Why Choose an Insurance Career? 10 Solid Reasons & Benefits to Consider (2024)

Insurance sometimes gets a bad rap. Many think of it as dull or nothing more than sitting behind a desk flipping through paperwork. In actuality, insurance can be a fascinating path with many rewarding aspects including flexibility, creativity, a challenge, and a chance to make a difference.

If the COVID-19 pandemic inspired you to reconsider your career, you’re not alone. The upheaval of the last few years seems to have inspired “the Great Resignation,” a phenomenon that saw nearly 47 million Americans leaving their jobs voluntarily throughout 2021, according to the Harvard Business Review and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). If you’re considering a shift, an insurance career could be the solution.

We Will Look at the Following:

  • Compelling Reasons for an Insurance Career
  • Skills to Develop for a Career in Insurance
  • How Do You Get Started
Why Choose an Insurance Career? 10 Solid Reasons & Benefits to Consider (1)

Here are 10 Compelling Reasons Why You Might Enjoy an Insurance Career

1. You Can Help Others

A good insurance professional has the potential to help those in need, such as victims of natural disasters and people enduring a health crisis. Insurance professionals also help make it possible for an individual to buy a home or start a business. Wherever there is value, you can help protect it.

Insurance work is also an excellent opportunity to help those who help others. International insurance coverage helps support humanitarian work by providing necessary protection for international teachers, military abroad, social workers, and the Foreign Service.

Insurance coverage helps non-governmental organizations (NGOs) expand their footprint and provide them with the necessary resources to make a significant global impact. Insurance professionals often work with organizations to find and customize coverage, even in high-risk areas, to ensure staff and assets are protected while also keeping costs down.

2. You Can Enjoy Increased Job Security

Nothing is guaranteed in life, but some professions have more stability than others. Insurance is widely considered an “evergreen career,” one which typically offers excellent job security. Bureau of Labor Statistics research predicts that positions for insurance professionals will likely grow by 6% from 2021 to 2031, with approximately 32,900 new jobs per year.

3. It’s Engaging Work

Insurance offers the right combination of technical knowledge, mathematical skills, and interpersonal know-how to ensure that every day differs from the one before.

For instance, insurance underwriters determine and assume risk, then decide whether to provide insurance and what the terms might be. This process involves combining critical analysis and statistics to assess situations.

“Overall, it is an intellectually rewarding experience. In underwriting, there are daily exposures of interesting risks/clients. We are challenged in utilizing our critical thinking skills while also being able to make tough judgment calls. By providing risk assessments, we are able to develop innovative solutions based on our client’s unique risk profile.”

says Veronika Sudnik about her job as a Special Risks and Underwriting Manager for Clements Worldwide.

Insurance professionals may also mitigate claim disagreements between two corporations or devise a new insurance system for revolutionary technology, which is discussed in the following section. In short, insurance may be a good option for those who enjoy an intellectual challenge.

4. You Gain Transferable Skills

Since an insurance career requires a broad array of knowledge, you likely already have relevant skills. For example, someone who performed medical billing for a doctor’s office can easily transition into a job in the finance aspect of insurance or to claims, and those who have worked in the hospitality or restaurant industry have honed their people skills.

Conversely, if you decide to change careers and move away from insurance, your time in the industry will likely have helped you prepare for your next career move. You might gain sales skills as an insurance salesperson, then realize you have a talent for it and find a role as a full-time salesperson for a different product. With the experience you gain from a career in insurance, you might develop other transferable skills, including data analysis, risk management, marketing, and computer programming. These are all multifaceted abilities that can continue to serve you well throughout your professional life.

With the experience you gain from a career in insurance, you might develop other transferable skills, including data analysis, risk management, marketing, and computer programming. These are all multifaceted abilities that can continue to serve you well throughout your professional life.

The way in which consumers purchase insurance is advancing. Insurance is one component of “fintech,” the intersection of finance and technology. This evolution creates a need for all types of skills and abilities with a need for individuals from all professional backgrounds, including tech, finance, software development, and more.

