Why are transactions declined - Some common Return Codes for Declined Transactions and reasons (2024)

CODEREASONEXPLANATIONWHAT TO TELL YOUR CUSTOMER / PAYER800.100.152Transaction declined by authorization systemThe risk system of issuing bank (customers bank) has declined the transaction/s for account-related reasons, examples are listed below:
  • Account closed - customer needs to reach out to their bank
  • Do not honor - customer needs to reach out to their bank
  • Identification required - FICA required customer needs to reach out to their bank
  • No card record - customer needs to reach out to their bank or recheck the card PAN
  • No credit account - customer needs to reach out to their bank or recheck the card PAN
  • No savings account - customer needs to reach out to their bank or recheck the card PAN
  • Re-enter transaction
  • Refer to card issuer - customer needs to reach out to their bank
  • Suspected malfunction - customer needs to reach out to their bank
  • Violation of law - prohibited

Your transaction was declined for the following reason:

Please note, your bank has rejected the transaction/s for account-related reasons.

If you are using a Virtual Card, please ensure the card is enabled/active on your banking app.

We ask that you please contact your bank, as further detail on the reason for the failed transaction can only be communicated/explained to a customer by the customer's bank. This information is privy only to the customer and his/her bank.

100.380.401User Authentication FailedIncorrect OTP. This return code signifies that the bank's system was unable to authenticate the userYour transaction failed due to the OTP details either:

not entered correctly,
there was a field or system error regarding the OTP

Therefore your bank was unable to successfully authenticate you and process the transaction.
Please try again or contact your bank to find out if there is an issue with OTP system

100.396.103Previously pending transaction timed outThe registration transaction (RG) was not authenticated and timed out.
The debit references the registration token and hence this may also fail.See explanation for 800.100.152100.380.501Risk management transaction timeoutThe customer probably did not enter their OTP or possibly did not get shown the 3Dsecure page because something on the customer's browser was blocking the 3DSecure page from loading:

If the card is 3D enabled, it should get an OTP during the Authentication phase of the payment. Sending out OTP is something the customers' bank 3D server handles. We can't tell if an OTP is sent out and we have no control in the 3D authentication process. It's entirely handled between the customer and their issuing bank. The customer's bank also authenticates the payment if the correct OTP is entered. Once completed, we then receive a successful payment response.

In other cases, if the customer is enrolled for 3D, but during payment, they are not redirected to the 3D page, it could mean there is something wrong with their bank's 3D server at the time. We waited for the customers' bank to present the 3D secure page so they could authenticate, it didn't happen, then the payment timed out.


herefor a more technical explanation.

NB - We can't know upfront if the card is enabled for 3D Secure.

Your transaction was declined for the following reason:

Possibly not entering in the OTP on time or
The bank card is not enabled for online transactions or
There could be an issue with the bank 3D server/transaction approval server
Please try again if you know your bank card is activated for online transactions or contact your bank.

100.390.112Technical Error in 3D systemThis occurs when there is an error with the 3DSecure process at the bank. It could be that their 3DSecure system was down at the time.Your transaction was declined for the following reason:

There could be an issue with the bank 3D server/transaction approval server
Please try again if you know your bank card is activated for online transactions or contact your bank.

100.100.101invalid credit card, bank account number, or bank nameSee the suggested response to the rightPlease note that your transaction failed due to either:
Credit card number entered incorrectly and/or
Bank Account Number entered incorrectly and/or
Bank name entered incorrectly and/or
Credit card not activated for online transactions

Please try again and/or contact your bank.

100.100.700invalid cc number/brand combinationIf this happens it usually means that your customer is entering all the digits found on the reverse side of their card. However, they only need to enter the last few digits:
For Visa/Mastercard: last 3 digits
For AMEX/Diners: last 4 digits (if you have AMEX transactions activated - the default is AMEX is NOT ACTIVATED unless specifically requested by Merchant)

Clearly specify to customers during the checkout phase how many digits they should enter in the CVV/CVC field

Add an image of what a CVV no. is if you receive this return code frequently)

Please note that your transaction failed due to either:
Credit card number entered incorrectly and/or
The credit card is not activated for online transactions and/or
The type of credit card is not accepted
Please provide the following information for further assistance:
Issuing Bank Credit Card
Country of issue of Credit card800.100.153transaction declined (invalid CVV)The card might not be enabled for Online Transactions or the customer is using the wrong numbers/doesn’t know what a CVV number is.

