Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (2024)

  • March 16, 2022
  • Tips

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (1)

With the LinkedIn algorithm constantly changing, it is paramount that you understand how to stay ahead of the game.

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views?

It all leads back to the LinkedIn algorithm.

There are many possible reasons why your LinkedIn post isn’t getting any views.

Many LinkedIn content creators have had to do numerous rounds of trial-and-error to figure out how to get the LinkedIn algorithm to work in their error.

They’ve identified the following as the top common issues:

Low First-Degree Connections Counts

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (2)

For those who are having a hard time getting their LinkedIn posts seen by the LinkedIn community, this is one of the top reasons.

If you have a small first-degree connections list, it’s going to be more challenging to get others beyond your network to view your posts.

It gets even more complicated if none of them engages in your posts, which is why it’s essential to choose your connections on LinkedIn carefully.

Tagging Unresponsive People or Companies

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (3)

Tagging a prominent figure or established company in your LinkedIn post won’t necessarily work in your favour.

LinkedIn, like any other social media platform, wants to maintain a certain quality of user experience. As such, it discourages its users from spamming others via tagging, among other things.

When you tag a person who doesn’t engage in your post, your post views will be low because the algorithm won’t promote it as much.

Hashtags: Underuse and Overuse

Hashtags are essential to organic LinkedIn post views.

However, you want to use them moderately (3-5 hashtags per post).

You don’t want your audience to think that you’re simply trying to sell something by promoting yourself too much (and too often) via hashtags.

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (4)

LinkedIn’s algorithm is all about engagement levels – the more people engage with your posts, the higher chances that more people will discover your post.

In short, hashtags are one of the key ingredients in getting more views on your LinkedIn posts, as your posts will appear in news feeds of hashtag followers.

Overusing Image Posts

Many LinkedIn users blunder by sticking to only posts with images.

LinkedIn’s algorithm favours certain content types over others, so it’s vital to have different content on LinkedIn.

Continue reading to discover what type of content LinkedIn loves to promote.

External Links in LinkedIn Posts

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (5)

External links bring qualified customers down theconversion funnel, but it’s not ideal to have them in the body of your LinkedIn post.

LinkedIn promotes native content as that means its users are staying within the platform longer.

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What Should I Post to Get Noticed on LinkedIn?

Write Posts, not Pulse Articles

Yes, there’s a difference between posts and articles on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn currently gives those who write LinkedIn Posts more exposure.

Text-Only Posts

LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards higher exposure to long-form, informational text-only posts.

While LinkedIn highly recommends this type of content, try not to go overboard with the 3000-character limit for LinkedIn posts.

Keep your content relevant and concise instead of overstuffing keywords to reach 3000 characters on your post.

Entertaining and Educational Posts

Rather than reading sales pitches, LinkedIn users want to be informed and entertained at the same time.

This works in your favour because you’re engaging with people who are interested in reading your post (and learning about what you have to say).

As long as you make sure that your LinkedIn post is informative, interesting or entertaining (or all three), it will increase your chances of getting the LinkedIn algorithm to work for you.

LinkedIn Documents

Polls have hit saturation point.

It’s time to start creating useful content as documents on LinkedIn!

Repurpose content from popular blog articles or videos on your website and share them with your connections and followers.

Some things to consider before you start creating:

  1. Only PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX, and PDF files are supported.
  2. File size limit is 100 MB.
  3. Your document title should be 58 characters or less.

How to Boost a Post on LinkedIn

More and more people are discovering the value of content creation on LinkedIn and how LinkedIn content marketing can drive lead generation. This means you should grasp the opportunity to become a LinkedIn influencer before the platform becomes saturated with content like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The road to becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn starts with creating valuable and shareable content.

But how does one go about getting their content noticed by their target audience?

Here are some exclusive tips and solutions that have been trending recently.

Hashtag Analytics Tool

LinkedIn Hashtag Analytics is a free Google Chrome extension with a fast-growing user base. This analytics tool gives you data insights about hashtags on LinkedIn.

On top of fast follower count checks, you can also see which hashtags are trending by the maximum number of likes and comments that the top 20 posts receive from using them.

LinkedIn users tend to overuse the most popular hashtags on LinkedIn, so your chances of getting your content seen are meagre. That’s why it’s not sufficient to only rely on broad hashtags. With this handy tool, you’ll be able to source niche, trending hashtags quickly as well.

Having a Posting Schedule

What is the best day to post on LinkedIn?

Based on the latest heatmap by SproutSocial, the highest LinkedIn engagement periods in 2021 are between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Do use these windows of opportunity when many are active and scrolling on their LinkedIn feeds to get engagement.