Why Choose an Insurance Career? 10 Solid Reasons & Benefits to Consider (2)

5. Connect Your Career to Your Passions

Nearly everything is insurable, and as a result, insurance offers a broad spectrum of specializations, allowing your interests and paycheck to intersect. For instance, if you’re a sports fan, you might specialize in sports liability insurance or equipment insurance. If you’re interested in social justice, a specialization in disability insurance or humanitarian organizations might offer a rewarding career path.

6. Good Work-Life Balance

Many insurance companies offer flexible hours, work-from-home, or hybrid options to help employees find a work-life balance in their favor. This flexibility can help you escape the monotony of office life and avoid burnout by balancing your priorities effectively while maintaining a career that excites you. Some roles may also involve traveling, such as insuring international schools, which can offer exciting opportunities to discover new places and people.

7. Diversity is Welcome

Diversity is important in the workplace, regardless of the field. It enhances innovation, provides a range of skills and talent, and promotes an inclusive atmosphere. These traits are not just desired but necessary when working in a business, such as insurance, that serves a wide array of populations and professions across the globe.

Diversity is a necessity and highly attractive for employers within the international insurance industry seeking a well-rounded workforce with a broad array of language skills and cultural competency to serve a broader worldwide customer base. Diversity also enables a workforce to better understand its customers’ needs and crowdsource solutions.

8. A Chance to Flex Your Creativity

Many are surprised to find that insurance often requires creativity. In fact, Clements Worldwide was founded on creative problem-solving. In 1947, the Foreign Service had no personal insurance coverage overseas, so the company founders, Robert and M. Juanita Clements, built the policy by hand on sheets of butcher paper in their home and then convinced an insurer to go where none had gone before, producing the first insurance of its type, which provided coverage to Foreign Service employees working overseas.

Today, insurance professionals still build international insurance products and programs to serve clients and often work with organizations, such as nonprofits, to insure staff and assets worldwide while keeping costs down. Creativity is a crucial skill for insurance professionals, and their innovation keeps businesses and organizations running smoothly by providing good coverage and risk mitigation.

9. Every Skill Set is Needed

Joshua Jacobs, a Global Recruiting Manager, came to work at Clements Worldwide after serving 20 years in the U.S. Army and was surprised at the diversity of skills he encountered.

“They have many different teams that operate to make a strong company,” he said, pointing to the different groups and divisions that support individuals and organizations living and operating globally, such as global businesses, international schools, and government contractors as well as support roles like operations, human resources, marketing, and information technology (IT).

After 20 years in the U.S. Army, I wanted to continue helping people. When I learned about Clements and the way they protect people around the world, I knew it [was] the right fit… I haven’t looked back since.

Joshua Jacobs, Global Recruiting Manager

10. Having International Impact

Insurance is a global phenomenon, especially here at Clements Worldwide, where our professionals work on international business insurance and global personal coverage programs which require broad thinking, high-intensity risk analysis, and creative solutions.

Our professionals might:

  • collaborate with diplomats,
  • help create an insurance plan for an international humanitarian organization,
  • policies for contractors operating overseas,
  • coverage for international school,
  • or institute strategic partnerships between organizations that are oceans apart.

If you’re ready to be part of a global conversation, an insurance career might be for you.

Skills to Develop for a Career in Insurance

Why Choose an Insurance Career? 10 Solid Reasons & Benefits to Consider (3)

As an insurance professional, you may develop and benefit from various skills during your career. Learning about these skills can help you prepare and decide whether insurance is the right career path to fit your interests. Insurance specialists might use the following technical skills:

  • Customer service
  • Sales
  • Data analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Writing and editing
  • Mathematics
  • Probability

You can also benefit from soft skills, or personality-based abilities, such as: 

  • Critical thinking
  • Organization
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork
  • Attention to detail
  • Focus

So How Do You Get Started with an Insurance Career?

If you’re interested in starting a career in insurance but aren’t sure how to begin, it may be helpful to review the following tips:

What are Your Goals?