We can't know exactly what the issue so see the suggested answer to the right

Please note that your transaction has been declined due to either:
an invalid CVV number being entered or,
no CVV number entered

If you entered your CVV correctly and still had your transaction declined please contact your bank and inform them that you are unable to make E-Commerce transactions.

800.100.169transaction declined (card type is not processed by the authorization center)See the suggested response to the right.Transaction failed due to either:
The bank card is not enabled for online transactions or
The bank card type is foreign registered & not VISA or Mastercard or
There could be an issue with the bank 3D server/transaction approval server
Please try again if you know your bank card is activated for online transactions or contact your bank for further assistance.800.100.155transaction declined - amount exceeds creditThe risk system of issuing bank (customers bank) has declined the transaction/s for account-related reasons, examples are listed below:
  • Likely exceeded the credit limit available for the customer (not enough funds available) or the customer has set a limit for online transactions on their account which would cause a failed transaction due to Insufficient funds
  • Several banks allow their customers to set their limits within their banking app, when these limits are set, it will cause a failed transaction if the transaction exceeds the limit the customer has set.
  • An example would be Capitec gives their customers the option to limit their online spending.
  • The customer has insufficient funds available for the amount they wish to do an online transaction with and they would need to double-check their limits with their bank or banking app
Please be advised that these transactions failed due to insufficient funds / exceeding the credit available on the customer's card/account.

You would have likely exceeded your available funds or the limits set on their banking app.

100.150.203Registration is not valid, probably initially rejectedWhen this Result code occurs this would mean that when the customer tried to register their card for the payment there was either no data or incorrect data provided on Registering so this would be rejected by the issuing bankPlease be advised for this transaction that the initial phase of this transaction failed which was Registering
It would either mean one of the following points occurred:

The Registering of the card contained no Account holder data
The Issuing bank was offline for the initial period of the transaction
Did not pass 3DS and therefore the token is not valid, should try the transaction again

If they do not succeed they would need to reach out to their issuing bank

800.100.170Transaction declined (Transaction not permitted)This is a failure with the issuing bank and the cardholder will need to find out from their bank was caused the transaction to fail.The transaction was declined by your issuing bank.

This means that your issuing bank could not process this transaction due to some rules applied to their system.

Please contact your bank, as further detail on the reason for the failed transaction can only be communicated/explained to a customer by the customer's bank.

This information is privy only to the customer and his/her bank.

800.100.162Transaction declined (Limit exceeded)When this Result code occurs this would mean this is a limit set by the customer's issuing bank
  • The customer would need to check their daily limit on their banking app and see if they are eligible to do transactions with the amount they would like to transact with
  • The customer did an online transaction that exceeded the total amount and which the customer is allowed to purchase online, so they would need to set their limits either through their bank or banking app
Please be advised that this transaction failed with the Result Description as the Limit was exceeded.

This error means that the transaction will bring the customer's bank balance below the limit set by their bank or they have exceeded their transaction limit for that day

The Customer would need to check their daily limits/available funds in their account to proceed with the transaction

100.390.107Transaction rejectedThe transaction failed as it was rejected by their issuing bank, see below possibilities:

Either the cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled or
3D card authentication was unsuccessful, for example, the 3D Cardholder is not an enrolled
Card or issuing bank is not 3D Secure ready

The customer would need to reach out to their bank to check if they are enrolled on 3D Secure alternatively
the Customer would need to check if their Card is enrolled on 3D Secure or not.

Please advise that the transaction failed due to one of the following reasons:

Either the cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled or
3D card authentication was unsuccessful, for example, the 3D Cardholder is not an enrolled
Card or issuing bank is not 3D Secure ready

The Customer would need to check with the issuing Bank if they are enrolled on 3D Secure alternatively
the Customer would need to check if their Card is enrolled on 3D Secure or not.

800.100.203The card has insufficient fundsWhen this Result code occurs this would mean the Customers card has insufficient funds when they tried to do an online transaction.

They would need to check if they have sufficient funds in their account before doing online transactions.

Please be advised that the transaction failed with the following Result Description, "Insufficient Funds"

Please advise the Card Holder they he/she should have sufficient funds available to do Online transactions.

If they need any other information or assistance they would need to contact their bank.