Engage with Your Commenters

This also falls under post engagement. Respond to all comments you receive on your LinkedIn post. Even if some of the comments are negative, keep your replies polite and show earnestness to learn about their perspectives.

What Should I Not Post on LinkedIn?

  1. Offensive, misleading, false or spammy content
  2. Content that publicises your job search
  3. Pure sales pitches
  4. Accepting connection requests

Bottom Line

LinkedIn is a robust platform that helps you create content and engage with your ideal customers. This audience makes up most of the B2B community, so it’s a goldmine for marketers looking to increase engagement and brand awareness.

With the right LinkedIn content marketing strategy, time and effort, it can be a very reliable way to drive traffic to your website.

Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (6)

Jason Tan

Founder of Engage AI. Jason leverages his technical skills as a Data Scientist and insights as an SMB owner to help SMB owners start conversations that get responses from prospects and clients.

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Today, AI is everywhere. In this modernized world, you can use artificial intelligence to enhance your every activity. In other words, people opt for AI to work more efficiently. In this post, you will learn about how to use AI/ Chat GPT on LinkedIn to get results in 2024. LinkedIn, as you know, is today’s most popular platform for getting corporate familiarity. Your LinkedIn profile acts as your front-end agent to get you hired for the best job and to search for the best candidates for the job role you are offering. So, are you looking for strategies to optimize your LinkedIn profile and content without any hassle? Look no further than Chat GPT. This post is a perfect guide for you to understand Free Chat GPT using methods and how it will optimize your LinkedIn. Ways to optimize your LinkedIn via Chat GPT The following are the three ways to optimize LinkedIn via Chat GPT: Use Chat GPT for LinkedIn Messages LinkedIn is a social networking platform that hosts more than 875 million professional profiles. Because of this, you have an opportunity to connect with millions. Secondly, everything from looking for a job to maintaining a personal brand is possible through this platform. At the core of LinkedIn’s connectivity lies messaging. These messages are your primary means of communication and engagement. Sending clear, thoughtful, and impressive messages can help you stand out in a sea of profiles and make a lasting impression on your connections. However, crafting the perfect message that strikes the right balance between professionalism and personalization can be challenging. This is where ChatGPT comes in as a valuable tool. With ChatGPT, you can generate tailored LinkedIn messages. 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Use Chat GPT for Optimizing LinkedIn Profile Optimization is the most essential element of visibility. A well-optimized profile can help you stand out and get more chances. ChatGPT can help you improve your LinkedIn profile so that it is engaging and effective. Craft a Strong Headline: The headline is one of the first things people see. ChatGPT can help you create a strong headline that gets people’s attention and uses many keywords. Write a Compelling Summary: A good summary tells your story quickly and in a way that keeps people interested. You can use ChatGPT to write a summary that shows off your skills, job goals, and accomplishments. It might make your profile more attractive to contacts and recruiters. Tailor Your Experience Section: Your experience section should highlight your most important roles and achievements. You can successfully summarize your job duties with ChatGPT. It can take complicated job descriptions and turn them into simple, powerful statements that show what you bring to the table. Optimize Skills and Endorsem*nts: It’s important to show the right skills. ChatGPT can help you add skills relevant to the job you’re applying for, making your resume easier to find and in line with current industry trends. Customize Connection Requests: It’s important to send personalized messages to new contacts when you want to connect with them. ChatGPT can help you make unique connection requests that show that you care, which will increase your chances of being accepted. Improve Job Application Messages: The more personalized your note, the better your chances of getting the job. ChatGPT can help you write professional messages that will attract the attention of recruiters or hiring managers. In short, ChatGPT can help you create a LinkedIn profile that showcases your best business self while saving you time. Start improving your profile right now to take advantage of new opportunities. Use Chat GPT for LinkedIn Posts To build your business network and show off your skills, you need to make sure your LinkedIn posts are interesting. But it can be hard to come up with new, intriguing content. Here, ChatGPT can help you write posts that are of high quality and that stand out. These posts will get people to connect with you in a meaningful way. Talk about the latest industry trends ChatGPT can help you write posts about the newest trends and developments in your area. By providing a well-thought-out analysis, you can establish yourself as a professional with extensive knowledge and start conversations within your network. Highlight Your Accomplishments It’s important to mark significant moments in your life, whether they’re personal or business. ChatGPT can help you write posts that are both humble and proud of your accomplishments in a way that your audience will understand. Offer tips and advice If you want to share valuable tips or job advice, ChatGPT can create short and clear posts. It ensures your message is well-structured, whether you’re advising on how to get more done or advance in your job. Conclusion In conclusion, Chat GPT has the potential to optimize your LinkedIn profile like none else. You can send perfect messages, optimize your profile, and post attractive content that will grab and increase your network. Did you find this guide helpful? If yes, many such reviews and guides are available on AIChief to keep you

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Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI (2024)


Why Are My LinkedIn Posts Not Getting Any Views in 2023? | Engage AI? ›

Hashtags: Underuse and Overuse

Why is my LinkedIn post not getting views? ›

There could be many reasons. One is the number of connections you have. If you don't have many then not that many people will read your posts. Secondly if they don't have a photograph or picture people may not deem them interesting enough to open.