Before you commit to your insurance career, reflect on your goals. This reflection may help you find professional success in the long run. Think about why you are interested in an insurance career. Is it the appeal of the work itself? Are you interested in the salary or the flexibility? Whatever you decide, you can create a list of goals for yourself regarding your new path. This list can help you determine the jobs to which you’d like to apply. For example, suppose you decide that one primary goal is to make a tangible impact on individuals. In that case, you may apply for insurance jobs involving first-hand client interaction.

Learn the Different Insurance Positions

What is the best position within insurance? It depends on your interests. Start by learning more about some careers in insurance and what they entail. Some common positions include:

Insurance Agent: This professional helps sell clients, such as individuals or businesses, insurance policies on behalf of an insurance company.

Insurance Broker: An insurance broker helps buyers navigate their insurance purchase options and choose the best possible plan to fit their needs.

Insurance Claims Adjuster: Insurance claims adjusters review individual insurance cases to decide how much money the insurance company should pay a client, given the individual’s existing insurance plan.

Insurance Claims Investigators: These professionals investigate suspicious claims on behalf of insurance companies to identify insurance fraud. They may also determine how much the perpetrator must pay.

Marketing Specialists: These individuals develop and implement advertising strategies to convert potential clients into paying customers. Other marketing roles that may work on insurance include copywriters, social media marketers, email marketers, and business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C) marketing specialists.

IT Specialists: Information technology (IT) specialists help ensure all the digital and electronic information systems in place at a company function properly. IT specialists supporting insurance companies may speak to other company members or directly to clients to help solve technical issues.

Underwriters: Underwriters use a combination of professional judgment and various tools (like statistical models) to evaluate insurance applications for individuals or organizations. They determine the level of risk based on the information provided, and if the risk is acceptable, they calculate an appropriate premium and the policy’s terms and conditions.

Risk Analyst: These professionals assess and analyze potential risks regarding the insurance of individuals, businesses, and organizations. They advise leaders on how to mitigate risk and avoid coverage gaps to keep assets and staff protected. They look at industry trends, economic and geopolitical conditions, and historical data related to claims.

Customer Service: This person is responsible for providing support to customers (policyholders) and providing information to potential customers. They may answer questions, resolve issues, educate customers, and provide a wide range of other support.

Operations Personnel: In insurance, the operations person is responsible for day-to-day activities, ensuring the company runs smoothly. They may improve efficiency, reduce operating costs, and ensure regulatory compliance.

This list merely scratches the surface of the positions available in the insurance industry. Professionals within insurance may choose to work directly with insurance products or work in a support role. This breadth means that whatever your skill or passion, insurance likely offers work that suits your preference.

Pursue Education

After researching whether insurance is a good career path, you can prepare for your new position by completing appropriate insurance career training. If you don’t already have one, you could pursue an undergraduate degree in finance, accounting, statistics, mathematics, or law.

You can also find certificate training or look into Clements’ global insurance internship program to help you gain specific international insurance-related skills that might help you land your dream job. Once you’ve done so, you’re ready to begin applying for positions. 

Global Insurance Career Development ProgramLearn more about the opportunities this paid internship can provide you with.

Looking for a Fulfilling Career Change? Consider Insurance!

Despite its reputation, insurance offers a variety of rewarding aspects including helping others, job security, engaging work, transferable skills, and the opportunity to connect your career with your passions. Insurance also offers good work-life balance, welcomes diversity, and is projected to grow in the coming years. With a career in insurance, you can make a difference while also enjoying a fulfilling and exciting career.

Learn More

For more information, explore our website to learn about business solutions and personal insurance products. what agents and brokers do, read our resources about international living and operations topics and how we pursue creative solutions to support individuals and organizations living and working abroad.

Check out our international insurance job openings or contact us for more information.

Helpful Resources

Find tips, trends, and perspectives to help you confidently make decisions and navigate challenges internationally with peace of mind. Read how you can live, operate, and manage risks abroad.