800.100.100Transaction Rejected by Issuing bankThis would mean that when the customer tried to do a transaction where there was either no data or incorrect data provided on Registering so this would be rejected by the issuing bankPlease be advised that the transaction declined for an unknown reason (800.100.100) - This is an error message from the Issuing/Customer Bank.

Please advise the customer to reach out to their bank for more information regarding this failure.

100.100.303Card expiredThis would mean that the card might not be enabled for Online Transactions or the customer is using the wrong numbers/doesn’t know what a CVV number is.

We can't know exactly what the issue so see the suggested answer to the right

Please note that this transaction failed with the Result Description, "Card expired".

Please advise the Customer that they tried to transact when their Card was picked up as an Expired Card.

800.140.112The maximum number of registrations of email per credit card number exceededWhen risk setting is enabled it only allows one email per card number.

This occurs when trying to register a card and email that was already used.

Please advise the customer that they should either use their registered email or use a new email when registering with an email.

Please be advised that we picked up that the Cardholder perhaps tried to register or transact with a different email on the same card number.

This is usually a setting that is enabled on the Merchant's Website/Business.

Please advise the customer that they should use one email per card number.

800.100.165Transaction declined (card lost)Transaction declines occur when the customer's card issuer or bank does not authorize the transaction, for reasons such as possible fraud, invalid account information, or a lost or stolen card.

In such instances, the customer will have to contact their bank or card issuer immediately to take corrective measures

Please be advised that we have checked the transaction and the Result Description we received from the Issuing Bank was "Transaction Declined.

In this case, the customer will need to reach out to their bank to find out why the transaction was declined.

800.100.157The wrong expiry date enteredThe transaction failed due to the customer entering the wrong expiry date which is on the customer's bank card.

Please advise the customer should double-check their card details before doing online transactions.

Please refer to this article explaining the different card numbers, https://peachpayments.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/47001211101

Your transaction was declined for one of the following reasons:

One of the following numbers has been entered incorrectly:

- Card Number
- Expiry date

Please double-check the numbers above when doing online transactions"

800.100.151Transaction declined (invalid card)This could mean one of the following reasons from the issuing bank, See below examples:

- The customer's card might be expired
- The card is not registered to do online transactions

Please advise the customer that they should check with their bank on why they failed the transaction as
this is an issue between the customer and their issuing bank

Please be advised that this transaction failed due to a response from the Issuing Bank with a description of "Invalid Card"

This could mean one of many things from the issuing bank, See the below examples:

The customer's card might be expired
The card is not registered to do online transactions

In conclusion, please advise the customer that they should check with their bank on why they failed the transaction as
this is an issue between the customer and their issuing bank.

800.100.174Transaction declined (Invalid Amount)This means that the customer is trying to do online payments but exceeding the amount they are allowed to transact with.

The customer would need to check their Daily limits for online transactions before they want to do an online transaction

Upon further investigation, I could see that the transaction failed with the Result description, Invalid amount.

Please note that the transaction is failing because the Customer exceeded their daily limit.

Please advise the customer that they should check their daily limit for Online transactions before transacting with their bank or on their banking app settings.

800.100.171Transaction declined (pick up card)This transaction was rejected by the customer bank because the card has been flagged either as
  • a pickup card, in this case, the customer will need to reach out to their card issuer (customer bank) and the customer's bank will have to provide the customer with the reason why this card has been flagged as pick up card
  • Or the bank has cancelled the card and the customer might not be aware of this as they might have flagged the card as lost or stolen which essentially the customer would need to find out from their bank
Upon further investigation, we could see that this transaction failed with the result description, Transaction declined (Pick up card).

This could mean one of the following:

  • Points to the card being lost and picked up and reported to the bank.
  • Depending on the bank normally these cards are then held for a period and "locked" ie they fail until the customer signs the card out of the bank's possession.
  • Or the bank has cancelled the card and you might not be aware of this as they might have flagged the card as lost or stolen
In conclusion, you would need to reach out to your issuing bank for them to provide you with a reason why this card has been flagged as a pickup card800.100.158Transaction declined (suspecting manipulation)When this Result code occurs this would mean this is a limit set by the customer's issuing bank, see below for possible reasons:
  • The customer is attempting and failing multiple transactions by inputting bad data such as an incorrect CVV, Expiry Date, or re-trying transactions in quick succession.
  • The customer's issuing bank is suspecting fraudulent behaviour or transacting out of the normal transactional categories, as a protective measure, they may fail the transaction.