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If your posts aren't getting much attention, it might be because you don't have many connections or followers. Having lots of people in your network can really help make your content more popular. To grow your network, connect with everyone you know, and if you have a page, ask your contacts to follow it.

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Post regularly and at times when your audience is most active. Regularly delivering valuable content keeps your audience engaged and increases the chances of your posts going viral. Understand LinkedIn's Algorithm: LinkedIn's algorithm plays a big role in determining the visibility of your posts.

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You aren't giving your audience what they want

This one goes in line with the previous point. If you aren't giving your audience the content they want, chances are they won't engage with your posts. Social media users want to feel as though they are part of a community for the brands they follow.

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Your Network is too Small

Your content will go first to your 1st-degree connections then it will work into their network who are your 2nd-degree connections. So, a small network means less opportunity for the content to reach beyond your 1st-degree connections.

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Linkedin is a networking website, so, to be seen, you need to build a network and this requires connections. The more connections the greater your network is, the greater the chances you have to get views to your profile.

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How to get more views on LinkedIn posts?
  1. Understand the LinkedIn Algorithm. ...
  2. Introduce/re-introduce yourself to the platform. ...
  3. Properly use hashtags. ...
  4. Understand the three content strategy categories. ...
  5. Leverage LinkedIn's content types. ...
  6. Understand the best time to post on LinkedIn. ...
  7. Engage with Comments.
Jan 6, 2024

Why is my LinkedIn post not getting traction? ›

Engage with connections.

LinkedIn will know if you're not really interested in each other, so they won't show your posts to each other any longer after a short initial period. Conversely, it is hard to gain traction if you are too selective and only have a handful of connections.

Why does no one engage with my posts? ›

Often, one of the main reasons why no one is engaging with a piece of content is because the individual doesn't think that it is relevant to them. If your content is regularly being ignored, it may be because you aren't connecting to the right audience.

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Text & a single image style post

Relevant images can boost reach by 15-20%, and even more with a relevant selfie, up to 30%. Personalized images, rather than generic stock photos, can significantly increase engagement by 45% and establish stronger authority.

How many hashtags should I use on LinkedIn 2023? ›

For each post, choose 1 or 2 general hashtags and 1 or 2 very specific hashtags. Why? This gives you the best chance of the right audience seeing your post: Those interested in your overall topic, and those who share your unique viewpoint or specific interest within that topic.

What time to post on LinkedIn 2023? ›

One survey says between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. is best, while another says that any time between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. is ideal. Tuesday is the third-best day overall on which to post content on LinkedIn.

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If you see an error when you try to create a new post, keep the following in mind: You must have super or content admin permissions to post on your Pages. Make sure the media specifications are correct. Make sure your post has 40 or fewer mentions.

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Make connections and interact with them regularly. Follow the same hashtags as your connections and use them in your posts. Follow companies you want to see your posts and like and comment on their stuff. Post stuff that's relevant to your audience and tag people and companies in those posts so that they see them.

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Due to Instagram working on an algorithm and not chronologically, it shows you the post they believe you want to see, not what is posted most recently. It could be that some of your posts are not receiving the full potential engagement as your next post comes along before people can see your last!

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How to get more views on LinkedIn posts?
  1. Understand the LinkedIn Algorithm. ...
  2. Introduce/re-introduce yourself to the platform. ...
  3. Properly use hashtags. ...
  4. Understand the three content strategy categories. ...
  5. Leverage LinkedIn's content types. ...
  6. Understand the best time to post on LinkedIn. ...
  7. Engage with Comments.
Jan 6, 2024

How do I get my post to be seen on LinkedIn? ›

Share your posts with your email list, on other social media platforms, and in relevant LinkedIn groups to increase their reach and visibility. Most people do not check LinkedIn as often as other social media platforms. If you post once, there is a high probability that most of your network will not come across it.

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Optimize your LinkedIn profile

And if you're wondering why are my LinkedIn posts not getting impressions, chances are, your LinkedIn profile could be better. Now how can you optimize your LinkedIn profile? These tips can help give you a head start: Optimize your LinkedIn profile URL by keeping it short and specific.

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If you see a “cannot display preview” error, this may be due to issues with the landing page's SSL certificate. Check that your hashtags are appropriate and don't violate LinkedIn content guidelines.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.