Read More Resources

Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Impact: Critical Insurance Coverages for NGOsWhen you’re running an international nonprofit or NGO of any size, the nonprofitAn Expat’s One-Stop Guide to Driving in IrelandSteering Through Spuds and Sheep: Tips for Driving, Requirements, Traffic Rules,International Group Personal Accident Insurance: When DBA Coverage is Not EnoughCreated and reviewed by the Commercial Insurance and Underwriting experts at
Why Choose an Insurance Career? 10 Solid Reasons & Benefits to Consider (2024)


Why do people choose to work in insurance? ›

Despite its reputation, insurance offers a variety of rewarding aspects including helping others, job security, engaging work, transferable skills, and the opportunity to connect your career with your passions.

What are the considerations when choosing an insurance company? ›

There are several factors to consider before choosing an insurance company. Some fo the factors to consider include, reputation, financial stability, customer service, price and claims paying ability.

Why do you want to be an insurance agent? ›

Sample Answer: I'm motivated by the desire to help people. I like to make sure that everyone has the coverage they need and that they understand how it works. I want to make sure that everyone is protected and can sleep well at night.

Why life insurance is a good job? ›

First, life insurance sales jobs are abundant and easy to find. Second, commission percentages are very high compared to other insurance sales, such as health insurance. Best of all, life insurance agents get paid commission renewals for as long as a sold policy is in force. This creates a passive income stream.

What are the benefits of insurance? ›

Insurance is a financial safety net, helping you and your loved ones recover after something bad happens — such as a fire, theft, lawsuit or car accident. When you purchase insurance, you'll receive an insurance policy, which is a legal contract between you and your insurance provider.

What are the pros and cons of being an insurance agent? ›

As an independent insurance agent, you are basically your own boss. You have the freedom to decide how you want to run your business. On the flip side of that, however, you won't be given paid time off or sick days. The same goes for holidays.

What are 3 things you need to consider when choosing your health insurance? ›

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to health insurance. Depending on your needs, you'll want to consider the monthly premiums, each plan's provider network and drug formulary, and expected out-of-pocket costs. These will all factor into determining which plan will best fit your needs and budget.

What type of insurance would you consider the most important and why? ›

Health insurance is a critical piece of every financial plan. An unforeseen diagnosis or a major accident can leave you with a six or seven-figure medical bill.

Why do you want this job? ›

"I am excited about this job because it allows me to be part of a company culture that values teamwork, collaboration, and open communication. During my research about [company name], I was impressed by the positive work environment and the emphasis on fostering creativity and diversity of thought.

What excites you about this opportunity? ›

I am interested in this position because it aligns perfectly with my skills, experiences, and career aspirations. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to [Company Name] and make a meaningful impact in [specific area or industry].

Why are you passionate about insurance sales? ›

As an insurance agent, you are the key to providing a real solution to what may seem like an impossible situation. Being truly passionate about being an insurance agent means that you aren't just doing it for the money; you do it because you genuinely believe that you can make a difference in the lives of others.

Why do I love being life insurance agent? ›

Problem Solving with a Purpose:

As an independent insurance agent, I find immense satisfaction in solving real-life problems. Life is unpredictable, and it's our job to provide peace of mind in the face of uncertainty.

Is a career in life insurance good? ›

Those who have a knack for selling life insurance, and the perseverance to grind through the tough early years, can make a lot of money and retire with a high degree of financial worth. However, life insurance agents, to be successful, must accept short-term pain in exchange for long-term gain.

Is insurance a good or service? ›

'" The statute defines "goods" as tangible chattels bought or leased for personal, family, or household use. Since insurance is merely a promise to do something in the future, it is not a tangible item and cannot fit within the definition of "good."

Why are I interested in working for Progressive? ›

We're ambitious, solution-oriented, and always asking, “How can we make this better?” In return, our workplace supports us with comprehensive benefits, competitive compensation, a dedication to work life balance, and numerous opportunities for career development.

Is insurance a high paying industry? ›

As of Apr 23, 2024, the average annual pay for an Insurance Industry in California is $55,530 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $26.70 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,067/week or $4,627/month.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.