This information is privy only to the customer and their bank.

Upon further investigation, we could see that this transaction failed with the result description, Transaction declined (suspecting manipulation).

This could mean one of the following:

  • You are attempting and failing multiple transactions by inputting bad data such as an incorrect CVV, Expiry Date, or re-trying transactions in quick succession.
  • Your issuing bank is suspecting fraudulent behaviour or transacting out of the normal transactional categories, as a protective measure, may fail the transaction.
In conclusion, you would need to reach out to your issuing bank for them to provide you with a reason why this card has been flagged as fraudulent.800.100.100Duplicate transactionWhen this Result code occurs this would mean that the issuing bank has picked either one of the following from a previous transaction:
  • The transaction reference
  • The UID of the transaction
  • Or the RRN

This would need to be raised with ACI and the acquiring bank of the merchant and they would need to investigate further and advice

Upon further investigation, we could see that this transaction failed with the Duplicate transaction.

This could mean one of the following:

  • The transaction reference

  • The UID of the transaction
  • Or the RRN
The Payment Gateway would need to reach out to the acquiring bank for them to provide them with a reason why this card has been flagged as a duplicate transaction800.100.168Transaction declined (restricted card)When this Result code occurs this would mean that the issuing bank has picked either one of the following from a previous transaction:
  • The customer's card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions.

The customer would need to check this with their issuing bank

Upon further investigation, we could see that this transaction failed with the result description, Transaction declined (restricted card).

This means the following:

  • The customer's card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions.
In conclusion, you would need to reach out to your issuing bank in order for them to provide you with a reason why this card has been flagged as a restricted card.100.396.101
100.396.104Cancelled by UserThis result code occurs when an end user is cancelling in one of the processes of an online transaction, here are a few reasons below why an end user would do this:
  • The authentication phase is taking too long
  • The payment method is taking too long to load
  • Loadshedding
  • Accidentally closing the browser tab

The suggestion would be to not close the browser when transacting or to wait a while if their internet is slow.

Upon further investigation, I could see that the transaction failed with the Result description, Canceled by the user.
  • The authentication phase is taking too long
  • The payment method is taking too long to load
  • Loadshedding
  • Accidentally closing the browser tab

The suggestion would be to not close the browser when transacting or to wait a while if your internet is too slow.

900.100.202Invalid transaction flow, the requested function does not apply to the referenced transactionThis result code occurs when a transaction/payment method, for example, does not support refunds
  • For example, when an InstantEFT by Peach transaction cannot be refunded from our Peach Console/Dashboard
  • Another example is when a partial refund is triggered on a payment method that does not support refunds the merchant would need to do as suggested below.
In the examples above the merchant would need to do a manual EFT refund from their bank account to their customer's bank account to refund their customer. See this link to check which payment methods support refunds, link

Upon further investigation, we could see that the transaction failed with the Result description, Invalid transaction flow, the requested function does not apply to the referenced transaction

  • The payment method used for the initial transaction/order does not support refunds via Peach Payments

We will do a manual refund to your bank account and it should reflect anytime within 3-10 business days.

100.390.111 / 900.100.300

Communication Error to Scheme Directory ServerWhen this Result code occurs this would mean that either the issuing bank, acquiring bank or a 3rd party involved in the transaction process was experiencing downtime

As a merchant from Peach Payments, you can check out Peach Payments Status page on the link below to see if there are any banks or 3rd parties experiencing downtime.

If it is the case your customer would need to wait for either banks or 3rd party to become available again for your customer to continue with their online transaction.

Peach Payments Status Page

Upon further investigation, we could see that the transaction failed with the Result description, Communication Error to Scheme Directory Server.
  • This means that either your issuing bank, acquiring bank or a 3rd party involved in the online transaction process is experiencing downtime

The suggestion would be wait for a while until one of the parties mentioned above make their system available again in order for you to transact further.

100.400.304Either transaction not completed by users or session expired.This result code normally comes up for Blink by Emtel whenever the transaction is not completed by the Blink user or the session is expired.

It is good to note that Emtel are working on how to adapt this generic declined to statuses such as PENDING or EXPIRED.

Please request the user to try the transaction again and to ensure that the transaction is done in a timely manner.
Why are transactions declined - Some common Return Codes for Declined Transactions and reasons (2024)
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