar 2018CAD2.57c
PaidMonthly30 Jan 201815 Feb 2018CAD2.57c
PaidMonthly28 Dec 201715 Jan 2018CAD2.45c
PaidMonthly29 Nov 201715 Dec 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly30 Oct 201715 Nov 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly28 Sep 201716 Oct 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly29 Aug 201715 Sep 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly27 Jul 201715 Aug 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly28 Jun 201717 Jul 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly29 May 201715 Jun 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly26 Apr 201715 May 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly29 Mar 201717 Apr 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly15 Feb 201724 Feb 201715 Mar 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly16 Jan 201727 Jan 201715 Feb 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly15 Dec 201628 Dec 201616 Jan 2017CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly28 Nov 201615 Dec 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly27 Oct 201615 Nov 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly28 Sep 201617 Oct 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly29 Aug 201615 Sep 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly14 Jul 201627 Jul 201615 Aug 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly15 Jun 201628 Jun 201615 Jul 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly17 May 201627 May 201615 Jun 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly27 Apr 201616 May 2016CAD2.33c
PaidMonthly29 Mar 201615 Apr 2016CAD3.75c
PaidMonthly25 Feb 201615 Mar 2016CAD3.75c
PaidMonthly27 Jan 201616 Feb 2016CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly29 Dec 201515 Jan 2016CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly26 Nov 201515 Dec 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly28 Oct 201516 Nov 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly28 Sep 201515 Oct 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly27 Aug 201515 Sep 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly29 Jul 201517 Aug 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly26 Jun 201515 Jul 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly27 May 201515 Jun 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly28 Apr 201515 May 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly27 Mar 201515 Apr 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly25 Feb 201516 Mar 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly28 Jan 201517 Feb 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly29 Dec 201415 Jan 2015CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly18 Nov 201426 Nov 201415 Dec 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly29 Oct 201417 Nov 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly15 Sep 201426 Sep 201415 Oct 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly27 Aug 201415 Sep 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly29 Jul 201415 Aug 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly26 Jun 201415 Jul 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly28 May 201416 Jun 2014CAD6.25c
PaidMonthly28 Apr 201415 May 2014CAD5.67c
PaidMonthly27 Mar 201415 Apr 2014CAD5.67c
PaidMonthly26 Feb 201417 Mar 2014CAD5.67c
PaidMonthly29 Jan 201417 Feb 2014CAD5.67c
PaidMonthly27 Dec 201315 Jan 2014CAD5.25c
PaidMonthly27 Nov 201316 Dec 2013CAD5.25c
PaidMonthly29 Oct 201315 Nov 2013CAD5.25c
PaidMonthly12 Sep 201326 Sep 201315 Oct 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly28 Aug 201316 Sep 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly29 Jul 201315 Aug 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly26 Jun 201315 Jul 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly29 May 201317 Jun 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly26 Apr 201315 May 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly26 Mar 201315 Apr 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly26 Feb 201315 Mar 2013CAD5c
PaidMonthly29 Jan 201315 Feb 2013CAD5c

















2024Sign Up Required
2025Sign Up Required
2026Sign Up Required

Whitecap Resources Inc Optimized Dividend Chart

The chart below shows the optimized dividends for this security over a rolling 12-month period.

See Also

Dividend Yield Today
Optimized Yield
Sign Up Required
52 Week High
12.6%on28 January 2024
52 Week Low
5.0%on28 September 2023
Next Ex-Div-Date Countdown
Sign Up Required

About Whitecap Resources Inc

Whitecap Resources Inc. is a Canada-based oil and gas company that is engaged in the business of acquiring, developing and holding interests in petroleum and natural gas properties and assets. The Company’s operations include Northern Alberta and British Columbia (NABC), Central Alberta, Western Saskatchewan and Eastern Saskatchewan. Its NABC business unit comprised of two Regions, including Smoky River and Peace River. Its Central Alberta business unit is comprised of two Regional Assets, which is South West Alberta (SWAB) and West Central Alberta (WCAB). The Company’s Western Saskatchewan business unit is comprised of two Regional Assets, including West Central Saskatchewan (WCSK) and South West Saskatchewan (SWSK). Its Eastern Saskatchewan business unit is comprised of three regional assets, such as Weyburn, South Central Saskatchewan and South East Saskatchewan.

Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution
Share Price
C$9.96(yesterday's closing price)
Shares in Issue
596 million
Market Cap
Dividend Cover

How many times is the dividend covered by company income. A cover of 1 means all income is paid out in dividends


The Consecutive Annual Dividend Increases - the number of years this company has been increasing its dividends

Market Indices

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Whitecap Resources Inc (WCP) Dividends (2024)


Does WCP pay monthly dividends? ›

This dividend is an eligible dividend for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada). Whitecap Resources Inc. is an oil-weighted growth company that pays a monthly cash dividend to its shareholders.

Is WCP a good investment? ›

Whitecap Resources has a consensus rating of Strong Buy which is based on 6 buy ratings, 1 hold ratings and 0 sell ratings.

How much is the whitecap dividend? ›

How much is Whitecap Resources's dividend? TSE:WCP pays a dividend of C$0.06 per share. TSE:WCP's annual dividend yield is 6.78%.

What is the payout ratio for WCP stock? ›

DatePayout ratio
January 202325.66%
December 202223.87%
November 202226.91%
October 202224.26%
24 more rows

Is whitecap resources dividend safe? ›

Whitecap Resources Dividend

Whitecap Resources is a dividend paying company with a current yield of 7.22% that is well covered by earnings.

Who pays highest monthly dividends? ›

Top 9 monthly dividend stocks by yield
SymbolCompany nameForward dividend yield (annual)
AGNCAGNC Investment Corp.14.29%
ARRArmour Residential REIT14.22%
EFCEllington Financial12.33%
EPREPR Properties7.56%
5 more rows
Aug 1, 2024

What is the price target for whitecap resources in 2025? ›

According to analysts, WCP price target is 13.71 CAD with a max estimate of 15.50 CAD and a min estimate of 11.00 CAD. Check if this forecast comes true in a year, meanwhile watch WHITECAP RESOURCES INC stock price chart and keep track of the current situation with WCP news and stock market news.

Why is WCP stock dropping? ›

Whitecap Resources has been struggling lately as its earnings have declined faster than most other companies. The P/E is probably low because investors think this poor earnings performance isn't going to improve at all.

What is the outlook for WPC stock? ›

Stock Price Forecast

The 9 analysts with 12-month price forecasts for W. P. Carey stock have an average target of 61.44, with a low estimate of 54 and a high estimate of 68. The average target predicts a decrease of -1.09% from the current stock price of 62.12.

What is the debt of Whitecap Resources? ›

Our balance sheet is in excellent shape with pro forma net debt below $900 million.

How many shares does Whitecap have? ›

Whitecap Resources Shares Outstanding: 599.20M for July 23, 2024.

What do Whitecap Resources do? ›

Whitecap Resources primarily produces light, sweet crude oil, as opposed to heavy oil or natural gas. It generally focuses on oil development and production instead of exploration.

How often does WPC pay dividends? ›

( WPC ) pays dividends on a quarterly basis.

What is the free cash flow of Whitecap resources? ›

Whitecap Resources (WCP) Cash flow

TSE:WCP's free cash flow for Q4 2023 was C$106.60M. For the 2023 fiscal year, TSE:WCP's free cash flow was decreased by C$977.80M and operating cash flow was C$476.20M.

What is a safe payout ratio? ›

So, what counts as a “good” dividend payout ratio? Generally speaking, a dividend payout ratio of 30-50% is considered healthy, while anything over 50% could be unsustainable.

How often does Clorox pay dividends? ›

The Clorox Company ( CLX ) pays dividends on a quarterly basis. The Clorox Company ( CLX ) has increased its dividends for 48 consecutive years. This is a positive sign of the company's financial stability and its ability to pay consistent dividends in the future.

Which stock pays dividend monthly? ›

10 Highest Monthly Dividend-Paying Stocks in India
Stock NameIndustry
Union Bank of IndiaBanking
Britannia IndustriesFood
Polycab IndiaFMEG
Punjab National BankBanking
6 more rows
Jul 8, 2024

Is the Permanent Fund dividend monthly? ›

PFD does distribute dividends on a monthly basis. If your dividend is determined eligible for payment after the dates above, the disbursem*nt will be distributed in the next monthly distribution.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.